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1、四川省宜宾市一中高二英语上学期第13周试题四川省宜宾市一中2014级2015-2016学年上学期第13周英语试题一 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jenkins was a jeweler, who had made a large diamond (钻石)ring worth 57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked 1 like the

2、 first one but was worth only2,000. This he took to the shop, which 2 it without a question.Jenkins gave the much more 3 ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife 4 to Paris for a weekend. As to the 5 ring, the shop sold it for60,000.Six months later the buyer 6 it back

3、to Silkstones office. Its a faulty (有瑕疵的) diamond,” he said. It isnt worth the high 7 I paid. Then he told them the 8 . His wifes car had caught fire in an 9 . She had escaped , 10 the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great 11 of the fire.The shop had to 12 . They knew that no fire on ear

4、th can 13 damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the 14 diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: who 15 it?A picture of the ring appeared in the 16 . A reader thought he 17 the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which 18 a famous dancer walking out to

5、 a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman 19 a large diamond ring. “Do You know the 20 with the lovely diamond ring? the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison.1. A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly2. A. accepted B. received

6、C. refused D. rejected3. A. real B. modern C. worthy D. valuable4. A. flew B. drove C. sailed D. bicycled5. A. first B. second C. last D. next6. A. sold B. posted C. brought D. returned7. A. cost B. money C. price D. value8. A. facts B. matters C. questions D. results9. A. affair B. accident C. inci

7、dent D. experience10. A. so B. or C. but D. and 11. A. pile B. heat C. power D. pressure12. A. think B. agree C. permit D. promise13. A. almost B. even C. just D. ever14. A. real B. pure C. right D. exact15. A. copied B. made C. stole D. did 16. A. notices B. magazines C. newspapers D. programmes17.

8、 A. saw B. knew C. found D. recognized18. A. showed B. drew C. printed D. carried19. A. carrying B. dressing C. wearing D. holding20. A. dancer B. woman C. reader D. jeweller二 阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,共14分)AWhat does family mean to you? Could you capture it in a photograph? If so, our great new competition i

9、s for you! All you have to do is take a picture that sums up your sense of family life.The competition will be judged by the RD (Readers Digest) team and award-winning photographer Barry Marsden. To get your creative juices flowing, here are two of our regular photographers tips for taking great pic

10、tures.Pal HansenThe most important thing is to carry a camera around with you at all times. Use manual (手动的) settings as much as possible. Now that everything is digital Id also say, “Shoot as much as possible,” because it doesnt cost anything.Michelle McCarronKids find wonder in the simplest things

11、, so as a photographer it helps to be ready for those moments. The connection across generations is sometimes best captured in a photograph. Frame your subject well. Get close to the action, or your subject, and choose your angle (角度) carefully. A slightly odd angle can make a photo different. HOW T

12、O ENTER Take a clear photo with either a phone or digital camera. Send it to rdphotocompreadersdigest. by 5 pm, August 30, 2014. Please include a brief explanation of whos in the entry (参赛作品).There are two categories one for adults and one for under-18s.In the adult category, the winner will r

13、eceive 500. The under-18 winner will receive 250 of high-street vouchers (代金券) for a store of their choice.Rules:Please make sure that pictures are not published before. If you are under 16 you must ask your parents permission to enter this competition.We will use entries in all print and electronic

14、 media. We cannot return your entry. Entry is not open to employees of Vivat Direct Ltd (trading as Readers Digest) and all other persons associated with this competition, their immediate families, and relatives living in an employees household. The judges decision is final.21. What do we know about

15、 the photo competition?A. It is designed for readers of RD. B. Entries must be about family.C. Photos must be taken by a camera. D. Pal Hansen is one of its judges. 22. To take part in the competition, one should _.A. be 18 years old or above B. send in his entry in August C. ask his familys permiss

16、ion D. give a description of his entry23. According to the text, winners of the competition will _.A. each win500 B. get their entries back C. see their pictures published D. be offered some vouchers BHe runs from explosions, drives over waterfalls and jumps from tall buildings. That might sound lik

17、e Superman, but stuntman (特技演员) Vince Deadrick Jr. is very much human.As a stuntman in movies and television shows, Deadrick admits hes no stranger to getting hurt. He has suffered broken bones, bled, gotten knocked out and nearly fallen to his death, but he considers himself lucky to be alive after

18、 some of the stunts he has performed.Deadrick has been a stunt coordinator (协调员) for the Nickelodeon channel for 12 years. He has worked with famous actors, directors and producers, and he has traveled all over the world. But that doesnt mean his work is easy.It took him years of hard work to get wh

19、ere he is today. Deadricks father, Vince Deadrick Sr., was also a stuntman, but his family connection didnt give Deadrick a free pass into the movie business. He learned from his dad how to set up cardboard boxes and fall pads for high falls, and he started training on his own once he decided to fol

20、low in his fathers footsteps.As a stunt coordinator, Deadrick takes danger seriously. When he hires a new stunt performer, he looks for a professional.“Youre only as good as the people you hire,” he says. A stuntman needs to know his own abilities and limitations so he wont shy away from doing his b

21、est but also wont be such a daredevil (铤而走险的人) that he could hurt himself or others.When the actors and stuntmen are going to do something dangerous, they need to know theyre trusting the right person. With over 40 years in the business, Deadrick is an expert at making stunts both realistic and safe

22、.Though he has a large amount of responsibility, Deadrick loves his job.“Im in a position where I have to make decisions on risk factors, keeping the actors and stuntmen safe while still making it look impressive. I love my business, and I love the excitement.”24. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2

23、 that Deadrick is _. A. careless B. optimistic C. unfortunate D. generous 25. What do we know about Deadricks path to success?A. He picked up his stunt skills from a stuntman. B. He made it with hard work and great effort.C. His dad offered him great encouragement.D. His dad led him into the movie b

24、usiness.26. When hiring stuntmen, Deadrick _.A. cant be too careful B. prefers the fearless onesC. likes those with no limitations D. puts experience above all else27. What does Deadrick think of his job?A. Hard and boring. B. Easy and attractive.C. Skilled but relaxing. D. Challenging but exciting.

25、三 、补全段落(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Four benefits of writing by handToday is National Handwriting Day! Although we dont write like we used to, here are four ways handwriting is still helpful.Its better for learning.28 Thats because putting ink to paper stimulates (刺激) t

26、he brain.One study from 2010 found that the brain areas related to learning “lit up” much more when kids were asked to write words like “spaceship” by hand versus just studying the word closely.29 Many famous authors prefer writing by hand to the use of a typewriter or computer. Writer Susan Sontago

27、nce said that she penned her first drafts (草稿) before typing them up for editing later. She said, “ 30 ”A 2009 study seems to support Sontags preference for writing by hand: Elementary school students who wrote essays with a pen not only wrote more than their keyboard-tapping friends, but they also

28、wrote faster and in more complete sentences. It will prevent you from being distracted.The computer in front of you is really a distraction. 31 In 2012, scientists even suggested that taking five-minute breaks to browse Tumblr or BuzzFeed could make you a more productive worker. However, when its ti

29、me to work on that essay, have only a pen and paper in front of you.It keeps your brain sharp as you get older.32 According toTheWall Street Journal,some physicians saythat the act of writing is good exercise for those who want to keep their minds sharp as they age. A. It makes you a better writer.B

30、. Writing is good for your brain.C. Of course, the Internet isnt all bad.D. I like the slowness of writing by hand.E. Try writing by hand at least 20 minutes each day.F. Many writers have a preference for writing by hand.G. One of the most effective ways to study is to rewrite your notes by hand.28_ 29_ 30_ 31_ 32_ 四、 语法填空 (10小题, 每题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Sir or Madam, I have recently read about your organization in the local newspaper. 33. _ my opinion, you are doing a great job and giving a great opportunity to people with a desire to help people 64. _

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