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1、雅思阅读同义替换词大总结雅思阅读中同义替代词大总结1.限制: limit, restrict, confine, define, narrow, tighten, constrict, cap,narrow(v.): 个 大家从前使用的 候一般都是作 形容 来用, 里 下它的 的用法。. We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view. 小差距. Were working to narrow down the list of possible suspects. The smoking causes the same

2、 diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death rates isnarrowing.define (v.): 个 大家从前熟习的意思是 下定 , 个意思和限制其实不矛盾,什么叫下定 ?就是描述出一个事物的 廓,因此定 就是在一个 定的范 内 一个事物限制的特定的意思。 (define 的英文解 :If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are,or what it is lik

3、e ). The Supreme Court decision could define how far Congress can go in trying to determine the outcomeof court cases.cap (n./v.): 个 最常用的意思是帽子的意思, 作 限制的意思再形象不 了。 . The government has placeda cap on local council spending.snow-capped mountains 充信息: 魔 世界 ( WOW)的 料片燃 的 征 ( TBC) 推出的 候, 在官网上就有 么句 : An in

4、creasein the level cap to 70 大家不如领会下 句 中的 cap 的意思在 NBA里面就有工 帽 种 法(工 帽的概念 1984 年被引入, NBA 盟和球 工会之 第一 行 判,只有两方赞同,工 帽才被正式宣布。每年 NBA的工 帽都在增添, 1997-98 季是 2690 万美元,上 季是 4384 万美元,而此刻 是 4387 万美元。那么什么是工 帽呢?工 帽的详细数 和 NBA前一年的 收入亲密有关。详细来 , 个工 帽是依据 NBA前一年的 收入,而后取 个 收入的 48作 NBA球 花 的 本,再拿 个 48后的收入再除以 29( NBA上 季球 数),

5、得出的均匀数就是当年的工 帽,各球 花在球 身上的工 不得超 个数字。 )2. 集中,聚焦于: focus on, concentrate on, aim, spotlight, be engrossed in, lay/place/put emphasis on,deal only with, highlight,spotlight(v./n.): 本义是聚光灯的意思. A new report has turned the spotlight on the problem of poverty in the inner cities. The report has turned the s

6、potlight on the startling rise in street crime. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight. The article spotlights the problems of the homeless.engross (v.): 聚精会神于某事. The scene was stunning, and for a time engrossed all our attention. He was so engrossed in his book that h e didn t hear her come in

7、.highlight(v./n.): 本义为用高亮度标记. The incident has served to highlight the problems of urban deprivation.|highlight 作名词用表示一系列事情的亮点,热潮,最出色所在,. That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip. The highlight of the trip was visiting the Great Wall of China.3.现代的,最新的: contemporary, modern, c

8、urrent, present, recent, up-to-date, latest这里需要注意 latest 不要翻成最晚的,是最新的,近来的意思up-to-date(a.): 最新的. They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.latest (a.): 最新的. the latest fashions from the Paris catwalks.contemporary: 现代的,这个词正确的来说和近来的( latest )意思仍是有区其他,不果的阅读考试大多数词考得都是词和词之间的有

9、关性,其实也不太有可能两个词的意思是完整相同的,一般来说只需他们意思有关,并且不发生矛盾的话,我们就能够认为他们之间是同义词。这也就是为何 contemporary 会和 latest 在一组的原由了。4.增添: grow, increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend, rocket,improve: 这个词在这里需要重申下,这个词在某些特定的场合下甚至能够表示降落的意思,比如:犯罪率在improve ,像这类不好的事情获得了改良soar (v.): 飙升. The price of petrol has soared in rec

10、ent weeks.rocket(v./n.): 作名词是火箭的意思 , 动词 : 直线上涨. Stock prices rocketed to their highest level yesterday. 这组词在阅读和写作中间可能会发生词性的变化,主假如形容词,动词和名词这三种间的变换。grow-growing-growth; increase-increasing-increase; expand-expanding- expansion; rise-rising-rise;improve-improved-improvement; extend- extended- extension

11、; climb-climbing-climb5. 悲 观 的 , 忧 郁 的 : pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, depressing, hopeless, sad, blue, unhappy,low-spirited, mournful, dismal, miserable, glum, broken-hearted , down in the dumps(informal),pessimistic(a.): 消极的. Doctors are pessimistic about his chances of making a full

12、oomy (a.): 衰败的 , 郁闷的 ,. Frank dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her (a.): 这个词能够解说为蓝调即伤心郁闷的音乐 , 可是只好用复数形式 blues. She usually calls her mother when she s feeling 这个词还有尊贵的意思,比如这个短语: blue-blooded 表示出生于皇室家族或许社会地位很高的家族blue book 这个词大家可千万不要多想,它一般指英国官方公布的蓝皮书(封面往常是蓝色的) ( yellow pages黄页即

13、包括电话号码和企业地址的黄色封面的书)blue movie 色情电影,可是这类用法差不多已经过时了,此刻一般都说 porn movieblue chip 蓝筹股即表现优秀的,或许值得投资的股票blue collar 蓝领6.加快,行进: accelerate, speed up, advance, hasten, quicken, develop, hurry,accelerate(v.):物理学中的加快度就是这个单词. The decline of her health seemed to suddenly accelerate.develop (v.): 发展,也就是说此刻的速度比原来的快

14、才能叫发展,因此 develop 和和加快这个意思是属于相关词在 里需要 一下,英文中间越 的 西,它的用法是越丰富的, 里 列几个 develop 常用的几个 条develop liver disease 生病develop the pictures 冲照片advance(v.): 步,前 . The groups research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.7. 相 似 的 , 相 同 的 similar, alike, resemble, same, resemble, identical, still

15、( 个 需 要 体 会 ),analogous, twin,alike (a.): . The two versions of the text are alike in many ways.resemble (v.): . Soldiers are trained under conditions that closely resemble real combat.identical (a.): . This house is almost identical to the one where I lived as a child.still: 仍旧 个 放在 里大家不要 得很奇异,大家想一

16、想看,假如两句 用 still 相 接,能否是表示两句 中间必定有相同的事情 生呢?例:十多年 去了,我仍旧后半句 我没有写完,但相信大家都能看出我在十年后必定有和十年前相同的地方。因此 still 是个信号 ,是 same的有关 analogous (a.): . Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous totrying to build a bridge under water.twin (n./v./a.): 住阿 和阿 就 住 个 了,本义是双胞胎的意思. identica

17、l twin. the twin problems of poverty and unemployment/ Meet my twin sister. The opera twins the themes of love and death. Chichester in England is twinned with Chartres in France.8. 色 colour(red, blue, brown, etc.),hue, pigment, shade, tint, tone, dye,第一需要和大家 明的是 colour 的同 其实不是好多,从上的 化来看, 色的 化集中在将 c

18、olour 成几种详细的 色, 需要大家在考 的 候特别注意。hue (n.): 色彩 / 点,信念. Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn. political opinions of every hue (= of many kinds)表示深色的形容词: dark, deep, rich表示淡色的形容词: light, pale, soft, pastel表示颜色很娇艳,很亮的形容词: bright, brilliant, vivid,shade (n.): 色彩,颜色的深浅. a delic

19、ate / pale / rich / soft shade of redpigment, dye (n.): 颜料,染料tint 和 tone 不需要掌握,大家只需要知道他们两个都是表示颜色的,只需要看到认识,不需要掌握用法。9.重 要 的 , 必 要 的 , 必 不 可 少 的 , 关 键 的 , 有 意 义 的 ,important,significant,seminal,weighty,critical,momentous,vital,essential,crucial,indispensable,necessary,key,pivotal, chief, principal, lea

20、ding, historic, ( 反义词: unimportant, trivial, minor,irrelevant, insignificant)这组词不单在阅读中很重要,在写作中也尤其值得一提,这组词 直接的或许间接的都表示重要的意思 。significant(a.): . Volunteer tutoringprogramscan have a significantimpact on student achievement.significant还能够表示变化很大或许大量的意思:. A significant number of drivers still refuse to w

21、ear seat belts.critical (a.):至关重要的,危及的. Foreign trade isof critical importanceto the economy.Eight people were killed and four are still in a critical condition.题外话: critical point在游戏中能够指暴击点数的意思momentous(a. ) :存心义的. The revolution taking place in Eastern Europe must be counted as one of the most mom

22、entous eventsof this century.vital (a.):. Regular exercise is vital for your health. The tourist industry is ofvital importanceto the national economy. (of vital importance=very important)vital signs: 生命特点(判断一个人能否还活着,比如心跳,体温等)indispensable (a.): 必不行少的. International cooperation is indispensable to r

23、esolving the problem of the drug trade.necessary :这个词能够说是这组词里最简单,但也是最简单弄错的一个,好多学生都会说必需的和重要的是有不一样的:重要的不必定是必需的, 但必需的必定是重要的。 对于这点的解说大家能够参照上边的 similar 和 same的解说。10. 紧迫的,急不行待的 , 邻近的 urgent, pressing, crucial, critical, immediate, emergent,pressing(a.): . Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.

24、immediate (a. ): 急迫的,急迫的,凑近 / 邻近的 (这个词条非常常用,特别是后边接地址的时候,基本上都是表示凑近和凑近的意思). There is an immediate danger of war. It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate (=local) area.immediate family: 直系家属(父亲母亲, 儿女,兄弟姐妹等)11. 长久的,慢性的 chronic, persistent, long-term, habitual, long-stan

25、ding, 反义词: acutechronic(a.): 这个单词的本义是慢性的,引申出长久的意思,或许说是这个单词的解说中包括长久的意思。. chronic heart disease. There is a chronic shortage of teachers. He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job. /chronic gamblerchron- 这个前缀和时间有关, chronicle 编年史(把历史事件依据时间来摆列编成的一本书) (来自希腊神话中宙斯 (Zeus) 他老爸的名字: Cronos 。该神惧怕

26、自己的儿女抗争自己,曾吞食了自己的后辈,就象时间的无情,吞噬全部 - 利用古罗马,古希腊的神话故事来背单词是种不错的培育兴趣的背单词的方法, 并且在的写作中有好多还能够用得上, 何乐而不为,在随后的词条中会陆续介绍) chronometer 计时仪(常用语科学领域的)habitual (a.): 习惯性的(养成习惯了,那必定是长久形成的). an habitual smoker/drinker/liar/criminallong-standing (a.): . a long-standing relationship/debate12. 人 工 的 , 人 造 的 , 合 成 的 artif

27、icial, synthetic, false, man-made, manufactured, artificialintelligence(AI)=machine reasoningartificial (a.): 人工的. an artificial limb / flower / sweetener / fertilizer/colourssynthetic (a.): 人工合成的. synthetic rubberfalse (a.): 假的,错误的(在某些时候人工的,合成的,不就是大家眼中的赝品么?不是到大家有没有看过前段时间电视台的那个激情四溢的侯总,他说的仿钻不就是我们所说的赝

28、品么,大家好好领会)false teeth/hair/eyelashes etc 假牙 / 假发 / 假睫毛false friend: 就是来自一对不一样两个语言的词(或许是两个字母表中的字母)看起来或许是听起来相仿,但是意义完整不一样比如 busboy 看上去很像是汽车售票员,确是表示餐厅勤杂工的意思(这样的例子还有好多)manufactured (a.): 人造的(其实 manu-这个前缀本来是表示用手工制造的意思,可是跟着时间的推移,这个前缀已经渐渐转变为用机器大量量制造的意思了,比如: The firm manufactures women s clothing. ). a news

29、story manufactured by an unscrupulous journalist13. 联系 , 连结 , 绑定 link, associate, connect, relate, tie, unite, attach, bind,tie (v.): . My social life and business life are closely tied.tie 作名词有领结和平手的意思 . The first game ended in a tie. Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.(=necktie)tie the knot 成婚 ( 非正式说法,一种很形象化的说法:打上蝴蝶结,近似于我们中文中的说法:结为连理或者走进教堂这类间接的说法 )attach (v.):附带,固定. A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.attachment (n.):. old peoples attachment to traditional customs忠诚. Ill send the spreadsheet as an attachment.附件. a childs attachment to its mother迷恋b

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