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1、教育项目合作协议模板doc教育项目合作协议模板 随着全球化的发展,国际教育合作项目越来越来多,特别是西部贫困地区近期获得了不少国际组织以及企业团体的教育资助。以下是我为大家精心准备的:教育项目合作协议相关模板。 教育项目合作协议模板一 甲方:北京_学院 乙方: _ 经甲、乙双方共同协商,本着互惠互利、共同发展,使中国秘书尽早走向职业化,达成如下合作协议: 一、甲方授权乙方为_省_市_县北京_学院_合作基地。同时为了维护双方的合法权益,乙方一次性向甲方交纳履约保证金_元。 二、甲方职责: 1、向乙方提供合作范围内的授权书; 2、向乙方颁发北京_学院_合作基地的铜牌; 3、负责协助乙方办理教育部中

2、国高教秘书学会会员证书; 4、向乙方提供甲方的办学许可证、收费许可证复印件等有关证明文件; 5、负责学生入学资格的审核、面试及录取工作; 6、负责乙方教学大纲的制定及教学质量的监督和检查; 7、学生在甲方学习期满成绩合格者,由甲方负责毕业证书的发放; 8、精品秘书班、现代高等秘书班的学生学习期满成绩合格者,甲方负责安排就业。 三、乙方职责: 1、负责在当地办理合作办学的有关手续; 2、负责在当地的招生宣传、报名及入学资格的初步审定等事宜,并及时与甲方联系安排学生入学注册; 3、负责学生在乙方学习期间的教学及生活管理,并提供教学所需要的教室及教学设施; 4、乙方必须严格执行甲方所制定的教学大纲,

3、并及时向甲方通报教学计划的执行情况 ; 5、负责学生在乙方学习期间的安全并承担由此产生的相关责任; 6、乙方办学、培训期间自行管理,自负盈亏,并承担相应的责任和义务。 四、项目名称: (一)精品秘书班合作项目: 1、生源定位:专科、本科毕业生(年龄在26周岁以下); 2、开班条件:每班不少于_人; 3、合作模式:实施半年+半年教学方式; 4、收费标准及结算办法:每年每生学费_元。前半年在乙方开班由乙方收取学费_元,为保证教学正常进行,乙方可以预留20xx元,余款全部交于甲方,甲方从开学后第三个月开始每月向乙方支付1000元,直至余款付清;后半年学生在甲方学习的学费7800元由甲方负责收醛?如乙

4、方不能独立开班而直接将学生送到甲方学习,则甲方按该生全年学费的15%向乙方返利。 (二)校际直升合作项目: 1、生源定位:初中毕业生; 2、开班条件:每班不少于_人; 3、合作模式:2+3五年专或2+2+2六年本; 4、招生与管理:乙方招生时可使用校际合作,直升北秘宣传语,学生前两年在乙方学习,期间的一切教学活动由乙方负责。学生入学后须在甲方注册,甲方将进行全程教学监控。学生前两年学业证书由乙方负责颁发,成绩合格者经面试由甲方直接录取,其后在甲方完成大专或本科阶段的相应课程。如乙方不具备独立开班条件亦可将学生直接送入甲方完成五年专或六年本学业。 5、收费标准及结算办法:前两年学费由乙方根据当地

5、情况自定并收取,同时向甲方缴纳学费的15%教学质量保证金(不足一万元按一万元收取),为有利于双方长久合作,学生后期到甲方学习期间,甲方每年按学费的15%向乙方返利。 (三)现代办公管理证书培训项目: 1、生源定位:在职秘书及办公管理人员及在校大学生; 2、教学管理:甲方负责制订教学计划并提供师资培训及教材;乙方负责组织招生及正常教学活动; 3、收费办法:由乙方根据当地市场自行制定收费标准并收取费用;甲方每年一次性收取管理费_元; (四)剑桥办公管理国际证书项目: 1、生源定位:在校大学生、企事业单位在职人员等; 2、教学管理:乙方负责组织招生及教学管理,如招生人数超过50人(已交费),甲方可协

6、助申请开班; 3、收费办法:由乙方根据当地市场自行制定收费标准并收取费用;甲方每年一次性收取管理费_元; (五)合作代理招生项目: 乙方可作为甲方的招生代言人,为学生及家长提供咨询服务并代表甲方对学生进行预面试。为有利于双方长久合作,学生到甲方学习期间,甲方每年按学费的15%向乙方返利,直至该生毕业为止。如乙方希望一次性结算的,甲方将按照普通代理招生标准加100元支付给乙方(普通代理标准为:招收130人每生1500元、3160人每生1800元、61100人每生1900元、101人以上每生20xx元)。为解决乙方在当地招生时的流动资金,乙方可代表甲方收取预录费300元及30元报名费,甲方统一发放

7、收据,学生入学凭收据可抵等额学费,甲方将此预录费直接冲抵乙方的部分收入。 五、发生以下情况之一者,本合同自行终止,甲方有权收回授予乙方的铜牌及有关证书: 1、乙方以甲方名义从事与甲乙双方合作项目无关的活动; 2、乙方违规办学; 3、乙方违背本合同的有关条款; 4、乙方为地市级合作方的,学历班招生低于20人、精品秘书班低于15人,或总数低于40人; 5、乙方为省会级合作方的,学历班招生低于35人、精品秘书班低于20人,或总数低于60人。 六、本协议未尽事宜,由双方友好协商解决;协议履行过程中,如发生纠纷,双方协商解决,协商未果交于甲方所在地的人民法院处理。 七、本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,自双

8、方正式签字盖章之日起生效,有效期两年,届时可优先续签。 甲方法人代表签字:_乙方法人代表签字:_ 单位公章:_单位公章:_ _年_月_日_年_月_日 教育项目合作协议模板二 甲方:中国某大学Party A: A China University (China) 地址:Address 乙方:美国某大学Party B: US University (United States) 地址:4 Street, New York, WV 26426 经友好协商,甲、乙双方就国际教育合作事宜达成以下协议。 Through friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B

9、have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation. 一、合作双方The Two Parties 甲方是中国教育部直属211工程大学,是具有自主办学资质的高等教育机构,可与外国教育机构合作,开展教师交流、学生交换和留学预科教育和中外合作办学等国际教育交流合作。 美国大学是也是中国教育部承认学历的美国正规大学。 As one of 211 Project universities directly subordinated to the Ministry of Educatio

10、n of P.R.China , Party A is a higher educational institution having the qualification of running a school independently. The international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of

11、preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign counterparts. USA University, institution of higher learning in the United States, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, its academic credentials have also been

12、admitted by the Chinese Ministry of Education. 二、合作目的与宗旨Purpose & Aim 甲乙双方以互惠、互信、互利为原则,发挥各自的资源优势进行合作,以取得良好的经济和社会效益,提升各自的社会影响力。甲方提供教育平台和教育硬件,乙方引进美国优质的教育资源和先进的美国教育管理,双方合作开发中美两国教育市场。 Taking mutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit as the principle, both Party A and Party B shall cooperate on

13、 one’s own resource advantages in order to reap favorable social and economic benefits, and promote one’s own social influence power. Party A shall offer the educational platform and educational hardware, and Party B shall introduce high-quality educational resources and advanced ideas i

14、n educational administration from U.S.A. Both sides shall develop the education market in both China and the U.S. cooperatively. 三、合作内容及方式Content & Mode 1. 甲乙双方合作,在甲方开办赴美留学的培训项目。 Both sides shall cooperate in launching a training program at Party A for the student to study in the US. 2 赴美培训项目为非学历教育,

15、引进全美大学通用的,可替代托福成绩的ESL英语证书培训课程,目的是为了使留美学生到美国后,其英语水平能够达到与母语为英语的学生一起上课的要求。 Being a non-academic credential education program, the U.S.A training program shall introduce ESL -English certificate training course, which is commonly recognized among American universities and can substitute TOEFL scores. It

16、s purpose is to ensure that the students acquire an English language proficiency level high enough for taking classes together with those native English speaking students after they go to the U.S.A. 3 由甲方提供场所及教学设施,负责招生,乙方提供课程的全部师资、教材、教育教学软件和证书。 Party A shall offer classrooms and teaching facilities

17、and is responsible for recruiting new students, while Party B shall provide the overall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of ESL course as well as ESL English certificate which is universally recognized among US universities. 4. 招生人数少于 人不得开班。 The new class shall not be started in ca

18、se the enrollment is less than 四、甲乙双方的权利与义务Rights & Obligations of Both Parties (一)甲方Party A: 1. 负责赴美留学项目开办的相关立项和报批手续。 To be responsible for relevant formalities in launching, reporting and obtaining approval for the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL. 2. 负责提供赴美留学英语培训项目的教学设施及相关服务。 To be responsi

19、ble for offering teaching facilities and relevant services for the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL. 3. 负责教学质量的监控,确保教学计划的顺利实施。如乙方所提供的师资质量出现问题,甲方有权保留提出整改并进一步更换师资的权利 To be responsible for the supervision and control of the teaching quality to ensure the smooth implementation of the program. Shou

20、ld the teachers dispatched by Party B not match the quality requirements, Party A reserves the right to demand correction and change the teachers concerned. 4. 负责项目宣传和招生。 To be responsible for propagating and enrolling new students of the Program. 5. 负责收取学生的学费、住宿费等。 To be responsible for gathering t

21、uition fees and dormitory charges from students. 6. 负责按照本协议的约定,将乙方应分得学费及时、足额地支付给乙方。 To be responsible for paying in full and in time the part of tuition fees due to Party B according to the terms of this Agreement. 7. 负责教学安排和学生管理。 To take charge of teaching arrangement and managing students. 8. 负责美方

22、教师的食宿安排,并支付规定的食宿费,共计每人每年人民币 元,其中住宿费为人民币 元/年/人,伙食费为 元/年/人。 To be responsible for arranging dormitory for US teachers and pay the living expenses as stipulated, i.e. RMB yuan in total per person per year, of which hotel expense is RMB yuan / year / person, board expenses for RMB year/ person. (二)乙方Par

23、ty B: 1. 同意甲方以与美国大学合作的名义开展赴美留学英语培训项目。 To agree for Party A to launch the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL in the name of cooperating with US University. 2. 负责为甲方提供招生宣传资料和招生简章的主要内容。 To be responsible for offering the main content of the propaganda material and school admission brochure for Part

24、y A. 3. 负责提供留美预科班的全部师资、教材、教学软件和全美大学通行的ESL英语证书,并确保提供师资的质量,自愿接受甲方的教学监控。 To be responsible for providing all the teachers of the Study in U.S.A preparatory course Program, teaching materials, teaching software and ESL English Certificate commonly recognized among US universities. 4. 负责美方教师往返中国的机票和薪酬。 T

25、o be responsible for the US teachers’ plane tickets and salary to China. 5. 负责美方教师在中国期间的人身意外和医疗保险。 To be responsible for the US teachers’ personal accident and medical insurance during their stay in China. 6. 负责为参加赴美留学英语培训班学习的学生申请美国大学,并为美国大学录取。 To apply for students who participate in th

26、e Program of Studying in U.S.A training program of ESL, and ensure that they are admitted by a US university. 7. 负责为赴美留学英语培训班的学生申请到美国大学给予国际学生最优厚的奖学金。 To be responsible for applying for the best scholarship which the US university can grant to international students for students in the Program of Stu

27、dying at U.S.A training program of ESL. 8. 负责为赴美留学英语培训班的学生提供赴美签证培训和代理赴美签证服务。 To offer the necessary training and service of visa application to students in the Program of Studying in U.S.A training program of ESL to facilitate their obtaining the US entry visa. 五、收费和双方利益分配Charges and Profits Distrib

28、ution 1. 学费: 培训、考试及证书费用为每人每期 元人民币,报到注册时一次性交清。其中甲方分得 %,乙方分得 %;各自用于办学成本开支。学费由甲方统一收取,在每个学期开学后15个工作日内由甲方将乙方应分得部分划入乙方在北京的指定账户。 Tuition fee: RMB yuan per student for the program, collected at the time of registration. Party A shall get a proportion of % from the tuition and Party B shall get %, each side

29、shall use it to cover the respective education cost. All the tuition shall be collected by Party A, and within 15 work days at the beginning of the each semester, Party A shall transfer the part of tuition due to Party B into the designated account of Party B in Beijing. 2. 教材费:由乙方以合理价格收取。 Textbook

30、charge shall be collected by Party B at reasonable price. 3. 学生住宿费:按甲方标准收取。 Dormitory shall be charged at the standard set by Party A. 六、合作期限Cooperation Term 本协议自甲、乙双方签字之日起生效,有效期两年。协议到期前三个月,如双方一致认为可以继续合作,可正式续签书面协议。 The agreement shall come into effect after being signed by both sides, and it shall last for two years since the signed date. If both sides consider it necessary to continue the cooperation, then an official written agreement of extension shall be signed three months before the expiration. 七、协议的变更Change of the Agreement 本协议未尽事宜,或需变更,须经甲、乙双方共同协商,做出书面补充协议;补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。

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