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1、机械类文献翻译冲压模具设计毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 部: 专 业: 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: The Pofessional English of Design Manufacture for Dies & Moulds 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文冲压模具设计对于汽车行业与电子行业,各种各样的板料零件都是有各种不同的成型工艺所生产出来的,这些均可以列入一般种类“板料成形”的范畴。板料成形(也称为冲压或压力成形)经常在厂区面积非常大的公司中进行。如果自己没有去这些大公司访问,没有站在巨大的机器旁,没有感受


3、的是一个简单的从圆坯料拉深成一个圆柱水杯的成形过程。图1 板料成形一个简单的水杯拉深是从凸缘型坯料考虑的,即通过模具上冲头的向下作用使材料被水平拉深。一个凸缘板料上的单元体在半径方向上被限定,而板厚保持几乎不变。板料成形的原理如图2所示。拉延通常是用来描述在板料平面上的两个互相垂直的方向被拉长的板料的单元体的变形原理的术语。拉延的一种特殊形式,可以在大多数成形加工中遇到,即平面张力拉延。在这种情况下,一个板料的单元体仅在一个方向上进行拉延,在拉长的方向上宽度没有发生变化,但是在厚度上有明确的变化,即变薄。图2 板料成形原理弯曲时当板料经过冲模,即冲头半径加工成形时所观察到的变形原理,因此在定向

4、的方向上受到改变,这种变形式一个平面张力拉长与收缩的典型实例。在一个压力机冲程中用于在一块板料上冲出一个或多个孔的一个完整的冲压模具可以归类即制造商标准化为一个单工序冲孔模具,如图3所示。图3 典型的单工序冲孔模具1下模座 2、5导套 3凹模 4导杆6弹压卸料板 7凸模 8托板 9凸模护套 10扇形块 11固定板 12凸模固定板 13垫块 15阶梯螺钉 16上模座 17模柄任何一个完整的冲压模具都是有一副(或多副的组合)用于冲制工作的(冲压)零件组成,包括:所有的支撑件部分与模具的工作部分零件,即构成一副冲模。冲压(术语)通常将完整压制工具的凹模(母模)部分定义为模具。导杆,或导柱,是安装在下


6、在冲制工件回程时缩回,使工件与工件剥离。一个冲制的工件通常是留在漏料槽内的,漏料槽是由包含整个零件外轮廓的平板组成。模座是由销钉支撑板以及其他的滑块下行程时定位的挡料块等定位的。弯曲时一种最常见的成形工序。当我们仅将目光移至汽车或电器上的部件,或一个剪纸机或档案柜上时,就会发现许多零件都是由弯曲成形的。弯曲不仅可以用来成形法兰、接头、波纹,也可以提高零件的强度(通过增加零件的惯性矩)。图4 弯曲术语弯曲中所用的术语,如图4所示,应该注意的是,在弯曲中材料的外纤维是处于拉应力状态,而材料的内纤维则处于压应力状态。由于泊松比原因,在外部区域的零件(弯曲长度L)是小于原始宽度,处于内部区域的则比原始

7、宽度大。这种现象可在弯曲一个矩形的橡胶板擦时容易观察到的。最小弯曲半径对于不同的金属是变化的。一般而言,各种退火的金属板在没有断裂或变弱的前提下,可以弯曲成一个等同金属板厚的半径。随着R/T比值的减少(弯曲半径对厚度的比值变小),外纤维的拉应力增加,材料最终断裂(参见图5)。图5 泊松效应不同材料的最小弯曲半径参考表1,他通常是按照不同板厚来表示的,诸如:2T,3T,4T等。表1 在室温状态下各种材料的最小弯曲半径材料状态软硬铝合金06T钕青铜合金,钕合金04T黄铜,低铅02T镁5T13T钢奥氏体不锈钢0.5T6T低碳钢,低合金钢,高强度铅合金0.5T4T钛0.7T3T钛合金2.6T4T注:T

8、材料厚度。弯曲容许范围,是指弯曲中的中性线(层)的长度,用来确定弯曲零件的坯料长度。然而,中性线(层)的位置是哟弯曲角度(正如在材料力学课本中所描述)来决定的。弯曲容许范围(Lb)的近似的公式为:Lb=(R+kT) 式中:Lb弯曲容许范围,毫米; 弯曲角度(弧度),度; T金属板厚,毫米; R弯曲内层半径,毫米; k当半径R2T时为0.33,当半径R2T时为0.50。弯曲方式通常用于冲压模具。金属钢板或带料,由V形支撑,参见图6(a)在楔形冲头的冲压力作用下进入V形模具内弹簧加载压花销和零件之间的摩擦将会防止或减少零件在弯曲期间的边缘滑移。棱边弯曲,参见图6(b)是悬臂横梁式加载方式,弯曲冲头

9、对相对支撑的凹模上的金属施加弯曲力。弯曲轴线是与弯曲模具的棱边相平行的。在冲头接触工件之前,为了防止冲头向下行程的位移,工件则被一个弹性加载垫片加紧模具体上。图6 弯曲方式弯曲力的大小是可以通过对一根矩形横梁的简单弯曲的工艺过程的确定来估算。在此情况下的弯曲力是材料强度的函数,此弯曲力的计算式为:P=KLST2/W式中:P弯曲力,吨(对于米制使用单位,吨乘以8.896数值以得到千牛顿单位); K模具开启系数:16倍材料厚度(16T)时的开启系数为1.20,8倍材料厚度(8T)时的开启系数为1.33; L零件长度,英寸; S极限张力强度,吨/平方英寸; WV或U形模具的宽度,英寸; T材料厚度,

10、英寸。对于U形弯曲(槽形弯曲),弯曲力大约是V形弯曲所需要的弯曲压力的两倍,棱边弯曲则大约是V形弯曲所需要的弯曲压力的1/2。回弹。所有金属材料均有一个固定的弹性模量,随之而来的是塑性变形,当施加在材料上的弯曲力消除时就会有一些弹性恢复(见图7)。在弯曲过程中这种恢复称为回弹。一般而言,这样的回弹在0.55之间变化,取决于固定的弹性模量、弯曲方式、模具间隙等。磷青铜的回弹则在1015之间。图7 弯曲中的回弹减少或消除在弯曲工序中回弹方法可以根据下列工艺方法进行,如图8所示,在弯曲模具中产生的零件也可以通过等同回弹角度弯曲模上挖凹模或弹性缓冲式弯曲模而被过度弯曲来减少或消除回弹。图8 减少或消除


12、圈首先与零件接触,然后施加压力使冲头夹紧器进行适当零件拉深(见图9)。图9 典型通用压力机三动式压力机具有和双动式压力机相同的内、外滑块。另外,三动式压力机床身还有另一个滑块,它可向上运动,从而在一个冲压循环中实现反向拉伸。三动式压力机应用不是很广泛。肘杆式压力机是用于压印加工。这装置的设计是在冲压行程的末端以很高压力。此种压力机利用一个曲柄(曲柄带动违节运动,连节是由两个在上死点到下死点之间进行摆动的连杆组成,连杆摆动时间很短)在临近冲程底部时慢速移动的滑块具有功率很大的短距离位移。液压机主要是用于成形加工工序中,相比大多散机械式压力机,它有一个比较长的工作周期。液压机的优点足工作压力、冲程

13、和滑块的速度均是可调的(见图10)。图10 典型液压机液压机属于压力限定型的成形机械,液压机的主要用途体现在沿滑块路径外力是必须保持恒定或处于精确摊制锋成形技术领域中。活塞与液压缸的驱动机构是用线性方式实现的,并且直接连接到滑块。液压机框架结构的形式是非常类似于机械式力机。液压驱动装置易于安装在机械框架结构中。因此几种液压机驱动很容易就被制成复杂成形与切断加工(拉深、挤压、切断、模锻等)的单一机械,并且所要求的运动可以容易地定位,弯扳机除了它的长床身之外基本是与开式压力机棚同的,床身长度可为620英尺(1.86米)或更长,它基本上是用在尺寸大的钣金零件上的各种类型的弯曲加工成形,它也可以使用不

14、同整套的刀具分别进行浅冲孔、切口与成形(见图11)。这就可以使零件仅通过把复杂的零件分成几个简单的加工工序实现由复杂设计到精确制造的过程,且没有使用昂贵的冲制刀具。此种类型加工工序用于小批量生产或试样零件。图11 典型弯板机使用带有简单央具的弯扳机可以容易地对钣金进行弯曲。弯板机使用一个用在机械或液压饥上的长模具,适用于小批量生产。模具简单,适于各种类型的成形加工,而且,加工工序很容易实现自动化。弯板机的模具材料可以是硬木(用于低强度材料与小批量生产),也可以是硬质合金材料。大多数应用中,一般是使用碳钢或灰铸铁材料模具。附件2:外文原文Stamping Die DesignThe wide v

15、ariety of sheet metal parts for both the automobile and electronic industries is produced by numerous forming processes that fall into the generic category of sheet-metal forming. Sheet-metal forming ( also called stamping or pressing )is often carried out in large facilities hundreds of yards long.

16、It is hard to imagine the scope and cost of these facilities without visiting an automobile factory, standing next to the gigantic machines, feeling the floor vibrate, and watching heavy duty robotic manipulators move the parts from one machine to another. Certainly, a videotape or television specia

17、l cannot convey the scale of todays automobile stamping lines. Another factor that one sees standing next to such lines is the number of different sheet-forming operations that automobile panels go through. Blanks are created by simple shearing, but from then on a wide variety of bending, drawing, s

18、tretching, cropping , and trimming takes place, each requiring a special, custom-made die.Despite this wide variety of sub-processes, in each case the desired shapes are achieved by the modes of deformation known as drawing, stretching, and bending. The three modes can be illustrated by considering

19、the deformation of small sheet elements subjected to various states of stress in the plane of the sheet. Figure 1 considers a simple forming process in which a cylindrical cup is produced from a circular blank.Figure 1 Sheet forming a simple cupDrawing is observed in the blank flange as it is being

20、drawn horizontally through the die by the downward action of the punch. A sheet element in the flange is made to elongate in the radial direction and contract in the circumferential direction, the sheet thickness remaining approximately constant Modes of sheet forming are shown in Figure 2.Figure2 M

21、odes of sheet formingStretching is the term usually used to describe the deformation in which an element of sheet material is made to elongate in two perpendicular directions in the sheet plane. A special form of stretching, which is encountered in most forming operations, is plane strain stretching

22、. In this case, a sheet element is made to stretch in one direction only, with no change in dimension in the direction normal to the direction of elongation but a definite change in thickness, that is, thinning.Bending is the mode of deformation observed when the sheet material is made to go over a

23、die or punch radius, thus suffering a change in orientation. The deformation is an example of plane strain elongation and contractionA complete press tool for cutting a hole or multi-holes in sheet material at one stroke of the press as classified and standardized by a large manufacturer as a single

24、-station piercing die is shown in Figure3.Any complete press tool, consisting of a pair( or a combination of pars ) of mating member for producing pressworked (stmped)parts, including all supporting and actuating elements of the tool, is a die. Pressworking terminology commonly defines the female pa

25、rt of any complete press tool as a die.The guide pins, or posts, are mounted in the lower shoe. The upper shoe contains bushings which slide on the guide pins. The assembly of the lower and upper shoes with guide pins and bushings is a die set. Die sets in many sizes and designs are commercially ava

26、ilable. The guide pins are shown in Figure 3. Figure3 Typical single-station die for piercing hole1Lower shoe 2,5Guide bushings 3Cavity plate 4Guid pin 6Spring-loaded stripper 7Punch 8Support plate 9Punch bushing 10Fan-shaped block 11Fixed plate 12Punch-holder plate 13Backing plate 14Spring 15Steppi

27、ng bolts 16Upper shoe 17ShankA punch holder mounted to the upper shoe holds two round punches (male members of the die) which are guided by bushings inserted in the stripper. A sleeve, or quill, encloses one punch to prevent its buckling under pressure from the ram of the press. After penetration of

28、 the work material, the two punches enter the die bushings for a slight distance.The female member, or die, consists of two die bushings inserted in the die block. Since this press tool punches holes to the diameters required, the diameters of the die bushings are larger than those of the punches by

29、 the amount of clearance.Since the work material stock or workpiece can cling to a punch on the upstroke, it may be necessary to strip the material from the punch. Spring-loaded strippers hold the work material against the die block until the punches are withdrawn from the punched holes. A workpiece

30、 to be pierced is commonly held and located in a nest (Figure 2-3) composed of flat plates shaped to encircle the outside part contours. Stock is positioned in dies by pins, blocks, or other types of stops for locating before the downstroke of the ram.Bending is one of the most common forming operat

31、ions. We merely have to look at the components in an automobile or an appliance-or at a paper clip or a file cabinet-to appreciate how many parts are shaped by bending. Bending is used not only to form flanges, seams, and corrugations but also to impart stiffness to the part ( by increasing its mome

32、nt of inertia ).The terminology used in bending is shown in Figure 4. Note that, in bending, the outer fibers of the material are in tension, while the inner fibers are in compression. Because of the Poissons ratio, the width of the part (bend length, L) in the outer region is smaller, and in the inner region is larger than

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