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1、第一学期小学六年级英语期中自测题第一学期小学六年级英语期中自测题学校_ 姓名_ 学号_ 评分_(答题时间: 60分钟,满分100分)卷首寄语 亲爱的同学们,经过半个学期的英语学习,收获不少吧?现在来检测一下,了解自己的学习情况。要仔细审题哦!本试卷满分为100分,其中3分为卷面书写分,答卷时间为60分钟。期待你清晰美观的答卷。下面从听力开始吧!听力部分(43分)一、Listen and choose.(根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,把其字母编号填在题前的括号内。每小题1分,共10分。)( )1.A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. B. C. ( ) 3. A. go to wo

2、rk B. go to school C. go home( ) 4. A. fruit C. foot( ) 5. A. stop B. story C. store( ) 6. A. twelve B.twelfth C. twenty( ) 7. A. Turn left B. Go straight C. Turn right ( ) 8. A. plate B. plane C. plant( ) 9. A. Next to the cinema B. Near the cinema C. Next to the hospital.( )10.A. Get on the

3、 No.3 bus B. Get off the No.13 busC. Get on the No.13 bus二、Listen and judge(根据所听到的内容,圈出与句子相符的图片。每小题1分,共10分。)1. 2.3 45 6 7 8 9. 10.三、Listen and choose(根据你听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。每小题1分,共10分。)( ) 1. A. Im going to school. ( ) 2. A. No, its not far. B. No, its not near. B. I go to school on foot.

4、 C. Lets go to school. C. Yes, my home is very near( ) 3. A. Yes, you can go by subway. ( ) 4. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. B. Sure, if you like. C. No, you cant go by bike. C. Yes, they are.( ) 5. A. Its near the school. ( )6. A.Im playing the violin. B. Its near. B. Im going to listen to m

5、usic.C. Its near the post office. C.I can clean my room. ( )7. A. Its north of China. ( )8. A. Yes, Im. B. Im going to go by plane. B. No, I am C. I go by train . C. Yes, I am.( )9.A.I can go by the No.5 bus. B. Its next to the theme park.C. Walk straight for 5 minutes, then turn left.( )10. A. Its

6、south of the park. B. .Its not far. C. I can go by bus.四、Listen and fill(根据你所听到的句子或对话,填上所缺的单词。每空0.5分,共8分。)1.A: How do you go to Song Shan Park? B: We go _ _.2.I _ go to school on foot. _ I go by train.3. My _ season is Summer , because my birthday is in _.4. A: How can I get to the bank?B: Turn left

7、 at the _ ,then go _.It is next to the library.5. A: Where is the _ ? B: Its east of the _.6. A: What are you going to do _ _? B: I am going to plant trees.7.A: Are you going to the_ _? B: Yes, I am.8. In every country, the traffic _ are _ , yellow and red.五、Listen and judge(你将听到一段短文,请判断下列句子的对错。对的打“

8、”,错的打“”。该短文读两次。每小题1分,共5分)( )1. My favourite season is Autumn.( )2. We are going to have a picnic in the park.( )3. My home is near the school.( )4. I can walk to the park.( )5. Jim will go to the park by No. 6 bus笔试部分(满54分)六.Read and choose 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择六个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(

9、每句分,1.5分,共9分) Sarah:Hello!Mike.Tomorrow is Saturday._1_ Mike:I am going toGuangzhou Bookstore.Sarah:Good idea! I want to go, too._2_Mike:.Im going at 9:30 in the morning.Sarah:_3_- Mike:I am going to buy a Chinese-English Dictionary,too.Sarah:_4_Mike:I am going by bus. Its two yuan. Its cheap.Sarah

10、_5_Mike:The bookstore is in front ot the cinema._6_Sarah: See youA. How are you going?B. See you tomorrow.C. Where is the bookstore?D. Are you going at 9:30 in the morning?E. What are you going to buy in the bookstore?F. When are you going?G. Where are you going tomorrow?七、Read ang choose (阅读理解,每小题1

11、.5分,共15分) A 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并填在题前的括号内。(每小题1.5分,共15分)Dear John, Im going to tell you something about my life in China. I live near our school. So I can go to school on foot.But sometimes I go by bike,because its so much fun.My father teaches English in our school. We go to school together.On the weekend

12、s,I often play with my friend, Wu Yifan.We usually play football,sometimes we go swimming. Thats fun.We are going back to the USA in winter holiday.We are going to visit the friends in the USA.We are going by plane.Hope to see you. Yours, Jack( )1.Jack is in _now. A:China B: the USA C:England( )2.Ja

13、ck goes to school_. A: by bus B: by subway C:on foot ( )3.Jacks father is _. A: a farmer B: a doctor C: a teacher( )4.Wu Yifan is_ good friend. A:Jacks B: Jacks father C:Johns( )5.Jack is an_. A: American B: Chinese C: EnglishB根据短文,判断打错,对的在括号内打“”,错的打“” Today is Sunday.Bob is going to the zoo with hi

14、s classmates.He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet his classmates there. The zoo is very far, but the No. 57 bus will take them there. The children are going to see a lot of animals a

15、t the zoo and they are going to have a good time.( )1. Bob is going to the zoo today.( )2. The zoo is near Bobs home.( )3. They will go there by car.( )4.The children are going to be happy at the zoo.( )5.Bob goes to the zoo with his parents.八.Read and fill 阅读下面的下面的短文,从所给的单词或词组中选择合适的补全短文,每词只准用一次。(10

16、分,每空一分) birthday, erasers,take. front, buy, First, walk, father, get,friend, foot,near There is a supermarket 1_our school.We can 2_many things there.Sometimes I buy some pencils and 3_there.We can go there on 4 _.This Saturday, Im going to the superket with my 5 _, Lily. We are going from my home.

17、6_,we take the No,66 bus. Then 7_off at the school.And we 8_straight for 2 minutes.The supermarket is in 9_of us.We are going to buy some good food. Tomorrow is Friday. Its Lilys birthday. We are going to have a 10_party tomorrow night.九、Ask and answer 根据答句写问句,如有图片,结合图片提示提问,让对话合理、通顺、并且与图片相符合。(每小题2分,

18、共10分)1. Sarah:_? Lily:Turn left at the park,then go straight. 2. Sarah:_? Mary:Yes, I am going to visit my grandparents this evening.3. Mike:_? Jack: No,I usually go to school on foot.4. Sarah:_? Liu Yun: They are going to buy some comic books.5Chen Jie:_? Amy: Its next to the supermarket.十Look and

19、write(满分10分)请从下面两幅图中选择一幅进行描写。 要求:1. 认真观察图画,把观察到的内容写成一段通顺的话。2. 可以展开合理的想象。3. 不少于五句话。注意规范书写。 (听力部分考试现在开始)一、 Listen and choose.(根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,把其字母编号填在题前的括号内。每小题读两次,每次停留4秒,供你填写答案。每小题1分,共10分。)1. You must turn right here.2. I usually go to school by subway.3. I am going to go home this weekend.4. My b

20、rother often goes to work on foot.5. Stop at a red light.6. Today is the eleventh. What s the date Tomorrow .7. Turn left at the cinema.8. Are you going to wash the plate? Yes ,I am.9. The post office is next to the cinema.10. Get off the No.13 bus.二、Listen and judge(根据所听到的内容,圈出与句子相符的图片。每小题读两次,每次停留4

21、秒,供你填写答案。每小题1分,共10分。)1.How can I go to school?You can go by subway.2.Turn left, the bookstore is on the right.3.The light is green now. lets go.4.Sorry, sir. No bikes here.5.What time is it? Its 6:40. 6.Where is the library? It is near the bank.7.Usually Mike goes to school by bus. 8.Look,the tigers

22、 are running.9.My mother is writing a letter.10.Chen Jie likes to go to the cinema with her mother on weekends.三、Listen and choose(根据你听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。每小题读两次,每次停留4秒,供你填写答案。每小题1分,共10分。)1. Is your home near the school?2. How do you go to school?3. My home is far from the school. Can I go

23、 by bike? 4. The bookstore is near. Can I go by bike?5.Where is the school?6.What are you going to do this afternoon?7.How do you go to Guangzhou?8.Are you going to the library ?9.How can I get to the bank?10.Where is the post office四、Listen and fill(根据你所听到的句子或对话,填上所缺的单词,每小题读两次,每次停留4秒,供你填写答案。每空0.5分,

24、共8分。)1.A: How do you go to Song Shan Park? B: We go by bike.2.I usually go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by train.3. My favourite season is Summer , because my birthday is in July.4.A: How can I get to the bank?B: Turn left at the cinema ,then go straight.It is next to the library.5. A: Where is

25、 the bookstore ? B: Its east of the hospital.6. A: What are you going to do next week? B: I am going to plant trees.7. A: Are you going to the post office? B: Yes, I am.8. In every country, the traffic lights are green, yellow and red.五、Listen and judge(你将听到一段短文,请判断下列句子的对错。对的打“”,错的打“”。该短文读两次,每次停留4秒,

26、供你填写答案。每小题2分,共10分)Hi, my name is Jack. My favourite season is fall . Because it is windy and cool, and my birthday is in fall, too. Its on October 28th. We usually have a birthday party on that day. This year we are going to have a party in the park. I will go to the park with my good friends. Its near my home. We can go on foot. But Jim lives far from there, so he will go by bus. he can take the No. 6 bus to get there. 听力考试到此结束,请继续做笔试部分

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