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1、现代大学英语第三册课后习题答案 Lesson One Your college Years Answers:Vocabulary:I. Translate.1) into Chinese.(1).政治上的成熟(2).认同危机(3)遗传工程(4)偶然事件(5)青春期(6)每天工作日程(7)处理日常生活的能力(8)异性(9)生活方式2) into English。(1) to acquire knowledge (2)to define the world(3) to resent the treatment (4)to frustrate the students(5) to drug ones

2、 feet (6)to process knowledge (7) to narrow the gap (8)to expect better results(9) to present factsII. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms.(1)objective, purpose, end (2)to increase/to enlarge/to grow (3)clear(4) choice (5)main/chief/principal/leading (6)strong feeling2) Give

3、 antonyms(1)masculine (2)independence (3)incompetent(4)to narrow (5)to exclude (6)mistrust/distrust(7)to discourage (8)indistinct/unclear/vagueIII. Translate1) She intends to apply for that academic position.2) Many people have observed that , without effective checks , we have a tendency to abuse o

4、ur power.3) Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4) According to the agreement , all business policies should apply to everybody without any prejudice.You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies.

5、5) Based on his careful observation of the childrens behavior he came to the conclusion that learning is a nature pleasure.6) The government is determined to severely punish all the corrupt officials involved.IV. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word.1) C 2)B 3)B 4)D 5)B 6)A 7)D 8)B 9)AV

6、. Choose the right word in their proper forms.1) (1) object (2) objectives (3) objective (4) objective(5) objects 2)(1)requires (2) requires (3)acquire (4)acquire (5)inquire3) (1) anxious (2)anxiously (3)eager (4)eager/anxious (5)eager/anxious VI. Grammar1) Translate these sentences into English.(1)

7、 More and more old people are learning how to surf/use the Internet.(2) We must bear in mind that there is no shortcut in learning.(3) Id like to have a chat with you about your term paper sometime this week.(4) They all remember where they were when they heard the shocking news.(5) Whenever you fac

8、e a decisions you have three choices: do what you please; do what others do; or do what is right.2) Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(1)C (2)B (3)A (4)C (5)A Lesson Two Discovery of a FatherAnswers Vocabulary:I. Translate the following into Chinese(1) 经营一家五金电(2)拒绝

9、赊帐(3)忍受侮辱(4)打碎窗户(5)编造故事(6)同情穷人(7)喝了几口啤酒(8)活跃气氛(9)啪的一下把某物放在桌上II. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms (1) hut, shack, tool-house, outbuilding(2) comical, funny, ridiculous ,absurd, laughable, amusing(3) bankrupt, penniless, impoverished(4) to defeat, to beat, to conquer, to ov

10、ercome(5) to break into pieces, to shatter, to destroy(6) to stick, to holdfast, to hang on to, to hold on to 2) Give antonyms.(1) distant, formal, remote (2) grateful, thankful, friendly, pleasant, amiable, appreciative(3) interesting, exciting(4) loudly, loud, noisily(5) soberIII. Translate(1)The

11、World Expo to be held in shanghai next year covers an area of about 200000 square meters.(2)That school charges the students about three thousand yuan a year. But that dose not cover food and lodging.(3)These papers showed how their manager tried to cover up the financial crisis of the company.(4)We

12、 must always remember not to waste our limited water resources.(5)He was so absorbed in his work that he often did not even remember to eat his meals.(6)You cant get it on credit. You have to pay cash.(7)European Culture is a three-credit course conducted in English.(8)So how does our new boss strik

13、e you? He seems quite a nice guy to me.IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word1)A 2)C 3)B 4)D 5)AGrammarI .Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets, using participles as complement or attribute.(1) her name called (2) herself understood(3) him flying(4) came running (5)

14、 badly damaged in an earthquake last year(6) going in and out of, their hair done II .complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer1) D 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) CLesson Three Michael Dells Two-Billion Dollar DreamAnswers:I. Oral WorkII. Vocabulary Test1. Give synonyms and antonyms of

15、 the following(1) to fasten(2) to make fun of(3) company (4) producer2) Give antonyms(1) insufficient(2) reluctant(3) netting(4) about2Choose the right words in their proper forms.1)(1)mock(2) laughs , laughs2) (1) worthy (2) worthIII. Grammar WorkWould ensure changed was improved was was made was h

16、ad would changeIV. Written Work Answer the question in about 150 wordsHow do you account for Michael Dells success when he first started his company? Dell, a multibillionaire and the founder of PC company of the same name transformed a dorm room operation at the University of Texas to one of the wor

17、lds largest corporation .But what are the reasons of such great success when he first started his company? Firstly, Michael had the entrepreneurial spirit. At age 12, he traded stamps by advertising in stamp magazines. He offered a national stamp auction through the mail .Four years later; He create

18、d a venture for selling newspaper subscriptions through target marketing, and bought a B. MW with the $18,000 he earned. These experiences are of great help. Secondly, success is being efficient. Michael saw an opportunity for bypassing the middleman, who adds little value to the products and sells

19、custom-built PCs directly to end users. Hard work is also important, Dell once credited his own success to the fact that his parents expected their three sons to learn and work hard-and draws a lesson from this. As the reasons mentioned above, he makes the impossible seem natural, and his modest dem

20、eanor masks an unimaginable and limitless drive for success.V. Translation1) The mission was put off before the rocket was launched.2) Sport is important because it concerns the health of the people of a nation ,and not because it is a profitable business.Lesson Four Wisdom of Bear WoodAnswersI. Ora

21、l WorkII. Vocabulary Test1. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following1)Give synonyms(1)to wander(2) to give up(3)great(4)scared2)Give antonyms(1)minor(2) unhappy(3)thin2.Choose the right words in their proper forms.1) (1)crawl(2) creep2)(1)tone (2) tuneIII. Grammar Work. Put appropriate prepositio

22、ns in the blanks at in like for to with out of to of By of in IV. Written Work Answer the question in about 150 words. Since their first encounter, Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow gave the narrator too many precious memories and the narrator also learned and got a lot from Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow. When they m

23、et in Bear Wood for the first time, Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow gave him a welcoming smile that instantly put him at ease. After Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow introduced herself, she extended her fine hand to him in a more equal and valued way. Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow made delicious tarts for the narrator. Mrs.

24、Robertson-Glasgow also taught him something about birds, insects, plants and trees. In a word, his encounter with Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow brought him too many valuable memories that would accompany and affect him during his lifetime. So he regarded it as a legacy. What his cross-age friendship left h

25、im was the most precious, rare thingan enduring and rewarding friendship. V. Translation 1) She says that she just doesnt fell inclined to work today. 2) I am inclined to look at things from the bright side.Lesson Five Twelve Angry Men (Part One)AnswersOral Work.Vocabulary Work.1. Translate the expr

26、essions1)into Chinese(1) 犯严重错误 (2)处理案件 (3)出庭作证 (4)提供证据(5)验明凶器 (6)抹去指印 (7)进行盘问 (8)付诸表决(9)要求表决2) into English(1)to quote the Bible (2) to list all the reasons (3)to dial the phone number (4)to definite a word (5) to serve a jail term (6) to apologies sb for sth (7)to refute argument (8)to test the sha

27、rpness of a knife (9)to clear ones throat2. Choose the right words in their proper forms.(1) sensitive (2) sensitive (3)sensitive (4)sensible(1) excited (2) excitable (3)exciting (4)excited (1)charged accused (2)accused (3)charge (4)accusation(1)admitted (2)acknowledge (3)acknowledge (4)admit (5) ad

28、mitted.Grammar Work 1) Choose the right form of the verb in bracketsgerund or infinitive(1) watching (2) selling (3) to launch (4)secure (5) wondering (6)to save (7) feeling (8)being to be/being (9)to answer (10)having2)Choose the right answer.(1)D (2) A (3)C (4) A (5)B.Translation. (1) Our company

29、was heavily in debt when he took over .We owed the bank about 10 million.(2) Lao Song, I owe you an apology. I really behaved like a fool that day.(3) People know very well that they owe everything they have today to the reform and policy.(4) Why did their boat invade our territorial waters? They ow

30、e us an explanation at least.(5) He claimed to have two Ph.D. degrees from two universities.(6) Both sides claimed to have won the competition .(7) The Taiping took the city finally. But the battle claimed one of their best leaders.(8) These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars for their dam

31、aged health.(9) This otherwise wonderful manager is a womanizer.Lesson Seven The RivalsAnswersI. Oral workII. Vocabulary 1. Choose the right words and put it in the proper form (1) company ; company ;companion ; companion(2) hideous; tedious ; tedious(3) such; so ; so ; such2. Complete the following sentences.(1) to (2) As for (3) to (4) on (5) As(6) for that matter(7) for that matter(8) In (9) For all(10) For allIII. Grammar Work.1. Complete by translating part of each sentence. (1) they should fail again(2) he had enough money(3) the

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