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本文(高考英语一轮复习 话题23 走向未来Unit 3 Life in the future新人教版必修5.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语一轮复习 话题23 走向未来Unit 3 Life in the future新人教版必修5.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 话题23 走向未来Unit 3 Life in the future新人教版必修5话题23 走向未来(Unit 3 Life in the future)晨读背诵话题单词1.prediction 【prdk()n】 n. 预言;预告2. forecast 【fkst 】 n. 预测3.trend 【trend】 n. 倾向;趋势;时尚4.necessity 【nsest】 n. 必需品5. physician 【fz()n】 n. 内科医生6. definition 【defn()n】 n. 定义;解释;限定7. lifelike 【laflak】 adj. 栩栩如生的8.

2、absurd 【bsd】 adj. 荒谬的;不合理的9. virtual 【vtjl】 adj. 实质上的;实际上的 10. lifelong 【lafl】 adj. 毕生的;终身的 11.medical 【medk()l】 adj. 医学的;医疗的12.regular 【rejl(r)】 adj. 有规律的;定期的13.exact 【zkt】 adj. 正确的;精确的14. urban 【bn】 adj. 城市的;都市的15. indicate 【ndket】 v. 表明;象征;预示16. ensure 【n(r)】 v. 保证;担保17. reform 【rfm】 v. 改革18. req

3、uire 【rkwa(r)】 v. 要求;需求 19. programme 【prrm 】v. 为制订计划20. imitate 【mtet】 v. 模仿;仿效话题短语1. catch a catch glimpse of瞥见 2. major trends in contemporary society现代社会的主流3. environmentally-friendly and energysaving maglev train环保和节能的磁悬浮列车4. online shopping网上购物 5. combine shopping with fun把购物和娱乐结合起来 6. keep sb

4、. company陪伴某人 7. use computer programmes to imitate the real world用电脑程序模拟现实世界 8. virtual reality虚拟现实 9. be replaced by被所取代10. 高效率的high efficiency 11. open up开发12. generation gap代沟 13. turn challenges into opportunities把挑战变成机会 14. keep in touch with 与保持联系 15. in store准备着;必将到来16. come true 实现 17. at l

5、east 至少 18. be fond of 喜欢 19. be concerned about 担心话题句子1. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict. 未来的生活像什么样子真的很难预料。2. The air seemed thin, as though the journey its combination of gases had little oxygen left. 空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。3. Worried about the journey, I was unsettl

6、ed for the first few days. 因为担心这次旅行,头几天我感到心绪不宁。4. Fantasy having classes at home without going to school. 在家里上课,不去学校是很美妙的。5. By the mid 21st century there will be more computers everywhere we may go. 到二十一世纪中期,我们所到之处会有更多的计算机。6. One of the famous dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist,

7、 Kekule, who had been trying to work out a very difficult problem in physics.历史上最著名的梦之一就是德国科学家开普勒的梦,他一直想解决物理上的一个难题。7. In 2050 there will likely be a Planet Channel for every planet of the solar system, but most people will be very content to watch what the robots are doing rather than run down Olymp

8、us Mons on Mars in person, at 1/3 gravity, as fun as that may sound. 2050年,极有可能有太阳系每个星球的“星球通道”,但是大多数人只会满足于观看机器人在做什么,而不是亲自在引力只有1/3的火星的听上去很有趣的Olympus Mons跑动。 篇章模板 The new town called ”Wonderworld” will provide a covered area for people to live in with a special air supply. The town will make sure ther

9、e is enough water by collecting some from under the planets surface. After use, this water will be cleaned and recycled so that it can be used as rain to water crops and provide clean drinking water. Everyone will put their dirty water in special tanks and animals will have to go to the toilet in sp

10、ecial places. Bacteria will clean this dirty water so it can be used again. If people live on Mars, they may become rich or famous.汉语大意:这个叫做“奇迹世界”的新城市会提供一个带着特殊的氧气装置的封闭空间让人们居住。通过从行星表层下面提取,这个行星确保有足够的水。用后,水会被净化、回收,这样就用可以用作雨水去浇庄稼和提供干净的饮用水。每个人都把脏水放进一个特殊的箱子里,动物在一个特殊的地方去盥洗室。细菌会清洁这些脏水,这样就可以再利用了。如果人们生活在火星上,他

11、们就会非常富有、或者著名。基础知识自测一、单词拓展(A)根据音标及词义写出英文单词1.impression 【mpre()n】 n.印象;感想;印记impress 【mpres】 v.给某人深刻印象impressive 【mpresv】 adj.给人深刻印象的2.constant 【knstnt】 adj.时常发生的;连续不断的constantly 【knstntl】 adv.不断地3.previous 【privs】 adj.在前的;早先的 【ad】 n.指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导5.surrounding 【srand】 n.周围的事物;环境 adj.周围的surro

12、und 【srand】 vt.围绕6.tolerate 【tlret】 vt.容忍;忍受7.lack 【lk】 vi. & vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西8.adjustment 【dstmnt】 n.调整;调节adjust 【dst】 vt.调整;使适应 【pres】 vi. & vt.按;压;逼迫n.按;压;印刷;新闻pressure【pre】 n.压力10.fasten 【f:sn】 vt.系牢;扎牢11.switch 【swt】 n.开关;转换 vt.转换12.optimistic 【ptmstk】 adj.乐观(主义)的13.desert 【dzt】 n.沙漠;

13、荒原14.typist 【tapst】 n.打字员typewriter 【taprat(r)】 n.打字机15.instant 【nst()nt】 n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的instantly 【nstntl】 adv.马上16.greedy 【rid】 adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的17.representative 【reprzenttv】 n.代表;典型人物 adj.典型的;有代表性的represent 【reprzent】 v.代表18.settlement 【setlmnt】 n.定居;解决settle 【setl】 v.定居;解决settler 【setl】 n.定居者

14、(B)单词活用 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Two men are assisting(assist)the police in their enquires. 2. You will be required(require)to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report. 3. Take two of the tablets (tablet)three times daily before meals. 4. I have no opportunity (opportunity) to discuss it with her. 5. The house

15、was built in imitation (imitate) of the Roman villa. 6. A new factory is to be located (locate) in the city center. 7. The manager impressed (impression) on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records. 二、短语互译及运用(A)短语互译1.take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续 back on ones feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原3.lose sig

16、ht of 看不见4.sweep up 打扫;横扫5.slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进6.speed up 加速 a result 结果 similar to. 与相似 all directions 向四面八方 带领某人参观(B)灵活运用 选择以上恰当的词组填空。1. Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, as a result of foggy weather.2. She too

17、k up the story where John had left off.3. The order No.105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.4. She is able to slide into a room without anyone noticing.5. Having been shown around the lab, we were led into a hall for a meeting. 6. My new dress is similar to the on

18、e you have. No wonder you took mine by mistake. 7. In the heat of the argument we mustnt lose sight of our main purpose.三、课文语法填空Some people like to chat with others on the Internet to relaxThey want to look 1 friends online and talk with themBut 4 (limit) to words on a computer screen, their knowled

19、ge about a person is not reliableIdentity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace (网络空间)3 people are really concerned about is a persons thoughts or at least the thoughts he expresses through the InternetThus, even the 4 (shy) person in the world can become a chat-room star Critics(批评家) of onl

20、ine relationships believe that 5 of us truly know a person in cyberspace because the Internet can make users control how others view themInternet users can get their words 6 (vary) to fit whatever image they want to giveIn a way, theyre not really themselvesAll of this may be fine 7 the relationship

21、 stays in cyberspaceBut not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationshipWith so many unfamiliar persons on the Internet, 8 is easy to let ones imagination“fill in the blanks”This surely result 9 disappointments when net friends meet each otherAn online friend whom someone imagines is oft

22、en quite 10(difference) from the real personSo, before making friends in cyberspace, remember Clifford Stolls advice,“Life in the real world is far richer than anything youll find on a computer screen”重点词汇精讲精练1. impression n. 印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念 背诵 Your performance gave me a strong impression. 你的表演给我留下

23、了很深的印象。搭配impress v.留下印象impress sthonupon ones mind 把牢记在心上have an impression of sthdoing sththatmake an impression on sb 给某人留下印象make no impression on 对无影响效果give sba favorable impression 给某人以好印象an impression of sbs foot 某人的脚印运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)The new teacher made a good impression on (留下一个好印象)the stu

24、dents. (2)I have the impression (觉得)that Ive seen that man before.(3)The robber left an impression of (留下他的脚印)his feet in the mud.(4)The teacher impressed the importance of English on us. (老师让我们铭记英语的重要性。)2. lack v.&n. 缺乏;缺少的东西背诵 He didnt go there because he lacked courage. 他没去那里,因为他缺乏勇气。搭配lack sth.

25、缺少某物lack for sth. 缺少;需要for/through lack of .因缺乏no lack of .不缺乏lacking adj. 匮乏的;不足的;没有的be lacking in 缺乏(品质、特点等)说明 lack作名词时,后常接of。lack作动词时,既可作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,若是不及物动词,后常接for或in。lack不用于被动语态。运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)The trip was cancelled through lack of interest. (因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。)(2)He lacks confidence. (他缺乏信心

26、。)3. sight n. 视力;视觉;见;光景,奇观;名胜背诵 Last summer we had seen the sights of Beijing. 去年夏天我们游览了北京的名胜。搭配lose sight of 看不见, 忘记, 失去 catch sight of sth/sb 看见某人/物at first sight 一见就;乍看起来 at (the) sight of 一看见就out of sight 看不见Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 be in sight 看得见,在眼前 运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)For miles ar

27、ound me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree in sight (看到). (2)We have lost sight of (失去了)several precious animals. (我们很多的珍惜动物。)4. require vt. 需要;要求;命令背诵 I will do everything that is required of me. 凡是要求我的事,我都会办到。搭配It requires that . 有的必要require sth. of sb. 对某人有的要求require s

28、b. to do sth.要求某人做某事说明 require 接宾语从句时,宾语从句须用should do这样的虚拟语气,其中should 可以省略。表示“需要”时,后接动词-ing形式的主动式表示被动动含义,等于不定式被动形式。运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)In competition, women are required to perform (表演) some of their exercises to music. (2)All the people present agreed that the matter required looking into/ to be loo

29、ked into (调查). 5. assist vt.&vi. 帮助;援助;参与,出席背诵 I am willing to assist you whenever there is an opportunity. 有机会我愿随时帮你。搭配assist sb. in/with sth. 辅助(某人)某事assist sb. in doing sth. 辅助(某人)做某事assist sb. to do sth. 辅助(某人)做某事assist with 帮助(照料,做);在上给予帮助运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)The young nurse was very nervous when

30、 she was assisting (辅助) in her first operation.(2)A team of nurses assisted the doctor in(辅助医生)performing me operation.(3)She employed a woman to assist her with (辅导) the housework.(4)Good glasses will assist you to (辅导)read.6. guide n向导,指南,指导,导游,有指导意义的事物 vt.指导,管理,带领背诵 He guided the man through the

31、streets to the railway station. 他带这个人走过街道到火车站。搭配a guide to.的指南guide post路标guide sb. through/across带领某人穿越运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)Teachers should guide the students in (指导学生们进行)their studies.(2)These philosophical views can serve as a guide in (处世指南)life. (3)Its an important guide in (指南)the study of science.7. take up 从事;占(时间、空间、注意力、等);继续背诵 This table ta

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