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Unit 3 Why I Teach.docx

1、Unit 3 Why I TeachUnit 3 Why I Teach一、教学目的1、了解:与课文相关的文化背景知识,掌握议论文的文体风格和写作特点。2、理解:理解课文的主题思想以及文中出现的复杂、疑难句式。3、掌握课文的篇章结构和特点。4. 熟练掌握并运用1) 四级重点词汇、短语、句型。 2) 阅读技巧:scanning 3) 写作技巧:find topic sentence 4) 语法:not because;adj./ p.p. used as adverbial;find + oneself + v.-ed/ v.-ing/ prepositional phrase二、教学重点1、掌

2、握:1)与课文相关的文化背景知识: (1)Becoming a teacher in the U.S. A student who is preparing to become a teacher in the U.S. must take study liberal arts subjects (such as mathematics, English, and history); courses in the particular subject(s) he expects to teach, and professional education courses (usually incl

3、uding educational psychology, methods of teaching, and the philosophy and history of education). Almost all schools require practice teaching, in which the student teacher, under the supervision of an experienced classroom teacher, participates in actual classroom procedures. Every elementary and se

4、condary public school teacher in the U.S. must have a teachers certificate granted by the government of the state in which he wishes to teach. Most of the states require four years of college for elementary teaching certificates; all the states require at least four years of college for secondary ce

5、rtificates. College and university teachers are not required to take educational courses or to obtain teaching certificates. However, a doctors degree in a field of specialization is almost a necessity for a career in most institutions of higher learning.(2) Emerson, Thoreau and Huxley.2)课文的文体及特点:本文

6、是一篇议论文。 (1) The author uses parallelism of paragraphs to emphasize the reasons why he teaches. (I teach because-I teach because-)(2) The professor also uses metaphor to express why he likes teaching profession more than others.e.g. 1) Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay b

7、egins to breathe.2) -getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower-2、理解课文的主题思想,掌握课文的篇章结构。 Main Idea: The author raises a question at the very beginning and then gives his reasons why he loves to be a teacher.Part One ( L1- L4 ): The author raises the questions Why do you teach? at the very b

8、eginning.Part Two ( L5 - L15 ): The author answers the question indirectly Certainly I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.Part Three ( L6 - L70): The author gives his reasons for choosing tea

9、ching as his career.3、通过本课程的学习,学生应熟练掌握并运用以下词汇、短语、句型:1)A类词汇(四级高频词汇,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的词义、用法及其相关的词性转换、词义或用法的补充)1. puzzle 【教材】vt. make unable to answer, solve or understand; fill with doubt and confusion I was puzzled by the question. 使迷惑,使为难His face wore a puzzled expression.【补充】n. 谜,难题No one has yet succ

10、eeded in explaining the puzzle of how life began.It is a puzzle to me how he could come here.2. profession: 【教材】n. a job that needs special education and training 职业e.g. What made you choose law as profession? 是什么使你选择了法律作为职业? 【补充】 professional: adj. 职业上的,专业的,行家的 3. convince: 【教材】 vt. to make someone

11、 feel certain that sth. is true. 使信服,使确信【补充】句型:sb of sth; sb. that-e.g. What she said convinced me that I was mistaken. 她的话使我认识到我错了。He convinced me of his sincerity.convinced: adj. 确信的,坚信的convincing: adj. 令人信服的,有说服力的e.g. I am convinced of his guilt. 我确信他有罪。 a convincing speaker 令人信服的演说家4. compel: 【教

12、材】 vt. to force someone to do sth. 强迫,迫使e.g. We cant compel you to do it, but we think you should.我们不能强迫你做这件事,可是我们认为你应该做。 No one can compel love. 爱是无法强求的。5. reflect: 【教材】 v. (1) (of surface) throw back (light, heat, sound); (of a mirror) send back an image of (指表面)反射(光、热、声);(指镜)反射之像e.g. The sunlight

13、 was reflected from the water. 日光由水面反射出来。【补充】reflect on / upon: consider; think on 考虑;思考 e.g. I must reflect upon how to answer that question.我必须思考一下如何答复那个问题。I reflected on possible reasons for my failure. 我仔细思索导致我失败的种种原因。【补充】reflection: n. 1) a deep and careful thought深思,考虑 I have a few reflections

14、 to offer on what you said.2) an image reflected in a mirror or polished surface (在镜中、水面上等所映出的)映像,影像;we looked at the reflection of the bridge in the water.3) the throwing back of heat, light, sound or an image反射;The moon looks bright because of the reflection of light.4) sth. that shows the effects

15、 of, or is a sign of, a particular condition, etc.反映This novel is a faithful reflection of what he saw and heard.6. stimulate: 【教材】 vt. (1) to make sb. or sth. more active or alert; arouse sb. or sth. 刺激,激励;激发e.g. The teachers praise stimulated Tom to study even harder. 老师的表扬激励汤姆更加努力学习。(2) to cause

16、sth. to work or function 促进,起刺激作用 e.g. Light stimulates plant growth. 光能促进植物的生长。【补充】 stimulating: adj. 刺激的,鼓舞的;有趣的,激动人心的7. freshman: 【教材】n. a student in the first year of college 大一学生【补充】sophomore: n. a student in the second year of college 大二学生junior: n. a student in the third year of college 大三学生s

17、enior: n. a student in the fourth year of college 大四学生 8. reliance: 【教材】n. U the state of being dependent on sth. 信赖,信任;依赖e.g. A child has reliance on his mother. 孩子依赖母亲。self-reliance n. ability to do things and make decisions by oneself 依靠自己;自力更生【补充】派生词:reliant: adj. 信任的,信赖的, 依靠的9. renovate: 【教材】 v

18、t. to repair and paint a building so that it is in good condition again 修理,修复,装修e.g. The house cannot be renovated. 这房子不能再修了。 They are living in temporary accommodation while their apartment is being 【补充】renovated. 他们的公寓正在装修,只好住在临时的住处。10. repay: 【教材】 vt. pay back 偿还,回报re-: prefix 前缀 again, or backe.

19、g. regain, replace, reconsideration, reorganize 11. distribute: 【教材】vt. to give sth. such as food, medicine, books, etc. to a large group of people分发,分配 e.g. The teacher distributed the test papers to the students. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees. 已经向难民分发了衣物和毯子。distribu

20、tion n.12. variety: 【教材】n. difference in quality, type or character 变化性,多变性;多样性e.g. We all need variety in our diet. 我们的饮食需要变化。【补充】a variety of: 各种各样的; varieties of: 各种 ;lack variety: 缺乏变化多样性 【补充】 vary v. 变化; various a .各种各样的,不同的;variation n. 变化,改变; variable a. 易变的,无常的; 13. switch: v. 【教材】 to change

21、 from one thing to another, usually suddenly 使转变,改变(尤指突然地)e.g. He used to play tennis, but now hes switched to golf.他过去打网球,但现在他改打高尔夫球了。14. urban: 【教材】 a. 城市的 e.g. urban life; urban environment; urban population;【补充】 urbanize v. 使都市化 rural a. 农村的; suburban a. 郊区的,市郊的 suburb n. 郊区,市郊15. analysis 【教材】n

22、. the separation of a substance into parts for careful examination and stuty 分析【补充】analyze v. 16. intuition: 【教材】 n. the ability to understand or know sth. by using your feelings rather than by carefully considering the facts 直觉;直觉力e.g. Intuition told me you are here. 我凭直觉知道你在这儿17. point: 【教材】 n. us

23、e; purpose 目的,意义e.g. Whats the point of studying after the exam? 考完试后再用功有什么意义?【补充】p55-562)B类词汇(四级词汇,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的词义、用法)1. mechanic n. skilled workman, esp. one who uses or repairs machines and tools 机械工;机修工2. palm a. 手掌3. pace n. rate or speed of development, or in walking, etc. 速度;步速4. calendar n

24、. 日程表,日历5. technological a. of or related to technology 技术的6. corporation n. (AmE) 有限公司7. loan n. sth. lent, esp. a sum of money 借出的东西;贷款 8. challenge n. the quality of demanding competitive action, interest, or though 挑战9. energetic a. vigorous 精力充沛11. learned a. showing or requiring much knowledge

25、 博学的12. journal n. magazine or daily newspaper 杂志;日报13. civil rights n. the rights of a citizen without regard to his race, religion, sex, etc. 公民权14. lawyer n. person who practices law 律师15. clay n. 粘士16. magic n. mysterious charm; strange influence or power; art of obtaining mysterious results by

26、tricks 魔力;魔术3) A类短语(四级高频短语,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的意思、用法及其词义或用法的补充、相关短语的比较等)1. stay up 【教材】a) not to go to bed until after the usual timeWe stayed up to watch a film.b) not fall or sinkIf you do fall out of the boat, your life jacket will help you to stay up until we can fish you out.c) remain in a position

27、where it has been hung, mounted, etc.If Janes temperature stays up all day, call the doctor.2. find oneself 【教材】 When he awoke, he found himself in jail. Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys Your remarks were so unexpected that I found myself at a loss for words3. stay up: 【教材】not go

28、to bed until after the usual time 不睡觉,熬夜 4. take notes 【教材】记笔记5. build on: 【教材】base on; use as a base for further development6. keep a diary 【教材】记日记7. leave out: 【教材】fail to mention or include; omit8. send off:【教材】post; dispatch9. work at/ on : 【教材】give ones attention to doing or trying to do10. cat

29、ch ones breath: 【教材】rest and get back ones normal breath, as after running; stop breathing for a moment from surprise, fear, shock, etc4)构词法: -ship, -dom 5)阅读技巧:scanning6)写作技巧:find topic sentence7)语法: not because;adj./ pp used as adverbial;find + oneself + v.-ed/ v.-ing/ prepositional phrase三、教学难点复杂

30、、疑难句子:1. I dont want to be considered for an administrative position.2. Certainly I dont teach because teaching id easy for me.3. For me, teaching is a redeye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession.4. sure I will be found out for the fool that I am.5. because I have knowledge I feel compelled to s

31、hare.6. I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar.7. to ask questions that students must struggle to answer.8. The world is full of right answers to bad questions.9. who labored at her dissertation.10. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe.11. being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.四、作业1、教材练习: 课后练习ExIII Vocabulary Activities; ExIV Enriching Your Word Power; ExV Usage ; ExVI Structure; ExVII Close的第一篇;Reading Activity; Ex IX Translation2、补充练习I. Vocabu

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