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1、阅读理解人生百味知识点题型阅读理解(人生百味)知识点题型一、九年级中考英语阅读理解(人生百味)(含答案详细解析)1阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。B It was July 17th of 2017. The little helpless girl, who had trouble walking, was going out into the wide world. In June 2016, I got the idea that I was going to America as an exchange student. With tears in m

2、y eyes, I said goodbye to my family. After I finally arrived at the airport in Burlington, Vermont. I was welcomed by my host family. They didnt know much about my disability. “I hobble a little, but I dont see it as a problem.” I think its the will that decides what you can and cannot do, and the d

3、isability doesnt matter! Before I went to the US, I knew I was going to miss home. But I went! Why? Ive been a fighter ever since I decided not to give up my breath when I was born! My mother wrote my host mom an e-mail and told her about my hard birth so they would understand. I remember clearly af

4、ter she finished reading it, she came into the room, gave me a big hug and said, “You are a fighter.” My host family supported me so much during the year. In school, small notes were sent out to all my teachers, by e-mail, to tell them about my disability. Everything worked greatly. By the end of my

5、 year, exchange students were asked to talk about our years. I spoke in front of about 100 people! I was extremely proud of my “speech”. The following day some teachers stopped me and said, “Your speech was the best one.” My year in Vermont was the best thing Ive done so far! I proved I AM A FIGHTER

6、 and that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!(1)How did the author go to the US?A.By busB.By carC.By boatD.By plane(2)What did the writers mom tell the host mom in the email?A.The writers familyB.The writers daily lifeC.The writers birthD.The writers disability(3)How did the writer feel about her speech?A.Excite

7、dB.SadC.ProudD.Unsatisfied(4)What can we know from the passage?A.The writer enjoyed her exchange life.B.The writer was not happy with her host family.C.Only the writer made a speech in front of about 100 people.D.The writer joined the army and became a fighter.【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)C(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文通过作者作为一

8、名交换生的经历谈论对人生的感悟:只要努力,一切皆有可能。细节理解。根据第二段After I finally arrived at the airport in Burlington, Vermont可知作者是乘飞机去的美国,故选。细节理解。根据My mother wrote my host mom an e-mail and told her about my hard birth so they would understand可知作者的母亲在邮件中告诉她的寄宿家庭的妈妈她出生的时候难产。故选。细节理解。根据倒数第二段 I was extremely proud of my “speech”

9、.可知作者对她的演讲很自豪,故选C。推理判断。根据最后一段 My year in Vermont was the best thing Ive done so far!可知作者认为在佛蒙特的一年是最好的,所以选A。【点评】这是一篇人生感悟的文章,通过自己作为一名交换生的经历感悟人生。题目设计较为简单,可以通过题目在文章中定位找到正确答案。2阅读理解 Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by

10、 her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I thought that the act of writing is the coolest thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, my mother kept different things for my sister and my brother.“ But the desk,” She said, “its for Helen.” Although I knew she loved

11、 me and she only showed it in action, I wanted hearttoheart talks between mother and daughter. But they never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional (易动感情的)”,but she lived “on the surface” I had my own family later. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrot

12、e to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she forgave me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. It didnt come. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and finally, peaceit seemed that nothing happened. I wasnt even sure if the letter had

13、 got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I never heard from her! Now the present of her desk told, as shed never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers insidea photo of my father and a onepage letter, folde

14、d and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.(1)The writer began to love her mothers desk _.A.when mother gave it to herB.before she was badly illC.when she was a childD.after mother died(2)From th

15、e passage, we can know that the writers mother _.A.was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughterB.was too serious about everything her daughter had doneC.cared much about her daughter in wordsD.wrote to her daughter in careful words(3)The underlined word “gulf” means “_” in Chinese.A

16、.理解B.鸿沟C.沟通D.港湾(4)What did mother do with her daughters letter asking forgiveness?A.She had never received the letter.B.For years, she often talked about the letter.C.She didnt forgive her daughter at all in all her life.D.She read the letter again and again till she died.(5)Whats the best title of

17、the passage?A.My Letter to MotherB.Mother and ChildrenC.My Mothers DeskD.Talks between Mother and Me【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)B(4)D(5)C 【解析】【分析】本文叙述了作者的妈妈是从事写作的,经常看见妈妈在课桌旁忙碌,所以作者在小的时候,就喜欢妈妈的桌子了,妈妈也了解女儿的心思,在去世前把课桌留给了她,作者给妈妈的信也在课桌里找到了。课桌寄托了作者对妈妈的思念之情。(1)细节理解题。根据Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall en

18、ough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. 可知,自从作者长到和桌子差不多高的时候,就喜欢上了妈妈的桌子,说明作者在小的时候,就喜欢妈妈的桌子了。故选C。(2)细节理解题。根据短文第三段可知,作者的妈妈虽然爱作者,但是她只是付诸于行动,表面是冷漠的,但是内心是对作者很好的。故选A。(3)词义猜测题。根据Although I knew she loved me and she only showed it in action, I wanted hearttoheart talks between mother a

19、nd daughter. But they never happened.因为妈妈没有和作者进行了交心的谈话,所以推测应该妈妈和女儿之间出现了鸿沟,故选B。(4)细节理解题。根据I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers insidea photo of my father and a onepage letter, folded and refolded many times.可知,作者给妈妈写的信被叠了很多次,说明妈妈看了许多次,故选D。(5)标题归纳题。根据短文的内容可知,文章围绕妈妈的课桌写的,作者从小就喜欢妈妈的课桌,妈妈在去

20、世前把课桌留给了作者,作者对课桌也充满了感情,同时也寄托了对妈妈的感情寄托。故选C。【点评】标题是文章中心思想的精炼表达,多为词组或短语,涵盖性强。做这类题目时,要在阅读全文的基础上,以文章话题为核心,通过比较选项的概括性或覆盖面,得出正确的标题。正确标题的归纳范围要恰如其分,避免过于具体或断章取义。错误的干扰往往是局部信息,以事实,细节替代,概括大意。5题干扰性最大的选项是A,作者给妈妈的信是短文后来提到的,并非贯穿短文内容的。3阅读理解 When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness and I had a care

21、free childhood in France. One day, on my way home from school, a truck ran over me and my legs were cut off. As I lay there bleeding, I suddenly realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without legs. How depressed I was at that moment! But then I realized that depression wouldnt get my

22、 legs back. So I decided not to waste my life feeling depressed. When my parents arrived at the hospital, they stood there quietly, looked so shocked and sad. I told them, “Ive already accepted the fact. Now you also have to get used to this.” Ever since then, I often see my friends getting worried

23、about little things: their bus comes late; they get bad grades on a test. But I just enjoy life. I am lucky to realize that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you have lost, and that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesnt it? So why are many people unh

24、appy? People often think happiness is based on what they achieve. “My whole life would improve if I had a new car.” But when you get the car and what happens? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy. Happiness is not a happening; its a state of mind. Even tho

25、ugh you have the whole world and youll still be unsatisfied. And you have relatively(相对地) little but feel full of joy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of enjoying and taking pleasure in what you already have.(1)After the accident, the author didnt feel depressed anymore because_. A.the doctor

26、s could help him get his legs back.B.he must comfort his parents at that time.C.he knew depression made no difference to him.D.he was just a childish and forgettable kid.(2)In the authors opinion, the main cause of most peoples unhappiness is they_. A.dont want to achieve more for so mu

27、ch and get so little.C.always compare with so much attention to what they have lost.(3)In paragraph 5, when the man gets the car he had expected_. A.he will choose to walk on foot for a week.B.the car will bring a lasting happiness to him.C.he will find the car is no help for him at all

28、D.he will go back to be unhappy after a few days(4)The author wants to tell us _. one person enjoys a life without legsB.we should forget the loss and the gains in lifeC.happiness is just a state of mindD.our life will be improved if we fight for our dreams.【答案】 (1)C(2)D(3)D(4)C 【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述

29、了作者在11岁时因一场车祸失去了双腿,但他却并没有因此消沉,而是意识到真正幸福的生活源自懂得满足,不能总在意那些已失去的。(1)细节理解题。由文章第二段“ But then I realized that depression wouldnt get my legs back. So I decided not to waste my life feeling depressed.”可知作者意识到沮丧并不能挽回自己的双腿,所以再不沮丧,C项沮丧对作者没有帮助作用,符合原文,故选C。(2)细节理解题。由文章第三段内容和第四段“ it is a waste of energy to focus o

30、n what you have lost, and that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. ”可知作者认为普通人不幸福的原因是太在意那些失去的东西,D项符合,A,B,C文中均没有提到。故选D。(3)细节理解题。文章第五段“ But when you get the car and what happens? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.”可知当一个人有了一辆新车,刚开始确实很

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