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1、英语短语六,1.cheer someone up: 使振奋,感到振奋-to make someone happy2. to have heart of gold: 心地善良,有颗金子般的心-to be very kind and giving3. to pig out: 贪婪的吃,吃得多-to eat greedily, to stuff oneself4. (to be) in bad mood: 心情不好,不高兴- unhappy, depressed, irritable 5. (to be) on edge: 紧张,急躁 -nervous, irritable6. just what

2、the doctor ordered: 正是所需要的-exactly what was needed7. out of this world: 出色的,了不起的(这里是“太好吃了”的意思)- delicious8. to go into business: 从事商业- to start a business9. to make a bundle: 大赚一笔- to make a lot of money 10. good thinking: 好主意 -good idea11. to give (someone) credit for: 为.赞扬某人- to acknowledge sbs co

3、ntribution12. to give credit where credit is due: 功归于有功之人;该赞许的就赞许- to give thanks or acknowledgement to the person who deserves it 七,1.bright and early: 清早- early in the morning2. (to) not sleep a wink: 无法入睡- to be awake all night 3. (to) work like a dog: 拼命工作,苦干- to work very hard4. fat chance: 不可能

4、- definitely not5. (to) not have a clue: 毫无头绪,什么也不知道- to know nothing about6. crash course: 速成班- short and intensive instruction7. needless to say: 不用说- obviously 8. to have mixed feelings: 悲喜交集,有好有坏- to feel positive about one aspect of something and negative about another9. happy camper: 很快乐-a hap

5、py person10. (to) give it a shot: 试试 -to try something八,1. in good spirit: 高兴,心情好 - happy, in a good mood2. good for you: 很好,做的好- good job, well done3. to beat around the bush: 旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角,不坦率的说-to talk around the subject,to avoid getting to the point4. shell out: 支付,交付- to pay5. to make of money: 富裕-

6、 very rich6. wise guy: 自作聪明的人- a smart aleck 7. to take something by storm: 很快受到欢迎- to win popularity quickly8. pipe dream: 白日梦,幻想- an unrealistic hope9. dime a dozen: 多得是,普遍-so plentiful as to be nothing special 10. make a splash: 造成轰动,引起注意-to win popularity quickly11. hard times: 低潮,不景气- a time of

7、 difficulty 12. (thats or those are) the breaks: 运气差,正好赶上-when something bad happens, you cannt do anything about it note: Danld Trump is a famous American millionaire who made his money in real estate. Ivana is his ex-wife.Eric Clapton is a very popular guitarist九,1. student body president: 学生会主席 2

8、. (to) get or to have under ones belt: 有或得到经验- to have or to get experience3. (to) give someone a run for ones money: 成为强有力的竞争对手- to be strong competition 4. by far: .得多,显然,最.- by a wide margin;by a great different5. full of oneself: 自私,只想到自己- to think too much of oneself 6. (to) kid around: 开玩笑- to

9、 joke around; to tease7. (to) get down to business: 开始谈正经事- to get serious about a task 8. to talk into: 说服- to persuade, to convince9. (not to) give someone the time of day: 不在意,忽视某人- to ignore someone10. to give someone the cold shoulder: 冷漠,轻视-to be cold to someone on purpose ; to snub someone 11

10、. goody-goody: 假正经,伪善,自以为是-self-righteously or smugly good12. brown-noser: 拍马屁的人-a person whos constantly trying to win the favor with people above them ,such as teachers or bosses13. besides the point: 离题,不相干- not relevant to the subject14. you scratch my back and ill scratch yours: 我们合作(鱼帮水,水帮鱼)-i

11、f you do me a favor, ill do you a favor; lets cooperate15. to be crazy about: 喜欢- like very much 16. its a deal : 我同意- i agree17. to count someone- 依仗,依靠-to depend or rely on someone十,1. (to) make time for: 腾出时间做某事- to put time in onee schedule for something2. Dont mention it: 不用客气,不用谢-youre welcome

12、3. Whats up? 怎么样?最近有什么新消息?-Whats going on? whats new 4. from scratch: 从头开始,从零做起-from the beginning 5. out of this world: 极好的,出色的-delicious, excellent 6. You can say that again: 你说的对,我完全同意-i agree with you 7. (to) make a pig of oneself: 狼吞虎咽,大吃大喝-to overeat, to eat too much8. Just kidding: 不过是开个玩笑- t

13、alking more to get a laugh than anything 9. (to) go nuts: (俚语)变得疯狂的,发疯的-to react with great enthusiasm 10. (to) roll up ones sleeves: 卷起衣袖准备大干- to prepare to work11. figure out: 解决,算出- to solve, to determine12. ballpark figure: 约略估计的数目- approximate number 13 (to) jump the gun: 过早行动,操之过急-to start doi

14、ng something too soon or ahead of everybody else 14. (to) sit tight: 有点耐心- to wait patiently 15. to talk over: 商讨,讨论- to discuss 十一,1. To drive a hard bargain:(在交易中)拼命讨价还价,杀价;迫使对方接受苛刻条件-to be tough in negotiating an agreement; to negotiate sth in ones favor 2. Hows it going?: 你好吗?怎么样?- How are you?3

15、. Cant complain: 好的没话说- things are going well; Im fine 4. crunch some numbers: 计算,琢磨数字-to perform calculations5. out of the question: 不可能- impossible6. worth ones while: 值得花时间-worthy of ones effort or time 7. sweeten the deal: 给予更多好处- to make an offor more attractive 8. make a living: 维持生计- to earn

16、enough money to support oneself9. to twist someones arm: 说服- to persuade someone; to convince someone10. take it or leave it: 要么接受,要么放弃;要不要随你的便;不容讨价还价-accept or reject an offer, usually a final one11. now youre talking: 这才像话- you are saying the right thing12. (to) get the ball rolling: 开始- to get st

17、arted十二,1. down in the dumps: 沮丧,不开心- disappointment2. things are looking up: 越来越乐观,情况在转好-things are improving3. like crazy: 疯狂的,拼命的-with great speed or enthusiasm4. (to) bite off more than one can chew: 贪多嚼不烂,心有余而力不足,不自量力,好高骛远- to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much5. like a ch

18、icken with its head cut off: 像无头苍蝇一样瞎忙着- in a hasterical manner;in a frenzy; in a very nervous way6. pitch in: 帮忙- to help7. to get going: 开始做某事-to get started on sth; to set off for a destination 8. Never mind: 不要紧,没关系;不用担心,别管-dont worry about sth; forget it9. help out: 帮助.摆脱困难-to give assistance;

19、to help10. for heavys sake: 看在老天爷的面上-a way of expressing emotions such as surprise, outrage, or impatience 11. like pulling teech: 很难-very difficult十三, 1. to lend a hand-to help 帮忙2. All the rage-the latest fashion; popular right now风靡一时的事物;所渴望的事物;时尚3. take a break: - have a rest 休息一下4. to be in goo

20、d hands-in good, competent care在可靠(或内行)的人手里;受到十分好的照料5. to know ones stuff-to have an expertise in a field 在某方面很精通6. Sweet tooth-an enjoyment of sugary foods喜吃甜食的人7. To lose ones touch-to no longer be able to sth well 失去能力,不再能8. To be out of practice-no longer good at doing sth (因久不练习而)荒疏,生疏9. to pic

21、k up-to acquire; to learn学到;获得10. tricks of the trade: clever shortcuts gained by experience 诀窍11. Feel free-go ahead and do sth; dont hesitate to do sth随意(做某事),请便常常用于祈使句 12. to get out of the way-to move out of the way; to stop interfering with someones plans or activities让开,避开13. Too many cooks sp

22、oil the broth-too many people involved in an activity can ruin it人浮于事, 兵精不必多, 人多误事14. to call it a night: 收工,今晚就做到这里- to stop an activity for the rest of the night15. to work ones tail off-to work very hard 努力工作十四,1. Love at first sight: an immediate attraction 一见钟情2. To be nuts about: to like very

23、much 很喜欢3. To break up with someone: to end a relationship with a romantic partner 分手4. give me a break: thats ridiculous; thats outrageous 饶了我吧;这太可笑了5. To crank out: to produce rapidly or in a routine manner迅速而经常地制作;机械地完成,刻板地制造出,粗制滥造6. head over heels in love with sb: very much in love 非常爱某人7. crun

24、ch time: a short period when theres high pressure to achieve a result高压时期,紧缩时期8. To have a one-track mind: having all thoughts directed to just one thing or activity 一根筋,死心眼 9. take a break: have a rest 休息一会10. To plug away at sth: to proceed with a boring or routine task; to keep trying埋头苦干11. To t

25、reat someone like dirt: to behave in a nasty way towards someone视某人如草芥,把某人看得一钱不值,瞧不起某人,怠慢某人,侮慢某人12. make out: warm-hearted 亲热十五,1. whats up: 怎么样?你好吗/2. To pull an all-nighter: to stay up all night to do work 通宵工作3. No wonder: its not surprising 难怪4. Basket case: someone or something in a useless or

26、hopeless condition处于无助境况的人(或事)5. Load off ones mind: a relief 松了一口气6. nervous wreck: a person feeling very worried 极度紧张的人,精神高度紧张的人7. Rule of thumb: a useful principle 经验法则8. Conventional wisdom: a widely held belief普遍的看法,一般人的意见,公众态度,大众意见,(社会上的)传统观念9. to do the trick: to achieve the desired results达到

27、目的;达到(预期的)效果;完成某项任务;发生效力10. in reality: in fact 实际上,事实上11. To turn off: to cause to feel dislike or revulsion使(某人)厌烦(或沮丧),使失去兴趣(或热情),使不喜爱12. To have a big head: arrogant; too proud of oneself 自负,骄傲自大 13. Ill say: yes, definitely 当然十六,1. At first: in the beginning 一开始,最初 2. To get the hang of sth: to

28、 learn how to do something; to acquire an effective technique 掌握了的要领,了解的用法,找到了诀窍3. To learn the ropes: to learn the basics熟悉某一行业,了解内情4. second nature: a behavior that has been practiced for so long, it seems to have been there always第二天性,习性5. to tell you the truth: to speak openly, to admit 说实话6. pa

29、in in the neck: an annoyance 头痛的事7. To round up: to gather people together 聚集,集合8. Piece of cake: very easy 很简单9. In person: personally; in ones physical presence 亲自10. Your guess is as good as mine: I dont know; I dont know anymore than you do 我也不知道11. In any case: whatever the fact is; certainly 不

30、管怎么说12. To keep posted: to provide up-to-date information 及时报告13. To give someone a ring: to telephone someone 打电话给某人十七,1. to sell like hotcakes: to sell fast; to be a popular item 非常抢手2. sold out: completely sold 卖光了3. right away : immediately 立刻,马上4. tall order: a task or goal that is difficult to

31、 achieve难以完成的任务,过高要求5. blow it: to spoil an opportunity 错过机会,把这事弄得一团糟6. take off: to take off: to become popular; to grow suddenly开始;开始流行;突然受到广泛欢迎,突然被广泛使用;(想法、计划等)开始获得成功7. To burn the midnight oil: to stay up late studying or working 开夜车,挑灯夜战8. To be sitting pretty: in a good position (often financially) 日子过得很舒适,处于有利地位;处境优越,处境令人羡慕9. Rest assured: be sure 放心10. To do ones best: to try as hard as possible 尽力11. To deliver the goods: to meet expectations; to do whats required履行诺言;不负众望12. Chitchat: casual conversation; gossip闲谈;闲话十八,1. to sell like hotcakes (see lesson 17)

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