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1、Computers will play an increasingly critical role in education, but it is not possible that they could replace teachers in the classroom.2.语态问题:主动为主,搭配被动。常见被动语态结构:be doneAm, is, are doneIs being doneHave/has been doneWill be donePriorities should be given to education.3.词法问题:名词:泛指的名词要用复数,不加冠词。不可数名词用

2、原型。Students are encouraged to memorize rather than to think.People are under intense pressure and some even suffer from severe depression.动词:动词主要分为:实义动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词Be感官动词(seem, feelSeem reasonable, feel abandonedDo, does, did,Has, have, had,Will, shallCan do形容词:要注意多样化,多使用并列形容词:高分形容词: 1.pleasant and

3、 enjoyable多姿多彩的,2.boring, exhausting and stressful无聊的,繁重的, 压力大的3.isolated, unsociable and depressed孤立的,不善于社交的,和抑郁的4.addictive 上瘾的5.aggressive 有上进心的6.balanced 平衡的patible 兼容的plicated 复杂的9.confident 自信的10.corrupt 腐败的11.cutting-edge 尖端的12.delicious 美味可口的13.demanding 要求高的14.detrimental 有害的15.eccentric 古怪

4、的16.economical 节俭的17.enlightened 开明的;文明的18.evil 邪恶的19.exotic 异国的20.fashionable 时髦的21.feasible 可行的22.flexile 灵活多样的23.fruitful 有成效的24.glamorous 富有魅力的25.gorgeous 辉煌的26.humane 人道的27.ignorant(of 无视的;无知的28.impressive 令人印象深刻的29.incompatible 不和适宜的30.indifferent 冷漠的31.indispensable 不可或缺的32.inexhaustible 取之不尽

5、的33.infectious 传染性的34.influential 有影响力的35.inhumane 不人道的36.innocent 多管闲事的37.instructive 智力的38.intellectual 智力的39.interpersonal 密切的40.irreparable 不可弥补的41.loyal 忠诚的42.luxurious 奢侈的43.mature 成熟的44.misleading 误导的45.misrepresented 不如实叙述的 向钱看的47.nourishing 有营养的48.old-fashioned/out of date

6、过时的49.perilous 危险的50.permissive 宽容的;许可的51.pornographic 色情的52.potential 潜在的53.practical 实际的;务实的54.pressing 紧迫的55.prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的56.professional 专业的57.prosperous 繁荣昌盛的58.psychological 心理上59.rational 理性的60.reverse 相反的61.rewarding 值得的62.ridiculous 荒谬的63.rigid 严格的64.rough 粗略的65.shabby 破旧不堪的66.shelt

7、ered 受保护的67.sociable 好交际的68.sole 唯一的69.stern/strict 严格的70.stressful 有压力的71.stylish 时髦的72.superficial 表面现象的73.tempting 吸引人的74.time-honored 久享盛名的75.traditional 传统的76.typical 典型的77.unhealthy 不健康的78.unified 同一标准的79.unique 独特的80.unsociable 不善于社交的81.untimely 不和适宜的82.unwholesome 不健康的83.vexing 令人烦恼的84.vivid

8、 形象的85.vulnerable 易受伤害的86.well-grounded 有充足理由的87.wholesome 健康的副词:使用副词是使句子变得生动的最简单的方式,一定要重点掌握!高分副词:dramatically, initiallyMainly=primarily=chiefly=mostly,主要地properly=appropriately,适度地 increasingly 越来越understandably 可以理解, overwhelmingly 占绝对优势地, instantly 快速地, clearly, radically 基本上, merely=just=only,

9、unnecessarily 没必要, impulsively 冲动地, especially 特别地,entirely =completely=totally=entirely, 全部地partly 部分地merrily 愉快地happily, mentally 心里上(psychologically , academically学术上的, physically 生理上, generally 总的来看, keenly 急切地, seemingly 表面上看, strikingly 明显地, Utterly=completely, somewhat=a little, moderately 温和

10、地, intensely=considerably 大量地, fiercely=severely 激烈地, superficially 表面上, virtually 实际上,vexingly 烦人地,greatly=highly 非常,大大地specificallydramaticallyconsiderably4.句法:1简单句:主流句型,主要结构会使用就可以了。1.主谓(宾,例如:人们在这个问题上的观点不一样。People have different views on this question.Peoples ideas vary/differ on this issue.2.主系表,

11、例如:Generation gap is a problem that we are confronted by.Generation gap is now a problem we have to face.The environmental problem is a serious problem in modern society.The argument is convincing.5分!2并列句:And, but, orbothand,not onlybut also,neithernor,eitheror主语,谓语,宾语,状语连接词放在动词或形容词的前面主语+谓语+ by eith

12、er doing A or doing B主语+谓语not only in terms of A, but more importantly/seriously,in terms of B Most children are spoilt, not only in terms of care and attention, but more seriously, material ways.很多小孩被溺爱,不但在关心和照顾方面,而且,更严重的是,在物质方面。句子+ by either doing A or doing B通过鼓励学生穿精心设计的校服或者引导他们参加一些能体现出团队精神的活动,学生

13、的行为可以得到逐步的改善Studentsbehaviors can be improved by either encouraging students to wear well-designed uniforms or guiding them to participate in activities which reveal the spirit of team work.肥胖症可以减轻,方法是不但要养成良好的饮食习惯,而且要多做运动,比如慢跑,跳绳等等。Obesity can be relieved by not only forming good dietary/eating habi

14、ts, but more importantly taking more exercises, such as jogging and rope skipping.3复杂句:宾语从句:表述观点:认为:insist, maintain, hold, suggest, argue,支持:favor, propose, support, agree, advocate,(be for, be in favor of(be againstSome people do believe thatSome people are fully convinced thatSome people assert t

15、hatSome people deem thatSome people argue thatSome people claim thatSome people doubt thatSome people deny thatWhat 引导的What I learnWhat I seeWhat I need主语从句:1. It is suggest ed in the graph that(indicate, demonstrate, illustrateIt is reported that/estimated that/provedIt is well-known/generally acce

16、pted/universally acknowledged2. Whether S +V is a controversial issue.Whether we should make effort to/endeavour to preserve endangered species is Whether we should dodepen ds on whether S +VWhether we will succeed depends on whether we persist.3. What we should do is to do.We should protect animals

17、.What we should pay attention to/ emphasize/stress is to doWhat teachers should emphasize is to tell students to practice more.What we are faced with is that What we are confronted by isthe depletion of natural resourcesWhat we should solve immediately is thatWhat concerns us most isWhat we am conce

18、rned withit is It is important/vital/crucial/pivotal/essential/significant(很重要It is clear/evident/obvious/manifest/as clear as crystal/quite common(。很明显 It is undoubted/undeniable/doubtless (。毋庸置疑It is a pity/a shame/a common sense/practice( 这是个常识It is well/increasingly/widely/commonly/generallyknow

19、n/recognized/accepted/acknowledged (众所周知It is conceivable that 可想而知It is desirable/admirable that 可取的It is advisable that 最好做某事It is probable/possible/likely that 可能的It is imperative that 必要的it is preferable/profitable thatIt is hazardous/risky/perilous that 危险的It must be stressed out that 必须要指出It m

20、ust be admitted that 必须要承认It is reported that 据报道It is suggested that 有人建议It is assumed that 有人认为It is estimated that 据估计It is always the case that 情况总是这样的It is not always the case that 情况不一定总是这样的It follows that由此可见,表语从句:is我的第一个理由是,学术课程经历了时间的考验而且代表了古老文化的精华。My first reason is that academic courses wi

21、thstand the test of time and represent the essence of ancient cultures.在教育中使用电脑的一个优点是,他们能够最大程度上丰富传统的教学方法。One advantage of the application of computers in education is that they can enrich the同位语从句:常用的:the fact/idea/belief/recognition/suggestion/proposal/attempt/effort that Be based on the belief tha

22、t 基于这样的想法From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion thatThere is no evidence thatDespite the fact that.neglect/ignore/overlook/ lose sight of / be blind to/fail to consider the fact that忽视了某个事实政府不应该忽视这样的事实,囚禁罪犯最起码是对受害者的安慰。The government should not be blind to the fact that imprison

23、ment of criminals is the comfort to the victims at the very least.大学生应该承担全部学费,基于这样的一种普遍认识,那就是,大学生通常比没有学位的人赚钱多很多。University students should bear total expenses for their tuition on the generalization that university students usually earn much more than people without a degree.定语从句:名词(短定语人,who,物,which

24、, thatThose who+谓语支持这种观点的人给出如下理由。Those who favor this view give the following reasons.上网成瘾的人总是会孤立的,不善于社交的,甚至是抑郁的。Those who are addicted to the Internet tend to be isolated, unsociable or even depressed.主+谓, which (主+谓父母能集中发展他们的事业,这将给孩子们应该集中精神发展事业,这将会为他们的孩子带来更好的生活条件。Parents can focus on their careers

25、, which will bring better life conditions for their children.政府应该鼓励大家乘坐公交车并且停车换乘,这将在很大程度上人们多做公交车,并且鼓励停车换乘,这将减轻交通方面的压力。The government should encourage people to take public transport and Park and Ride, which will relieve the pressure on traffic to a great extent.介词+引导词,some of which, two of which, fe

26、w of whom网络带来了很多的实际好处,其中两个值得大家注意。The Internet brings many tangible benefits, two of which deserve most attention.已经采取了很多步骤去见减轻交通方面的压力,很遗憾,这些之中有些无效。Many steps have been taken to relieve the pressure on traffic, pitifully some of which are ineffective.很多人每天被广告浸泡,很少有人想到它的影响。Many people are immersed in(

27、exposed to advertisements every day, few of whom think of its impacts.状语从句:时间:when, after, before, until, once, whenever, foras, since,for the simple reason that有些人强烈反对死刑就因为它剥夺了人的生命权。他们认为,即使一个人犯了严重的罪行,其他人也无权夺取他的生命。切记:有些词后面只能加名词:Because ofDue toOwing to (好Thanks to (多亏了on account of=as a result of=th

28、anks to=at the mercy of结果:, soThus, Therefore,Consequently,Hence, As a result如此。以至于SothatSuchthat(有一个程度,有一个结果.有些小孩总是沉迷上网,因此他们可能会忽视他们的学习。Some children tend to bear so addicted to the Internet that they may tend to ignore their academic addicted do Some children tend to be to the Internet that they may ignore their academic study.条件:(如果,只要If 主谓,主谓原则:主将从现as long ason condition thatprovided thatunder the circumstances that政府应该探索太空,只要他的财政不紧张。It is advisable that the gov explore the spaceThe government can explore t

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