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1、出国ps范文出国ps范文1. 美国留学文书PS怎样写才能更好的体现本人 晓得大家很忙,所以先供应个摘要,假如感爱好,可以再看具体内容。 摘要 1. PS三大准绳a. 不说废话b. 突出重点c. 规律严密2. PS三大境界a. 摆现实b. 讲道理c. 更高境界大家在刚开头写美国留学ps时,确定都有不晓得该写啥的感觉,然后在写完PS后还有不清晰该怎样改的经受。为此信任许多人花了不少冤枉时间,其实假如本人对衡量一篇PS的标准有所熟悉的话,这些都完全可以避开,同时大大提高本人在预备申请材料时的工作效率。 下面总结个人在修改众多PS后的一些心得体会。A.Rule of Thumb下面具体引见各个准绳。

2、1.不说废话许多人的美国留学ps读起来不爽就是由于写了许多废话。看完后总结一下没讲什么内容,废话还不少。 这样给人的印象是你的文章特别空洞,次要观点没有得到强有力的支持,让老外觉得你这个人不擅长抓住问题本质。而且,废话多了,本人出错的机会也增多了,一旦PS里有几句话没表达清晰的话,读者可能就看不下去了(人家又不是在做阅读理解),这样对我们非常不利。 我们原来就不是native speakers,语法错误要尽量避开,语言表达要尽量地道,废话要尽量不说!所以建议大家在修改本人PS时,认真分析每一句话,假如该话存在与不存在对文章本身没有什么大的影响的话,那这句话很有可能就是废话。2.突出重点许多人在

3、写PS时都不清晰本人究竟要写啥,不晓得怎样开头,不晓得怎样结尾,想尽方法怎样讲个故事好吸引老外,等等一大堆想法。 有想法当然很好,但发觉本人想法越多,越不晓得怎样下手,结果写出来的PS掺杂了众多特色元素,搞得五花八门的,没讲一点实质内容。这里,我得提示大家一点,我们写PS的首要目的是要展现本人,让老外能在扫你PS的30秒内尽可能地了解你这个人。 所以怎样把你本人引见清晰了怎样来。许多人刚开头写PS时期望太高,恨不得本人写出一篇千古奇文,结果发觉花了几个小时,甚至几天就写了几句或几段,结果还不太尽人意。 我就说这是何必呢,盖房子也得一砖一瓦来,与其花那么多功夫想怎样在形式上出众,还不如认真分析一

4、下怎样把握重点。为了讲清晰点,我以申请PHD的PS为例来详细谈谈。 不管你的PS如何花哨,或者如何朴实,我觉得申PHD的PS最好能回答以下几个审材料的人比较关注或感爱好的话题:a. 你的学习成果/力量b. 你的讨论经受c. 你对要申专业的熟悉d. 你的讨论爱好e. 你为什么选这个学校f. 你觉得你的那些技能/特点/经受如何更好地关心你完成PHD学业当然还有其他话题,这里的目的不是为了穷举它们,只是简洁举例。所以,我给大家的一点建议是,不管你最终采纳什么样的形式来组织你的PS,第一步应当做的是具体回答这些你能想到的重要问题。 说点土的,我把这些问题一段一段地回答,然后略微加点连接词,考虑一下段段

5、间关系,PS初稿就出来了。咱不是native speakers,拼文采确定拼不过本土同学,说出来的话也不行能像他们那样地道、一语中的。 因而,我们不应当拿着鸡蛋去碰石头,我们只需要谈实质内容。老外招我们去做讨论的,不是去写作的,所以有效地表达展现本人才是关键,这就要求我们首先集中争论重点问题。 3. 规律严密在看完许多同学的PS之后,让我觉得很圆满的一点就是,许多人原来有很牛的经受,假如好好表达,应当会达到不错的效果,惋惜他们就是没有把握住问题关键,平白直述本人的经受,加上一些废话,规律也没表达清晰,结果让人看着看着就lost了,没明白作者究竟要讲啥。但假如多读几遍,认真梳理作者的思路,又发觉

6、其实这哥们/大姐还不错,挺牛的,但就是没能清晰地表达本人。 很重要的缘由就是作者没有一条很清楚的规律思路,比如文章每段的段落大意是什么,段段之间怎样连接,读者读完后所获得的最次要的内容是什么,等等。许多人不认真考虑这个问题,把本人深深地埋在PS的各个角落里,本人都说不清晰本人PS最想表达的几个观点是什么,这样的话你让人家怎样在很短的时间内理解你究竟要讲啥?一句话,想清晰本人究竟要讲什么。 1. 不说废话2. 突出重点3. 规律严密B.PS三大境界1. 摆现实2. 讲道理3. 更高境界前面讲了在写PS时要遵照的基本准绳,现在简洁谈谈什么样的PS是比较好的PS。其实内容与前面紧密相关,只是从不同角

7、度来看同一个问题。 信任许多人在写PS时都盼望能找一些好的范文当模板。圆满的是大家能找到的都是网上流传的一些零零散散的模板。 先要申明,你在这篇文章里找不到任何模板或范文,PS涉及到许多个人信息,估量飞友也就在伴侣或同门弟子之间传阅,公布出来的也是已经被N多人仿照的文章。我就依据我看过的一些PS简洁总结一下PS的三个档次,不过要强调的是,“文无定律”,真正擅长表达本人的,或者写作水平超群的,是不需要刻意追求肯定的标准,自然地写出来的可能就是一篇特别优秀的PS。 所以,我也只是泛泛而谈,意在抛砖引玉,供大家参考。1.摆现实这种PS作者讲了本人许多经受。 什么个人成果,讨论经受,实习/工作经受,其

8、他课外活动等等。现实列了一大堆,内容看着还充实,基本合格,算是个PS(估量这已经是国内申请同学PS的平均。 2. 出国留学ps范文之哥伦比亚高校本科状况如何 优秀出国留学ps范文 家庭情意篇(Family Ties) “He looks like Old Man Winter,” my friend Mark said, looking at a picture of my grandfather, whose steel-white mustache and thinning wisps around his mostly bald scalp gave off a sense of war

9、m wisdom and beneficence。 In the picture he is holding my two-year-old cousin and because of that he smiles in happiness。 “Is he the one who takes you skiing?” “Yeah,” I answered, “he taught me how to ski。 ” “Wow, cool guy。” Stubborn, sometimes miserly but often grandly generous, my grandfather has

10、been one of the greatest positive influences in my life, and he is one of my few heroes。 Though he did not always get along with his three daughters, he is definitely one of the greats in the eyes of his five grandchildren。 When I was two he bought a ski house in New Hampshire in order to teach his

11、grandchildren to ski, having learned himself only five years earlier。 At age five I was taken out to the mountain and, under my grandfathers instruction, was soon the terror of the bunny slope。 When I was eight, he put me on the tennis court with an oversized wooden racket in my hands, and proceeded

12、 to teach me the basics of the game, a game that he had himself learned only in his fifties。 Over the past few summers, as I taught tennis at the camp at my school, I found his words coming out through my lips: “Keep your racket back, your eyes on the ball, and follow through。 ” It has taken me this

13、 long to realize how much my grandfather has taught me。 At eight years old it seemed natural to me that every time I went to my grandparents house, he would take me to the Boston Science Museum and explain the latest exhibit。 On the swan boats in the Public Gardens he would tell stories of the dange

14、rous hospital ship he served on in World War II。 I looked forward to long trips with him to Beth Israel Hospital for treatment of his psoriasis, even though when we got to the hospital I would have to sit in the car, looking out for the meter maid with a handful of change。 My grandfather was as well

15、 known for taking all his grandchildren out for tennis and a movie as he was for bringing the salesman at the Toyota dealership to the verge of tears, trying to cut a deal。 He is as happy playing his violin as he is sitting down with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream。 He taught me, above all else, t

16、hat if there is something you want to do, there is a way to do it。 His life is that story。 Even though now, at 78, because of a bad knee he might not be able to play tennis or take me skiing as much as hed like, he still sets the example for his grandchildren and teaches the lesson and that he has a

17、ll along: never stop learning。 下面附有这篇出国留学ps范文的参考译文: “他看上去像冬日老人,”我伴侣马克看着我爷爷的一张照片说道。爷爷灰白的胡子和秃顶四周仅剩的几绺头发分发出暖心的睿智和慈善。 照片上,爷爷抱着我两岁的表弟,心满足足,脸上显露了幸福的浅笑。“就是他带你去滑雪的吗?” “是的,”我答道,“他教会了我滑雪。 ” “哇,够酷的家伙。” 我爷爷生性倔强,有时吝啬小气,但常常是慷慨大度。 他是我生活中对我正面影响最大的人物之一,也是我心中不多的几个英雄之一。虽然他和他三个女儿的关系并非一直融洽,可他肯定是他五个孙儿孙女眼中的伟人。 我两岁时,爷爷在新汉普

18、什买了一间滑雪屋,教他的孙儿孙女滑雪,虽然他本人五年前刚学滑雪。 五岁时,我被带上了山,在爷爷的指点下,我很快把山坡上那些雪地小妞吓得目瞪口呆。 八岁时,爷爷让我双手握着一只大大的木质球拍,把我摆到了网球场上,开头给我上网球基础课,这是他到了五十好几才学习的一项运动。在过去的几个夏天,每当我在学校里的训练营地教同学打网球时,我发觉爷爷的话总是挂在我的嘴边:“球拍往后,眼睛看着球,盯着球跑。 ”直到今日我才明白,爷爷教会了我很多东西。 3. 留学ps怎样写 留学ps怎样写?出国留学ps模板After passing out of engineering college in 1999 with

19、distinction and honors in my Bachelor of engineering, I had the opportunity to join an organization as an engineer in the production department。 The company was well known world wide for its quality products and superior engineering。 It was there that I realized that the primary objective of any ind

20、ustry was to generate profits by manufacturing products at a reasonable cost。 Thus my interest started leaning more towards the financial aspect of the organization。 Since then I have been enthralled by the role that finance plays in any industry。 It was then that I decided to go in for an MBA in fi

21、nance。 The realization that the prospects for growth were enormous came to me during my two years on the shop floor。 It always been my dream to work upwards in an organization and I believe that an MBA from your esteemed institution will help me in achieving that goal。 I believe that your institutio

22、n can provide me a platform from where I can tackle all types of problems in my professional career。 The opportunity I seek now is to build overall competence, maximizing my strengths and ionizing whatever weaknesses of youth and inexperience I may have。 I want to specialize in Finance; to be in the

23、 forefront of modern knowledge in the field of specialization。 I want to be trained in an institution that combines a high level of academic research with professionalism and expertise in modern methods of teaching and learning。 And this must be in a country that has made innovative breakthroughs in

24、 technology, production, marketing management and finance the United States of America。 I want to acquire analytical skills necessary for proper appraisal of financial problems for example, and develop a financial culture suitable for a fast-growing economy which has got lot to catch up with-the Ind

25、ian economy。 The education I seek must be one that helps me make sensible investment and financial decision and perhaps teach others through the service of consultancy and counsel。 I am looking for an intensive learning environment where I can develop。(a) A critical understanding of the body of know

26、ledge and research relating to business and management。 (b) An ability to exercise judgment as to the appropriateness and potential value of concepts, models and techniques learned to the effective management of an organization backed。 4. 如何写好出国留学PS PS的长度 在欧美,PS归为ESSAY(漫谈)类,是一种短小精悍的文体。 笔者曾深化讨论过欧美出版的

27、优秀PS文选,无不短小精悍,内容却特别丰满,文笔美丽。 一般来说一篇PS的正常长度为600-800英文单词,而相当多的中国申请人的PS超长。 笔者甚至见到某些人的PS写到3千多字。 PS必需紧扣所要申请那个专业的主题写,主线要明确,不要盲目的共性化很多人都一知半解地听说PS需要独特共性(unique),和煽情(Emotional),因而挖空心思地找本人的独特点和乱煽情,结果往往南辕北辙,很多多中国申请人往往用大段篇幅写一些不相干的共性,在招生者眼中,这完全不着边际(make no sense)。 结构简洁,连接紧密,主线明确,便于理解 “Simple is the best”请记住,招生人员每

28、天要读大量的申请材料,只要那种简洁有力重点突出的文章才能打动招生人员。留学文书其实是您个人的广告,您认真想想,给您留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而有力的?中国申请人往往倾向于把本人的优点不分主次全都告知招生人员,导致的结果就是招生人员对你的全体印象的模糊。 笔者认为,PS中什么都是重点,就等于没有重点。 细心支配PS和其它文件的关系 如上所述,PS,推举信,简历等文件构成一整套申请文件系统,既需要相互应证,也需要这些文件各有侧重点。 因而在写作这些文件之前必需总体构思支配文章的规划和每个文件突出的重点。 很多申请人将本该由简历或推举信突出的内容放在PS中,这样不但形成信息的无效反复,同时弱化了

29、PS应起的作用。 语言表达层面上肯定要用地道的英语 中国人本人读得很顺的英语往往是按中文的语言规律写成的中式英语,不但会大大减弱您想表达的意思,产生误会,而且会让招生人员看起来很单调无味(DULL)。 有些申请人,特殊是考过GRE的申请人,用词句式过于夸张,奇怪,不符合英语的思维习惯和文风。 这种中国学院英语,其实常常让外国教授难以理解或是看后笑得前仰后合。完成的文件最好由母语人士进行修改。 5. 美国留学文书ps怎样写 一、美国留学PS开头-反复简历型 I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Sciences with a specializati

30、on in in 2002 at university 点评:美国留学ps不要去反复简历中的东西,这在许多学校的PS要求中明确提到,个人陈述的写作要详细到大事上,大事处理上,而不要单纯反复已有的内容。 二、美国留学PS开头-学校引见型 I am an undergraduate inUniversity , the largest university anda cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. 点评:该同学的ps开头等于是一个申请学校的简介,这似乎是在关心学校做宣扬,或表达你有多了解该学校,而不是写个人陈述了。这

31、是没有意义的开头,白白铺张了字数,最简单被秒据掉。 三、美国留学PS开头-抄袭句式型 As a student majoring in Computer Science, I began my odyssey since I entered undergraduate program. Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new. 点评:Odyssey 和more than greedy for something new 这种句式不晓得是从哪里学到的,

32、许多同学在用。但你要晓得,老外最恨抄袭,最喜原创,所以利害关系大家想想吧。 四、美国留学PS开头-救世主型 I am a problem solver. I have an impulse as a kind of instincts to solvevarious problems before me and enjoy doing that. Since I was a little boy, a voice from President Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovered around my mind, The world can be changed by mans endeavor, 点评:一副救世主的抽象,小时候就受富兰克林的影响,立志转变世界。ps的写作肯定要个人化详细化,别吹大牛,甚至带着一种霸权主义思维。 6. 出国留学ps写作的四个步骤是什么 1。 列

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