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1、江苏苏州市苏大实验学年七年级下学期期初英语试题江苏苏州市苏大实验2020-2021学年七年级下学期期初英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1I _ free this afternoon. When _ shall we meet?Ahave; else Bam; other Cdont have; other Dam not; else2I hope _ the game.Athem to win Bthey will win Cthey to win Dthem win3Mary is a good student. She _ her lessons.Aall likes

2、Bis like all Cis all likes Dlikes all4There is _ “h” in the word hour, but _ “h” isnt pronounced(发音).Aan; an Ba; a Can; the Da; the5My dad often _, but my mother never takes any _.Aexercise, exercise Bexercises, exercisesCexercises, exercise Dexercise, exercises6He at home. he is not. You can ring h

3、im up.Amaybe; May be Bmay be; May be Cmay be; Maybe Dmaybe; Maybe7There are _ in the reading room, but some arent _ for the students to read.Aenough books, easy enoughBenough books, enough easyCbooks enough, easy enoughDbooks enough, enough easy8Jack _ lots of time _ pumpkin lanterns.Aspend; making

4、Bspends; to make Cspend; to make Dspends; making9Dad, my jeans are old. I want to buy a new _.Ajeans Bit Cone Dpair10Would you like _ orange juice, sir?Amany Bsome Cany Da lot11Hes glad to _ his pen _ me. Now Im using it.Alend; to Bborrow; from Clend; from Dborrow; to12Do you like swimming in winter

5、? Of course. The water _ a little cold at first but then I am warm and full of energy.Afeels Btastes Csmells Dlooks13_ do you work on the computer every day? Hard to say! Six hours or more.AHow often BHow many CHow much DHow long14Sally, you look beautiful _ the silk dress.Thanks! I buy it for the p

6、arty _the evening of February 15th.Ain; on Bin; in Con; on Don; in15Does this dress _ me? Quite well. How much does it _?Afit; spend Bfit; cost Cmatch; cost Dmatch; spend二、完型填空 Health is the most important thing for any of us. In order to 16 fit, we need some common knowledge. Firstly, pay attention

7、 to the diet(饮食). We should eat lots of fruit and 17 because they are rich in fiber(纤维)and low in fat. As a proverb says, An apple a day 18 the doctor away. Dont have a lot of food that contains(包含)fat, such as 19 . At the same time, we should eat sweets in proper quantity(合适的数量) 20 too much sugar i

8、s bad for us. Dont drink too much coffee, either. Secondly, exercise is 21 . Regular(规律) exercise can keep us from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have better hearts. Finally, have 22 living habits. We should 23 for about 8 hours at night, and never work too 24 . Whats more, 25

9、cigarettes(香烟). These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.16Ahave Bsound Ckeep Dadd17Adrinks Bvegetables Cmeat Dsalt18Akeeps Bvisits Cchanges Dlooks19Ameat Btomato Cbanana Dcarrot20Abut Bbecause Cor Dand21Aimportant Bbad Cenough Deasy22Abad Beasy Chard Dgood23Aplay Bsleep

10、 Ceat Dexercise24Alate Bbusy Cdifficultly Dearly25Aget out Bask for Cstay away from Dtake on三、阅读单选 Cindy and her friends are going to make a Fashion Wall in the classroom. Lets have look at whats on it. ShirtJeansDress JacketFeatureCleanComfortableElegant(优雅)Not long, not largeColourWhiteDark blueBl

11、ack GreyMaterial CottonCottonCottonLeatherOccasionFormal(正式的)Informal(不正式的)FormalInformal26Which kind of clothes has the feature of elegant?AShirt. BJeans. CDress. DJacket.27Whats the meaning of the underlined word Occasion in the form?A色系 B款式 C场合 D位置 The Witch touches the Fishermans hair. Her hand

12、is thin and white. Dance with me, Fisherman, she says. She is smiling. Is that all? asks the Fisherman.That is all, she answers. She smiles again. We can dance at sunset, he says. Then you can tell me how to send my soul away.The Witch shakes her head.When the moon is full, she says. She goes over t

13、o the Fisherman and she speaks close to his ear. Tonight at the top of the mountain, she whispers. The Fisherman looks at the Witch. Wait for me at the top of the mountain, under the tree. When the moon is full, we can dance together.Yes, cries the Fisherman. Tonight we can dance. Its a small price

14、for me.He runs back to the town. He is happy. The Witch watches him leave. She goes into the cave. She looks in a mirror. She is angry. Why does he not love me? I am beautiful, too. Why does he love the Mermaid and not me?28The Fisherman wants to _.Adance with the Witch Bsend his soul awayCleave his

15、 town Dbuy something from the Witch29The Witch asks the Fisherman to dance with her _.Aat sunset Bat night Cat noon Dat sunrise30What does the underlined word whisper mean?A低声说 B吹口哨 C怒吼 D答应31Why is the Witch very angry?ABecause the Fisherman thinks she is ugly.BBecause she cannot dance with the Fish

16、erman.CBecause the Fisherman loves the Mermaid, not her.DBecause the Witch can do nothing for the Fisherman.四、补全对话7选5A: Oh! Its Friday after such a busy week. B: Yes. What are you going to do tomorrow?A: 32 And you?B: Nothing special. 33A: Youre lucky. You can have a good rest. 34B: Sure. I love to

17、dance. A: Great! I will meet you at your house. B: 35A: At eight in the evening. Please dont keep me waiting. B: Dont worry. 36AAt what time?BIll be ready before eight.CWould you like to dance with me?DIm going to sleep late.E.In the morning I have to wash clothes.F.Would you like to go swimming?G.S

18、ee you tomorrow morning.五、根据中/英文提示填空37Nanjing Ming Dynasty City Wall looks great. How old is it? It has a 600-year _(历史).38How many _(图书馆)are there in Suzhou?39After a hard days work, l am hungry enough to eat the _ (整个的) cake.40I like eating _ (汉堡). How about you?41Lunch gives us _(能量)for the whole

19、 afternoon, but its not good to eat too much.42Eating too much sweets is bad for your _(牙齿).43Could you give me some _(零钱)? I want to make a call.44There are many kinds of _(钱包)in our shop. Please take a look.六、根据句意填空45My new trousers are quite _ from yours.46Jim wants to buy a new iPhone. It will _

20、 him more than 5, 000 yuan.七、汉译英:整句47他年龄够大了, 可以上学了。_48谢谢你给我讲这个有趣的故事。_49我享受周末与家人团聚在一起。_50玩太多电脑游戏对我们的眼睛有害。_51我经常用咖啡来招待我的朋友们。_52那个戴眼镜的男孩经常捉弄他的姐姐。_八、材料作文53 假设你参加英语演讲比赛,请你根据图示要点,向大家介绍你的好朋友David。要求1. 语言通顺、表达清楚、语法正确、书写规范; 2. 所写短文必须包括以上所有要点,并作适当发挥,使短文通顺流畅;3. 不少于70词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。David is one of my good fr

21、iends. _I am sure you will make friends with David.参考答案1D【详解】句意:我今天下午没空。其他什么时候我们再见面?考查否定句和else的用法。根据“When . shall we meet?”可知重新约时间,应该是下午没空,形容词“free”前用be动词构成主系表结构,表示没空用am not free;other和else都表示“其他的”,但只有else能用于疑问词之后。故选D。2B【详解】句意:我希望他们赢得比赛。考查hope的用法。hope可用于hope to do sth.结构,但不能用于hope sb. to do sth.结构;其

22、后可接省略that的宾语从句。结合选项只有“they will win”是hope后接宾语从句的用法,符合语法及语境。故选B。3D【详解】句意:玛丽是个好学生。她喜欢所有的课。考查like的用法。like作动词,表示“喜欢”;like作介词,表示“像”;结合语境,句中表达的是喜欢,是动词,排除B/C选项;all“所有的”,此处是形容词词性,修饰的是后面的名词“lessons”,作定语,all her lessons“她所有的课程”,故选D。4C【详解】句意:单词“hour”中有一个“h”,但是“h”不发音。考查冠词的用法。第一处泛指有一个h,h以元音音素开头,所以用an;第二处特指hour中的

23、h,所以用定冠词the表特指。故选C。5C【分析】【详解】句意:我爸爸经常锻炼,但是我妈妈从来不锻炼。考查名词及动词用法。exercise锻炼,可以是不可数名词,也可以是动词。第一空作谓语,应该用动词,且用三单形式;第二空作宾语,应该用名词,故选C。6C【详解】句意:他可能在家。也许他不是。你可以给他打电话。考查情态动词和副词。may be是情态动词may +be(意思是“可能是”),在句子里做谓语,后面接形容词或名词或介词等,和be 构成系表结构,两者构成完整的谓语形式,意为“也许是、可能是”。maybe:adv. 也许;可能;大概。是副词,一般修饰整个句子,表示可能性的;相当于perhap

24、s,常位于句首。第一空根据句子结构,此处缺谓语动词,所以用may be,第二空不缺成分,所以用副词maybe,故选C。【点睛】1 . maybe:adv. 也许;可能;大概。是副词,一般修饰整个句子,表示可能性的;相当于perhaps,常位于句首。如:Maybe you are right.也许你是对的。Maybe religion should help to straighten him out.也许宗教信仰可以使他改邪归正。Maybe she has changed her mind.或许她已经改变了主意。Maybe it is all due to my own ignorance.也

25、许是我少见多怪。2. may be是情态动词may +be(意思是“可能是”),在句子里做谓语,后面接形容词或名词或介词等,和be 构成系表结构,两者构成完整的谓语形式,意为“也许是、可能是”。如:She may be in the office.(她可能在办公室)I differ with him on that point,though he may be right.在那一点上,我不同意他的意见,尽管他可能是对的。All of the above may be true.以上这些可能都是真的。The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is

26、true.这消息可能是出乎意料的,然而是真实的。3.有时俩者可以转换。如:He may be in the class.= Maybe he is in the class.他或许在教室.7A【解析】试题分析:句意:在阅览室里有足够的书,但是一些书对于学生来说读起来不够容易。enough足够的,修饰名词时,位于名词的前面,修饰形容词或副词时,位于形容词或副词的后面。第一空表示足够的书,故用enough books,第二空表示足够容易的,用easy enough,故选A。考点:考查形容词和副词的用法。8D【详解】句意:杰克花了很多时间做南瓜灯。考查主谓一致和非谓语。此处是表示花费的结构,spen

27、d time (in) doing sth“花费时间做某事”,第二空应用doing形式;主语是第三人称“Jack”,谓语动词应用三单形式,故选D。9D【详解】句意:爸爸,我的牛仔裤旧了,我想买一条新的。考查词义辨析。jeans牛仔裤;it它,代指前面提到的具体的某物;one一个,指上文提到过的同类事物中的一个,是泛指;pair条。根据“my jeans”可知句子讲述的是牛仔裤,句子表达“想买条新的牛仔裤”,用“a new pair of jeans”,“jeans”前面出现过,可直接用“a new pair”来表示。故选D。10B【详解】句意:先生,您想喝点橙汁吗?考查代词辨析。many许多;some一些;any任何;a lot很多。分析“Would you likeorange juice, sir?”可知,此处使用疑问句询问他人意见,应用some。故选B。11A【详解】句意:他很乐意把钢笔借给我。现在我正在用它。考查动词短语。lend sth to sb把某物借给某人;borrow sth from sb向某人借某物;根据“Now Im using it”以及句

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