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1、湖南省耒阳市届九年级英语下册第二次段考试题湖南省耒阳市冠湘学校2019届九年级英语下学期第二次段考试题(满分120分)I听力技能(25分) 听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答一个小题。(10分)( )1. Where is the boys notebook? On the desk B. In the schoolbag C. on the bed( ) 2. Where does the bus go? To the school B. To the cinema C. To the hospital( )3. When would the boy call 119?When he s

2、aw a house on fire. B. When he got ill C. When he got lost.( )4. Whats the boy doing?He is playing. B. Hes doing his homework. C. Hes reading.( )5. Whats the weather like?Its sunny. B. Its cloudy. C. Its rainy.听第六段对话,回答6-7小题。( )6. What color does the man want at first?Brown. B. Black. C. Blue.( ) 7.

3、 Will the man buy the black shoes?No, because he likes brown shoes. B. No, because theyre expensive.C.Yes, because the shoes look nice.听第七段对话,回答8-10小题。( )8、 What are the speakers going to do this weekend? Have a picnic. B. Have a party. C. Go shopping.( )9. How are they going to East Hill?By bike. B

4、. By train C. By car.( )10. What will the man bring with him?A. Some fruits and a beach umbrella. B. Beach chairs and a beach umbrella. C. Some sandwiches and potato salad.B.笔录要点。根据你听到的内容,填写下面表格,每空一词。(5分)My Dream SchoolFacilities(设施)It has a swimming pool, a dancing room, a(n) 11. field and a farm.S

5、chool hoursThe students spend 12. hours in the school on weekdays.SubjectsThere are interesting lessons such as 13. , farm work and Chinese chess.LunchThe school can provide all kinds of food for the students to 14. from and eat more happily. Teachers and studentsThe teachers are all excellent and t

6、he students are polite and 15. .C.短文理解。 听短文,根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)(10分)( )16. Horses will spend their holiday in Dobbin World.( )17. Some horses live far from Dobbin World and they are going there by train.( )18. Horses are in the same looks.( )19. Kayes books are liked by children.( )20. Kaye was

7、a music teacher in primary schools in the past. II. 知识运用单项选择。(10分)( )21.Whos that nice-looking girl ? You mean_ girl with long hair ? Thats Mary. She is _ member of club. A. a;the B. a; a C. the; a D. the ;the ( )22.We will have a _ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two months D.

8、two-months( )23.Mr. Wang doesnt come as early as our headmaster, does he ? No, our headmaster comes _ than Mr. Wang. A. much earlier B. much later C. a little early D. a little late( )24.Is this your shoe? Yes, but where is _ ?A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. the others ( )25.I think

9、David is still in the classroom. No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a moment ago. A. neednt B. shouldnt C. cant D. mustnt ( )26.Father asked Edison _ . A. what was he doing that for B. why he was doing that forC. how he was doing that for D. what he was doing that for( )27.Im sorry, Cat

10、hy. I _ your radio for such a long time. Never mind.A. have borrowed B. have lent C. have kept D. have returned ( )28.The idea worked out fine. I wonder who _ it. A. got along with B. came up with C. agreed with D. dealt with ( )29.Mom , Ive got a fever. So _ . How did you catch it ? A. have you B.

11、you have C. have I D. did I( )30.Would you mind calling me back tomorrow again ? _. A. Not at all . B. Youre welcome . C. Youre right D. Nice to meet you.B. 完形填空(10分)Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a 31for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so ma

12、ny beautiful shirts that she couldnt decide 32. At last, she chose one and bought it home. While Mr. Smith was reading a newspaper, she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know whether it would fit her husband or not. Her husband 33the shirt. But it didnt fit him 34.It was both too long and too big.

13、 Then Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. But the shirt 35didnt fit him. Now it was too small for him. She asked Tom, his son, to 36and he did so. The shirt didnt fit him, 37 . Then the woman began to wash the shirt once more to make it 38. But this time the shirt became too sho

14、rt after she washed it again. Now the little girl, her daughter was39when her mother dressed her in the shirt. Why? Because it was too large, she didnt like it at all. None of them knew40.Mrs. Smith felt so upset.【31】AshirtBshoesCclothesDshort【32】Ashe chose which oneBto choose which oneCthat which o

15、ne she choseDwhich one to choose【33】Atried onBtried outCworeDput up【34】Anot at allBat allCany longerDany more【35】AusuallyBstillCeverDalways【36】Aput on itBput it onChave on itDdress【37】AalsoBtooCas well asDeither【38】AsmallerBbiggerCthe smallestDthe biggest【39】AhappyBnervousCworriedDunhappy【40】Ahow to

16、 do withBwhat to doCwhen to doDhow to do III. 阅读技能(共四个部分,计40分)A.Beijing has experienced another day of smog(雾霾) following only two days of blue sky. The level of PM2.5 in Beijing has risen to more than 120. The national weather authority forecasts that starting from Tuesday, a new round of smoggy we

17、ather will return in some parts of China.The past month has just experienced continuous smog. China weather authority has said 31 provincial level regions on the Chinese mainland and have reported 4.7 smoggy days on average so far, which is the highest number of days since 1961. Some regions recorde

18、d 10-15 smoggy days, including cities of Beijing and Tianjin. Some areas in Shanxi, Henan and Jiangsu provinces reported a total of 15-20 smoggy days last month. Such situations cause public anger.Chinese cities should close schools, cut working hours and stop outdoor activities during the most seri

19、ous air pollution, the ministry of environmental protection has said. State media recently reported that an eight-year-old girl who lived near a busy street in the coastal province of Jiangsu had been diagnosed with lung cancer. The case of the girl, believed to be the countrys youngest lung cancer

20、patient, has caused a public outcry.China said in September it would shut down polluting mills and factories to rce coal consumption(消耗量). ( )41. The level of PM2.5 in Beijing has risen to over 120.( )42. Chinese cities shouldnt close schools during the most serious air pollution.( )43. The eight-ye

21、ar-old girl in the coastal province of Jiangsu had been diagnosed with blood cancer.( )44. So many smoggy days in a month cause public anger in some areas.( )45. China will do something to rce smoggy weather.B.Whats the coolest kind of transportation (交通) for middle school students back from winter

22、holidays? A racing bike? A car? No, its a special kind of shoes called Heelys (暴走鞋). Heelys look just like common sports shoes, but they have a wheel (轮子) hidden (藏) in the heel (鞋跟). So instead of walking, kids can fly around in them.Wearing Heelys is fun and cool! said Wu Peng, a boy who wore them

23、 on his first day back at No. 6 Middle School in Beijing. Wu Peng said he loves the shoes so much that he wears them to go here and there. Sometimes he even follows his parents car to the supermarket in his Heelys!Other students also think they are very cool, but some arent so lucky with their Heely

24、s. Its said that some children fell down and got hurt while wearing these shoes. Heelys wheels are in the heels of the shoes, so its easy to fall, said Liu Rui, a doctor at the Hong Kong International Medical Clinic. Even worse, Liu said, Wearing Heelys for a long time could stop young people from d

25、eveloping their legs.46. Whats the coolest kind of transportation according to the passage?( ) A. A car. B. A racing bike. C. A pair of Heelys. D. A pair of common sports shoes.47. Why do kids like Heelys when they wear them? ( )A. Because they can fly in space. B. Because they can walk fast.C. Beca

26、use they are fun and cool. D. Because they can skate. 48. Heelys are common shoes with _ the heel. ( ) A. a wheel hidden in B. a wheel in front ofC. an arm hidden in D. a leg hidden in49. Not all the kids are lucky because some of them _.( ) A. have no money to buy them B. are afraid of falling down

27、C. are not allowed to wear them D. fell down and got hurt50. What does the doctor think of Heelys? ( )A. They are too expensive to buy. B. They are too fast to go.C. They are bad for kids health. D. They are good for training. C.A ten-year-old boy was weak in math. His parents tried their best to he

28、lp him but everything they did was useless. Finally, they decided to send him to a Catholic(天主教的) school.On the first day, the boy came back with a very serious look on his face. He said nothing. Instead he went straight to his room and quietly closed the door.For nearly two hours, he kept himself i

29、n the room with his math books. He had a quick meal, went back to his room again and worked until it was bed time. The behavior continued until the first exam came.The boy came back, put the report card on the table and went straight to his bedroom. Carefully, his mother opened it. What surprised he

30、r most was that she saw a bright red ”A” under the subject of math. They were satisfied with his sons grade. She and her husband rushed into their sons room happily and asked how he could make much progress in such a short time.The son said “On that first day, when I walked through the front door and saw that guy on the plus sign(十字架), I just knew what I should do from then on!”51. Did the parents help their son in math? 52. How long did the boy stay in his room on the first day to the new school? 53. Who looked at the boys report card first? 54. Were the parents satisfied

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