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F4Franklins Promise 小乌龟学美语文本Word文档格式.docx

1、!早上好?!Its a terrible morning mom.这是个很糟糕的早晨,妈妈。Im supposed to go on a bike ride but look outside.我本来要去骑车,不过你看外面。Hmmmthats odd.嗯真奇怪。Its not raining on the other side of the house.没下雨啊,在房子的另一边。It isnt?那边没下?Heyit isnt.嘿是没有下。Huh?呃?Whats going on?怎么回事儿?Ive never seen a flower do this before.从没见过花还会做这个。Exc

2、use me son.孩子,让开点儿。Ive got work there.我得修修这个。Umwhat do you call that kind of flower dad?嗯你会怎么称呼这种花,爸爸?A Waterlily, Sprinkler-matic.一个睡莲自动洒水器。What I should have bought was just a simple sprinkler that fits on the end of the garden hose.我真该买一个简单的洒水器,能和花园的软管头接上就行了。Oh.哦。Todays my big bike ride.今天我要好好骑骑自

3、行车。Did you get my bike all ready to go?我的自行车修好了吗?Id just started it when this happened.我刚开始修的时候,这个洒水器坏了。My bikeits not ready!我的车还没有修好!Aww呃You said youd have it ready Dad.你说过你会修好的,爸爸。You said youd do it first thing.你说过要先修车的。你答应过的,记得吗?Yes Franklin, I know I did and Im sorry.嗯,富兰克林,我知道我答应过,对不起。Ill fix

4、your bike as soon as I fix this.我修完这个之后马上就给你修车。Hey, its working!.Keep going!嘿,有用了!继续拧!Thats it!.Just a little bit more Dad!就这样!再拧一点儿,爸爸!Maybe Ill be done this sooner than I thougAhhhhhh!或许我能快一些修好,比我想啊啊!Hows he going to get this fixed before my friends get here?他怎么能修好呢?在我的朋友到来之前。Hey, Franklin!嘿,富兰克林!

5、Awww no, theyre here already!啊,不,他们已经来了!Hi Franklin!你好,富兰克林!Here we are!我们来了!Im ready, but my bicycle isnt.我没问题,可是我的车还没有好。Oh no哦,不How come?怎么回事?Well, my dad didnt fix it like he promised.嗯,我爸爸没有修理它,没像他答应的那样。Hes doing something else instead.他还在做别的事儿呢。Yeah, what is he doing?是吗,他在干嘛呢?Fixing the sprinkl

6、ermatic.在修理自动洒水器。It may not be how a plumber would do it, but since Im not a plumber管道工可能不会这么做,不过我又不是管道工That ought to hold it for a while.这也许能坚持一会儿。Can you fix my bike now, Dad?爸爸,现在能给我修车吗?Sure.当然。Ill get right on it.我马上就动手。Oh boy!哦,太好了!你们能等等我吗?Well wait.我们等你。Sure, no problem.当然,没问题。 Yeah, I dont mi

7、nd waiting.是啊,我不介意等你。Thats great!太好了!Thanks guys.谢谢你们。Ahhh, it will be nice to work out of the rain.啊,这种感觉真好,不用在雨里干活。How long will it take you Dad?爸爸,需要多长时间能修好?Not long I hope.希望不会很长。Id like to get the job done before my tools are too rusty to work.我想我可以把它搞定,在工具生锈之前。Great.太好了。Dont worry guys, my dad

8、 will have this fixed in no time.大家别担心,我爸爸很快就会修好的。Hey, does that ever look neat!嘿,看那个东西多酷啊!Look how big it is!看,多大啊!Oh no.Aaah!啊!Whoa!哇!Look at it go!看他飞走了!It look like a water rocket!就像一个水力火箭一样!It look like a wet comet!像一颗水彗星!It looks like Ill have to try something else.看样子我得试试其他的办法了。Sorry, Frankli

9、n.对不起,富兰克林。Ive got to get this water under control and我必须把这个水管弄好,然后I know.我知道。Youll fix my bike as soon as you fix the sprinkler.你会给我修自行车,要等先修好洒水器。Wellmaybe when we come back later your bike will fixed.呃没准我们再来的时候,过一会,你的车就修好了。Right?对吗?Thats right.没错。Yeah, maybe it will be done then.是啊,也许那会儿会修好的。Yeah!

10、好的!Awww!Uh no!I dont think you need to hurry.我想你们不必急着回来。Okay.好的。Bye Franklin.再见,富兰克林。See you Franklin.回头见,富兰克林。Yeah, see you later.是啊,回头见Bye.再见。Maybe my raincoat will keep me drier.也许我穿件雨衣,就不会被淋得这么湿。This isnt the day you planned, is it?今天和计划的不一样,对吗?Thats for sure.当然了。Dads never going to have time to

11、 fix my bike today.今天爸爸不会有时间给我修自行车了。I just know it.我就知道。Well, he is doing something pretty important.哦,他现在在做很重要的事情。More important than keeping a promise?胜过遵守承诺吗?Promises are important, and we all want to keep them, but sometimes emergencies happen that change our plans.诺言很重要,我们都希望能够遵守,可是有的时候会有紧急的事情发

12、生,计划就得改变。My plans sure got changed.我得计划的确是改变了。I was wondering if I could help you make some new plans.我想是不是能帮你再做个新的计划?Like what?什么计划?When your friends come back from their bike ride, you could have a picnic together.等你的朋友们回来之后,骑过自行车,你们可以一起去野餐。Oh yeah.哦,好啊。Thats a great idea!好主意!A picnic, with potato

13、 salad and veggie dippers and devils eggs有土豆沙拉的野餐,还有蔬菜拼盘和鬼烤鸡蛋I think you mean deviled eggs.你是说辣味烤鸡蛋吧?Yeah, a bunch of those.是啊,一大堆那样的好吃的。And butterscotch brownies and pink lemonade with crazy straws and还有奶油糖果,核桃仁巧克力饼,粉红柠檬水,用螺旋吸管喝,还有Whoa, slow down.哇,慢点说。Thats a big menu.那个菜单可不小啊。Are you going to hel

14、p me so that I can get everything ready in time?你能帮我点儿忙,以便能及时准备好所有的东西吗?Oh sure, Ill help you mom.哦,当然,我来帮你,妈妈。I promise.我保证。Alright then, wed better get to work.那好吧,我们就最好开始工作吧。Ill need some vegetables from the garden.我需要摘些蔬菜。从园子里。Ill get right on it Mom!我马上去办,妈妈!Oh!哦!Did I mention orange jelly with

15、litter marshmallows in it?我刚才说了橙味果冻了吗?带小果汁软糖的?It wouldnt be a picnic without that.没有那个,就不叫野餐了。Thanks, Mom.谢谢你,妈妈。Youre welcome, Franklin.别客气,富兰克林。Lets see, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots andpotatoes.我来看看,西红柿,生菜,胡萝卜,还有土豆。Thats what I want first.那可是我首先要挖的。Whoooaaa! !EahhhhhWhoooaa呜啊哇Im coming Mr. Fox!狐狸先生

16、,我来了!WhoooaaaWhewI was one step away from disaster.呼差点就坏事了。Thanks Franklin.多谢你了,富兰克林。If you werent here to help, Id have dropped all my treasures.如果没你帮忙,我的宝贝全都掉地上了。Treasures?宝贝?I can them treasures.我叫它们宝贝。The Skunks are having a yard sale and I bought all this for five dollars.臭鼬家在做后院展销,我花了五块钱就买了这么多

17、东西。WowDoes that clock work?哇那个钟准吗?At three-thirty every day it does.每天三点半的时候准。Thats the time its stuck on.它就停在三点半啊。Oh oh.哦噢。Um嗯Maybe I should help you carry some of this home. Mr.Fox.也许我该帮您搬一部分到您家里,狐狸先生。Well thank you Franklin.哦,谢谢你,富兰克林。I appreciate you taking the time to help me.很感谢你花时间帮我。No probl

18、em.别客气。It wont take long.不会花很长的时间的。If we go by that clock, it wont take any time at all.如果按照这个钟计时的话,根本就不花时间。Dad!爸爸!Youre going to fix my bike?你去修我的车吗?As promisedThis is, as long as my latest patch job holds.我答应过的前提是,如果刚才的补丁能坚持一段时间的话。Wow, thats a BIG patch job.哇,这可真是个大修补。Huh!哈!Instead of a waterlily

19、Sprinkler-matic, Ive got a Duct Tape Sprinkler-matic.现在已经不是个睡莲自动洒水器了,而是一个胶管自动洒水器。So, would you like to give me a hand with this?那么,你能愿意帮个忙,和我一起修吗?Oh gee, sorry Dad, I cant。哦,爸爸,对不起,我不能。I promised Mom Id help her with the picnic.我答应妈妈帮忙准备野餐。Ive got to get back to work!我得回去帮忙了。Easy, Bear.放松点儿,小熊。Weve

20、got you.已经没事了。Oh my!哦,天哪!小熊,发生什么事儿了?A stick got caught in my wheel and I fell off my bike.一根棍子卡在我的车轮里,我从车上摔下来。Oh no!让我看看。Hmm很严重吗?Well, youve got quite a scrape, Bear.哦,你的擦伤很严重,小熊。But youre in luck, because Im much better a first aid than I am at plumbing.不过,你很幸运,因为我会救急,比起我修水管可强多了。Ill get the first-a

21、id kit, Dad!爸爸,我去拿急救箱。Heres another piece, Dad.再来一块,爸爸。ThanksFranklin.谢谢,富兰克林。How does your knee feel now,你的膝盖感觉怎么样?Bear?小熊?OhhhOwwwwI dont think Ill be able to walk home.呃呜哦我觉得没办法走回家了。Dont worry about that, well drive you home after the Sprinkler-matic.别担心,我们会再特参完后开车送你回家。Picnic?野餐?I was going to, I

22、 just didnt get a chance.我打算说,可是一直没有机会。Everything is ready, over beside the pond.所有东西都准备好了,就在池塘旁边。Oh boy, a picnic!哦,天哪,野餐!This is great!Im starved!我饿极了!That is great!Wait up guys.大家等等。It looks like Bears knee is feeling a lot better.好像小熊的膝盖感觉好多了。Yes, nothing takes your mind off your troubles like p

23、ink lemonade and brownies.是啊,没什么东西能分散你对疼痛的注意力,除了粉红柠檬水和核桃巧克力饼。And orange jelly with little marshmallows in it?是不是还做了橙味果冻?带小果汁软糖的。I made that too.是的,我做了。Thanks Mom谢谢你,妈妈I didnt even help you, and I promised I would.我甚至都没有帮你,虽然我答应会帮忙。I figured something important must have come up.我觉得肯定有更重要的事情发生了。It di

24、d!是啊!Two times!两件事儿呢!Well, youve had a busy morning.啊,你今天早上可真忙啊。You must be hungry.你肯定饿了。Yeah, I am.是啊,我饿了。Dad, I know you promised to fix my bike, but Ill understand if you have other important things to take care of first.爸爸,我知道虽然你答应了给我修车,不过我能够理解,如果你有更重要的事情要处理。No, I plan to fix your bike right after lunch.不,我计划给你修车。午饭后马上就修。But sometimes plans change, right Dad?可是有时候计划会改变,对吗,爸爸?Im afraid so.恐怕是的。But something more important has come upa picnic.不过有更重要的事情要做一次野餐。Yeah, thats way more important.是啊,那个要重要得多。YesI think youre right.没错你说得没错。

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