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1、自动收线机构设计资料 自動收線機構設計資料 (Data of cordreel)一收線基本原理二收線機構的主要方式 1. 內部幾構介紹 2. 排線方式比較 3. 鎖定及收線機構 4. 限速機構 三UL規格電源線的自動收線機構 1. 電源線規格 2. 安規要求 3. 有關專利 4. 空間要求 四JQA規格電源線的自動收線機構 1. 電源線規格 2. 安規要求 3. 有關專利 4. 空間要求 五其他收線方式 1 收線基本原理1. 自動收線原理 自動收線機構是利用平面渦旋簧的儲能釋能及棘輪機構的單向鎖定進 行收放線。將電源線拉出時平面渦旋簧儲能停止拉出時轉軸在渦旋簧作用下迴轉至被棘輪機構鎖定電源線停

2、止動作收線時利用按鈕或其他方式打開鎖定機構使平面渦旋簧的儲能釋放帶動轉軸將電源線纏繞收回。2. 用途 自動收線機構應用在熨斗和其它家電產品上的主要目的是在使用完畢後將電源線收納起來便于存放。3. 適用的電源線 自動收線機構的電源線主要為兩線(不帶地線) 的橡膠線目前有日本市場JQA規格的電源線及美國市場UL規格的電源線歐洲市場TUV規格的棉紗線由于受卷線空間及表層抗摩強度的限制目前尚未有自動收線的應用。 二收線機構的主要方式 1內部機構介紹:下面以7301為例闡述自動收線裝置的內部機構首先由後蓋和中介蓋板組成收線的空間及中介蓋板提供收線的旋轉軸。在旋轉軸的前端安裝有大小滑電環。此兩個滑電環的作


4、它的一端與後卷線筒相聯另一端與中介蓋板上的槽相聯。這樣當電源線向外拉出時渦旋簧就會儲能。在後卷線筒上裝有壓緊板以防止渦旋簧在上預緊力時會彈出而增加不安全因素。在前端由按鈕釋放彈簧鎖定片前卷線筒上的棘輪組成收線的釋放機構。當按鈕按下時鎖定片會釋放前卷線筒上的棘輪機構使電源線收進。不按時電源線停止。在按鈕鎖定片下有復位彈簧。該收線機構下面有兩個螺釘將後蓋中介蓋板鎖附在一起。在中介蓋板的下部有卡勾機構可以與隔基卡接。上部從後面穿過後蓋中介蓋板有兩個螺釘鎖附在固定在本體上的鎖定片上。收線長度電源線外露1。85M 2排線方式比較:根據收線時電源線的排布方式可將收線裝置分為單圈和多圈兩種現將其特點比較如下

5、表排線方式單圈多圈典型樣機TSK-736SANYO A-R82(W)PANASONIC NI-45GX排線規律 較規則隨機排列每次都不同層次不分明較不規則摩擦阻力 只有上下圈之間的摩擦阻力小拉收線時較順暢除上下圈之間的摩擦外左右及傾斜方向會產生擠壓和斜嵌磨損嚴重拉收線時較不順暢佔用空間(相同電源線長度下)徑向佔用空間大軸向佔用空間小軸向佔用空間大徑向佔用空間小*收線控制依靠再次拉動電源線帶動棘輪轉離卡點使轉軸回轉依靠按鈕動作打開轉軸卡點使其回轉*限速機構一般有一般無* 收線控制機構的方式與限速機構的有無是在樣機拆解的基礎上的總結並非絕對。我們就曾作過在7302單圈卷線機構上加按鈕控制及在786

6、1卷線機構中取消按鈕而採用拉動電源線收線的嘗試但未經量產的驗證。* 收線控制機構與限速機構的方式將于下具體闡述* 在多圈收線機構中未見到限速機構的一個可能原因為多圈收線需要達到一定的速度以克服更大的收線阻力。我們發現當速度較慢時線的分佈會嚴重不均勻而沿一圈迅速爬高容易卡死。3鎖定及收線機構的方式: 棘輪方式此機構為大同公司的專利目前736單圈卷線盤即為此機構。 滑動軌道控制機構 滑動軌道結構圖此機構為SAYON產品卷線盤結構 按鈕控制機構4限速機構:三UL規格電源線的自動收線機構 1. 電源線規格 美國市場極性插 電壓:120V 電源線外露長度:244m 2. 安規要求 裸露帶電體的電氣間隙1

7、。6MM 電源線拉出收進6000次電源線的外絕緣護套不得磨破。 電源線彎曲50000次。 必須通過CUL的摔落測試。 電源線必須通過20磅(9KG) 的拉力測試。 針對以上的安規要求首先我們必須保證電氣間隙 1。60MM以上。對與收拉線6000次以及電源線彎曲50000次在機構上主要應注意入線口的設計。入線口的上下兩側向內必須是大的圓弧過渡以免尖銳的過渡會刮傷電源線另外電源線入口的左右兩側在與上下便過渡處不得出現銳角或凸出在上下兩側上的銳邊。見下圖 要通過CUL摔落測試及9千克力的拉力測試則要注 意收線裝置與本體隔基等的連接的強度及剛度另外 應該注意中介蓋板上轉軸的強度。3. 有關專利: 在7

8、861的設計過程中,我們曾受到松下專利的困擾, 主要的專利限制有兩條: . 按鈕控制的收線機構 若不用按鈕控制, 則需採取大同的棘輪機構或三洋的滑動軌道機構, 但也可能牽扯到這兩家公司的專利問題 . 底部開口以利收線 這個限制條件對收線空間影響非常大,若要底部封口,則必須給定足夠的收線空間 (有關松下在美國申請的專利原文, 請參照附錄一)4. 空間要求(多圈)三JQA規格電源線的自動收線機構 1. 電源線規格 日本市場兩扁插 電壓:100V 電源線外露長度:185m 2. 安規要求 裸露帶電體的電氣間隙2。5MM 電源線以30M/MIN的速度拉出1000次電源線的外絕緣護套不得磨破 線芯的斷線

9、率不得超過30%不得有其他異常情況。 針對以上的安規要求首先我們必須保證電氣間隙 2。50MM以上。對與收拉線1000次在機構上主要應注意入線口的設計。入線口的上下兩側向內必須是大的圓弧過渡以免尖銳的過渡會刮傷電源線另外電源線入口的左右兩側在與上下便過渡處不得出現銳角或凸出在上下兩側上的銳邊。見下圖 3. 有關專利 (缺乏資料) 4. 空間要求(多圈) 五其他收線方式為配合外觀上的需求我們還作過一些卷線的方案但由于問題較多都不成功在這裡略為提及: 1橡膠套式此種設想結構和原理十分簡單。在後蓋的前端長出一個有孔的卷線筒電源線從孔中通過直接與內配線相連。電源線卷在卷線筒上。線卷好後將套在卷線筒後部

10、的橡膠套翻過來護住電源線。但是經開了一個簡易模後發現了許多問題而無法實施。 2連杆轉動的手動收線形式此種形式結構與自動收線十分相似。所不同的是它的後卷線筒後部沒有裝儲能的平面渦旋簧而是從其後部長出一個軸在後蓋的後面上有一個連杆可以帶動整個卷線輪轉動。從而達到收線的功能。此種形式的缺點是收線要手工操作而且收線力一旦取消後卷緊的線會因線的回彈力而松動。 3插頭端的自動收線機構此種設想是將收線裝置與熨斗分離而靠近電源線的插頭端類似于收線裝置帶一插頭而用不帶插頭的電源線連接收線裝置與熨斗收線後將收線裝置掛在熨斗上。 附錄一 (美國自動卷線專利) -United States Patent 5,371,

11、960 Wilson , et al. December 13, 1994 -Iron including cord reel and water tank AbstractA garment iron including a rear face to which there is releasably attached a cord reel. The cord reel includes a catch to retain it in its position mounted on the rear face. The cord reel is hollow so as to provid

12、e a cavity which receives a beaker which may be used to deliver water to the water reservoir of the iron. During use, the cord reel and beaker are removed from the rear face so that the iron may be vertically oriented, resting on its rear face. -Inventors: Wilson; Ian G. (Cheltenham, AU); Hoare; Ric

13、hard L. (Neutal Bay, AU) Assignee: Sunbeam Corporation Limited (Campsie, AU) Appl. No.: 970620 Filed: November 3, 1992 U.S. Class: 38/77.3; 38/96; 219/256 Internl Class: D06F 075/28 Field of Search: 38/75,77.1,77.3,79,88,94 219/246,247,256,259 242/47.5,77,78.7,107.7 -References Cited Referenced By-U

14、.S. Patent Documents2063274 Dec., 1936 Ehrlich 219/256. 3949499 Apr., 1976 Schaeffer et al. 38/77. 4347428 Aug., 1982 Conrad et al. 38/88. 4517757 May., 1985 Asada et al. 38/88. 4784616 Nov., 1988 Zimmermann 219/247. Foreign Patent Documents 0053254 Jun., 1982 EP. 2583792 Dec., 1986 FR 219/247. 3825

15、501 Feb., 1990 DE. 3843384 Jul., 1990 DE. 0212631 Mar., 1941 CH 38/77. 2233986 Jan., 1991 GB. Primary Examiner: Crowder; Clifford D. Assistant Examiner: Izaguirre; Ismael Attorney, Agent or Firm: Ladas & Parry -Claims-1. A garment iron comprising: a main body having a handle and a soleplate, said bo

16、dy having a rear face provided with engageable means thereat, an electric cord extending from said body for connection with an electrical power supply to electrically heat said soleplate, and a cord reel releasably attached to said rear face of the body, said cord reel including a front flange engag

17、eable with said main body at said rear face thereof, and a resilient catch for releasably securing the cord reel to said rear face of the main body, said resilient catch comprising a lever having an end lip, said resilient catch having a rest position in which said lip engages said engageable means

18、to secure the cord reel to said main body and a release position in which said lip is released from said engageable means and said cord reel is released from said main body. 2. The garment iron as claimed in claim 1, wherein said resilient catch comprises a pivotal lever integrally moulded in said c

19、ord reel. 3. The garment iron as claimed in claim 1, wherein said cord reel includes a rear flange spaced from said front flange and forming a recess therebetween in which said cord can be wound when the cord reel is engaged with said main body, said rear flange having top and bottom troughs in whic

20、h the cord is passed before being wound in said recess. 4. The garment iron as claimed in claim 3, wherein said front flange of the cord reel has a trough through which said cord can pass to one of the troughs of the rear flange of the cord reel. 5. The garment iron as claimed in claim 1, wherein sa

21、id cord reel has a central chamber accessible through a rear facing opening of said cord reel, said garment iron further comprising a beaker engageable in said central chamber. 6. The garment iron as claimed in claim 5, wherein said beaker and cord reel have means for providing a snap fit for said b

22、eaker in said chamber. 7. The garment iron as claimed in claim 5, wherein said resilient catch comprises a pivotal lever integrally moulded in said cord reel, said beaker having a groove which extends between said top and bottom troughs when the beaker is engaged in said chamber for passage of the c

23、ord in said groove between said troughs. 8. The garment iron as claimed in claim 5, wherein said beaker has a water cavity therein and a filling opening. 9. In a garment iron having a main body with an electrical power cord extending from said body, the improvement comprising a combination removable

24、 cord reel and beaker including, a reel member having a front face releasably engageable with a rear face of the main body, and a rear face spaced from said front face, said reel member having a central chamber open and accessible at said rear face of the reel member, and a beaker removably engageab

25、le in said chamber of the reel member, said reel member including flanges at said front and rear surfaces defining a recess therebetween in which the power cord of the main body can be wound around said chamber when the reel member is engaged with said main body. 10. The combination claimed in claim

26、 9, wherein said rear flange of the reel member has two opposed troughs therein in which the cord is passed before being wound in said recess around said chamber. 11. The combination as claimed in claim 10, wherein said front flange of the reel member has a trough through which said cord can pass to

27、 one of the troughs in the rear flange of the reel member. 12. The combination as claimed in claim 9, wherein said reel member includes a releasable catch means for releasably engaging the main body. 13. The combination as claimed in claim 9, wherein said front flange of the reel member includes mea

28、ns for engaging the main body.-Description-TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a garment iron and more particularly to a reel to receive the electric cord of the iron. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Electrically operated irons are provided with an electric cord to extend to a power outlet.

29、 It has been known to provide the rear end of irons with means about which the electric cord may be wound for storage purposes. However, this previously known means of storing the electric cord has not been successful as the cord in essence is not retained in a coiled configuration. There has also been the need to reduce the overall length of the iron in order to ensure stability of the iron when it rests on its rear face so as

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