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1、qq个性签名英文qq个性签名2019英文导读:本文是关于qq个性签名2019英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、给我一个不爱我的理由,让我走后不回头。Give me a reason why I do not love me, let me go and do not turn back.2、和我赌一把,赌还活着的时候一直和我在一起。Make a bet with me and stay with me when the bet is still alive.3、纠结在过往中的我们,怎敢妄言还会遇见生命中最绚丽的花火。In the past, we struggle, dare nons

2、ense will meet the life of the most brilliant fireworks.4、碎了一地的青春,拼凑不回昨天。Broken a place of youth, pieced back yesterday.5、我的眼睛一定有问题,我的视线无法自你身上离开。There must be a problem in my eyes. My sight cant leave from you.6、今生今世,永如今日。This present life, never like today.7、爱的越深,陷的越深,最后受伤的总是自己。The deeper the love

3、is, the deeper it is, the last is himself.8、爱字怎么解!我想没有人能解!太虚伪!How to understand the word of love! I think no one can solve it! Its too false!9、对不起,是我想太多,你对我的好是理所当然的。Im sorry, I think too much. It takes you for granted that you are good to me.10、一见钟情什么的、全是瞎扯蛋,爱自己、致自己。What is love at first sight, blin

4、d love, caused by their bullshit.11、没人能消除你的疼痛,所以,别让别人带走你的快乐。No one can eliminate your pain, so dont let others take away your happiness.12、相遇了、认识了、喜欢了、爱上了。最后心碎了。Meet, know, love and fall in love. At last the heart broke.13、能被抢走的爱人,那不叫爱人。A lover who can be taken away is not a lover.14、有了你,我迷失了自我;失去你,

5、我多么希望自己再度迷失。With you, I lost myself; I lost you, how I wish I lost myself again.15、一个人想事好想找个人来陪,一个人失去了自己,不知还有没有要在追的可望。A person wants to have a good idea to find a person to accompany, a person lost himself, I do not know that there is no need to be in pursuit of the hope.16、你住进我的心里,让我明白了思念的滋味。You li

6、ve in my heart, let me understand the taste of miss.17、一个固执的男人、心里装着一个不可能的女人。A stubborn man with an impossible woman in his heart.18、爱情是可以低到尘埃里还要开出花的卑微,也可以是自此天涯不相问的骄傲。Love can be low to the dust to open the flower of the humble, but also can be the pride that the end of the world is not asked.19、宁愿像个

7、孩子,不肯看太多的事,听太多的不是,单纯一辈子?Would rather be like a child, not to watch too much, listen to too much is not, pure life?20、爱情跟梦想一样,没有捷径,唯有经营。Love is the same as dream, there is no shortcut, only business.21、我回绝了一切人的暧昧,只为等你的一个不确定的将来。I have rejected the ambiguity of all people, just for an uncertain future

8、for you.22、水三千等到你的出现天心月圆伴着你的明天。Water three thousand wait until you appear the heart of the moon with your tomorrow.23、总有一天你会明白,人首先要爱自己。我没有办法一无所有的爱你。One day you will understand that people must love themselves first. I have no way to love you with nothing.24、心有所属,名花有主,他是挚爱,此生不改。Xinyousuozhu, minghuay

9、ouzhu, he is love, life does not change.25、爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。Love is more difficult to hide than a homicide; the night of love has the sun at noon.26、最想去的地方走到半路,怎能轻易返航。Where you want to go to the half way, how can it be easy to return.27、你如果觉得我的爱是枷锁,我宁可背上所有,也要牢牢的铐住你让你离不开我。If you feel my love is

10、 a fetter, I would rather all back, to firmly handcuff you cannot do without me.28、暗恋既不费钱,又不会伤害别人,不是吗?Secret love does not cost money and does not hurt others, isnt it?29、世界再大,我也能一眼就看到你;我的心再大,心里也只装你一人。The world is big, I can see you at the same time; my heart is big and I can only hold you in my hea

11、rt.30、再爱再执着再不怕受伤的人,也终将被时光磨成了只会被爱。The people who love again and again are not afraid of the injured, and will eventually be worn into time and will only be loved.31、如果喜欢一个人就能和他在一起,那么这个世界就不会有悲剧存在。If one likes a person with him, there will be no tragedy in the world.32、某年某月的某一个转身,我答应你,不再爱你,却忘了答应我自己。A c

12、ertain year in a certain year, a turn, I promise you, no longer love you, but forget to promise myself.33、爱情不是望梅止渴不是抱着回忆就能度过每一天,你有多长时间陪她,他就有多爱你。Love is not only not holding memories you can spend every day, how long have you to accompany her, he will love you.34、别把眼光停留在想象中,你拥有的,都是你的幸福。Dont keep your

13、 eyes in the imagination, what you have is your happiness.35、爱人是很卑微的,很卑微的,如果对方不爱你的话。Love is very humble, very humble, if the other person does not love you.36、最近读了一本教人遗忘的书,受益匪浅,书名忘了,内容也忘了。I recently read a book that has been forgotten by the teacher. It has been a great benefit, the name of the book

14、 is forgotten, and the content is forgotten.37、你都不似从前,又何必要求我待你如初。You are not like before, and why ask me to treat you as early as.38、我也想做一个优雅的淑女,是生活把老娘逼成了泼妇。I want to be a lady, is the old woman forced into a life.39、大男人,会作威作福;好男人,会作牛作马。The big man, good man, will be thrilled; slaved.40、谁像我一样,爱了一个不该

15、爱的却迟迟不肯放手。Who like me, love a not to love but slow to let go.41、我陷的比你早,你爱的比我少,注定要受煎熬。Im worse than you, you love less than me, and its doomed to suffer.42、金钱就像水一样,缺了它,会渴死;贪图它,会淹死。Money is like water, the lack of it, will die of thirst; greed in it, will drown.43、我不喜欢你喝酒,因为我怕你醉了,陪在你身边的人不是我。I dont lik

16、e you drinking, because Im afraid you are drunk and the person with you is not me.44、对众人一视同仁,对少数人推心置腹,对任何人不要亏负。Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.45、在青春的掩护下,颓废是勇气,懒惰是反抗,空虚是性感。Under the cover of youth, decadence is courage, laziness is resistance, emptiness is sexy.46、我的心里只有你,只有你占踞我的心,只有你令我如此难以忘

17、记!My heart is only you, only you occupy my heart, only you make me so hard to forget!47、你成不了心态的主人,必然会沦为情绪的奴隶。You cant be the master of your mind, and you will inevitably become a slave to your emotions.48、害怕冷却喜欢冬天,害怕失望却好喜欢你。Fear of cooling like winter, fear of disappointment but like you.49、我没有讨好你的天

18、份,但我比谁都认真。I didnt please your day, but I was more serious than anyone.50、爱情就是一杯苦咖啡,没有咖啡那深深的苦就体现不出那悠悠的香。Love is a cup of bitter coffee, without coffee, the deep bitter can not show the fragrance of the leisurely.51、我们说好要一起面对一切,一起过完这辈子,携手到老。We say we have to face everything together, finish the whole

19、life together, and go hand in hand to the old.52、你说过我一回头就会看到你,可我还未回头你就走了。You said I will see you when I turn back, but Im leaving before I turn back.53、如果我已词穷语尽,你是否愿和我一起,即使一言不发。If I have word, whether you and I together, even if not to utter a single word.54、依偎着你心跳声如此频繁,就算世界末日我也会嚣张的笑。Snuggle up to y

20、our heart so often, even if the end of the world I will laugh.55、不奢求你安慰我什么。但求你别再在我伤口上撒盐了。I dont want to ask you to comfort me. But please dont sprinkle salt on my wound.56、一个愿意忍你的男人,才是爱你的。因为,爱是种委曲求全的付出。A man who is willing to bear you is to love you. Because love is a kind of compromise to pay.57、有时

21、候,越想忘记,却越刻骨铭心。Sometimes, the more you want to forget, the more I remember it.58、记忆是把双刃剑,快乐与痛苦袭击而来。Memory is a double-edged sword, happy and painful attack.59、你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远,或许命运的签只让我们遇见。You say that you will walk farther away from love, perhaps the sign of fate will let us meet.60、我只有两个心愿,你在身边,在你身边。I

22、have only two wishes, you are by your side, by your side.61、你在我特别关心里面、却不在我的最近访客里面。You are particularly interested in me, but not in my recent visitors.62、如果你上不了诺亚方舟,我就留下来陪你。If you cant go to Noahs ark, Ill stay with you.63、我没什么出息,就想花你的钱,睡你的床,做你的老婆。I have nothing to do. I want to spend your money, sl

23、eep in your bed, and be your wife.64、吵归吵,闹归闹,一起到老好不好。Its noisy and noisy, and its good to be old together.65、一觉醒来,开始憧憬爱情,而爱情刚好做了场诡异的梦。I woke up and began to look forward to love, and love had just made a strange dream.66、有时候两个无法了解的人在一起,会比他们一个人的时候更加孤独。Sometimes two people who dont know are more lonel

24、y than they are.67、爱情这东西,时间很关键,认识得太早或太晚,都不行。Love this thing, time is the key, know too early or too late, not.68、心情不好的时候,做什么,都提不起神。When the mood is not good, what to do, can not lift the God.69、出差在外,饮食无味,忙碌奔波,记得注意身体。牵挂你的人是我。Travel on the outside, food is tasteless, busy and busy, remember to pay attention to the body. I am the one who cares for you.

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