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1、英语字母在什么时候要大写 许多人写英语文章时,对大写字母的使用 (capitalization) ,感到有点迷惑。虽然咱们在文法裡也学过英文大写字母的用法,但如能把重要的规那么,复习一下,也许可加深记忆! (1) 每个句子的第一个字 (first word of a sentence) 以及写信的地址,信中的开头称呼与结尾,都要大写。例如: How is everything with you today (你今天一切都好吗?) 25 Park Street, Silver Spring, Maryland. 写信开头称呼:Dear Mr. Wang, Hello, Bob, Greeting

2、s, Mary, 信中结尾:Sincerely yours, Yours truly, Best wishes, With love, Respectfully yours, 等等。 (2) 表示特定的人、地或物的专有名词 (names of a specific person, place or thing) 或是属於专有名词的一局部,都要大写。例如: Mr. Wang Dachung was born in China. (王大中先生在中国出生。) Bob Smith sailed on the Queen Elizabeth for a trip to France. (Bob Smit

3、h 乘伊莉沙白邮轮到法国旅游。) 其他如: Yale School of Law (耶鲁法学院) Declaration of Independence (独立宣言) The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (美国防止虐待动物协会) 等等。 註:专有名词中的冠词、介词、连接词都不必大写,除非是名字的开头与结尾。 (如上句裡的 for, the, of, to) 但是指普通名词时,那么不必大写。例如: The two men sailed on a ship for a trip to some foreign

4、 countries. (两位男子乘船到外国旅行。) (即句中的 men,ship,countries 都是普通名词) (3) 一星期七天,十二个月份,以及假日 (seven days of the week, 12 months and holidays) 都要大写。例如: The Chens came to see me on Fathers Day. (父亲节陈家来看我。) He works on Saturdays and Sundays. (星期六与星期天他都要上班。) His store closed during January and February. (元月与2月,他的商店

5、不开。) 但是春夏秋冬四季,那么不要大写:例如: Mr. A will stay in Florida next winter. (下个冬天 A 先生将住在佛州。) The fall semester starts in September. (秋季班 9 月开场。) In Maryland July and August are summer months. (在马里兰州7月与8月是夏天。) 註:地球 (earth) 、太阳 (sun) 、月亮 (moon) 也不要大写。 (4) 学校的特指课程名称以及各国的语文,都要大写。例如: Her daughter will take Math an

6、d Algebra this semester. (她女儿本学期选修数学与代数。) All new students have to take History 101. (所有新生都要选修歷史 101。) Did you study English literature and American history (你读过英国文学与美国歷史吗?) Many American students now take Chinese in the big universities. (在大的大学裡,许多美国学生选修中文。) 但是指一般性的课程或一般知识,那么不必大写。例如: Many Chinese s

7、tudents are good at mathematics. (许多中国学生数学很棒。) High school students are encouraged to take music and history. (鼓励高中生选修音乐与歷史。) (5) 地理上特有的名称 (geographical names) ,诸如国家、州、省、城市、山脉、湖、河流、公园等都要大写。例如: Have your parents ever been to Africa? (你的父母去过非洲吗?) His dream trip would be a cruise across the Atlantic Oc

8、ean. (他的理想旅游是坐邮轮横渡大西洋。) We have lived in Maryland for over 25 years. (我们住在马里兰州已超过25年。) The company is located in the middle of Fifth Avenue. (公司坐落於第五大道的中间。) 其餘如:Asia, China, Lake Michigan (密西根湖) ,Black Sea (黑海) ,Rocky Mountains (洛磯山脉) ,Yellowstone National Park (黄石国家公园) 等等的特别名称,还有东、南、西、北地区与位置 (regio

9、n and location) 也要大写。例如: Living in the East I have never seen high mountains. (我住在东部,没有见过高山。) The North of China is experiencing a serious drought. (中国北部旱灾严重。) 但是 east, west, north, south 只指方向 (direction) 时,那么不必大写。例如: Drive south for one mile and you will see the building. (往南开一哩路,就可以看到楼房。) Please t

10、urn north at the next corner. (请在下一角落,往北转。) (6) 社会上的职位或专业上的头衔 (social and professional titles) 包括学位与得奖名称 (award) ,都要大写。例如: Professor Lee,Ph.D.,is from Taiwan. (李教授博士,来自台湾。) Dr. Anderson, M.D., is wellliked by his patients. (医学博士安德生医师,深受病患喜爱。) President Bush, MBA from Harvard, was a business man. (哈佛

11、大学企管硕士的布希总统,过去是位商人。) His Reverend Smith and Father Jackson were both present at the meeting. (Smith 牧师与 Jackson 神父都参加开会。) 其他头衔如:Sir, Mister, Miss, Madame (夫人) ,Congressman (国会议员) ,Senator (参议员) ,Governor (州长) ,Mayor (市长) ,Secretory of State (国务卿) ,Attorney (律师) ,Judge (法官) ,Bishop (主教) ,Sister (修女)

12、,Sergeant (士官) ,Corporal (下士) ,Lieutenant (中尉) 等等。 注意:如果不跟个人名字一同使用,或不是特指某人的头衔时,那么不必大写。例如: He is a professor at a university. (他是大学教授。) The mayor of a large city has a tough job. (大城市的市长难為。) The presidents of many companies attended the conference. (许多公司的董事长都来参加会议。) (上面的 professor, mayor, presidents,

13、都是指一般性的。) (7) 书名、文章题目、报章杂誌中的主要字 (key words) ,都要大写。还有短篇故事 (short story) ,诗 (poem) ,戏剧 (play) ,电影 (movie) ,歌曲 (song) ,绘画 (painting) ,雕刻 (sculpture) 等名称,也要大写。例如: Mr. Wang has authored a book entitled My Life in America. (王先生写了一本书叫:我的美国生活。) Did you read the latest issue of Time Magazine (你看了最新一期的时代杂誌吗?)

14、 其他如: The Sound of Music (歌名) ,Mona Lisa (蒙娜丽莎肖像画名) ,Bird in Space (雕刻名称) ,Popular Mechanics (杂誌名称) ,Death of a Salesman (戏剧名称) ,The Tale of Two Cities (双城记) ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (汤姆歷险记) 等等。 註:文章题目裡的冠词、介词与连接词都不必大写。但不定词的 to,通常要大写。例如:Did you read Mr. Wangs article“Ways To Make Money? (你读过王先生大

15、作赚钱之道吗?) (to make是 infinitive) (8) 谈到神 (God or Deity) 或宗教与种族 (religion and race) 时,名词及代名词都要大写。例如: He said that God will take good care of his wife. (他说上帝会好好照顾他的太太) We pray Lords (或 Gods) help and His blessings upon her. (我们祈求上帝帮助以及对她的祝福。) (His blessing 是指上帝的祝福。) Many people say that the Japanese are

16、 more aggressive than the Chinese. (许多人认為日本人比中国人更有侵略性。) (指 race) 其他如: Roman Catholic (天主教) ,Baptist (浸信会教友) ,Christianity (基督教) ,Hinduism (印度教) 等。 但如果,god 及 goddess 是指古代的神话 (mythology) 人物时,那么不必大写。例如: The gods of ancient Rome, the god Jupiter, the goddess Juno (女神朱诺,即主神Jupiter之妻) (9) 学校,政府机关,政党或公司 (s

17、chools,government bodies, political parties and companies) 是指专有名词时,都要大写。例如: Stanford University has a wellknown business school in the U. S. (史丹福大学的商学院很有名。) She graduated from Parkside High School last year. (她去年自Parkside高中毕业。) Are you a member of the Lions Club? (你是狮子会的成员吗?) 其他如: the Republican Par

18、ty (共与党) ,the Democratic Party, the Senate (参议会) ,the Congress (国会) ,Boy Scouts of America (美国男童军) 等等。 但是学校、楼房、公司、机构等,当做普通名词时,就不必大写。例如: His son will go to a junior high school this fall. (他儿子今秋上初中) (即七、八年级) This organization was founded in 1995. (这机关是於 1995 年成立的) (high school 与 organization 都是普通名词)

19、(10) 特别的地方,诸如纪念碑 (monuments) 或有纪念性的建筑物 (memorialsbuildings) 或是引人注目的标记 (trademark) 以及歷史上的文件、事件或年代,都要大写。例如: Many tourists like to see the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. (许多观光客都爱参观华盛顿纪念塔与林肯纪念堂。) The Empire State Building is located in New York City. (帝国大厦坐落在纽约市。) 其他诸如: Revolutionary War

20、(美国独立战争) ,Middle Ages (中世纪) ,Constitution of the United States (美国宪法) ,World War (二次世界大战) ,Renaissance (文艺复兴) 等。 (11) 国家与城市名字,当专有形容词 (proper adjective) 时,也要大写。例如: There are many Chinese restaurants in our community. (我们社区有许多中国餐馆。) (Chinese 形容 restaurant) Mr. A knows some Italian language. (A 先生知道一些义

21、大利文。) (Italian 形容 language) The favorite Maryland dish seems to be the blue-leg crabs. (马里兰州好吃的菜也许是蓝脚螃蟹。) (Maryland 形容 dish) The mild California climate has attracted many young people. (加州温暖的气候,吸引许多年轻人。) There were many World War battles in China. (二次世界大战的许多战场是在中国。) 註:可见上面句子裡的普通名词 dish, climate, ba

22、ttles 被前面专有名词形容时,都不必大写。 (12) 第一人称代名词I 以及感慨字 O,不管在句子裡什麼地方出现,都必须大写。例如: I told her I will help her and I mean it. (我告诉她我会帮她,我是真心的。) Today, O my fellow Chinese, we should help and not hurt one another. he said. (他说:中国的同胞啊,今天我们应该互相帮助,不能彼此伤害!) Hear my prayer, O Lord. (主啊,听我的祷告吧!) (13) 直接引句 (direct quotati

23、on) ,也就是引用他人真正所说的话 (a persons exact words) ,那麼引句裡第一个字要大写。例如: He said, Here is my project. (他说:这是我的计画。) The boss said, All staff members must be here tomorrow morning by seven oclock. (老板说:所有员工明早七点前要到这裡来。) Mr. A announced today: Five employees will be laid off as of July 1, 2002. (A 先生今天宣布:自 2002 年 7

24、 月 1 日起,五位员工将被辞退。) Academic Dean issued this statement:Foreign students are required to take an English test. (教务长发出通知:外国学生要考英文。) 假设 quotation 包括一个以上的句子,那麼每一句的第一个字都要大写。例如: Please distribute these handbooks to everyone, explained the boss, They show everything you have to know. (请把这些手册分给每个人,老板说,这些手册有

25、你们应该知道的一切。) 当一个 quotation 包括两局部时,只要第一部份第一个字大写即可。例如: Helping others, said my wife, is the foundation of happiness. (我老婆说,助人為快乐之本。) (14) 為了加强另一句话的语气,在冒号 (colon) 后第一个字要大写。例如: Lets think of this:Student enrollment is now decreasing. (我们要想到这点:学生入学人数正在减少。) Consider this: Our business has declined this yea

26、r. (要考虑这个:我们的生意今年已在下降。) 不过,在冒号后的句子,只是為了解释前句的意义时,那麼第一个字就不必大写。例如: The president of our university has given us two reasons: annual budget cut and faculty retrenchment. (大学校长给我们两点理由:年度预算的紧缩以及教师的削减。) (15) 家庭亲属关系的称呼 (family relationship) ,如果放在某人的姓名前或直接称呼时,那麼要大写。例如: We respect Uncle Chens opinions. (我们尊重陈

27、叔叔的意见) (uncle 放在 Chen 之前。) Is Cousin Lin visiting us for the weekend (林表兄週末来看我们吗?) (cousin 放在 Lin 的前面) (cousin 可指表兄弟,表姐妹,堂兄弟,堂姐妹。) May I attend the dance party, Mother (妈妈,我能参加舞会吗?) (直接称呼) My problem, Dad, is that I am not interested in chemistry. (爸,我的问题是我不喜欢化学。) (直接称呼) I am sorry, Son, but you sho

28、uld not do that. (孩子,抱歉,你不能做那件事。) (直接称呼) How long must he stay in bed, Doctor (医师,他要在床上多久?) 但是 father,mother 前面有代名词所有格时,那么不必大写。例如: Your father wants you to be a physician. (你父亲要你当医生。) (代名词所有格 your) Her mother will be in charge of this department. (她妈妈将要负责本部门。) (代名词所有格 her) (16) 书籍、文章或戏剧的一部份,如果后面跟随著缩

29、写或罗马数字时,那么要大写。例如: This set of the encyclopedia Volume V focuses on human relationship. (这部百科全书的第五卷,焦点集中在人际关系。) I found Act , Scene , of the play quite interesting. (我觉察这戏剧裡第三幕第二场很有趣。) According to Maryland Marriage Law, Article , Section 3, deals with divorce. (按照马里兰州婚姻法,第五条第三节是处理离婚案件。) In this math book, we need to discuss Unit , Part 7. (在这数学书本裡,我们要谈论第十单元第七部份。) 但是书的页数、行数、段数、句子的数目等,那么不必大写。例如: When you look at sentence 5, line 8, you will find a spelling mistake. (当你看到第五句第八行,你会找出一个拼字错误。) (sentence 与 line 都不必大写。) Please turn to paragraph 3, page 25. (请翻到第三段,第25页。) (paragraph 与 page 都不必大写)

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