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1、创意版大学英语四级必背的高分范文全版doc大学英语四级必背的高分范文 今天我想和大家分享的是关于英语四级作文的一些必备范文,大家要从中吸取这些高分作文的经验,把它使用到自己的作文上哦。接下来就让我们一起来看一下吧。 一、图画作文 做好小事很重要 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on

2、the importanceof doing small things before undertaking something big. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【参考范文】 首段:图画描述 This drawing, apparently, can be linked to the critical significance of doing small things. In the picture, the youngster expresses his worries about “

3、disposing of nuclear waste”. To hissurprise, his father points at the dustbin, telling him that if he can empty the dustbin there, he can do anything. 二段:图画主题+现象+意义 The father means that if young people dream to achieve success, it is sensible for them to start with little jobs. Admittedly, in the p

4、resent-day society, it is a common phenomenon for manyteenagers to neglect tiny things in life, such as cleaning rooms, washing clothes and emptying dustbins. Why? The reason is that a growing number of young people find it rather useless to dealwith these things. A typical example is the boy in the

5、 picture. Nonetheless, it is these small tasks that ensure youngsters to master sufficient knowledge, competence and experience. Actually,wise people in large numbers have come to recognize the significance of these small things. Doing small things brings us skills, arouses our passion for success a

6、nd helps us to make progress. 尾段:观点+建议+展望 As a college student, I am convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for young people to strengthen our comprehensive quality by doing small things. Accordingly, we should educate andencourage our friends and acquaintances to foster this positive awareness

7、and habit. We, sparing no efforts to do so, may witness a hopeful and promising future of our work and study. Everyoneshould bear in mind that a big success originates from everyday small progress. 282词 参考译文 显然,这幅图能自然联系到做好小事的重要性。图画中,一个年轻人表达了自己对“核废料处理”的担忧。使他感到吃惊的是,他爸爸指着垃圾筐告诉他,如果能把垃圾筐清空,他就能做好一切。 父亲的意思

8、是,如果年轻人想要成功,就应该明智地从小的工作开始做起。确实,在当今社会,很多年轻人忽略身边的各种小事已经成为一种常见现象,例如打扫房间、洗衣服和清理垃圾筐。为什么?因为越来越多的年轻人觉得应对这些小事没有用。一个典型例子就是图画中的小孩。然而,正是这些小事确保年轻人能掌握足够的知识、能力和经验。事实上,很多聪明人已经意识到这些小事的重要性。做好这些小事带给我们技能,唤起我们对成功的热情,帮助我们进步。 作为一名大学生,我坚信年轻人很有必要通过做好小事提升自己的整体素质。因此,我们应该教育和鼓励我们的朋友和熟人培养这种积极的意识和习惯。如果我们不遗余力这样这样来做,未来我们的工作和生活将充满光

9、明和希望。每个人都应该牢记大的成功源自于每天小的进步。 范文中的句子顺序可随意调整,记得用不上的句子就直接放弃,只写会写会用能写对的表达 优秀品质类话题词 悲观/乐观 pessimism / optimism 勤奋 diligence n. / diligent adj. 耐心 patience n./ patient adj. 尊老爱幼 respect the old and care for the young 创新 innovation 感谢 gratitude/ appreciation 美德 virtue 谨慎 prudence 逆境 setbacks 成功无捷径 there is

10、no shortcut to success 终身学习 lifelong study 幽默感 a sense of humor 沟通 communication 身心健康 physical and mental health 捐献 donation 爱国主义 patriotism 奉献 contribution 梦想 ambitions 机遇 opportunity 挑战 challenge 勤俭节约 thrifty 奉献精神 the spirit of dedication 自信 self-confidence 诚实 honesty 谦虚 modesty 奋斗 strive 团队精神&合作

11、teamwork spirit & cooperation 竞争 competition 社会公德 public morality 责任 responsibility 内心美 inner beauty 和谐社会 harmonious society 二、英语学习 学习与精神品质类举例素材 话题:On English Learning 内容要求提纲: 1. 英语很重要 2. 学习英语中的困难 3. 如何学好英语 【参考范文】 In the contemporary world, a host of English learners may have a variety of difficulti

12、es or troubles in learning. For instance, a large number of students find it difficult to memorize newwords. Frequently, it is also difficult for them to understand rules of English grammar. In addition, though some are good at reading or writing, they fail to express themselves freely in oralEnglis

13、h. However, based on a survey, a majority of international organizations or firms acknowledge that they prefer recruiting employees who can speak English fluently. Thus, it is of greatsignificance for youngsters to learn English well and English learning has gained great popularity. As a matter of f

14、act, fluent English can arouse our passion for foreign cultures and bring usbetter job opportunities. Then, how to get a good command of this language? I am convinced that practice makes perfect. Only practice can help me to master grammatical knowledge and remember new words. And it is alsothrough

15、practice that I can speak and write fluently, and there is no other way. I deem that if I try my utmost to practice English every day, the future of my English learning will bepromising and hopeful. 204 words 参考译文 在当今世界,很多英语学习者可能在学习中有诸多困难或麻烦。例如,很多学生发现很难背会生词。他们也经常很难理解语法规则。此外,尽管一些学生擅长读写,但未能使用口语流利表达自我。

16、 然而,根据一项调查,绝大多数国际组织或公司承认他们更偏爱招聘英语流利的员工。因此,年轻人学好英语很重要,英语学习受到普遍欢迎。事实上,流利的英语能够唤起我们对外国文化的热情,并给我们带来更好的工作机会。 那么,如何学好这门语言?我相信熟能生巧。只有练习实践能有助于掌握语法规则同时背会单词。也正是通过实践我能在说和写方面变得流利,别无他法。如果我全力去每天练习,未来我的英语学习将充满希望。 学习相关的话题词汇 珍惜时间 cherish time 辍学 dropping out of school/college 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect 读书的快乐 the ple

17、asure of reading 应试教育 test-oriented education 面试 interview 助学贷款 student loan 正确择业 choose the right career 自律 self-discipline 无目标的 aimless 三、科技与现代生活 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the following topic: the speedy development of science and technology i

18、s changing our way of life. You shouldillustrate the positive impacts with specific examples. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【范文】 There are so many enlightening mottos about the significance of science and technology, and one of them is “Science and technology is the

19、 first productive force.” Evidently, the change of ourway of life is closely associated with the speedy development of science and technology. As a college student, I deem that if one aims to enjoy a comfortable and convenient life, it is rational for him or her to try new technological products. Ty

20、pical examples are the New FourGreat Inventions of China, including shared bikes, mobile payment, high-speed trains and online shopping. These inventions bring us great convenience, arouse our enthusiasm for China and helpus to enjoy life. To be specific, it is shared bikes and high-speed trains tha

21、t enable our transportation to be easy and efficient. In addition, an increasing number of Chinese people, old andyoung, find it convenient and cheap to purchase various goods from the Internet. Thus, it is of great necessity for everyone to support the advance in science and technology, since most

22、of us have come to realize the positive effects of this trend. 183词 参考译文 有很多有启发性的名言是关于科学技术的重要性,其中之一就是“科学技术是第一生产力。”显然,我们生活方式的改变与科学技术的迅速发展密切相关。 作为一名大学生,我相信如果一个人想要享受舒适和方便的生活,他她就应该明智地尝试新可以产品。典型例子就是中国的新四大发明,包含共享单车、移动支付、高铁和移动支付。这些发明带给我们巨大便利,唤起我们对祖国的热爱,帮助我们享受生活。具体来说,正是共享单车和高铁让我们的交通变得容易高效。此外,越来越多的中国人,无论老少,都

23、发现从网上购物方便便宜。 因此,每个人都有必要支持科技的发展进步,因为大部分人都已经意识到这种确实的积极影响。 科技类话题词汇 分享经济 sharing economy 共享汽车 shared car 共享单车 shared bike/ bicycle 扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike 违规停车 illegal parking 停放点 parking lot/area 出境游 outbound trips/ oversea traveling 免税店 duty-free shop 海外购物 overseas shopping 移动支付 mobil

24、e payment 科技创新宝地 best place for science and innovation 高铁 high-speed train 收入分配 income distribution 市场经济market economy 人工智能 artificial intelligence, 过滤软件 filtering software 流氓软件 hooligan software 销售任务 sales target 私人汽车 private cars 大众传媒负面影响 the negative influence of mass media 一次性塑料袋 disposable plastic bags 全球化 globalization 一带一路倡议the Belt and Road Initiative 发挥潜能 fulfill ones potential 提升效率 improve the efficiency 作文要背写到走进考场前的最后一刻。拿到作文务必读三遍,找出体裁、话题和内容要求,尤其是其中的“名、动、形、副”四类词,然后结合背诵的功能句和题干关键词写作文,尽量写背诵过的表达。这样才能做到作文不跑题。

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