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1、完形填空专项练习完形填空专项练习(1) Washoe is a young chimpanzee(黑猩猩).She is no 1 chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing research 2her. They want to see how civilized she can 3 .Already she can do many things a human being does. For example, she has been learning how to exchange 4 with people. The scientists are

2、teaching her 5language. When she wants to be picked 6, Washoe points up with one finger. She rubs her teeth with her finger 7she wants to brush her teeth. This is done after every meal. Washoe has also been 8to find answers to problems. Once she was put in a 9with food hanging from the ceiling. It w

3、as too high to 10. After she considered the 11,she got a tall box to 12. The food was still too high to be reached. Washoe found a 13pole. Then she climbed onto the 14, grasped the pole, and 15 down the food with the pole. Washoe 16like a human ,too. The scientists keep her in a fully furnished hous

4、e. After a hard 17in the lab, she goes home. 18 she plays with her toys. She 19enjoys watching television before going to bed. Scientists hope to 20more about people by studying our closest relative - the chimpanzee. 1. A. foolishB.simple C. specialD. ordinary 2. A. forB.on C. toD. by 3. A. experien

5、ceB. changeC. develop D. become 4. A. actionsB. views C. messagesD. feelings 5. A. human B. signC. spokenD. foreign 6. A. outB. atC. onD. up 7. A. when B. untilC. sinceD. while 8. A. trainedB. raisedC. orderedD. led 9. A. hole B. zooC. room D. museum 10. A. pullB. seeC. eat D. reach 11. A. problemB.

6、 positionC. food D. ceiling 12.A. stand byB. stand onC. stand upD. stand with 13. A. straightB. strongC. longD. heavy 14. A. wallB. boxC. ceilingD. pole 15. A. knockedB. pickedC. tookD. pulled 16. A. livesB. worksC. thinksD. plays 17. A. taskB. lessonC. timeD. day 18. A. ButB. ThereC. So D. Still 19

7、. A. quiteB. alreadyC. evenD. still 20. A. seeB. answerC. learnD. gain (2) Jane raced onto the train platform and asked a porter, “Is this the train to Rochester?” “Yes,” said the porter. “but only the Hey! Wait.” He was too 1.Jane had raced off 2he had finished speaking. She had just 3herself in a

8、seat when the train 4 out of the station. Jane got out her book and settled down to read. After about an hour or so, she looked 5and glanced out of the window. “Thats6 .” she thought . “the landscape doesnt look 7,and it should; Ive 8this route so many times.” She was getting increasing 9when the bi

9、g, red-faced conductor walked up and asked for her 10. One glance was enough. He 11his head in friendly reproach and said, “Now, young lady, what did you do a fool thing like that for? This is the 12ticket. You 13have sat at the back of the train. The Rochester-bound section was 14at the last statio

10、n. Janes face grew red. “Im sorry,” she said, “I guess I was in too much of a 15to find out”“Well,” said the conductor, “dont 16. You shouldnt have been in such a hurry, but I dare say we can 17you a train going in the right18at Syracuse. Youll be a couple of hours late 19,though .” When Jane finall

11、y stepped onto the Rochester platform, her mother 20up to her . “Oh, Jane, we have been so worried. What on earth happened?” “Well, Mom,” said Jane, “its a long story.” 1. A. busyB. earlyC. lateD. quick 2. A. whenB. then C. after D. before 3. A. settledB. took C. made D. gave 4. A. pushedB. pulled C

12、. left D. started 5. A. aroundB. aboutC. up D. down 6. A. excitingB. interestingC. strange D. right 7. A. familiarB. beautifulC. nice D. alike 8. A. walkedB. gone C. followedD. traveled 9. A. uneasyB. calm C. angry D. unhappy 10. A. moneyB. ticketC. book D. name 11. A. putB. shookC. raised D. nodded

13、 12. A. wrongB. used C. only D. right 13. A. wouldB. must C. should D. could 14. A. joinedB. turned C. connected D. separated 15. A. hurryB. troubleC. worry D. difficulty 16. A. sorryB. worry C. hurry D. regret 17. A. makeB. give C. findD. get 18. A. timeB. placeC. station D. direction 19. A. arrivi

14、ngB. leavingC. going D. returning 20. A. calledB. pickedC. rushed D. pushed (3) James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so 1that he didnt know what to do with 2 .The person who had gone in 3him had been there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident when she went in. 4

15、James. He felt 5 that she had already got the 6.The problem was that he wanted this job 7.It meant 8to him. He had 9it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself10brilliantly at the interview and 11 the job immediately. But now here he was feeling 12.He couldnt 13 all those

16、things he had 14to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and 15 But nohe had to do this. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldnt 16like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry. At last the door of the office opened. The woman who had gone in an hour ear

17、lier came out looking very 17with herself. She smiled sympathetically at James. At that moment James 18her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr Davis? Im sorry to have kept you waiting.” James suddenly 19 that he had gone home after all. He got

18、up, legs20and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt. 1. A. healthy B.nervousC. careless D. confident 2. A. the managing director B. the woman C. himself D. the situation 3. A. by B. with C. before D. after 4. A. Not like B. So did C. Do as D. Do like 5. A. doubtful

19、 B. sure C. angry D. astonishing 6. A. reward B. first C. prize D. job 7. A. hopelessly B. naturally C. easily D. so much 8. A. everything B. happiness C. difficultyD. nothing 9. A. dreamed of B. learned of C. thought aboutD. talked about 10. A. explainingB. performing C. answering D. performing 11.

20、 A. offeredB. asked for C. being offered D. being asked for 12. A. crazyB. excited C. probable D. terrible 13. A. depend onB. affordC. believe inD. remember 14. A. kept B. been taughtC. planned D. been supplied l5. A. leaveB. go in C. prepare D. practise 16. A. take backB. put off C. give up D. put

21、down 17. A. uglyB. pleased C. sad D. pretty 18. A. noticedB. loved C. missed D. hated 19. A. thoughtB. hoped C. wished D. regretted 20. A. shakingB. bending C. walking D. stopping (4) Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story 1their children. And they must have 2 ho

22、w difficult it is to write a3childrens book.Either the author has aimed too 4,so that children cant follow what is in his (or more often ,her )story,5the story seems to be talking to the readers. The best childrens books are 6very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy the 7who hears the story and t

23、he adult who 8it. Unfortunately, there are in fact 9books like this, 10the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not 11to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as 12of childrens literature were in fact written for 13. “Alice in Wonerland ” is perhaps the most 14of this. Children

24、,left for themselves, often 15the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a 16and he will 17willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative way, or have a look at the most childrens comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the 18of teachers and right-thinking parents. Perhaps we parents should stop trying to brainwash children into 19our taste in literature. After all children and adults are so 20that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose well just have to compromise over th

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