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届高三四校联考英语试题 含答案文档格式.docx

1、 A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.4. What does the man think of his present job? A. Challenging. B. Boring. C. Well-paid.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A photo. B. A play. C. A dress.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why is the man at the airport? A. To board a plane. B. To pick

2、 up some passengers. C. To meet the woman.7. Which flight has been delayed? A. The French flight. B. The Spanish flight. C. The Italian flight.昕第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where can the man put his bag? A. Behind the door. B. In the locker. C. On the desk.9. What should the man do after getting into the exam h

3、all? A. Find his examination number. B. Turn off his mobile phone. C. Show his student ID card.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What will the speakers do during the summer break? A. Earn some money. B. Enjoy some arts. C. Do some shopping.11. What can the speakers do in Rosemount? A. Have some nice meals. B. Fi

4、nd a good variety of local artworks. C. Buy some paintings and handmade jewellery.12. Where will the speakers sleep during the summer break? A. In their house. B. In a hotel. C. In a tent.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What kind of club does the woman want to take? A. The one that has a big number of members.

5、 B. The one that offers many different activities. C. The one that has a low entry fee.14. What does the man say about the cross-country cycling club? A. It has many members. B. It looks quite interesting. C. It is too expensive.15. How much does the film club cost? A. $15. B. $30. C. $50.16. Which

6、club will the woman probably join? A. The street dance club. B. The table tennis club. C. The film club.听第l0段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How long does it take the buses to get to the camping area? A. About 8 hours. B. About 6 hours. C. About 2 hours.18. What will the listeners do first when they arrive at the

7、camping area? A. Go shopping. B. Check the e-mails. C. Set up the tents.19. What does the speaker advise the listeners to do? A. Stay in the camp in stormy weather. B. Listen to the weather report. C. Prepare clothes for wet weather.20. What are the listeners probably unable to do in the hills? A. A

8、sk Mrs. Sanderson questions. B. Go down to the town. C. Use their phones.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ATo most people, noise pollution is a jet flying over their head. For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano. The woman has taken her neighbor to court. Now she wants to

9、 send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.In a country known for its noisiness, the case has raised eyebrows. Neighbors often complain about street noise in Spain, but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is un

10、heard of. At the trial, sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin, who lives below her. Martin, 27, didnt admit that she played at home that often, saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the w

11、eekends.On the first day of the trial, the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldnt even stand seeing them in a film.Bosom says years of hearing constant playing has caused her psychological injury. Medical reports show she has suffered from a variet

12、y of problems, including insomnia (失眠), anxiety, and panic attacks.She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝) higher than the limit. City authorities have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundpr

13、oof (隔音) the room. The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.The court hasnt made a final decision. A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.21. Bosom wants to send Martin to prison because .A. Martins playing the piano damaged her healt

14、h B. Bosom suffered from heart attackC. Martin refused to take regular classes in other towns D. Martin flew a jet over her head22. How did Laia Martin respond to the complaints?A. She stopped playing the piano. B. She soundproofed the room. C. She didnt admit she played at home. D. She took her nei

15、ghbor to court.23. Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage?A. A 7-year Sentence Caused by the Piano B. Pianist Charged with Noise PollutionC. Health Problems of a Spanish Woman D. Actions Against Noise by Local AuthorityBWinters are long and unforgiving in North Dakota.

16、 The winter of 1996 was especially brutal. It was a difficult time in my own life too. A neck injury had kept me flat in bed for nearly a year. Just in time for Easter, my husband, Dick, said. But how could I feel the joy when the snow was four feet deep and I had months of painful physical treatmen

17、t ahead?I was doing the dishes one day, feeling hopeless when there was a tap against the glass. It was a branch of the troublesome cottonwood (棉白杨). Back in the fall of 1979, it was a new subdivision (细枝)then. The people whod briefly occupied the house before us had placed the pipe from the pump ne

18、xt to it. The earth was so wet that the poor thing had fallen down, most of its bare root system pointing skyward, blowing hopelessly back and forth in the cold wind. Dick decided to pull it out one day, but I protested.Look at how hard its trying! I said, pointing to the way it strongly kept hold o

19、f the earth. It deserves a chance.Dick borrowed some tools. We packed dry soil around the tree and put up some stakes (桩) into the ground, making it stand upright. That winter was still terrible. Surprisingly, in the spring my rescue stick put forth a few leaves, then with lots of branches. By the 1

20、990s that little stick was a giant, towering over the house.Now the tapping at the window continued, louder as the wind picked up, almost as though to tell me to look up. At last, I did. I caught my breath. In the window against the icy blue sky, thousands and thousands of fresh red buds were waving

21、 in the wind.The tree was bursting with life and I had a wonderful Easter.24. What is the meaning of the underlined word brutal in Paragraph 1 ?A. Busy. B. Hard. C. Long. D. Warm.25. How did Dick rescue the new subdivision?A. By supporting the stick firmly. B. By watering the stick regularly.C. By d

22、istributing chemical fertilizer. D. By lighting the stick day and night.26. The author writes the last paragraph mainly to .A. inform us of the current condition of his cottonwoodB. imply that hed spent the hardest time and felt hopefulC. tell us that the tree had survived from the awful winterD. su

23、ggest what he was going to do for the coming festival27. Which of the following can serve as the main idea of the passage?A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. There is no garden without its weeds.C. Success is the accumulation of sweat. D. While there is life, there is hope.C Do you ever pull

24、your phone out of your pocket, thinking it is vibrating (振动), only to find that it isnt? This phenomenon, which scientists call phantom (幻觉的) phone vibration, is very common. Around 80% of people surveyed say they have imagined their phones vibrating when they were actually still. So, what leads to

25、this universal behavior? According to the BBC, the explanation lies in your brains ability to discover signals from the outside world. When your phone is in your pocket, there are two possible states: it is either vibrating or not. Meanwhile, you also have two possible states of mind: the judgment t

26、hat the phone is vibrating, or that it isnt. Ideally, you match the four states correctly. However, sometimes your brain decides that the consequences of missing a call are more serious than a false alarm. Therefore, you become more sensitive to vibrations so that you dont miss anything. This is jus

27、t like the fire alarm in your homeit can be annoying when it goes off in response to just a tiny bit of smoke. But thats a small price to pay compared to a fire really breaking out because the alarm fails to alert you. Now, you might still ask: why cant our brains just make every judgment correctly

28、without being too sensitive to false signals? The answer is that your brain bears a heavy burden every day. You get a large amount of sensory information thats coming from your eyes, ears and skin, and you cant deal with all that information all the time, Michael Rothberg, a researcher at Baystate M

29、edical Center in Springfield, US, told Live Science. For example, the rustling (沙沙声) of clothing or the growling (咕咕声) of your stomach may both lead your brain to believe that they come from the vibration of your phoneit is like trying to hear your name being called in a noisy room. So, perhaps you

30、should just check your phone whenever you think its vibrating. Its not too much trouble to do that, is it?28. According to this passage, phantom phone vibration .A. is common among people with mental problemsB. can measure peoples ability to collect informationC. happens when our brains react sensit

31、ively to false signalsD. helps our brains to make very quick and accurate decisions29. Why is the fire alarm used as an example in this passage?A. To show us the fire alarm is as sensitive as the phone vibration.B. To help us understand the cause of phantom phone vibration better.C. To tell us the phone vibration usually happens when a fire breaks out.D. To convince us its important to check our phones

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