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1、英语辩论赛资料正方 观点:我国现阶段,不取消黄金周Thank you, judgementHello,everyone谢谢主席,各位评委,对方辩友,大家好!Our view is that our country should to cancel the golden week.我方观点是我国现阶段取消黄金周弊大于利!Then I will state the golden week have more harms than benfits from three aspects.下面我将会从两个方面来陈述黄金周弊大于利。According to the present situation of

2、 our country, society is a flowing society, only the long golden week can meet our needsto have a family reunion.To reduce the working pressure, the long golden week is necessary for people who has a fast-paced life to relax.根据我国现阶段国情,当下社会是流动社会,只有时间相对较长的黄金周才能满足他们家庭团聚的需求。为了减少工作压力,快节奏生活的人来说,时间较长的黄金周是非

3、常必要的。To begin with,it need to point out that the golden week is the time that people can stay at home and rest, visit friends,and travel.Golden week can promote the development of tourism industry and the national consumption,it is conducive to the development of the country. For example: according

4、to the Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau,the golden week holiday of 2013, the province received 42,083,000 (forty-two millions)tourists trips, it add up to 11.6% than last year. travel is integrated income 30990000000 yuan, grow 15.3% compared to the same period.But we need to pay attention to that

5、 tourism is only one choice and golden week is not equal to the tourism week.首先,需要指出的是黄金周是十一的休息时间人们可以居家休息,走亲访友,外出旅游。黄金周可以推动旅游业的发展,促进国民消费,有利于国家的发展。例如:根据山东省旅游局统计,2013年“十一”假日期间,全省共接待游客4208.3万人次,同比增长11.6%,旅游综合收入309.9亿元,同比增长15.3%。但是需要注意,旅游只是其中一个选择,但黄金周不等于旅游周。Secondly, the golden week has brought a lot of

6、 benefits, personally, to the workers ,not only can they rest at home and its also a relaxed opportunity. even if the special industries cant take a holiday.There is an opportunity for them to make money.For example, near the area of the hotel, the hotel, the golden week can be a big fish.其次,黄金周的存在已

7、经带来了诸多的好处,对个人而言,给劳动者休息放松的机会,即使不能放假的特殊行业也提供一个赚钱的良机。比如,靠近景区的饭店、旅馆,就可以在黄金周大捞一笔。Then,during the eleven golden week, many workers who don not accompany with their parents can go home to visit relatives and friends in this period. If we cancell this vacation, the warmth of the screen will go away, many pe

8、ople will lose an opportunity to stay their family together. At the same time, as a college student, if you had a long-distance relationship girlfriend, you can also take this opportunity to give her a surprise.Meanwhile,you know,it can reduce the pain of missing and make your heart comfortable for

9、a long time.然后,在十一黄金周期间,许多远在他乡的工作者,可以在这一期间回家探亲访友。如果取消了这一制度,这温馨的画面将离我们远去,很多人就会少一次返乡和家人团聚的机会。同时,作为一名大学生,假如你有异地恋的女朋友,你也可以借这个机会去给她一个惊喜,同时,那可以减轻思念的痛苦,让你的心里更安逸一点。Finally,since the implementation of the golden week , citizensrights to rest are put into practice.It can give workers a stable and predictable

10、holiday.At the same time, for college students, we also have the opportunity to complete the unfinished task of learning, and be able to play happily in the place where the university located and feel the beauty of nature.Like us, we can go to Chaotianmen, Monument for Liberation.Especially in the g

11、olden week holiday, we can even go to scenic spots of Qianjiang, such as: small South China Sea, the South waist circle, the Peach Garden and other attractions.最后,自从黄金周的实行,将公民的休假权利落实到了实处,给了劳动者一个可预期的稳定假期。与此同时,对于大学生来说,我们也有机会能够完成未完成的学习任务,并且能够好好地游玩一下大学所在地区的美好风光,感受大自然的美。像我们的话,我们可以去朝天门、解放碑,尤其是在黄金周这种长假,我们甚

12、至可以去黔江的景区,比如:小南海、南腰界、桃花源等景点。反方观点:我国现阶段,取消黄金周反方一辩:Golden Week mode of economic development is actually a kind of short-term economic. Golden week system is carried out in the Southeast Asian financial crisis and economic slump.Its aim is to stimulate the market confidence. But the expense of the stim

13、ulus is many disadvantages of traveling are concentrated on a week.黄金周模式的经济发展实质是一种短视的经济。黄金周制度是在东南亚金融危机经济萧条的情况下推行的,用于刺激市场信心。但是这种刺激是以集中出行带来的诸多弊端为代价的。Marx economics says that the basement of economic determines the superstructure. Now the market confidence has been restored, and the disadvantages of go

14、lden week system have become increasingly obvious.Golden week system has not adapted to the present economic conditions, but it also brings a lot of problems.For example, security issues, environmental issues, scenic, traffic problems.马克思主义经济学中说,经济基础决定上层建筑。如今市场信心已经重建,而黄金周制度的弊端日益凸显。黄金周制度已经不适应现在的经济条件,

15、同时又带来很多问题,例如,安全问题、环境问题、景区问题、交通问题。反方二辩:As our first debater said, golden week system should be abolished. 大家好。正如我方一辩所言,黄金周制度应该取消。 The golden week vacation form a lot of drawbacks.So many tourists are in a same scenic spots will cause overcrowded phenomenon.Otherwise, due to overload reception,excessi

16、ve damage will exist. “黄金周”的休假形式弊端多多。景点人满为患,超负荷接待导致旅游资源的过度损坏。It will keep flights, trains,and motor stay in a high tension.At the same time,it will make safety accidents increase, change the relationship between supply and demand and cause the price of traveling increase so that consumers interest a

17、re damaged. 它将会造成航班、车次、汽运高度紧张,安全事故增多;供求关系的变化,导致旅游价格上涨,消费者利益受损。 With a system in the implementation of more than ten years, it has so many problems and bring a lot of harms to the society.It only shows that this system is a problem, we need to abolish it. 一种制度在实行了短短的十几年间产生了如此多的问题,给社会带来了很多的危害,那么只能说明这种

18、制度是有问题的,我们需要取消它。With the time going by and the development of economic society, the golden week has also some disadvantages, such as,the traffic jam, the contradiction between supply and demand of tourism scenic area.There are some potential safety hazards, the service quality maybe is lower than be

19、fore.But we should understand, these problems are not caused by the golden week, but the problems are exposed through it. So about existing of these problems , we can solve the problem by all kinds of means rather than through the cancellation of the golden week to avoid problems.黄金周也有一些弊端,如交通拥挤,旅游景

20、区的供需矛盾,存在一些安全隐患,服务质量低,但需明白,这些弊端不是由黄金周产生的,而是通过黄金周暴露出来的,所以对于问题的出现,我们可以通过各种手段去解决,而不是通过取消黄金周来规避问题。And, the implementation of the golden week, it is indispensable to the public and it is associateed with peoples interest.Cancelling the golden week is equal to let them take the time to study and work.And,

21、the days of holiday is a symbol of modern civilization and harmonious degree.然后,黄金周的实行,对公众来说,是不可缺少的,有着切身的利益关联,剥夺假期等于让他们拿出时间来工作学习。并且,国民放假时间的多少标志着一个现代国家的文明和和谐程度的高低。So at this stage, cancelling of the golden week is better than not in China.所以现阶段,我国取消黄金周,弊大于利!好处:For the country, it can promote the furt

22、her development of economy, 是否该取消黄金周?2006-4-197:16:00我双手赞成取消黄金周,让商家和消费者都喘口气吧,毕竟我们已经解决温饱,该追求生活质量和品位了!(瀛滨)我认为如果各单位能认真施行分期度假,取消肯定是好事,有谁愿意上车没座,景点看人?熏吃饭排队呢?(1330107)还是取消了吧,黄金周的到来让本来在工作中就很疲劳的身体是累上加累,人的攀比心理也是很严重的,这样让心理上也觉得累了。(韩岩)只有黄金周,才能让我们军校学员感受到校园外面的精彩!若取消黄金周我们的生活就只有枯燥的学习了,那多没劲啊!(郭杨)现在的黄金周已不单单意味着休假,它更成为了



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