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新起点英语 小学四年级上册教案.docx

1、新起点英语 小学四年级上册教案四年级上册英语教案二级教学内容目标 一听1. 能在图片图象手势的帮助下,听懂简单的话语或录音材料。2 . 能听懂简单的配图小故事。3 . 能听懂课堂活动中的简单提问。4. 能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反映。二 说1. 能在口头表达中作到发音清楚、语调达意。2 . 能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短的对话。3 . 能运用一些最常用的日常套语。4. 能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的故事。三 读1. 能认读所学词语。2. 能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词。3. 能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令。 4. 能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息。5. 能借助图片读懂简单的故事和小短文,并养成

2、按意群阅读的习惯。6. 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。四、 写1. 能模仿范例写句子。2 能写出简单的问候语。3 能根据要求为图片、事物等写出简短的标题或描述。4 能基本正确的使用大小写字母和标点符号。五、 玩演视听1 能按要求用简单的英语做游戏。 2 能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或对话。3 能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌30 40 首。4 能演唱英文歌曲30 -40 首。5 能看懂英文动画和程度相当的英语教学节目,每学年不少于10 小时。平均每周不少于20 -25分钟。各班学生情况分析: 四年级上册英语总教学目标 本册为四年级第一学期学生用书,在这一阶段学生英语学习的主要任务是:进一步发展听、说的技能和加

3、强读写的技能。 根据英语课程标准中对英语课程一二级目标的描述及本册书的学习内容,本册书教学目标应为:听:1 能够通过听读观察和思考,找出语音练习中出现的字母组合的发音规律。2 能够听懂课堂常用指令并作出适当的反应。3 能够在教材涉及的情景下听懂与所学话题有关的录音材料。4 能够在图片和动作的指示下听懂小故事,并作出反应。说:1 能够正确读出语音练习中出现的字母组合的读音。2 能够根据图片或实物说出单词。3 能够根据话题用英语说出几句与自己有关的话语。4 能够根据话题与他人进行简单的对话。5 能够用英语表演短剧和故事。读:1 能够认读所学的单词和与话题有关的句子。2 能够正确读出语音练习中的所有

4、单词。3 能在教师的帮助下,借助图片读懂简单的故事和短文。4 能够试朗读所学故事和短文。写:1 能正确抄写单词和句子。2 能够模仿示例并参照给出的单词将语句补充完整。3 能够尝试默写重点词汇。4 能够写出与话题有关的两三个重点句子。其他:1 能在教师的指导下,帮助下用所学的英语具体做一件事,如制作邀请卡,填写调查表格。2 能在教师的指导下用英语作游戏。在游戏过程中,能根据情景需要,初步用英语进行交流。3 能根据故事情节进行角色表演。 本册书学生将学习以下内容:与周围环境有关的六个话题的单词和句子。这六个话题是:Having a party , Sports and games, Having

5、fun , Safety , Asking for 1知识目标:会说本课文具的单词。会使用主要句型。 能谈论有关制作邀请卡的用语。能力目标:能听懂录音内容。能使用句型进行交际。德育目标:学会关心他人,学会与人交流。教学重点:会说文具的的单词和会用句型进行问与答。教学难点:个别单词的音节较多、发音较难。如 invitation ,scissors教学用具:录音带、图片、文具实物 、贺卡教学过程:Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision 1. Show some cards of all kinds of festivals and ask the pupils what

6、festivals do you know ? Then 1. Introduce the background using the pictures.Look ,TeachersDay is coming . Four pupils are going to make a invitation for the party . What tools do they need to make it ?2. Let the Ss look at the invitation and discuss it in groups .3. Play the tape for the Ss to liste

7、n .4. Listen again and stick the stickers .5. Listen ,check the answers and assess in pairs.6. Look at the pictures and read these words below. crayon scissors pen glue paper invitation party7. let the Ss pairs to read them .Step 4 Practice 1. Play a guessing game . T: There are some study tools in

8、my bag. Now touch and guess whats this ? using the following items . Do you ? Yes , I do . If thats true . No , I dont. If thats not true .2.Do group work in four .Then show the activities in the class.3. Play the tape for the Ss to listen part B and try to understand them .4. Listen again and repea

9、t .5. Look at the books and read aloud.6. Group work in four to .2. Talk about invitaion to your friends .Step 7 Design on the Bb Unit 1 Having a party Lesson 1 1. Words: crayon scissons pen glue paper party invatition 2. Sentence: Do you paper .? Yes , I do . No , I dont. Lesson 2 知识目标:1. 会说本课的5个动词

10、.会用4 个副词 first, next ,then,finally。 2. 能熟练说出歌谣.能力目标:能听懂录音内容。能说出并正确书写制作邀请卡的 步骤。德育目标:学会关心他人,培养学生的动手能力,学会与人交流。教学重点:会使用本课的动词和副词说出歌谣.教学难点:会写制作邀请卡的英语表达.教学用具:录音带、图片、文具实物 、贺卡教学过程:Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision 1. Play a guessing game to review the words in lesson 1.2. Let the Ss ask and answer by the pict

11、ures to go over the sentences. Do you t.3. Talk about Teachers Day is coming.Step 3 Presentation 1 .Look, there are some objects on the desk . Teachers Day is coming . Now lets make a invitation for your teachers.2. look at the pictures and listen to the tape .3. Listen again and say what you the ch

12、ant in part A on p3. And show them on the Bb.6. Group work to say the chant .7. Clap .2. Listen to the tape and number.3. Check the answers .Then do it .4. Assess the activities in pairs .5. First read the passage and look at the word box, then fill in the blanks . at last check the answers.6. Read

13、again and talk with the partners.Step 5 Summary 1 .Listen to the tape and say a chant fluently.2 .The S s can use the verbs and adv.Step 6 Homework1 .Copy the words and say the chant 2. Make an invitation.Step 7 Design on the Bb Lesson 2Lets make an invitation .Get your paper ready .First draw with

14、your crayons.Next .cut with your scissors.Then stick with your glue .Finally, wrtie with your pens .Good ,what a pretty card. Lesson 3 知识目标:1. 能借助图片读懂对话内容. 2. 能用4个副词叙述一项任务,表达一个完整的 意思.能力目标:能正确朗读对话并理解句意. 能制作各种邀请卡 . 德育目标:学会关心他人,培养学生的动手能力,学会与人交流。教学重点:会使用本课的动词和副词描述一项任务.教学难点:会用英语书写邀请卡.教学用具:录音带、图片、文具实物 、贺卡

15、教学过程:Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision 1 Do some actions to revise 5 verbs .Such as get ready .draw cut stick write .2 Say the chant in Lesson 2 together . Step 3 Presentation1 Show the pictures and let the S s talk sth about them in groups.2 Read the dialogues in groups while the teacher walks aroun

16、d the class to to the tape and understand its meanings by the pictures .4 Listen again and repeat .then match .5 Give the right answers and assess in pairsStep 4 Lets do 1. Let the Ss look at the example and discuss in pairs.2. Let the Ss say sentences.First , cut . with your scissors .Then ,draw .w

17、ith your crayon .Next , stick .with some glue .Finally, write .with your pens.4. Show and assess in pairs.5. Look at the pictures and talk about it . Boys and girls ,Teachers Day is coming ,we are getting ready for the party . What are you going to do for it ?6. Discuss in groups and fill in the for

18、m.7. Let the Ss report ,then check the answer.Step 5 Let s make an invitation1. Get something ready for making an invitation in groups. 2. Make it in groups to orders using the main sentences.3 Make an invitation by themselves.Step 7 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read part A fluently .2. Make a

19、n invitation and write the steps .3. Prepare for lesson 4Step 8 Design on the Bb Lesson 3clean the classroom practice songs and dancesmake an invitation s day Happy New Years DayHappy birthday Merry Christmas lesson4 知识目标:1. 能借助图片读懂短文内容. 2 正确使用 first ,next ,then and finally 描述一项任务.能力目标:能正确朗读对话并理解句意.

20、 能仿照范例描述在某个节日是如何开聚会的. . 德育目标:教育学生学会与人交流。学会安排自己的生活.教学重点:能借助图片读懂短文内容.教学难点:会用英语描述聚会的情景与他人交流信息.教学用具:录音带、图片、贺卡教学过程:Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision 1. Revise the words by the pictures .2 Say the chant in Lesson2 3 Show an invitation for Teachers Day .Step 3 Presentation 1. Look at the pictures and ask th

21、e Ss what festivals on the pictures?S: Moon day National day Christmas day 2. Let the Ss talk sth about these festivals in groups .3. Llisten to the tape and try to understand the meanings.4. Listen again and repeat.5. Read after the teacher .6. Read by themselves and match .7. Get a few good studen

22、ts to read the passage.8. Check the answer.9.Groupwork to and repeat .3. Discuss in groups s day Moon day Newyears day Spring Festvials4. Let the Ss say sth about the festivals above in the class to communicate with others.5. Look ,think and write A First read the passage and try to understand its m

23、eaning .B Then fill in the blanks using finally firstthen next.C At last check the answers .D Let the Ss read the passage on the whole.Step 6 Sound1. Try to say the sentences to feel the sound about ay.2 .Sum up the sound and do some exercises.Step 7 Summary 1 .Read the passage fluently and understa

24、nd it .2.Decrible the festivals in orders using 4 advs.3.Master the sound about ay.Step 8 Homework 1 .Read the passage fluently.2 .Write the passage like Part C.3. Prepare for the next lesson .Step 9 Design on the Bb Lesson 4 1. Sentences:On this day we usually ,. finally,.2 Sound ay ei day stay pla

25、y today Lesson 5 知识目标:1.在学习故事的的同时复习本单元的知识. 2. 学生通过阅读故事,了解西方感恩节的习俗。 .能力目标:1.能正确朗读故事并理解句意. 2.培养学生的阅读理解能力和良好的阅读习惯 . 德育目标:培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提高人文素养。教学重点:能借助图片读懂短文内容,了解西方的文化。教学难点:能正确理解故事内容,完成阅读测试题.教学用具:录音带、图片、教学过程:Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision1. Revise the words and sentences .2. talk about groups.Step3 Fun

26、 time 1. Stick the topic pictures on the Bband let the Ss feel the story and guess the meanings of the story.2. Learn the story in groups while the teacher walks around in the class to to the tape and say what you again and point the pictures and follow.6. Read the story together. 7. Everyone in a g

27、roup order to prepare for the play.8. Act out the story in groups in the class.9. Read the sentences in part B and think ,then number.10. Correct the answers and assess in pairs .Step 4 Summary 1 . Sum up thanks giving .2 Offer some reading skillsStep 5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape .2. Read the st

28、ory fluenty.3. Copy some words and the main sentences.Step 6 Design on the Bb Lesson 5 1. Words : Turkey pumpkin pie2 Phrases : Go for a walk 6 知识目标:1.通过本课的学习检测学生对本单元知识的掌握情况. 包括 听,说,读,写和语音 .能力目标:1 能借助图片听懂录音材料. 2 培养学生的语言交际能力 3 培养学生阅读理解能力和书写能力. 德育目标:培养学生的观察,思考能力。教学重点:培养学生的听力和阅读能力.教学难点:正确辨别语音和提高学生的书写能力

29、.教学用具:录音带、图片、单词卡教学过程:Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision 1. Revise the words and sentences of unit 1.2. Do oral work .Step 3 Listening 1. Look at the pictures and let the pupils decrible them in groups .2. Listen to the tape and number.3. Listen again and check,then assess in pairs.Step 4 Speaking 1. Lo

30、ok at the pictures and talk sth about them in pairs .2. Explain the meaning of the model3. Devide the class into several groups to the class.Step 5 Reading 1. Try to read the passage and understand its meaning .2. Listen to the tape and repeat.3. Read and match, then correct the answer.Step 6 Writing 1. Look at the pictures carefully and say sth in pairs .2. Think about the orders for christmasday .3. Write in the bracket.4. Give the right answer .Step 7 Sound 1. Read the words aloud and feel the sounds.2. Say and tick .3. Check the answer . name crayon train birthday tail

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