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unit 3导学案教师版.docx

1、unit 3导学案教师版Unit 3 重点词汇讲练1. prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)原句:Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train?例句:Theres coffee or tea. Which would you prefer?搭配:prefer + n. + to 比起更喜欢 prefer doingto doing 喜欢做而不喜欢做 prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做而不愿做 prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事运用:Sh

2、e prefers fish to meat(喜欢鱼而不喜欢肉). He prefers reading to watching TV. (喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视) 我宁愿走着去那里也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。I prefer to walk there rather than ride on a crowded bus. Their father prefers them to be home early. (希望他们早点回家)2. disadvantage n. 不利条件,不便之处原句:Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each

3、form of transport and fill in the following chart.例句:When you visit France, it is a disadvantage if you cannot speak French.反义词:advantage n. 有利条件,优点,好处搭配:put sb at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位 take advantage of 利用运用: His poor English put him at a disadvantage (使他处于不利地位) in the debate.I should like to ta

4、ke advantage of this chance (利用这个机会) to express my thanks for your help.3. ever since 从那以后原句:Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamt about taking a great bike trip.例句:She has been off work ever since she was fired last week,. 说明:ever since后面接名词或从句,做时间状语,表示从过去的时间点持续到现在的或持续到过去某时

5、的动作,它修饰的主句常用现在完成时或过去完成时。运用:自从离开学校,我再也没有见过那位教授。 Ever since I left school, I have never seen the professor. 4. persuade vt. 说服,劝说原句:Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.例句:At last I was able to persuade my brother to take my advice.搭配:persuade sb to

6、do sth, persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 persuade sb not to do sth, persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事运用:我劝她放弃了那个愚蠢的想法。I persuaded her into giving up that foolish idea.I persuaded him not to smoke again. 我说服了他不再吸烟。5. graduate vi. 毕业 n. 大学毕业生原句:After graduating from college, we finally got the c

7、hance to take a bike trip. 搭配:graduate from. 毕业于运用:He graduated from (毕业于) Beijing university last year.6. schedule n. 时间表 vt. 为某事安排时间原句:Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.搭配:ahead of schedule 提前on schedule 按时behind schedule 拖后be scheduled to do. 预定做运用:The new office building has been fin

8、ished one month ahead of schedule(提前).The train arrived on schedule (按时).The president is scheduled to make a speech tomorrow. (预定于明日发表演说)7. be fond of爱好,喜欢原句:I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming.例句:I was fond of playing on the beach when I was young.说明:fond表示“喜欢”时,只用作表语,系动词be也

9、可换成become,get。短语中of 是介词,后面接名词和动名词。运用:She is fond of inviting others to her home to dinner. 她喜欢邀请别人去她家吃饭。8. care about关心;忧虑;惦念;在乎原句:My sister doesnt care about details.运用:我不计较价钱,只要车好用就行。I dont care about money as long as the car is in good condition. 补充:care for喜欢;照料take care 注意,当心take care of 照顾;负责w

10、ith care 当心;仔细地9. change ones mind 改变主意 make up ones mind 下定决心例句:Have you made up your mind where you are going for your holiday? 运用:他已下定决心毕业后当一名老师。He has made up his mind to be a teacher after graduation. 补充:bear/ mind 记住10. give in (1)屈服,投降,让步 (2)上交;递交例句:Finally, the enemy had to give in to

11、 us.You must give in your homework before Tuesday.运用:He never gives in when he faces danger. 当他面对危险的时候,他从不屈服。补充:give away不小心透露;赠送,免费给予give off 放出,散发(光、热、烟、气味等)give out 分配,分发;(食物、燃料、电力等)用光,筋疲力尽give up 放弃;认输11. determine vt.确定;决定;下定决心例句:We have a right to determine our own future.We must determine wha

12、t we shall do next.搭配:determine to do sth.决定做某事 be determined to do sth.决定做某事运用:他决心在学习上超越其他人。He determined to get ahead of the others in study. He was determined to get ahead of the others in study12. attitude n. 态度;看法例句:Her attitude towards him has changed.搭配:hold/show/adopt a attitude to/towards 对

13、持态度运用:他对他的工作表现出非常积极的态度He shows a positive attitude towards his work.。四: 本单元重点句型1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. (L13)强调句结构:it is/was + 被强调部分+ that/who + 其余部分例句:It was I who would like to help her. 是我想帮助她。仿写:汤姆放学在

14、公园弄丢的是手表. It was his watch that Tom lost in the park after school. 是因为生病他才没有去游泳. It was because of his illness that he didnt go swimming.2. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. (L17)表示命令、建议、请求、坚持一类的词,如command, order, suggest, re

15、quest, insist, 从句中使用should + 动词原型。insist that sb (should) do sth 坚持 例句: He insisted that his daughter should learn to play piano instead of guitar. 他坚持要女儿学弹钢琴而不是弹吉他。仿写:Jack坚持要我接受他的邀请。 Jack insisted that I (should) accept his invitation. 他坚持要留下来。He insisted that he should stay.3. Once she has made up

16、 her mind, nothing can change it. (L25) 说明:once 连词,引导状语从句,“一旦” 例句: Once you understand the rules, math becomes easy to learn.一旦你理解了规则,数学就不难学了。 仿写:一旦发生火灾,后果不堪设想。 Once fire breaks out, we can hardly imagine how horrible it is. 一旦他被发现了就会被人送去警察局。 Once he is spotted, he will be sent to prison.4. To climb

17、 the mountain is hard work.(L6)To climb the mountain is hard work说明: 划线部分是主语:动词不定式作主语 = it is hard work to climb the mountain 例句:To find evidence is our goal.找到线索是我们的目标。仿写:安慰她不是件容易的事。 To comfort her is not easy. 找到失踪的女儿是她最大的愿望。 To find her lost daughter is her greatest wish.一、现在进行时的用法动词come,go,arriv

18、e,leave,begin,return等的现在进行时可以表示将来动作,常有“意图”、“安排”或“打算”的含义。这种用法比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表示最近或较近的将来会发生的动作。They are coming here this afternoon.他们今天下午来这儿。Were leaving for Beijing tomorrow.我们明天将去北京。练习:1. Some friends of mine _to stay with me for the weekend. are coming 2. The teacher,along with his students,_ on the

19、 ground in the setting sun. is playing 3. Hurry!The train _.You know it_at 830 am. is leaving, leaves4. So we _8_(hold) a protest meeting tomorrow evening at the town hall. are holdingunit 3 单元狂背词汇一:写出下列词的派生词1. v. 决心; 决定determine adj. 坚决的; 有决心的determined n. 决心determination2. vt. 说服; 劝说persuade n. 说服

20、; 劝说persuasion adj. 有说服力的; 劝说的 persuasive 3. n. 勇气, 精神courage v. 鼓励, 鼓舞encourage adj. 令人鼓舞的 encouraging 4. v. 依赖, 信赖rely adj. 可信赖的, 可靠的reliable adv. 可靠地 reliably5. vi.安家,定居 settle n. 解决,定居点settlement,vt.恢复;重新获得 recover n. recovery7. 细节n. detail 详细的adj. detailed 详细地adv. detailedly 8.宁可;更喜欢v .pre

21、fer偏爱,优先n. preference9. .组织 vi. organize 组织n. organization 有条不紊的有组织的adj. well-organized 组织者n. organizer二: 写出下列词组1at an altitude of.在的海拔高度2ever since 从那以后3graduate from college 大学毕业4care about 关心;忧虑;惦念5make up ones mind 下决心;决定6be excited about 为感到激动7give in 投降;让步8be fond of 喜欢;喜爱9. as usual 照常10. at

22、midnight在午夜 11. change ones mind 改变主意 Unit3 不规则动词的过去式过去分词和现在分词prefer preferred preferred preferring choose chose chosen choosinggrow grew grown growing feel felt felt feelingbegin began begun beginning see saw seen seeingfly flew flown flying lie (躺) lay lain lyingkeep kept kept keeping bend bent be

23、nt bendingUnit 3过关知识 一:写出下列单词的英文1 n.日记;杂志;定期刊物journal2 n.不利条件;不便之处disadvantage 3 adv. 最后;终于finally 4 (adj.)顽固的;固执的stubborn5 vt.组织;成立organize 6 vt.决定;确定;下定决心determine 7(n.)缺点shortcoming8(n.)运送;运输 (vt.)运输;运送transport 9(vt.)更喜欢; prefer10(n.)费用fare11(vi.)流动;流出 (n.)流动;流量flow12(vt.)说服;劝说persuade13(vi.)骑自行

24、车cycle14(n.)时间表,进度表vt.为安排时间schedule15 (adj.)喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的fond16(n.)态度;看法attitude二: 写出下列词组1at an altitude of.在的海拔高度2ever since 从那以后3graduate from college 大学毕业4care about 关心;忧虑;惦念5make up ones mind 下决心;决定6be excited about 为感到激动7give in 投降;让步8be fond of 喜欢;喜爱9. as usual 照常10. at midnight在午夜 11. change on

25、es mind 改变主意 三:写出下列词的派生词1. v. 决心; 决定determine adj. 坚决的; 有决心的determined n. 决心determination2. vt. 说服; 劝说persuade n. 说服; 劝说persuasion adj. 有说服力的; 劝说的 persuasive 3. n. 勇气, 精神courage v. 鼓励, 鼓舞encourage adj. 令人鼓舞的 encouraging 4. v. 依赖, 信赖rely adj. 可信赖的, 可靠的reliable adv. 可靠地 reliably5. vi.安家,定居 settle n. 解

26、决,定居点settlement,vt.恢复;重新获得 recover n. recovery7. 细节n. detail 详细的adj. detailed 详细地adv. detailedly 8.宁可;更喜欢v .prefer偏爱,优先n. preference9. .组织 vi. organize 组织n. organization 有条不紊的有组织的adj. well-organized 组织者n. organizer: 本单元翻译练习史密斯夫妇喜欢旅游。自从他们结婚以来已经去了很多地方了。和往常一样,今年夏天他们计划出国旅游。他们的儿子汤姆刚刚从大学毕业,决定这一次和他们一起

27、去。然而,他们对这次旅行用什么样的交通工具和旅行的时间安排有不同的看法。史密斯夫妇想乘火车,他们认为尽管火车半夜出发,但它既便宜又可靠。而汤姆为父母的健康着想,他认为应该乘飞机,因为它既快捷又方便。他想尽办法去说服父母改变他们的主意。经过几天的努力,夫妇俩最终让步了。他们让汤姆来组织这次旅行。最后正如汤姆所许诺的那样,这次旅行最终是愉快的。The Smiths are fond of traveling. Theyve been to many places in the world ever since they got married. This summer,as usual,they

28、plan to travel abroad. Their son,Tom,who has just graduated from university,makes up his mind to join them this time. However,they have different attitudes towards the transport and schedule of the journey. The couple prefer to travel by train which they think is cheap and reliable although it leave

29、s at midnight. While Tom,who cares much about the health of his parents,is for taking the plane,which is quick and convenient.In his eyes, he tries all possible means to persuade his parents to change their minds. After days efforts,the couple finally give in. They let Tom organize the whole journey

30、. And as the young man promises,the journey proves to be pleasant in the end.unit 3综合练习 一、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Twenty years ago, when I was nine, my family and some friends took a trip. During the trip some members of the group felt 21 , so we stopped at a small stand. Everyone lined up to buy t

31、heir food. However, after I finished eating, I was still a little hungry and wanted some 22 . Soon I was sure my parents wouldnt 23 me any candy. I have to think of a plan, I thought. Then an old lady 24 to buy something she wanted, and would have to get back in line. I knew what I could do. So I rushed to her and volunteered my 25 . She 26 and gave me a $20 bill to get some chips. When I

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