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1、西安电子科技大学研究生课程考试试题考试科目:研究生专业英语阅读 课程代码:0821004考试日期:08年月日 考试时间:100分钟答案请写在答题纸上。Part one: Sentence Translation (30%)1.这个信号太大了,以至于该晶体管(transistor)无法处理。2.常用的方法均不能解这样(so) 一个复杂的方程(equation)o3.他们不清楚到底如何使用这个公式(formula)。4.电流被定义为电荷的流动为大家所熟悉。5.物体越热,它所释放(radiate)的能量就越多,这一事实在工程学中具有重要作用。6.这样做了以后,电子拥有更多能量,从而增加光区(ligh

2、t spot)亮度(brightness)o7.所谓力的三要素在我们学习力学(mechanics)中起很重要作用。8.与现有设备相比,这个设备具有体积小,质量轻,结构简单的优点。9.我们把磁带(magnetic tapes)和光盘做了一比较。10.当时最引人注目(noteworthy)的成就之一是人们认识到了光是由电磁波(electromagneticwave)构成的。11.为了解这个方程求出未知数(unknown)来只需要一台计算机。12.这些方程称为微分方程(differential equation),而对它们的研究形成(form)了数学(mathematics)最具挑战的分支之一。13

3、.这本书如果使用得当,对读者是很有帮助的。14.我们使用用哪个字母表示独立变量(independentvariable)是没有关系的。15.本书既讲了实际的设计方法,同时也讲述了理论问题,而重点放在一般概念上。Part two: Mistakes Correction(30 % )(Write down the corrected sentence on the answer sheet.)1.The detailed analysis of the ability of carrying loads of the components is given.2.This material is

4、very difficult to be machined.3.After processed, these data are sent to the database server immediately.4.This is the largest aircraft which was ever manufactured in China.5.This professor plays an active role in research and application about the Object/RelationMapping Framework.6.Tin does not have

5、 a melting point as high as lead does.7.The conductivity of copper is higher than iron.8.It is not clear yet that it is under what conditions that this method can be used.9.Only when these signals are sent to the same layer, the process above mentioned can occur.10.This is due to that there exists a

6、 capacitance on the PN junction.11.Sound travels less faster than light is.12.The direct current flows always on one direction.13.People will get used with this color as time going on.14.Usually we can not see earths shadow, because there is nothing for it to fall.15.Work equals to force multiplying

7、 distance.Part three: Read this article, translate the underlined sentences (15%), answer the questions (15%) and then summarize this article within 100 words (10%).Earthquake PredictionEarthquake prediction is an imprecise science, and to illustrate the point, many experts point to the story Tangsh

8、an, China. On July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake stuck the city of Tangshan, China, without warning. None of the signs of the successful prediction from a year and half earlier were present. An estimated 250,000 people died.Unlike thirty years ago, however, earthquake scientists today have a

9、few more tools at their fingertips to help predict temblors. Raymond, a geophysicist(地球物理学家),says the application of an emerging satellite technology could advance earthquake science towards a better predicative capability.The system, known as the Global Earthquake Satellite System (GESS), employs a

10、 technology called interferometer synthetic aperture radar (InSAR).(合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术)The technology allows scientists to detect minute deformations (变形) in the Earths crust (地壳). In theory, knowing how and where the Earths crust is deforming, combined with knowledge of how earthquakes work, could give s

11、cientists a clue that an earthquake is going to happen. Max Wyss, director of the World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction, said that InSAR is a great new technology that allows us to illuminate the surface of the planet and map the deformation that happens. And it is very

12、reasonable that Earth deformation may happen before an earthquake. But he also stated that the InSAR technique can not be seen completely reliable because there is little evidence that the Earth actually deforms before a major earthquake.The InSAR technique involves examining pairs of radar images o

13、f the same landscape to determine changes in the land surface over very broad regions to within a couple of inches. The satellites can thus detect slight deformations in the Earths crust, which may indicate strain prior to an earthquake.The space shuttle flew a mission in 2000 that used the technolo

14、gy to create a geographic map of the Earth. A proposal to launch an InSAR equipped satellite is currently before NASA. Scientists hope that within 20 years, several more satellites will launch. Raymond said that while a single InSAR-equipped satellite would be useful, a group of such satellites woul

15、d deliver an extremely dense data set for use by earthquake prediction scientists.As scientists wait for the network of InSAR satellite to be realized, sophisticated global positioning system (GPS) networks are being used to monitor the Earths crust. This information is helping scientists create mod

16、els of complex Earth deformation.Many of us know that earthquakes are a sudden release of energy caused by the sliding of a part of the Earths crust along a fault(断层).But Raymond adds that scientific evidence suggests the Earth also release stress via a slow process. In such cases, there is no shaki

17、ng and damage to buildings. Scientists are uncertain as to how much of thn overall stress in the Earth is released in this manner, but InSAR may help to answer the question.1.What does the word temblor in Para. 2 refer to?2.According to Max Wyss, is InSAR technique precise enough in prediction? Why or why not?3.For the satellites to detect slight deformations in the Earth,s crust, what does the InSAR technique involve?4.What is used to help scientists create models of complex Earth deformation?5.What is the cause of an earthquake in the common case?

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