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高级英语 Face to face with Hurricane Camille中英笔记.docx

1、高级英语 Face to face with Hurricane Camille中英笔记 Face To Face With Hurricane Camille迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫、布兰克1 John Koshak, Jr、, knew Hurricane Camille would be bad、 Radio and television warnings had sounded throughout that Sunday、 Last August 17, as Camille lashed northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico、 It was

2、certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss、, where the Koshaks lived、 Along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, nearly 150,000 people fled inland to safer ground、 But like thousands of others in the coastal munities, John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the familyhis wife, Janis and the

3、ir seven children, aged 3 to 11was clearly endangered、 小约翰。柯夏克已料到,卡米尔号飓风来势定然凶猛。就在去年8月17日那个星期天,当卡米尔号飓风越过墨西哥湾向西北进袭之时,收音机与电视里整天不断地播放着飓风警报。柯夏克一家居住得地方一密西西比州得高尔夫港肯定会遭到这场飓风得猛烈袭击。路易斯安那、密西西比与亚拉巴马三州沿海一带得居民已有将近15万人逃往内陆安全地带。但约翰就像沿海村落中其她成千上万得人一样,不愿舍弃家园,要她下决心弃家外逃,除非等到她得一家人一妻子詹妮丝以及她们那七个年龄从三岁到十一岁得孩子一一眼瞧着就要灾祸临头。lash

4、 (v、): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打pummel (n、): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打2 Trying to reason out the best course of action, he talked with his father and mother, who had moved into the ten-room house with the Koshaks a month earlier from California、 He also cons

5、ulted Charles Hill, a longtime friend, who had driven from Las Vegas for a visit、为了找出应付这场风灾得最佳对策,她与父母商量过。两位老人就是早在一个月前就从加利福尼亚迁到这里来,住进柯夏克一家所住得那幢十个房间得屋子里。她还就此征求过从拉斯韦加斯开车来访得老朋友查理 希尔得意见。course (n、): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法reason out: to find out an explanation or solution to a problem,b

6、y thinking of all the possibilities寻找解决途径例:Lets reason this out instead of quarrelling.让我们不要争吵,商量出事情得解决方案3 John, 37whose business was right there in his home (he designed and developed educational toys and supplies, and all of Magna Products correspondence, engineering drawings and art work were the

7、re on the first floor)was familiar with the power of a hurricane、 Four years earlier Hurricane Betsy had demolished his former home a few miles west of Gulfport (Koshak had moved his family to a motel for the night)、 But that house had stood only a few feet above sea level、 “Were elevated 23 feet,”

8、he told his father, “and were a good 250 yards from the sea、 The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it、 Well probably be as safe here as anyplace else、” 约翰得全部产业就在自己家里(她开办得玛格纳制造公司就是设计、研制各种教育玩具与教育用品得。公司得一切往来函件、设计图纸与工艺模具全都放在一楼)。37岁得她对飓风得威力就是深有体会得。四年前,她原先拥有得位于高尔夫港以西几英里外得那

9、个家就曾毁于贝翠号飓风(那场风灾前夕柯夏克已将全家搬到一家汽车旅馆过夜)。不过,当时那幢房子所处得地势偏低,高出海平面仅几英尺。“我们现在住得这幢房子高了23英尺,她对父亲说,“而且距离海边足有250码远。这幢房子就是1915年建造得。至今还从未受到过飓风得袭击。我们呆在这儿恐怕就是再安全不过了。”a good: at least,full至少,最少例:They waited a good eight hours她们等了至少8个小时。demolish (v、): pull down.tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc.),destroy:r

10、uin拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭motel (n、):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆4 The elder Koshak, a gruff, warmhearted expert machinist of 67 agreed、 “We can batten down and ride it out,” he said、 “If we see signs of danger, we

11、can get out before dark、”老柯夏克67岁.就是个语粗心慈得熟练机械师。她对儿子得意见表示赞同。“我们就是可以严加防卫。度过难关得,”她说?“一但发现危险信号,我们还可以赶在天黑之前撤出去。” gruff (adj、): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴得,粗鲁得;粗哑得。嘶哑得batten (n、): fasten with battens用压条钉住(或固定)5 The men methodically prepared for the hurricane、 Since water

12、 mains might be damaged, they filled bathtubs and pails、 A power failure was likely, so they checked out batteries for the portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern、 Johns father moved a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connec

13、tion to the refrigerator、 为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。自米水管道可能遭到破坏,她们把浴盆与提俑都盛满水。飓风也可能造成断电,所以她们检查手提式收音机与手电筒里得电池以及提灯里得燃料油。约翰得父亲将一台小发电机搬到楼下门厅里.接上几个灯泡。并做好把发电机与电冰箱接通得准备。methodically (adv、): orderly,systematically有秩序地;有条理地main (n、): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electric

14、ity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等得)总管bathtub (n、): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bath浴盆,浴缸generator (n、): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical energy;dynamo发电机,发动机6 Rain fell steadily that afternoon; gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind、 The family h

15、ad an early supper、 A neighbor, whose husband was in Vietnam, asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks、 Another neighbor came by on his way inlandwould the Koshaks mind taking care of his dog?那天下午,雨一直下个不停.乌云随着越来越猛得暴风从海湾上空席卷而来。全家早早地用晚餐。邻居中一个丈夫去了越南得妇女跑过来。问她与她得两个孩子就是否能

16、搬进柯夏克家躲避风灾:另一个准备向内陆带转移得邻居也跑来问柯夏克家能否替她照瞧一下她得狗。sit out: stay until the end of坐到结束例:We forced ourselves to sit the play out.我们强迫自己坐到演出结束scud (v、): run or move swiftly;glide or skim along easily疾行,飞驰;掠过7 It grew dark before 7 oclock、 Wind and rain now whipped the house、 John sent his oldest son and daug

17、hter upstairs to bring down mattresses and pillows for the young children、 He wanted to keep the group together on one floor、 “Stay away from the windows,” he warned, concerned about glass flying from storm-shattered pane、 As the wind mounted to a roar, the house began leakingthe rain seemingly driv

18、en right through the walls、 With mops, towels, pots and buckets the Koshaks began a struggle against the rapidly spreading water、 At 8:30, power failed, and Koshak turned on the generator、不到七点钟,天就黑了.,狂风暴雨拍打着屋子。约翰让大儿子与大女儿上楼去取来被褥与枕头给几个小一点得孩子。她想把全家人都集中在同一层楼上。“不要靠近窗户!”她警告说,担心在飓风巾震破得玻璃碎片会飞来伤人。风凶猛地咆哮起来?屋子

19、开始漏雨了那雨水好像能穿墙透壁,往屋里直灌。一家人都操起拖把、毛巾、盆罐与水桶,展开了一场排水战。到八点半钟,电没有了。柯夏克老爹便启动了小发电机。pane (n、):a single division of a window,etc、,consisting of a sheet of glass in a frame;such a sheet of glass窗格;窗格玻璃mattress (n、): a casing of strong cloth or other fabric filled with cotton,hair,foam rubber,etc.床垫;褥子8 The roar

20、 of the hurricane now was overwhelming、 The house shook, and the ceiling in the living room was falling pieces by pieces、 The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gun-like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated、 Water rose above their ankles、

21、飓风得咆哮声压倒了一切。房子摇晃着,起居室得天花板一块块掉下来。楼上一个房问得法兰西式两用门砰地一声被风吹开了。楼下得人还听到楼上其她玻璃窗破碎时发出得劈劈啪啪得响声。积水已经漫到脚踝上了。disintegrate (v、): separate into parts or fragments; break up;disunite分裂,分解,裂成碎块9 Then the front door started to break away from its frame、 John and Charlie put their shoulders against it, but a blast of w

22、ater hit the house, flinging open the door and shoving them down the hall、 The generator was doused, and the lights went out、 Charlie licked his lips and shouted to John、 “I think were in real trouble、 That water tasted salty、” The sea had reached the house, and the water was rising by the minute、随后

23、,前门开始从门框上脱落。约翰与查理用肩膀抵住,但一股水浪冲击过来。撞开了大门,把两人都掀倒在地板上。发电机泡在水里,电灯熄灭了。查理舔了舔嘴唇,对着约翰大喊道:“这回可真就是大难临头了。这水就是咸得。”海水已经漫到屋子跟前,积水仍不断上涨。by the minute: every minute,minute by minute一分钟一分钟地例:Im feeling better by the minute.我每分钟都感觉好多了。blast (n、): a strong rush of(air or wind)一股(气流);一阵(风)douse (n、): plunge or thrust su

24、ddenly into liquid;drench; pour liquid over把浸入液体里;使浸透;泼液体在上10 “Everybody out the back door to the car!” John yelled、 “Well pass the children along between us、 Count them! Nine!”“都从后门到汽车上去!”约翰提高嗓门大叫道。“我们把孩子2们一个个递过去,数一数!一共九个!”11 The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade、 But

25、 the cars wouldnt start: the electrical systems had been killed by water、 The wind was too strong and the water too deep to flee on foot、 “Back to the house!” John yelled、 “Count the children! Count Nine!”孩子们从大人手上像救火队得水桶一样被递了过去。可就是汽车不能发动了?它得点火系统被水泡坏了。水深风急。又不可能靠两只脚逃命。“回屋里去!.约翰高声喊道。“数一数孩子们。一共九个!”briga

26、de (n、): a group of people organized to function。unit in some work(组织起来执行某种任务得)队12 As they scrambled back, John ordered, “Everybody on the stairs!” Frightened, breathless and wet, the group settled on the stairs, which were protected by two interior walls、 The children put the cat, spooky, and a box

27、 with her four kittens on the landing、 She peered nervously at her litter、 The neighbors dog curled up and went to sleep、 等她们爬着回到屋里后。约翰又命令道:“都到楼梯上去!,于就是大家都跑到靠两堵内墙保护得楼梯上歇着。个个吓得要命,气喘吁吁,浑身湿透。孩子们把取名为斯普琪得一只猫与一个装着四只小猫仔得盒子放在楼梯平台上。斯普琪心神不定地打量着自己得幼仔,邻人得那条狗已蜷起身子睡着了。scramble (v、): climb,crawl,or clamber hurried

28、ly爬行;攀(登)litter (n、): the young borne at one time by a dog,cat or other animal which normally bears several young at a delivery(狗、猫等多产动物)一胎生下得小动物13 The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away、 The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations、 Water inched its way up the step

29、s as first-floor outside walls collapsed、 No one spoke、 Everyone knew there was no escape; they would live or die in the house、狂风就像在身边呼啸而过得列车一样发出震耳得响声,房屋在地基上晃动移位。一楼得外墙坍塌了,海水渐渐地漫上了楼梯。大家沉默无语?谁都明白现在已就是无路可逃.死活都只好留在崖子里了。shudder (n、): shake or tremble suddenly and violently,as in horror or extreme disgust

30、震颤,战栗14 Charlie Hill had more or less taken responsibility for the neighbor and her two children、 The mother on the verge of panic、 She clutched his arm and kept repeating, “I cant swim, I cant swim、” 查理。希尔对邻家得妇女与她那两个孩子多少尽了一点责任。那妇女简直吓昏了头。她紧紧地抓住她得胳膊连声叫道:“我不会游泳,我可不会游泳啊15 “You wont have to,” he told he

31、r, with outward calm、 “Its bound to end soon、”“不会游泳也不要紧?”她强作镇定地安慰她道,.一会儿便什么都过去了。”16 Grandmother Koshak reached an arm around husbands shoulder and put her mouth close to his ear、 “Pop,” she said, “I love you、” He turned his head and answered, “I love you”and his voice lacked its usual gruffness、柯夏克老

32、奶奶伸出胳臂挽住丈夫得肩膀。把嘴凑到她得耳边说,“老爷子,我爱您。”柯老爹扭过头来也回了一句“我爱您,一一说话声已不像平日那样粗声粗气得厂。17 John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt、 He had underestimated the ferocity of Camille、 He had assumed that what had never happened could not happen、 He held his head between his hands, and silently prayed: “Get us through this mess, will You?”约翰望着海水漫过一级一级得台阶,心里感到一阵强烈得内疚。都怪她低估了卡米尔号飓风得危险性,一直认为未曾发生过得事情决不会发生。她两手抱着头,默默地祈祷着:“啊.上帝,保佑我们度过这难关吧!”ferocity (n、): wild force or cruelty;ferociousness凶猛;凶恶,残忍;暴行18 A moment la

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