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1、英语接听电话- 页面 1- 电话英语-接听英语电话 1 接到英語電話時 應急用語 不擅長說英語的人接到英語電話時,千萬不要手足無措,可用下述幾種方式 沉著應答。 (1) 請稍待片刻。 Just a moment, please. (2) 請別掛斷。我找一位會說英語的人來。 Hold the line, please. Ill get an English speaker. (3) 請等一下。我找個人來聽。 Hold on, please. Ill get someone to the phone. (4) 很抱歉,我英語說得不好。我找位會講英語的人稍後回電話給你。請教您的大名及 電話號碼? I

2、m sorry, I dont speak English well. Ill have an English speaker call you back later. May I have your name and telephone number? 接電話的開場白 拿起話筒的時候,可先用Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon.等問候對 方,並報上自己的公司名、部門名、姓名等,如此可予人態度親切的感覺。 (1) 早安。這裏是正泰貿易公司。我能效勞嗎? Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I

3、help you? (2) 午安。這裏是大安商業銀行。我能為您效勞嗎? Good afternoon. This is Dan An Commercial Bank. What can I do for you? - 页面 2-(3) 先鋒電子。我是吳瑪莉。 Pioneer Electronics. This is Mary Wu speaking. (4) 喂。海外營業部。我是王大明。 Hello. Overseas Sales Department. Taming Wang speaking. (5) 喂。這裏是王公館。 Hello. This is the Wang residence.

4、 (6) 午安。我是王大明。 Good afternoon. Taming Wang speaking. (7) 我是楊文凱,請講。 Wenkai Yang. Speaking. 問對方要找誰 通常對方都會主動說出要找誰,但萬一對方說不清楚,或是你沒聽懂,想再 確認的時候,可以用下面的話問清楚。 (1) 請問找哪位? Who do you want to talk speak to? (2) 您找哪位? Who would you like to speak with? (3) 請問受話人的尊姓大名? The name of the person you are calling, please

5、? (4) 你要打給哪位? Who are you calling? 請教對方的大名 接獲老外打來的電話,應問清楚對方的身分,以便通報相關的當事人或做進 一步的處理。 - 页面 3-(1) 請問是哪位? Whos calling, please? (2) 請問您哪位? Whos speaking, please? (3) 請教大名好嗎? May I have your name, please? (4) 請問大名好嗎? May I ask your name? (5) 請教您的大名。 Your name, please. (6) 請問您是哪位? May I ask whos calling,

6、please? (7) 請問您是誰? Who is this, please? (8) 請問是誰? Who is that calling? (9) 請告訴我您是哪位? Who should I say is calling? (10) 您是哪一位? Who(m) am I speaking to? (11) 要我通報您是哪位嗎? Could I tell him whos calling? (12) 請問您是何人? Whos that speaking, please? (13) 請問是哪位打來的? Whos this calling, please? 請教對方大名的拼法 - 页面 4- 外

7、國人的姓氏及名稱林林總總,在電話中往往難以辨明正確的拼法,這時候 下面這些話就派得上用場了。 (1) 能請您拼一下大名嗎? Could you spell your name, please? (2) 請問您的大名要怎麼拼? How do you spell your name, please? (3) 能請您拼一下姓氏嗎? Would you spell your last name, please? 詢問來電者打電話的用意 問明對方的來意,可以把關過濾電話的性質,以便轉給相關的人員或部門, 或者婉拒不必要的電話。 (1) 請問有何指教? May I ask what your busine

8、ss is? (2) 請問有何貴幹? In what regard are you calling? (3) 請問有什麼事嗎? Could I ask what this is in connection with, please? (4) 有什麼我可以為你效勞的嗎? What can I do for you? (5) 請問您找他有什麼事呢? May I ask what you want to speak to him about? (6) 請問有什麼貴事? May I ask what this is about, please? 自己正是對方要找的人時 - 页面 5- 剛好接到找自己的

9、電話時,女性可說This is she.男性則可說This is he.而 Its me.和Speaking.是較為隨便的說法。This is ( 自己名字) speaking.則是較正 式的說法。 (1) 我就是王大明 This is Taming Wang speaking. (2) 我就是。 This is he she. (3) 我正是。 Speaking. (4) 是的,我正是。 Yes, speaking. (5) 正是在下。 Its me. (6) 是的,我就是王先生。 Yes, this is Mr. Wang. (7) 我就是王先生。 Im Mr. Wang. (8) 是的,

10、我就是相關的負責人。 Yes, Im in charge. (9) 我就是負責此事的人。 Im in charge of that. 自己剛好有事時 接獲電話但因有要事在身不能繼續談時,最好把原因說出來讓對方知道,免 得人家誤以為你在擺架子。對方說不定還會體諒的說I understand. Give me a call when youre free.或All right. Ill talk to you later.或是No Problem at all.呢。 (1) 門口像是有人。我再打給你好嗎? - 页面 6- It sounds like someone is at the door.

11、 Can I call you back? (2) 我另外還有一通電話要接。我再打給你好嗎? I have a call on the other line now. Can I call you back? (3) 我十分鐘後再打給你好嗎? May I call you back in ten minutes? (4) 我再打給你怎麼樣? Do you think I could call you back? (5) 我正要外出。 Im just about to go out. (6) 恐怕我此刻有幾位客人在。現在不便談。 Im afraid Ive got some visitors a

12、t the moment. I cant talk now. (7) 我此刻正在忙。待會兒再打過去給你好嗎? Im busy at the moment. Can I get back to you a little later? (8) 有一通越洋電話正等著我接。一通話完畢我立刻打給你好嗎? Theres an overseas call waiting for me. Can I phone you back as soon as Im through? (9) 我八點左右會回來。你到時候再打來好嗎? Ill be back around eight oclock. Can you cal

13、l then? (10) 可能的話,請你約三十分鐘後再打給我好嗎? Would you call me back in about 30 minutes, if possible? (11) 我正在開會當中。您能三十分鐘後再打來嗎? Im right in the middle of a meeting. Do you mind calling back in about 30 minutes? (12) 很抱歉我正在開會。我再回你電話好嗎? Im sorry but Im in a meeting. Could I call you back? (13) 抱歉,我現在不便談。我正等著接一通越

14、洋電話。待會兒我再打過去給你好嗎? Sorry, I cant talk now. Theres an overseas call waiting for me. Can I get back to you a little later? 接電話時常用的客套話 電話是一種非直接面對面的社交或人際溝通方式,自然也免不了要講一些活 - 页面 7- 絡感情的客套話。 (1) 早安。午安。晚安。 Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening. (2) 好久不見了。 Its been a long time. (3) 好久不見。 Long time no se

15、e. (4) 真高興接到你的電話。 Im really happy to hear from you. (5) 聽到你的聲音太好了。 Its good to hear your voice. (6) 我一直期待你的電話。 Ive been expecting your call. (7) 好久沒有你的電話了。 I havent heard from you in ages! (8) 能接到你的電話可真是太好了。 Its so nice to hear from you! (9) 我正想打給你。 I was just about to call you. (10) 你倒是比我搶先一步。 You

16、beat me to the punch. (11) 我幾天前打過電話給你,可是沒人接。 I gave you a call the other day, but nobody answered. 回覆對方的問候 電話中的問候語跟平常碰面時的並沒什麼不同,譬如主動問候的一方常會說 How are you? How are you doing? How have you been? How are things? Whats new? Hows business?等。 - 页面 8-(1) 很好,謝謝。你呢? Fine, thanks. And you? (2) 好啊。再好不過了。 Fine.

17、Couldnt be better. (3) 一切都很好,謝謝你。 Everythings fine, thank you. (4) 老樣子。 As usual. (5) 沒什麼特別的。你怎麼樣? Nothing much. How about you? (6) 很順利。 Its going well. 聽不清楚時 若有對方說話的速度太快、電話音量太小、線路受到雜音干擾等現象,應適 時提出來,以便改善通話情況。 (1) 對不起,請再說一遍好嗎? I beg your pardon? (2) 能請你說大聲一點嗎? Could you speak a little louder? (3) 請講大聲

18、點好嗎? Could you speak up, please? (4) 請講慢一點好嗎? Will you speak a little more slowly? (5) 速度請慢一點好嗎? Would you slow down a little, please? - 页面 9-(6) 很抱歉,我聽不清楚你說話。 Im sorry, I cant hear you very well. (7) 我們的線路似乎不好。你聽得見我嗎? We seem to have a bad connection. Can you hear me? (8) 線路不良。 The connections not

19、good. (9) 我們的通話線路很糟。 Weve got a bad line. (10) 電話線路並不清楚。 The line is fuzzy. (11) 電話線路發生交擾。請掛斷再重打好嗎? The lines are crossed. Would you hang up and call us again? (12) 你剛才說什麼? What did you say just now? (13) 你能重覆一遍嗎? Could you repeat that? (14) 能請你再說一遍嗎? Could you say that again, please? (15) 這電話有問題。 S

20、omethings wrong with this phone. (16) 你聽得清楚我說話嗎?我們的電話線路情況不佳。 Can you hear me well? We have a poor connection. 不明瞭對方所言時 聽不懂對方的話卻硬撐下去,並非明智之舉,不如坦白請對方更簡單明確的 說明清楚。 (1) 能說得明確一點嗎? - 页面 10- Could you put that in more specific terms? (2) 我無法確定你的意思。 Im not sure what you mean. (3) 很抱歉。我沒聽懂你的話。 Im sorry. I coul

21、dnt follow you. (4) 你講得太快了。我跟不上。 Youre talking too fast. I cant keep up. (5) 請你再多解釋一下好嗎? Will you explain a little bit more? (6) 你能說得簡單一點嗎? Could you put that more simply? (7) 恐怕我沒聽懂。能請你再說一遍嗎? Im afraid I didnt understand that. Could you say that again, please? (8) 對不起,我沒聽到,請你再說一遍好嗎? Excuse me, but

22、I didnt hear that, would you mind repeating it, please? (9) 抱歉,我沒聽懂,請您拼一下好嗎? Sorry, but I didnt catch that, would you mind spelling it, please? 欲暫時離開話筒時 萬一通話途中突然有其他事情要處理,這時你可以跟對方說明理由,請其稍 待。 (1) 請稍待片刻好嗎?我馬上回來。 Could you hold on a moment, please? Ill be right back. (2) 對不起。我查一下我的行事曆。 Excuse me. Let me

23、 look at my schedule. (3) 有人在門口。請等一下。 I think somebodys at the door. Hold on a second. - 页面 11-(4) 請等十秒鐘,我去關瓦斯。 Wait 10 seconds while I turn off the gas. (5) 請等一下。我去關電視。 Just a moment. Ill turn off the TV. (6) 對不起我別線有電話進來。 Im afraid I have a call on another line. 再次確認對方所說的話 為防自己聽漏了或聽錯了,可將對方說過的話複述一遍,

24、以利雙方做個確認。 (1) 我重覆一遍給你聽。你是說商品預定在六月二十日運抵台北吧。 Let me repeat that back to you. Youre saying that the merchandise should arrive in Taipei on the 20th of June? (2) 每碼五元,對吧? That was $5 per yard, right? (3) 你說下週二下午兩點,沒錯吧? You did say next Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., didnt you? (4) 我來確認一下。 Let me confirm that. (5

25、) 我來確認一下電話號碼。是291-3996 對吧? Let me confirm the phone number. Its 291-3996, right? (6) 重覆一遍,你是說四月三日所訂的商品還未送達吧。 To repeat, you said that the merchandise ordered on April 3rd hasnt arrived yet. (7) 好的。我來重覆一遍以便確認無誤。 O.K. Let me repeat that to you just to make sure. 欲掛斷對方的電話時 有時候因為自己有他事待辦,必須結束電話,或是有些人講起電話

26、來常不自 - 页面 12- 覺的說個沒完,令聽者困擾。這時候可婉轉的提出你必需結束談話的理由,讓對方知 道自己準備掛斷電話了。 (1) 很抱歉打斷您的話,懷特先生。我正設法趕在幾位客戶去吃午餐前打電話聯絡他們。 我稍後再打過去給你繼續談此事,您認為如何? Im sorry to interrupt you, Mr. White. However, Im trying to reach several customers by phone before they go to lunch. Do you think I could get back to you later on this? (2

27、) 等我比較有空再打過去給你好嗎? Could I phone you back when I have more time? (3) 我知道你很忙,所以我最好不打攪你了。 I know how busy you are, so Id better let you go. (4) 很抱歉,我不得不中斷這通電話,因為.。 Sorry, but Ive got to cut this short, because . (5) 很高興跟你講電話,不過. Ive enjoyed speaking to you, but . . 各種附和、質疑、同意、否定的用語 通話當中需借助各種或表附和,或表驚訝,或表欣喜,或表婉惜,或表疑問, 或表否定的短語,以利談話的順利推展。 表驚訝 (1) 真的呀? Really? (2) 什麼? What? (3) 別開玩笑! Youre kidding! (4) 天呀! My goodness! - 页面 13-表欣喜 (1) 好極了! Great! (2) 太棒了! Fantastic! (3) 棒極了! Terrific! (4) 哇! Wow! 3表婉惜 (1) 真糟糕。 Thats too bad. (2) 真可惜! What a shame! (3) 聽到這樣我很難過。 Im

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