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第一章 如何布篇谋局修改稿.docx

1、第一章 如何布篇谋局修改稿第一章 如何布局谋篇优秀的设计是建筑的基础,出色的构思是绘画的第一步,而布局谋篇是一篇成功作文的关键。谋篇布局的前提在于审题准确,分析入理,立意正确,组织严密。英语四、六级作文虽然字数有限,但是仍然是一篇完整的文章,一般由三个段落组成: 开头段、主体段和结尾段。在文章的宏观结构上,开头段应开门见山的点明主题;主体段是文章的主体,根据文体的不同,或者阐释说明,或者论证辨析,或者叙述原委,或者分析入微,围绕主题展开;结尾段应该与开头段首尾呼应,或者总结归纳,或者提出建议,或者提出解决方案,或者表达愿望请求。总之,三部分应连贯统一,主题明确,结构完整、合理,逻辑严密,过渡自

2、然,符合文体写作的要求。第一节 写作流程文章具有系统性和目的性,因此在进行文章写作时必须依循一定的程序、有步骤有计划地进行,才能写出主题突出、结构严谨、符合写作要求的作文。下面,我们从写作流程的角度阐述四、六级作文的写作步骤。1. 审题首先要详细阅读作文考试指令及文章标题。作文考试指令一般包括字数、文章题目和写作提示的内容,考生考试时必须审读指令,严格按照要求理解题意,构思全文。标题通常是文章的灵魂,具有概括性和指导性,考生应准确理解标题的意义,判断出其文体,说明文、议论文、记叙文或者是应用文;段落写作提示则是写作的框架,据此可确立文章各段的主题句。然后,在正确理解文章标题和段落提示的基础上,

3、构思文章的主体。我们以2005年6月英语六级考试作文为例来说明:Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated ProductsYou should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 目前盗版的现象比较严重2. 造成这种现象的原因及其危害3. 我们应该怎么做从这次考试的题目及指令来判断,我们可以看出:文章的主题是反对盗版,分析其原因及危害,并采取措施制

4、止盗版的泛滥。该作文的体裁应该是议论文,主要的写作方法应该是分析、论证。2. 确立中心思想确立文章的中心思想,即根据题目及段落提示确定文章的主题。按照英语写作的习惯,文章的主题必须具体、明确、完整,不能含糊其辞。中心思想一般由全文的“主题句”来体现,接下来便是围绕主题句构思全文,拟写提纲。我们根据分析,可以初步将主题确定为:盗版现象危害严重,我们应该采取措施反对盗版。(Piracy has caused a great loss;we should take measures to stop the phenomenon.)3. 确定体裁和写作方法四级考试的体裁包括议论文、说明文和记叙文。从近

5、些年来看,四级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的混合体。体裁的确定有助于考生确定不同的写作方法。通过审题,我们可以看出四级作文大都是三段式。议论文有议论文的写作方式,说明文有说明文的写作方式,记叙文有记叙文的写作特点。议论文:它的写作特点是要有论点和论据,而且往往从正反两面来论述。说明文:写作特点是从几方面或几条来说明一个问题。记叙文:往往以时间为主线记录回顾事件。4. 拟定主题句并列提纲通过审题,我们了解了写作的思路,然后就要写主题句。写好主题句的最保险的方法就是先把各中文提纲译成英语,在此基础上还要考虑段落间的连贯、衔接问题。作文的首要要求就是不跑题、不偏题,因此主题句是写作的重要一步。列

6、提纲是将主题思想进一步具体化、条理化。提纲是文章的框架,可以显现出文章主题发展的脉络。列提纲有助于作者理清思路,使文章有章可循,条理清晰。由于近年的四、六级作文考试大都提供了提示语,我们可以根据其中文草拟写作大纲,作文的框架应该围绕作文要求进行,但是又不能拘泥于其原文。我们对Say No to Pirated Products 一文可以这样草拟大纲:1. Presently, piracy has become a prevailing phenomenon.2. There are several reasons for the phenomenon and it has caused a

7、great loss.3. Its high time for us to take measures to stop the phenomenon.5. 草稿拟好提纲,接下来就是对提纲进行充实,补充必要的细节。在打草稿的过程中,写作者应该以提纲为指导,对文章的主题思想,整篇布局通篇考虑,并利用句子、段落写作方面的技巧,力求文章切题达意,结构合理,内容连贯。如果发现提纲有不足之处,应及时调整、修改。6. 修改修改是文章写作中不可缺少的一环。尤其在考试时,考生应该留出足够的时间对所写文章进行检查。每改掉一个错误,尤其是较大的语法、句法和用词错误,就意味着在给自己加分,这能够有效地保证作文的得分。

8、文章的修改应集中在以下几个方面:1 文章的主题思想明确,不会跑题、偏题。2 句子与句子、段落与段落之间过渡自然、衔接合理。3 细节与主题密切相关。4 人称、时态和数的一致。5 文章是否存在标点、拼写、大小写、词组搭配的错误。 例文分析:Say No to Pirated ProductsPresently, piracy has become a prevailing phenomenon not only in China but in most countries all over the world as well. In many places we can see people pe

9、ddling pirated products like tapes, CDs, high-tech devices, not to mention books.(现象陈述引出主题)What reasons have caused such a phenomenon?(原因分析) On the one hand, (原因1)it is the attractive profit that drives more and more businessmen to run the risk of selling pirated products. On the other hand, (原因2)co

10、nsumers also play an essential role in the prevalence of piracy. Many people are attracted to buy pirated products because of their low prices, which adds inducement to piracy. It has been widely believed that piracy has caused a great loss(危害例证) to legitimate producers, investors and authors in man

11、y ways. That means the hard work of the honest people may end up in vain, and they will finally lose the motivation to develop new products.(危害后果)Its high time for us to take measures to stop the phenomenon.(解决措施) Firstly, (措施1)we should discipline ourselves: never buy or use pirated products any mo

12、re. Secondly, (措施2)the government should take more effective measure to ban piracy. They should draft some laws to control the selling and buying of pirated products. Finally, (措施3)the prices of authorized products should be lowered so that ordinary people can easily afford them. Only in this way ca

13、n we put an end to piracy and create a healthy environment for both customers and producers.(首尾呼应,深化主题)本文通过现象陈述引出问题,“Presently, piracy has become a prevailing phenomenon not only in China but in most countries all over the world as well.”。第二段通过关键词(phenomenon)的重复承上启下。“What reasons have caused such a

14、phenomenon?”说明盗版泛滥的原因不止一种,On the one hand 与On the other hand这对过渡词语的使用让作者巧妙的连接对盗版的原因分析。然后,作者又对盗版的危害举例说明,并加以分析。在第三段,作者再次重复关键词phenomenon承上启下,提出对这一问题解决的措施,并用衔接词(Firstly, Secondly, Finally)引出三项措施,条理清楚,从三个角度解决问题。结尾段最后一句,“Only in this way can we put an end to piracy and create a healthy environment for bot

15、h customers and producers.”有力的呼应主题,用倒装句增强语气,启人深思。第二节 三段式下面我们从全文整体框架(三个主要段落的写作)的角度(三段式)对作文写作进行分析,而具体的段落写作将在下一章作详细阐述。三段式即大家比较熟悉的三段的具体写作方法,一般要求达到“虎头、猪肚、豹尾”的标准,即文章的开头段主题明确,主体段内容翔实,结尾段呼应主题。开头段的写作文章的开头通常由引言部分和文章的中心思想所组成,万事开头难,好的开始是成功的一半。文章的开头要引人入胜,要能够激起读者对本文内容的兴趣或好奇心,同时还要提供必要的背景知识。由于受时间和字数的限制,全文的第一句话,也就是本

16、段的引言句,至关重要,它要以非常简练的句子引导出主题,作者必须想好引言的角度、方式和深度,自然地引出全文的主题中心思想。文章的开头方式多种多样,学生可根据题目和中文段落提示,先确定文体,然后根据段落提示来确定如何开头。下面介绍引言段(句)的几种写作方法:1) 主题法主题法是指文章开门见山,直接了当地指出文章的主题,这种方法也叫做现象陈述法或叫做事实陈述法,是说明文和议论文写作中最常用的方法。这种方法的优点是便于一开始就抓住主题,不会导致偏题和离题。例如,How to Succeed in a Job Interview(2001年1月 CET-4 &CET-6)一文的开头:Nowadays,

17、when people want to find a job, they always have to take a job interview. After the interview both the interviewer and the interviewee can make the final decision. So a job interview has become more and more important in our society.2) 定义法定义法指通过对文章要讨论的主题,尤其是人们不太熟悉的主题进行释义来引出话题。例如,Practice Makes Perfe

18、ct(1997年1月 CET-4)一文的开头:It goes without saying that this proverb means that one must make repeated efforts in learning something before one can reach great proficiency.3) 对立法对立法是指文章一开头列举人们对所讨论的问题所持的不同观点。然后笔锋一转,点出作者自己对这个问题的看法,此方法一般用于论说文中,这种方法也可叫做“竖靶法”,即先把反对方的观点“竖”起来,然后用自己的观点加于反驳。例如,It Pays to Be Hones

19、t (2003年1月 CET-4 &CET-6 )一文的开头:What is honesty? It means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in action. Considered as a virtue, it is admired in every country and every culture. He who lies and cheats is dishonest. Dishonesty is generally despised and condemned by everyone.4) 问题法问题法通过提出来引出

20、要讨论或有争议性的问题。由于作者的回答针对性很强,所以此开头具有较强的逻辑性。例如,Say No to Pirated Products(2005年6月CET-6)的开头:Presently, piracy has become a prevailing phenomenon not only in China but in most countries all over the world as well. In many places we can see people peddling pirated products like tapes, CDs, high-tech devices

21、, not to mention books.5) 数据法数据法即开头段引用权威性的统计数字,把问题或现象显现于读者面前,然后进行分析,使作者的观点显得客观,具有较强的权威性和说服力。例如,Health Gains in Developing Countries(1996年6月 CET-6)一文的开头:As strikingly indicated in the chart, life expectancy in developing countries from 1960s to 1990s has climbed from about 40 to around 60, increasing

22、 by 20 years within 3 decades. As a sharp contrast, the infant mortality during the same period has dropped steeply by 50%, from 200 deaths per 1000 births to about 100 deaths per 1000.6) 描写法描写法是指通过生动的描写把文章要讨论的主题、事物、现象反映出来,以引起读者的兴趣。此方法既可用于记叙文,也可用于论说文。例如, The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got Injured

23、) (2003年9月 CET-4)一文的开头:Last Monday, one of my dormmates, Sun Lin, ran a high fever, and felt aching all through the body. And he could not have anything and seemed to become more ill each day. We were so worried that we realized that something must be done to help Sun Lin out of his agony. We sent h

24、im to the university clinics and paid for the treatment and medication with money from our life maintenance. 需引起注意的是,用上述方法开头,要做到言简意赅,避免说话兜圈子,主题不明确,词不达意等倾向。学生应该熟练掌握上述集中段落开头方法,在平时写作时多加练习,在应试时才能做到“举一反三,应付自如”。练习:以下是作文 “Is a little learning dangerous?” 的几种开头段,请判断它们分别属于使用了那些方法。Sample 1:Some people say tha

25、t is matters noting to learn a little or even little. Contrary to the point, I think that a little learning is dangerous. I have three reasons to prove my opinion.Sample 2:The other day, I was telling my semi-illiterate father of my intention to enter myself for the graduate examination when he cut

26、me in, “A college learning is enough. Its no use going further to school.” I argue, “Not yet at all. Even a little learning is dangerous.” Then I gave him three examples on his part to explain my idea. Sample 3:“Widows and gentlemen let me introduce to you the governor of our province and the presid

27、ent of our university” The audience were startled. A deadly hush fell. A little while later, there burst a long, loud guffaw. It turned out to be a ridiculous blunder make by the interpreter who accompanied a visiting delegation to U. S. A. What a danger a little learning brings about. It is dangero

28、us because of the following effects.Sample 4:A proverb reads: “A little learning is a dangerous thing”. It means “People with a little knowledge are often unaware of their ignorance and are consequently misled”. I agree to both the sayings and will prove the truth by deduction as follows.Sample 5:Ti

29、mes are advancing and society developing. Science and technology lay their weighty burden on the shoulders of us young generations. Thus knowledge is becoming more and more important. Ignorance cannot afford to the great and profound task. And an individual with insufficient knowledge is unable to a

30、ccomplish an accurate and a precise responsibility. As a result, a little learning is dangerous due to the causes given below. Sample 6:What is a little learning? A little learning suggests “scanty knowledge,” “being ignorant and ill-informed,” or “half-baked knowledge.” An English proverb reads: “a

31、 little learning is a dangerous thing. I think it quite right. But why is it dangerous? The following points will clarify my stand and reasoning. 主体段是文章的主要部分,写作者要选取合适的素材,运用恰当的表达对文章的中心思想进行论证,使中心思想得到发展升华。第二章将重点讲述段落的内容结构、内容组织、句子衔接等方面的详细内容,为了避免重复,本节将只作一些理论阐述。1) 根据主题确立主体段结构在主体段的写作中,写作者要选取合适的素材,运用恰当的写作方法对

32、文章的主题思想进行充分的论证、阐述,使主题思想得意发展、升华。如果说三段式作文中,首段需要确立主题的话,那么主体段就是围绕主题作深层次的阐述和论证,因而要求正文段的段落主题句充分体现全文的中心思想,要具有概括性。通常正文段的段落主题句通过重复关键词,使用同义词,改变句型的方式与引言段中的全文主题保持一致。这样既可做到段落过渡自然紧凑,又可以统领和制约正文段的写作。位于其后的体现层次的拓展句则内容较为具体,这些句子说明、论证、分析中心思想,起支撑捍卫中心思想的作用。2) 根据主题确立主体段内容的主次关系要说明、阐述或分析中心思想,首先要考虑主题句层次的复杂程度。一般来说,主题越复杂,段落内的层次就越多,反之,就越少。围绕一个主题,必须从多方面加以阐述、论证和分析。这里需要遵循两个原则:逻辑性原则逻辑性原则即主体段的内容须按照人们的认识规律和逻辑思维来安排,例如先提出问题,后予以回答;先从正面论述,后从反面驳斥;先从现象入手,后剖析实质。只要内容的安排与人们的思维习惯相一致,整段的层次自然很清晰。重要性原则重要性原则即内容的安排从次要到重要,从简洁到直接,以此增强;或恰好相反,从重要到次要,以此减弱。在分几个层次说明问题

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