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1、作文范文之英语作文美猴王英语作文美猴王【篇一:2013版新目标英语八年级下第43页3a短文译文】 2013版新目标英语八年级下第43页3a短文译文 1979年11月,英国小学生能够收看一部叫美猴王的电视剧。他们中大多数人第一次听说到这个故事。然而,对于中国孩子来说,这个故事并不新鲜了。在这本传统的中华名著西游记中,美猴王或者孙悟空是主要人物。 美猴王不仅仅是一只普普通通的猴子。事实上,他甚至有时看起来都不像是一只猴子!那是因为他会七十二变,能变化大小形状,能变成各种不同的动物和物体。可是,除非他能藏住他的尾巴,否则他是变不了人的。美猴王用一根魔棍(金箍棒)和坏人们打斗。有时候他能把金箍棒变小,

2、以便他能把它放进他的耳朵里。而在其他时候,他会把它变大变长。 美猴王已经让中国孩子兴奋了许多个年年岁岁了。而且30多年前,这部电视剧一经热播,因为这个聪明的美猴王总是为帮助弱小而战并永不放弃,西方国家的孩子对阅读这个故事产生了浓厚的兴趣。【篇二:六年级英语全册复习题】 六年级英语全册复习题 (一) 一、 选择。 ()1、last night a car _ into the tree. it was broken. a. gotb. crashed c. ran ()2、this is _ best time to be in china, because the spring festiva

3、l is coming. a. an b. the c. a ()3、when youre in trouble, you can ask_ for help. a. a policeman b. a postman ()4、the family are looking _ an album.a. at b. on c. out ()5、when did you _ a manager ? a. become b. becamec. be ()6、welcome _ our school! a. inb. to c. at ()7、you are so beautiful _a. to loo

4、k in b. to look aboutc. look at ()8、i was a ducking _ i become a swam _ a. before, beforeb. now before c. before, now ()9、the pillows are the presents _ my grandparents for my new bedroom. a. fromb. toc for ()10、let me _ you the changers between my old photo and the new one. a. showed b. showsc. sho

5、w ()11、jiamin was ill yesterday, his mother was _. a. sad b bored c. happy ()12、what are you going to do _ monday afternoon?a. inb. on c. at ()13、-what did you _ in the sky? - a big bird! a. watchb. lookc. see ()14、my house was far away _ the school. a. to b. from c. by ()15、where were you last nigh

6、t? i _ at home. a. were b. am c. was 二、 按实际回答问题。 1、do you keep a diary every day?_ 2、were you at school yesterday afternoon? _ 3、how do you get to school? _ 4、did you have an english lesson yesterday? _ 5、how often do you play computer games? _ 三、写出下列动词的过去式和现在分词。become _ plant _dig _ pick_ grow_ cat

7、ch_ drink_ stand_ eat_ fly_ buy _ see_ 四、写出下列单词的英文。 改变_前天_ 学生_植树节_ 记日记_ 经理_ 调皮的_遇到麻烦_ 博物馆_ 靠近_挖一个洞_枕头_ 黑教室_ 填满土_ 抱枕、垫子_ 星期五是工作周的结束 _ is the _ of the workweek 当他看见一个美国人时他十分惊奇 he was _ when he _ an american man 户外活动 _ 植物需要水和光 _ 星期一是工作周的开始_ is the _ of the workweek 我最喜欢星期五,因为有体育课。 i like _ _ because i

8、have pe lesson. homework is we _ _ _ (作业是我们必须完成的) 五、用动词适当的形式填空。 1、in the morning before i _ (go) to school, i _(run) for half an hour first. 2、last night i _ (watch) tv for an hour with my parents. 4、she often _(say), ”i _(be) a doctor when i _(grow) up”. 5、there _ (be) a football match on tv this e

9、vening. 6、look, the pupils _(plant) trees on the hill. 六、用过去时写一篇春节的一次活动的日记 _ _ _ 六年级英语(2) 一、词组中译英。 寻找-_最后-_ 从那时起-_ 孙逸仙博士-_ 聪明的学生-_勇敢的男人-_ 充满茉莉花-_ 著名的画家-_继续跳舞-_ 整天-_ 捡起它-_ 撞上一只狮子-_ 中国现代之父-_ 领导者-_ 勇敢-_森林-_ 科学家-_发明家-_寓言-_ 作家-_ 旅游者-_ 二、选择。 1、( )rose always _ in the evening. a. do some reading b. does so

10、me reading c. does any reading 2、( )mozart was one of the greatest _ in the world. a. music b. musician c. musicians 3、( )robin hood _ the poor and _ from the rich, a. helped, take b. helped, gave c. helped, took 4、( )_ a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields. a. to pick up b. to picke

11、d up c. to picking up 5、( )thats very interesting. can you tell me _ about him ? a. many b. more c. most 6、( )this book isnt _, _ book is over there. a. your, your b. yours, your c. yours, yours 7、( )_can i keep the book? fourteen days. a. how often b. how much c. how long 8、( )_ were you born? i wa

12、s born in 2000.a. whenb. wherec. what 9、( )what are you reading jiamin? i am reading _ a famous histrical person. a. about.b. ofc. from 10、( )thats very kind _ you. a. about.b. ofc. from 11、( )janets birthday is _ january. b. in c. on 12、( )which is _, the left one or the right one? a. heavy b.

13、 heavier c.heavist 13、( )_ is very famous in the world, because he was the first man landed on the moon. a.thomas edison xunc. armstrong 14、()picasso is a famous _. a. painter b. writer c. inventor 三、根据意思写出反义词。1、 my dictionary isnt thin. its very _. 2、i like the moderm china, i dont the _ china

14、. 3、she wasnt very happy. she was _. 4、robin hood helped the poor and he took from the _. 5、my mother never watches tv. she _ does some reading. 6、 are you free tomorrow? no, im very _. 三、按实际回答问题。 1、who is your hero and who is your herion? _ 2、what kind of book do you like reading? _ 3、when were you

15、 born ? _ 4、do you think the people love the premier zhou enlai? _ 5、which colour do you prefer,the red or the white? _ 6、do want to be a hero/ heroin when you grow up? _ 7、who was george washington? _ 8、when did dr sun yatsen became its first president in moderm chian? _ 四、用动词的适当形式填空。 1、yesterday i

16、 _(see) an animal. it looked like a big cat. 2、what song _ they _ (sing) in the concert? they _(sing) some english song. 3、an bour ago miss white _(sit) on the sofa and _(do) some reading. 4、where _ he _ (sleep) last night? he _(sleep) on the bench in the park. 5、what language _ he _(speak) just now

17、? he _(speak) french. 6、miao xin _ (be) on duty yesterday. he _(sweep) the floor and _(clean ) the desksand the chairs. 7、_ jim always _(swim) in this swimming pool? no. yesterday he _(swim) inthe river. 8、_ you _(teach) english ten years ago? no, i _(teach) maths. 六年级英语(3) 一、中英互译 后天 _借一些书 _ 电子邮件地址_

18、 国王 _发明家_ 美猴王 _ 在天空中飞 _ 赢得比赛_ 祝你好运_ 作家 _ 圣诞节_ 教师节_ 罗马_ 高兴_ 下雨的_总统_ 及时_ 科学家 _最便宜_健康_ 仙女_ 二、选择填空。 ( )1. do you want to see the film_ monkey king?a. about b. onc. with ( )2. rose _ two cars last year. a. haveb. has c. had ( )3. how long may i _ the book?a. keepsb. keptc.keep ( )4. you must hand in your

19、 homewor _ time.a. inb. withc. at ( )5. his grandfather died _ october 12th, 1996.a. atb. in c. on ( )6. its time _ lunch.a. to b. to have c.has ( )7. the green bag is _. a. my b. mine c. me ( )8. i wish i _ be a king. a. want tob. can c. could ( )9. she wishes she could travel to the_. a. beijing b

20、. park c. sun ( )10. who can run _ in your class? a. fasterb. fastest c. fast ( )11. she _ bad yesterday. a. felt b. feel c.feeled ( )12. they hope they _ win the race. a. could b. want c. can ( )13. the mother hopes her daughter _ the gold medal.a. winsb. winc. won ( )14. look, we are _ football on

21、 the playground. a. play b. playingc.plays ( )15. he _ to beijing next week. a. goes b. went c. will go 三、 按实际回答问题。 1. when were you born?_2. where were you born? _ 3. when did you get to school yesterday? _ 4. did you do some reading last night? _ 5. were you at school yesternoon afternoon? _ 6. wh

22、at do you want to do when you grow up? _【篇三:英语1】 八年级英语试卷 一 选择题。20分 1. i share a flat _my close friend. a. to b. for c. with d. on 2. his house is different from _. a. meb myc id mine 3. _would you like _tea? _no , thank you. a. some b. anyc. ad. many 4. do you finish _the book? a readb reading c to

23、read d reads 5. he often goes to school _breakfast. so he is hungry. a with b forc tod without 6.he often plays computer games _ twelve oclock. a whenb toc until d for 7. if you want to buy a stamp to send a letter, where will you go ? -_. a the bankb the library c the post office d the restaurant.

24、8. he likes _in the country because he can be _his best friend. a live, close to b living, closed to c live, closed to d living, close to9. they were all very tired , but _of them would stop to have a rest. a both b all c none d no one 10. li ping often talks _, but does _, so most of his friends dont like him at all. a less, more b more, less c more, more d less, less 11. can you help me find _the museum?

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