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本文(2020-2021学年上海牛津版七年级下册期末复习-语法专项练习(三)(有答案).docx)为本站会员(b****)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海牛津版7B期末复习-语法专项练习(三)时态:1There _a fashion show this coming Friday.Ais going to haveBwill haveCwill beDis2Have you read these books? Yes. I _ them a week ago.Ahave readBhas readCreadDwas reading3If he _ hard, its _ for him to pass the test.Aworks; impossibleBdoesnt work; impossibleCdoesnt work; possi

2、bleDwill work; possible4I saw Kate in the supermarket yesterday morning.Thats impossible. She _ Norway for a ten-day trip with her family.Ahad been toBhas gone toCwill go toDhas been to5When the sun _, we need to get up.AraiseBhas raisedCriseDrises6John since he a father.Ahasnt smoked has becomeBdid

3、nt smoke becameCdidnt smoke has becomeDhasnt smoked became7We will ring the bell if we anything unusual tomorrow.AfindBfoundCfindingDwill find8Jack _ to Paris for a study trip last summer holiday.AgoesBwentCwill goDis going9In the future, I hope there _ more space stations. It must come true.AisBwas

4、Chas beenDwill be10Mr. Smith _ to Tokyo and he will be back in a week.Ahas beenBhas visitedChas sentDhas gone11Our playground will be covered with snow if it _ tomorrow.Awill snowBis going to snowCsnowsDsnow12We came to the UK in 2010. We _ here since then.Awill liveBwere livingClivedDhave lived13Yo

5、u will not keep fit if you _ too much meat or sweet food.Ahave eatenBeatCwill eatDare eating14Perhaps there _ cities under the sea in the future.AisBwasCwill beDwould be15What will happen if you _ a bowl of water outside in freezing weather?AleaveBwill leaveCare leavingDleft16She has lived in Songji

6、ang _.Asince three monthsBsince three months agoCfor three months agoDfor three months before17If the wind _ fiercely tomorrow, well not go on a picnic.AblowBblowsCblewDwill blow18There _ a cycle race around the Chongming island next month.Awill beBwasChasDis19The woman was so glad because she _ a b

7、irthday gift from her son on Mothers Day.AreceivedBreceivesCwill receiveDhas received20I _ to play the piano since I was only 5 years old.Ahave learnedBlearnedClearnDhad learned21They will go for outings if it _fine the day after tomorrow.AisBwasCwill beDare22The Diaoyu Islands _ part of Chinas terr

8、itory (领土) since 1403.AareBwereChave beenDwill be23Perhaps there _ terrible air pollution in the next few years.Awill haveBwill beCis going to haveDwill be able to24If you free tomorrow ,lets go fishing together.Awill beBareCbeDis going to be25 We hope that we _ more electrical appliances in our hou

9、se.Awill have BhaveCare having DHad26 Aunt Betty _ an English teacher since she graduated from the university.Awas Bhas beenChave beenDWereKeys:1C2C3B4B5D6D7A8B9D10D11C12D13B14C15A16B17B18A19A20A21A22C23B24B25A26B形容词、副词:1Mr Wind became _ because he couldnt get the mans coat off.AdisappointedBdisappo

10、intCdisappointingDsadly2The Airport Express goes_than a bus.AquickerBmuch quickCmuch quicklyDmuch more quickly3Jerry is hard-working. Its not _ that he can pass the exam easily.AsurpriseBsurprisingCsurprisedDsurprises4I hope the traffic in our city will become more in the future.AeasyBconvenientCqui

11、cklyDbetter5The policemen catch thieves and keep our city _.AsafeBsafelyCsaveDsafety6Los Angeles is _ than any other city in California, USAAbigBbiggerCbiggestDas big as7In our English study, reading is more important than speaking, I think.I dont agree. Speaking is _ reading.Aas important asBso imp

12、ortant asCthe most importantDthe same as8After the students decorate the classroom, it is much _ than before.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautifulDthe most beautiful9An underground train doesnt run as _ as a maglev.AfasterBfastCthe fastestDmuch faster10I think the views here are not as _ as those

13、 near the seaside.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCless beautifulDthe most beautiful11Your scarf is _than my sisters. I like it very much.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautifulDthe most beautiful12Tony _ his homework as _ as Jenny.Adont do; carefullyBdoes; carefulCdoesnt; carefulDdoesnt do; carefully13To

14、m looked _ and said nothing for a long time because he didnt pass the test.AhappyBcomfortableCdisappointedDproud14Fred wanted nothing from the Luck Fairy. He wasnt _ at all.AunhealthyBpoorCgreedyDuncomfortable15Alice is better than Kitty now because she works _ Kitty.Aso hard thanBas hardly asCso ha

15、rd asDharder than16They felt _ when they heard the good news.AhappyBhappilyCupsetDwell17Although Linda tried hard in the final exam, she did _ than her brother.Amore badlyBmuch worseCmuch badlyDmuch better18This restaurant has become one of _ restaurants among Shanghais Michelin(米其林)starred restaura

16、nts.ApopularBmore popularCmost popularDthe most popular19Jane felt _ after she ran for twenty minutes on the playground.AsafeBbrightlyCtiredDsadly20Mike is _ than his little brother because he likes eating much junk food.AheavyBheaviestCas heavy asDheavier21The Airport Express goes_ than a bus.Aquic

17、kerBmuch quickCmuch quicklyDmuch more quickly22Nowadays “Im a singer” is as _ as “The Voice of China” among lots of people in China.ApopularBmore popularCless popularDthe most popular23He looked _ when he heard the good news.AexcitingBsadlyCexcitedDunhappy24Although Tom is good at speaking English,h

18、e still cant speak as a native speaker .Aas good asBso wellCas betterDso better25 Paris (巴黎) is one of _ cities in the world.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautifulDthe most beautifulKeys:1A2D3B4B5A6B7A8B9B10A11B12D13C14C15D16A17B18D19C20D21D22A23C24B25DSo,neither用法:1Kitty hates action films. _.ASo

19、 am IBSo do I.CNeither do I.DNeither am I.2Tom wont go to the park with us this Saturday. _.ASo do IBSo will ICNeither do IDNeither will I3I went to bed late last night. _.ASo am IBSo was ICSo do IDSo did I4 Id rather go swimming on Monday. _.ASo do I.BNeither do I.CSo would I.DNeither would I.5 I a

20、m tired of my job. I would like to have a long trip. . But I prefer to stay at home and write a book.ASo do I.BNeither do I.CSo am I.DNeither am I.6- I am going to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks.- _. Lets go together.ASo am IBSo do ICNeither am IDNeither do I7-Ive never seen such a big

21、garden.-_.ASo have I.BSo do I.CNeither have I.DNeither do I.8- I dont like the jeans with the yellow belt.- _.ASo do IBSo did ICNeither do IDNeither did I9-Tom wont go to the park with us this Saturday. -_.ASo will I.BSo do I.CNeither have I.DNeither will I.10 I dont like films about adventures. _.A

22、So do I.BNeither do I.CNeither can I.DIm afraid not.11.-I dont like films about adventures.-_.ANeither do I BSo do ICNeither dont IDSo dont IKeys:1B2D3D4C5C6A7C8C9D10B11A反义疑问句+感叹句:1Judys never late for class, _?Ais sheBdoes sheCisnt sheDhas she2_ fun it is to take a cable car to the top of the hill!

23、AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a3_ important information they have collected for us!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an4_ nice food you are cooking for us!AHow aBWhat aCHowDWhat5_ uninteresting film it is! I almost slept all the time in the cinema.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow6Jackie has to give up his plan, _ _?Ahasnt heBhasnt JackieCdoesnt heDdoesnt Jackie7_ interesting story you told me!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow8 experience it is to travel to other planets in the spacecraft!.AWhat excitingBHow an excitingCWhat an excitedDHow excitedKeys:1A2A3B4D5C6C7C8A

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