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1、PEP人教小学英语四年级上册期中试题共5套PEP人教小学英语四年级上册期中试题1班级 姓名 成绩一.选出与划线词不同类的单词。(10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall( ) 3. I like English. A. Chinese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light( ) 5. My shoes are white. A.glas

2、ses B.friendly C.hat二.选择题。(40分,每小题2分) ( ) 1. _ name is Amy. A. His B. Her C. She( )2. Let_clean the board. A. me B. my C. I( )3. How many _do you have? A math books B math book C a math book( )4. _ is it? -Its red. A. What B. Where C. What colour( )5.Look _ the blackboard! A. at B. / C. to( )6.We _a

3、 new classroom. A. have B. has C. had( )7.- I have two . A. friend B. book C. books ( ) 8.-_ is my pencil? -Its under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 9. I have _ English book and _ story-book. A. a , a B. an , an C. an , a ( ) 10. -Whats name ? - Zhang Peng. A. he B. His C. her ( ) 11 Put you

4、r math book _ your desk . A. at B. on C. the ( ) 12.-Let me help you -_ A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. Youre right. ( )13.- I have a new MP5. -_? What colour is it ? A. Good B. Really C. No ( ) 14. - Whats in the classroom?-Two doors and _ chairs. A. many B. may C. math( )15.I have new schoolbag.

5、A. a B. an C. the( )16. in your hand? A. Where B. Whats C. How many( )17. is it? A. What B. Who C. What colour( )18.I have a new schoolbag. A. Really? B. OK! C. Thank you.( )19.There are 15 in the bag. A. pen B. a pen C. pens( )20. - Whats in your pencil-case? A. Two rulers and a pen. B. Its a math

6、book. C. A bag.三.选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每小题2分)( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 6.( )2. How many books do you have? B. Its yellow.( )3. Whats in your bag? C. Good idea. ( )4. Whats her name? D. Her name is Amy.( )5. Lets clean the window. E. 3 pencils and many books.四.连词成句。(10分,每小题2分)1. go / Lets

7、/ see / and / . _2. classroom / a / We / have / new / ._3. she / Who / is / ?_4. are / blue / shoes / His / ._5. window / Its / the / near / ._五.情景应用。(5分,每小题1分)( )1.早上,你见到老师怎样打招呼: AGood morning! BNice to meet you.( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说: AAre you OK ? BLook at the blackboard.( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说:

8、AThis is Bob. BBob has a new schoolbag.( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. Whats his name?( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she?六选出各句中的一处错误并在横线上改正。(10分,每小题2分)( ) _ 1. He name is Zhang Peng. A B C D( ) _ 2. Whos you best friend ? A B C D( ) _ 3. He have big ey

9、es. A B C D( ) _ 4. Mike and Amy are my friend. A B C D( ) _ 5. My friend is a boy. She is strong. A B C D七、选句填空,将可填入横线的正确句的编号填在横线上。(5分,每小题1分)Mike: Dad, I have a new friend. Dad: _? A. Really?B. How old are you?C. A boy or a girl?D. What colour does he like?E. Whats his name?Mike: Yes, an English fr

10、iend.Dad: _?Mike: He is a boy.Dad: _?Mike: His name is Tom.Dad: _?Mike: He is 10.Dad: _?Mike: He likes green.八.阅读短文,判断句子对(T)错(F)。(10分,每小题2分) I have three friends. Theyre Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths

11、best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best. ( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English.( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose. ( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.PEP人教小学英语四年级上册期中试题2(总分:100分,时间:60分钟) 姓名_ 分数:卷首语:亲爱的同学们,经过了2

12、个多月的学习,你一定收获了许多知识,沉着冷静,细心答题,相信你会做出让自己满意的答卷。听力部分(六大题,共30分) 一、听音,圈出听到的字母或单词,听两遍。(10分)1. U V 6. bma kMp2. computer classroom 7. rqp TSX3. brown blue 8. nurse nose4. floor wall 9. school schoolbag5. thin strong 10. short hair long hair二、听音并标出你听到的序号,听两遍。(10分)1. Lets clean the _. A. B.2. Let me clean the

13、_. A. B.3.My sister has _. A. B.4. I have a _. A. B.5. My friend has _. A. B.三、听音并判断。对的画“”,错误的画“”。听两遍。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( )( )( )( )( )笔试部分(七大题,共70分)一 .选出与划线词不同类的单词。(10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall( ) 3. I like English. A. Chin

14、ese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light ( ) 5. My shoes are white. A. glasses B. friendly C. hat二.选择题。(16分,每小题2分)( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _.A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Good morning. C. Hi( )2. Let_ clean the board. A. me B. my C. I( )3. _ is it? -Its red.

15、 A. What B. Where C. What colour( )4.We _ a new classroom.A. have B. has C. had( )5.- I have two . A. friend B. book C. books( ) 6. - _ is my pencil? -Its under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 7 I have _ English book and _ story-book. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a( ) 8. -Whats name ? - Zhang Peng

16、. A. he B. his C. her三.英译汉。(10分,每小题2分)1. How many toys do you have? 2. I have a good friend. 3. Hes tall and strong. 4. Lets clean the window. 5. What colour is the door? 四.选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每小题2分)( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 6.( )2. How many books do you have? B. Its yellow.( )3. Whats

17、in your bag? C. Good idea. ( )4. Whats her name? D. Her name is Amy.( )5. Lets clean the window. E. 3 pencils and many books.五.连词成句。(6分,每小题2分)1. go / Lets / see / and / . _2. classroom / a / We / have / new / . _ 3. she / Who / is / ? _ 六.情景应用。(10分,每小题2分)( )1.早上,你见到老师怎样打招呼: AGood morning! BNice to m

18、eet you.( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说: AAre you OK ? BLook at the blackboard.( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说: AThis is Bob. BBob has a new schoolbag.( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. Whats his name?( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she?七、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择。(8分)My name is Wang

19、Ping. Im from Shanghai. Im a Chinese teacher. I am tall and thin. I like music. I have a good friend. His name is Zhang Lin. Hes from Beijing. He has short hair, big eyes and ears. He is strong. Hes cute. He likes sports and science. Who is he? He is my student.( ) 1. Wang Ping is a _ teacher. A. En

20、glish B. math C. Chinese( ) 2. Wang Ping is from_. A. America B. Beijing C. Shanghai( ) 3. Wang Ping is_ and_. A. tall; strong B. thin; tall C. short; thin( ) 4. Zhang Lin has _. A. big eyes B. long hair C. small ears听力材料一. Listen and circle. (2次)1.U 2.Classroom 3.brown 4.wall 5.strong6.bma 7.rqp 8.

21、nurse 9.schoolbag 10.short hair二. Listen and choose.(2次)1.Lets clean the classroom.2.Let me clean the door.3.My sister has long hair.4.I have a Chinese book.5.My friend has brown shoes.三. Listen and tick or cross.(2次)1.Clean the board. 2.Turn on the light.3. Its blue and white. 4. He is tall and thi

22、n.5. Put your Chinese book under your desk.PEP人教小学英语四年级上册期中试题3姓名_ 班级_ 等级评价_Listening Part (听力部分)一、 Listen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在图片右下角的方框中)二、 Listen and choose.(听音选择,根据录音在字母上打勾)三、 Listen and write the numbers.(听音写数字)四、 Listen and tick or cross.(听音,“”或“”)五、Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出句子中所包含的单词)1. window

23、board picture computer 2. twenty-one thirty-one fourteen forty3. music sports painting science4. strong quiet long hairshort hair六、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择合适的答句)( ) 1. A. Its near the window. B. Wow! Its big and nice.( ) 2. A. Its black and white. B. I have twenty-three.( ) 3. A. Her name is Amy. B

24、. His name is Zhang Peng.Writing Part笔试部分七、Look and write. (在四线格上正确书写所给字母的小写或大写) 八、Look and write. (看图根据提示写单词。)9、选择正确答案。( ) 1. -Is this _ classroom? -Yes, it is. A. your B. you C. yous( ) 2. She _ my friend. She _ long hair. A, is; have B, is; has C, are; has( ) 3. What _ is it? A,many B, are C,colo

25、ur( ) 4. Let _ clean the classroom. A. I B, me C, we( ) 5. How _ books do you _ ? A, many; has B, many; have C, much; have( ) 6. The ball is _. A, in the door B, in the bed C, under the chair( ) 7. We have six new _. A, light B, fans C, pen( ) 8. -whats his name? _. A. Her name is Sarah. B. His name

26、 is John. C. Hes thin.( ) 9. -How many books do you have? -_ A. I have ten. B. I can see ten. C. I have a new book.( ) 10. -How much is your pen? -_ A. Its black. B. Eight. C. 30 yuan.十、Read and match. (看图,读句子,填序号) 期中一、 Listen and number.(听音标号,把数字写在图片右下角的方框中)1. - Good morning, Mike!- Good morning, A

27、my! We have a new classroom.- Really? Lets go and have a look.- OK. Lets go.2. - Hi, Mom. This is our new classroom. - Oh, its big and nice. Where is your seat, Zhang Peng? - Look, its near the window.3. - Hi, Amy! Whos that girl? - Oh, shes my friend, Sarah. She likes music very much.4. - I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong.

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