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1、贵州省安顺市初中毕业生学业水平升学考试试题卷英语试题秘密启用前安顺市2021年初中毕业生学业水平升学测试试题卷英语同学你好!做题前请认真阅读以下内容:1.本试卷共8页,共8个大题,总分值150分,做题时间120分钟,测试形式为闭卷.2.一律在做题卡相应位置作答,在试卷上做题视为无效.3.选择题均为单项选择,多项选择不得分.第一卷选择题,共100分第一大题听力共五节,30小题;每题1分,总分值30分第一节根据对话内容,选择相应的图片.读一遍.1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 6. A. B. C. 第二节根据所

2、听句子,选择最正确应答.读一遍.7. A. Glad to see you.B. Its relaxing.C. Im fine.8. A. Tomato soup.B. Beef noodles.C. Apple juice.9. A. Five meters.B.At6:30C. Four dollars.10. A. On foot.B. Thats bad.C. No problem.11. A. Huaxi Park.B. Town Cinema.C. Blackwood Zoo.12. A. I can draw well.B. Enjoy yourself.C. Sure, Id

3、 love to.第三节根据对话内容,选择最正确选项完成句子.读两遍.13. Bob advised the lady to teach kids _.A. reading skills B. swimming skills C. writing skills14. Laura is writing a passage about _.A. famous people B. interesting inventions C. future life15. Kims favorite band is the Coldplay and he can _ its music.A. play B. s

4、ing along with C. dance to16. Tony does well in English because he _ every day.A. listens to tapes B. reads novels C. writes diaries17. Jeff feels _ to say goodbye to some of his collections.A. pleased B. sad C. angry18. The topic of the speakers conversation is about _. A. celebrations B. nature C.

5、 Population第四节根据对话内容及问题,选择最正确选项.读两遍.19. A. About 15 kilometers.B. About 50 kilometers.C. About 55 kilometers.20. A. Treasure Island.B. Little Women.C. Tom Sawyer.21. A. Kiss her.B. Shake hands with her.C. Bow to her.22. A. Doctor and patient.B. Father and daughter.C. Waiter and customer.23. A. A tea

6、cher.B. A policewoman.C. A nurse.24. A. He has a nosebleed.B. He has a cold.C. He has a toothache.第五节根据短文内容及问题,选择最正确选项.读三遍.25. A. In1926.B.In1936.C.In1946.26. A. Guangdong.B. Wuhan.C. Beijing.27. A. Because they played sports very often.B. Because they hardly went to crowded places.C. Because they w

7、ere treated by Zhongs method.28. A. To wash hands often.B. To wear masks.C. To sleep more.29. A. Basketball.B. Tennis.C. Ping-pong.30. A. He is just a doctor.B. He is a hero and a fighter. C. He is a good leader.第二大题单项填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.31. Chinese volleyball player

8、Zhu Ting has become _ world-recognized sports star.A. / B. a C. the32. _ January 25, President Xi told the public that nothing matters more than peoples safety and health.A. From B. On C. In33. “Tara, whats your favorite _?“ Orange. Half of my dresses are orange.A. fruit B. drink C. color34. With th

9、e improvement in transportation, students in some small villages no longer go on ropeways _ rivers to schools.A. to cross B. crossing C. crossed35. Even if we learn something well, we will forget it _ we use it.A. while B. until C. unless36. In difficult times, there are always national heroes _ ste

10、p up and bring people hope.A. whom B. which C. who 37. Krystal, do you know how tea is produced?“Yes. When tea leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then _ for processing.A. send B. are sent C. were sent38. After-school activities help students gain more skills and teach _ to care about othe

11、rs.A. me B. you C. them39. As we all know, using public chopsticks _ necessary when we eat with others.A.isB. areC. was40. Pingtang Bridge has the highest concrete bridge tower in the world. _ amazing it is!A. HowB. WhatC. What an41. Drugs are harmful to peoples physical and mental health. We teenag

12、ers must _ A. take care of B. keep away from C. get used to42. With the help of Air Classroom, students _ keep learning even with schools closed.A. can B. must C. should43. The BBCs documentary Du Fu:Chinas Greatest Poet explains _ Dus works have been popular for centuries.A. when B. whetherC. why44

13、. Since 1990, Project Hope _ millions of students from poor families realize their dreams.A. will help B. has helped C. helps45. If we are interested in something, our brain is and it is _ also easier for us to pay attention to it for a long time.A. active B. more active C. the most active第三大题情景交际共两

14、节,10小题;每题1分,总分值10分第一节从右栏选项中找出左栏各句的最正确应答.选项中有一项为多余选项.46. Cindy, dont run in the living room!A. Wood and glass.47. Alice, is your brother heavy or thin?B. I agree with you.48. I think a true friend touches your heart.C. Im sorry to hear that.49. Nick, whats your model plane made of?D. Yes, he is very

15、patient.50. My grandfather was hit by a bike yesterday.E. Sorry, I wont do it again.F. Oh, he is of medium build.第二节选择方框内最正确选项完成对话.选项中有一项为多余选项.A:May I help you?B: 51 Id like to borrow some books on Western culture and customs. How can find them?A: 52 B: OK. How many books may I borrow at a time?A: 5

16、3 Ten minutes laterB: Id like to borrow these three books. 54 A: Two weeks.B: Two weeks? Im afraid I cant return them until Ive finished my project.A: In that case, you must renew them before theyre due. 55 Its 0.5 yuan a day for each book.A. Yes, please.B. At most five.C. You can buy it there.D. Ho

17、w long may I keep them?E. If not, youll have to pay a fine.F. You can check for them on the computer first第四大题完形填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.AWang Weis parents were waiting for him when he got home. His dad handed him a letter. It was from the university. His hands were

18、 shaking as he took the letter his 56 was inside.Ever since Wang Wei was little, he wanted to be an 57 .He often took his toys apart and put them back together. One day, his mom was 58 to see that Wang Wei had taken apart the television! His dad told her to have faith信心 in Wang Wei, and sure enough

19、he put the television back together 59 .Wang Weis teachers all noticed his talent. They told his 60 Wang Wei should go to university. Wang Wei was very excited about this. No one in Wang Weis family had ever gone to university before. His mom was not sure if it was a good idea. 61 his dad said, Have

20、 faith in Wang Wei and his dream. Wang Wei knew his family couldnt 62 university. So he studied harder and applied for the scholarships奖学金Now Wang Wei had the letter in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university.He took a deep breath and opened the envelope. It says, Congratulatio

21、ns. You have been accepted to the university on full scholarship! His mom 63 him with tears in her eyes. “I am so proud of you!she said.His dad patted his back. Ive always had faith in Wang Wei and his dream, he said.56. A. future B. resolution C. pride57. A. artist B. actor C. engineer58. A. happy

22、B. upset C. scared59. A. angrily B. bravely C. perfectly60. A. guests B. parents C. cousins61. A. Because B.As C. But62. A. afford B. choose C. enter63. A. huggedB. thanked C. leftBThe first time I saw Kai, she was sitting in my front yard, holding my dog Harley in her arms. She had just 64 into a s

23、mall house nearby. I think she liked Harleys friendly personality, just as he liked hers. From the second I talked to her, I knew Kai would be a lifelong 65 . Her smile made me feel better just being around her. Her face was always full of 66 .It didnt take long before Kai was beloved by all her new

24、 neighbors here. Every time we visited her, she would kindly listen to all of our problems and then say something so 67 that we would leave her home with our hearts singing. Sometimes I would read her my stories. and she would always encourage me to keep 68 .All of this time, though, Kai was slowly

25、dying from cancer, she lived each day with such cheer that often forgot just how 69 she was. Still, she died on .a cold winter day with heavy snow falling down.During the short time we had been together I 70 so much from Kai about how to truly live. She taught us so many lessons about kindness, happ

26、iness, hope and cheer.64. A. walked B. moved C. run65. A. friend B. boss C. fan66. A. happiness B. worries C. doubts67. A. serious B. wise C. silly68. A. waiting B. singing C. writing69. A. popular B. busy C. ill70. A. expected B. learned C. accepted第五大题阅读理解共两节,15小题;每题2分,总分值30分第一节阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三

27、个选项中,选出最正确选项.AAn Experiment Report on Growing Potato PlantsThings prepared:a potato that has sprouts a flower pot with soil a camera to record progressObservation:Day One The color of the soil looks darker because I have just watered it. In the center of the pot, I can see a tiny sprout that has gro

28、wn from the potato under the soil. Ill call it Buddy. Buddy is green and yellow. I wonder how fast it will grow.Day six Without much change in the past six days, I finally see some new progress on Buddy as it has grown taller. Its exciting to see new life like this. I hope Buddy can grow faster.Day

29、Eleven Buddy is getting larger! Three more new sprouts have grown around Buddy! Green leaves have grown on the new sprouts, but they have not fully grown yet. I guess I need to be a bit more patient.Day Thirteen Buddy continues to grow taller. The leaves on the new sprouts have grown a bit. Im also

30、excited to see more new sprouts that have grown from under the soil.Day Fifteen Finally, the leaves on the other sprouts are 3 cm tall. Theyre so green. I hope they will soon grow into new potatoes.What I have learned Its really interesting to grow potatoes. During these fifteen days, I have learned

31、 that growing potato plants needs plenty of water. If soil is dry, the potato will fail to grow. I have also learned that the temperature needs to be right. If it is too cold, it wont grow.I feel that growing plants is just like trying to succeed with anything in life it takes not only time, but also lots of efforts and patience.71. The read

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