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1、返老还童的经典台词返老还童经典台词返老还童的经典台词返老还童经典台词 返老还童经典台词 返老还童经典台词(1): 1、有些人就在河边长大,有些人被闪电击中过,有些人对音乐有着非凡的天赋,有些人是艺术家,有些人游泳,有些人懂得纽扣,有些人明白莎士比亚,而有些人是母亲,也有些人能够跳舞 2、有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知,无论它是意外发生地还是蓄谋已久地,对此我们都无能为力。 3、我有一只眼睛瞎了,耳朵也基本听不清了,身体到处抽搐,我还经常忘记事情。但是你明白麽?上帝不断地提醒我,我能活到这天就是很幸运了。 4、弹琴不是看你弹得有多好,而是你对於你弹的东西有什麽感受。这其实就是在

2、为你自我演奏音乐。 5、当你不是在变老,而是越来越年轻,就必定要经历所有你爱的人都比你先死去。我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,不然又如何明白他们对我们来说是如此的重要呢?这也是失去的好处吧。 6、午夜的旅馆是一个神奇的地方,老鼠在远处跑跑停停,暖气炉发出嘶嘶的响声,窗帘在沙沙作响,这样的场景让你感觉到安静,甚至是温暖,你明白你所爱的人此刻正在熟睡之中,而没有什麽能够伤害到他们 7、你能够像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平,你能够诅咒命运,但是等到最後一刻到来之时,你还得平静的放手而去 8、别让任何人左右你的想法,你就是你自我。 9、在他八十岁的时候,十分确信他将死於瞌睡。所以他就吧睡眠仅仅限制在午觉上

3、,他如此固执坚信自我能够骗过死亡 10、我并不介意,我在聆听这个房子的呼吸,周围所有人都在睡觉,让我感到安全 11、我爱你也爱你的皱纹,两个我都爱。 12、大部分都是一个人,你是个与众不一样的人,你的生活也注定如此。但我告诉你一个秘密,胖子们,瘦子们,高个的,或是白人他们其实都一样孤独,但是他们格外害怕。 13、有些时候我觉得很可笑,那些在我们记忆力占据着很小一部分的人们,却往往给我们留下了最深刻的印象。 14、每个人在某种程度上都对自我有不一样的认识,但是我们最後都会去往同一个地方,只是走的路不一样罢了 15、一件事无论太晚或者对於我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时

4、光的期限,只要你想,随时都能够开始,要改变或者保留原状都无所谓,做事本不就应有所束缚,我们能够办好这件事却也能够把它搞砸,但我期望最终你能成为你想成为的人。我期望你有时能驻足於这个令你感到惊叹的世界,体会你从未有过的感觉。我期望你能见到其他与你观点不一样的人们。我期望你能有一个值得自豪的人生。如果你想像的生活不一样,我期望你能有勇气重新启程。 16、死亡也是那里的常客,人们来到那里,又安静离去,你能够感觉到有人离开了,那时房子里总是寂静无声,这是个值得在此成长的完美的地方,在这个地方,人们抛开了所有生命中的矛盾,而去讨论当天的天气,洗澡水的温度,一天行将结束时的阳光,对於一个去世了的人的房间,

5、另外一个人便会重新填补上来。 17、你永远也不清楚,接下来会发生什麽。 返老还童经典台词(2): 1、Some people, were born to sit by a river。 无论什么肤色,什么体型,人们都是孤独的。但可怕的不是孤独,而是惧怕孤独。其实孤独没什么不好,真的。 NGUNDA OTI: Plenty times you be alone。 You different like us, its gonna be that way。 But I tell you a little secret。 Fat people,skinny people, tall people, w

6、hite people they just as alone as us But they scaredshitless Not a thing wrong with being alone no sir 2、Some get struck by lightning。 当我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运的事了。 MR。 DAWS: Im blind in the one eyeI cant hardly hearI get twitches and shakes out of nowhere I lose my l

7、ine of thought but you know what God keeps reminding me Im lucky to be alive 3、Some have an ear for music。 无所谓你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受我们命中注定要失去我们所爱之人,不然我们怎样明白他们在我们生命中有多重要? THE WOMAN: It isnt how well you play, its how you feel about what youre playing Were meant to lose the people we love。 How else would

8、we know how important they are to us。 4、Some are artists。 有时事与愿违,你大能够像疯狗一样咆哮,怨天尤人,诅咒命运,悔不当初但走到最后一刻,还是不得不安静地放手归去 CAPT。 MIKE: You can be mad as a mad dawg at the way things went You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did but when it es to the end You have to let it go 5、Some swim。

9、我一向等着,等着自我的状况变好,但我自我从未做过什么,人生就这么平白无辜地浪费了。 ELIZABETH ABBOTT: I kept waiting, thinking I would do something to change my circumstance Do something But I never did Its an awful waste, you can never get it back wasted time If were going to have an affair, youre never to look at me during the day, we mus

10、t always part by sunrise, and we can never say “I And when it is over I will send you a card that will simply say goodbye Those are the rules 6、Some know buttons。 当我还是个小孩子的时候我会早早醒来跑到湖边看日出。那一刻的感觉,好像全世界只有我一个人似的。 THOMAS BUTTON: When I was a boy I would love to wake up before anybody else and run down t

11、o the lake to watch the day begin。 It was as if I was the only one alive。 7、Some know Shakespeare。 看守我这衰弱的老头子的好人们,让垂死的摩提默在这儿歇一歇吧。我由于长期监禁,肢体痛楚不堪,好像刚从刑架上拖下来的人一般。我这满头白发,是在苦难的岁月中折磨出来的,它预示着摩提默的死期不远了。 TIZZY: ”Kind keepers of my weak decaying age, Let dying Mortimer here rest himself。 Even like a man new h

12、aled from the rack。 So fare my limbs with long imprisonment。 And these gray locks, the pursuivants of death, Nestor-like aged in an age of care, Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer。“ 8、Some are mothers。 每个人对于自我的感受都不一样。我们都走向同一个方向,只是走的路不一样罢了。本杰明,你有你自我的道路。 QUEENIE: Everybody feels different about themselv

13、es one way or another。 Were all goin the same way, just taking different roads to get there Youre on your own road, Benjamin。 9、And some people。 有些东西,是亘古不变的。 DAISY: Maybe some things last。 10、There is always something that I should remember for the rest of my life。 总有一些事情是我需要铭记一生的。 11、You could be m

14、ad as a mad dog at the way things went。 you can swear and curse the fates, but when it es to the end, you have to let go。 你能够像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平。你能够诅咒命运,但是等到最后一刻到来之时,你还得平静的放手而去。 12、For what its worth, its never too late, or in my case, too early, to be whoever you want to be。 Theres no time limit, stop

15、whenever you want。 You can change or stay the same。 Theres no rules to this thing。 We can make the best or the worst of it。 一件事无论太晚或者对于我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时光的期限,只要你想,随时都能够开始,要改变或者保留原状都无所谓,做事本不就应有所束缚,我们能够办好这件事却也能够把它搞砸,但我期望最终你能成为你想成为的人。 14、You never know whats ing for you! 你永远也不清楚 接下来会发生什么 15

16、、Were meant to lose the people we love。 How else would we know how important they are to us? 我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,要不然我们怎样明白他们对我们有多么的重要。 返老还童经典台词(3): 1、Maybe some things last。 有些东西,是亘古不变的。 2、You never know whats ing for you! 你永远也不清楚接下来会发生什么 3、Some days I feel different than the day before。 有时候,我感觉一切和前一天大不一样

17、了。 4、Our lives are defined by opportunities。 我们的生命因为各种各样的机遇而变得更有好处。 5、And one fall day, a familiar visitor came knocking on our door。 秋天的一天,死神不期而至。 6、Its not about how well you play。 Its how feel about what youreplaying。 无论你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受。 7、There is always something that I should remember for th

18、e rest of my life。 总有一些事情是我需要铭记一生的。 8、Our lives were determined by the opportunity, even if we miss the person。 我们的生命被机遇所决定,即便是我们错过的那个人。 9、Always had a healthy curiouly , what was up the street Or around the next corner。 一向很好奇,街上是什么样貌的?下个街角又是怎样样? 10、We can make the best or the worst of it。I hope you

19、 make the best of it。 我期望你有时能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的世界,体会你从未有过的感觉。 11、Its funny how sometimes the people we remember the least , make the greatestimpression on us。 有时候我觉得很可笑,那些在我们记忆里占据着很小一部分的人们,却往往给我们留下 了最深刻的印象。 12、Were meant to lose the people we love。How else would we know how importantthey are to us。 我们注定要失

20、去我们所爱的人,要不然我们怎样会明白,他们对我们有多么的重要。 13、I do not mind, I listened to the house to breathe, surrounded by all of us are sleeping, so I feel safe 我并不介意,我在聆听这个房子的呼吸,周围所有人都在睡觉,让我感到安全。 14、Sometimes, I find it laughable that those in our memory oupy a small fraction of people are often left us with a most impr

21、essive。 有些时候我觉得很可笑,那些在我们记忆力占据着很小一部分的人们,却往往给我们留下了最深刻的印象。 15、Sometimes we live in the orbit of an imminent collision, the unaware, whether it is aident or a premeditated manner to which we are powerless。 有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知,无论它是意外发生地还是蓄谋已久地,对此我们都无能为力。 16、When I was a boy I would love to wake up b

22、efore anybody else and run down to the lake to watch the day begin。 It was as if I was the only one alive。 当我还是个小孩子的时候我会早早醒来跑到湖边看日出。那一刻的感觉,好像全世界只有我一个人似的。 17、Growing ups a funny thing , Sneak up on you。One person is there,than suddenly Some body else has taken here place。She was ntall a l bows and kn

23、ees anymore。 长大是件很有意思的事,不经意间就发生了,本来是这样一个人,然后突然间变成了另一个人,不再是原先那样貌。 18、Everybody feels different about themselves one way or another。 Were all go in the same way, just taking different roads to get there Youre on your own road, Benjamin。 每个人对于自我的感受都不一样。我们都走向同一个方向,只是走的路不一样罢了。本杰明,你有你自我的道路。 19、It isnt how

24、 well you play, its how you feel about what youre playing Were meant to lose the people we love。 How else would we know how important they are to us。 无所谓你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受我们命中注定要失去我们所爱之人,不然我们怎样明白他们在我们生命中有多重要? 20、Sometimes were on a collision course and we just dont know it。Whetherits by aident or by

25、 design,theres not a thing we can do about it。 有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知无论它是意外发生还是蓄谋已久,对此我们都无能为力。 21、Everybody feels different about themselves , one way or another。Butwere all going the same way。Just taking different roads to get there ,thats all。Youre on your own road。 每个人在某种程度上都对自我有不一样的认识,但是我们最后都会

26、去往同一个地方,只是走的路不一样罢了。 22、You can be mad as a mad daw gat the way things went You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did but when it es to the end You have to let it go 有时事与愿违,你大能够像疯狗一样咆哮,怨天尤人,诅咒命运,悔不当初但走到最后一刻,还是不得不安静地放手归去 23、Im blind in the one eyeI cant hardly hearI get twitches a

27、nd shakes out of nowhere I lose my line of thought but you know what God keeps reminding me Im lucky to be alive 当我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸运的事了。 24、Some people grow up in the river, some people have been struck by lightning, and some of the music has a remarkable talent

28、, some people are artists, some people swim, some people know how to button, some people know Shakespeare, and some people are mothers, but also some people can dance 有些人就在河边长大,有些人被闪电击中过,有些人对音乐有着非凡的天赋,有些人是艺术家,有些人游泳,有些人懂得纽扣,有些人明白莎士比亚,而有些人是母亲,也有些人能够跳舞 25、I hope you see things that startle you。 I hope

29、you feel things you never felt before。I hope you meet people with a different point of view。 I hope you live a life youre proud of。 If you find that you are not。I hope you have the strength to start all over again。 我期望你能见到其他与你观点不一样的人们,我期望你能有一个值得自豪的人生。如果你想象的生活不一样,我期望你能有勇气重新启程。 26、For what its worth,

30、its never too late, Or in my case, too early, To be whoeveryou want to be。 Theres no time limit, stop whenever you want。 You can change or stay the same。 Theres no rules to this thing。 一件事无论太晚或者对于我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时光的期限,只要你想,随时都能够开始,要改变或者保留原状都无所谓,做事本不就应有所束缚,我们能够办好这件事却也能够把它搞砸,但我期望最终你能成为你想成

31、为的人。 27、Midnight hotel is a magical place, mice run off in the distance, heating furnace hiss sound,rustling curtains in such a scenario allows you to feel a quiet, even warm, you know you love people who were sleeping at the moment, while there is little it can hurt them。 午夜的旅馆是一个神奇的地方,老鼠在远处跑跑停停,暖气炉发出嘶嘶的响声,窗帘在沙沙作响,这样的场景让你感觉到安静,甚至是温暖,你明白你所爱的人此刻正在熟睡之中,而没有什么能够伤害到他们 28、Plenty times you be alone。 You different like us, its gonna be that way。 But I tell you a little secret。 Fat people,skinny people, tall people, white people they just as

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