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1、UNIT1ANewStart课序:No.1 2学时Unit 1 A New StartActive reading: Five things I wish Id know when I started college (1)Leading-in; New words and phrases; Reading and understanding;教学目的与要求: 1. To learn some new words and phrases; 2. To learn about how to fit in to school and talk about it; 3. To get to know

2、 the general idea of the text.教学重点与难点分析:1. Key words and expressions: relieve, be faced with, broaden ones horizon,assignment, calculate, assure, reassure, ensure, likely, lack, confidence, scare, inadequate, etc. 2. The main idea of the text: Five things I wish Id know when I started college教学方法: 讲

3、授法、讨论法、练习法教学容与教学组织设计I. Leading-inBefore learning this unit, Id like to ask you two questions:1. You are all new students here and are meeting many new things. So our first unit is about being a freshman or fresher. So what do you think a freshman or fresher is? (the first year student)2. What do you

4、 think the content of the unit will be? What sort of problems new students will have and what advice will you give to them? (Ask some students to write down the possible problems in the collegethen ask some of them to give advice on these problems.)The unit will probably be about how to spend a colo

5、rful and meaningful, interesting and valuable college life. Problems may occur like how to study in the college and how to make friends in the college; how to arrange our time in the college and what to learn in the college whether to have boyfriends or girlfriends. Advice: if any problems occur, yo

6、u can talk with the elder students in the college for their advice, ask teachers about your doubts and how to cope with the problem; you can list your problem and set up a plan to solve them.II. Starting point: (25 9minutes for the 1st activity and 8minutes for them to discuss the questions and then

7、 8 minutes to ask some Ss to report their discussion.) discuss the questions and then 8 minutes to ask some Ss to report their discussion.)Activity 1 listen for extra words: Here is a rather funny story about a new student, money and his mother. Listen to the record and mark a line when you hear any

8、 extra words or expressions. Are you ready to listen for extra words? Play the recording. Tell Ss to check their answers with one anotherPlay the recording again and ask Ss to speak out as many of the missing words as possible. Activity 2check with students about the meaning of the given words and i

9、f necessary ask students to provide a sample sentence with some of the words or myself give them some example sentences to explain the uses of them.Discussion: (remind the class that the purpose of the various discussion exercises is to give them an opportunity to use English. They should try to mak

10、e the exchanges last as long as possible. They can bear in mind that they are just role-playing and do not need to speak the exact truth.)(1) why did the students mum put the $1,000 check in the back of the book?He will only find the money if he reads the book from beginning to end. It will be rewar

11、d if he works hard. (Some students may want to point out the risk of it falling out and being lost, or his finding it by chance. These are true points, but of course the story is a light-hearted one to make a point, and not a serious suggestion.)(2) Are you worried about having enough money while at

12、 college?Yes, I have already spent much more than I expected.(3) How do you think you will be able to resolve any money problems?I think I might need to find a job at night.I might ask my uncle for help. He is very kind.I dont know. I will have to eat very simple food if I spend more than my budget.

13、(4) How well prepared are you for college life?I thought I was, but now I am here I am not sure. Everything is so new.I am missing my family a lot. My mother does so much for me. I must change a lotI think I am quite well prepared. I have been to camps before and learnt to do many things for myself.

14、(5) Is college life what you expected, or is it very different?Its a bit of both. I mean it is what I expected, but everything happens so quickly, I havent had time to stop and think. I was very nervous before coming, but I am really enjoying everything. People are so friendly and helpful.III. New w

15、ords and phrases1. relieve a. happy and relaxed because something bad has not happened, or because a bad situation has ended 宽慰的;欣慰的固定搭配:be / feel / look / seem relieved, extremely / greatly / hugely relieved, clearly / obviously / visibly relieved, relieve someone from / of sth., relieve famine / t

16、raffic congestion / tension, try / attempt to relieve, be intended / designed / help to relieve, temporarily relieve2. broaden v. ( ones horizons) to make you see a wider range of opportunities and choices开阔视野Eg. Education and experience broaden his vision. 教育和经历使他眼界开阔。 v. to become wider 变宽;变阔Eg. B

17、roaden his knowledge, develop his capabilities. 增益其所不能。 (出自孟子 告子下)3. calculate vt. to discover a number or amount using mathematics or with a piece of equipment such as a calculator计算;核算 Eg. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit fro

18、m the highway. (Jan. 2002, CET-4)计算机会计算出最佳路线,并会在正确的高速路出口前提前通知为汽车预留空间。固定搭配:accurately / exactly / calculate, calculate according to / at vt. to make a judgment about what is likely to happen or likely to be true using the available information 估计;预测;推测 Eg. The economist calculated that prices may go

19、up again. 那位经济学家推测,物价或许会再次上涨。4. horizon n. ( s) the limits of your experience 眼界;阅历的围 n. (the) 地平线 Eg. The first signs of the dawn appears on the horizon. 黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。 固定搭配:limited / narrow / cultural / intellectual / musical horizon, broaden / expand / open up / widen horizon, above / bellow / bey

20、ond / on the horizon5. assignment n. C,U work that you must do as part of a course of study or as part of your job 作业;分派的任务 Eg. Had it not been for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now. (Jan. 1993, CET-4) 要不是因为你的懒惰,你现在应该写完作业了。 固定搭配:special / important / dangerous /written / r

21、eading assignment, accept / take on / give / handout / complete assignment6. assure vt. ( sb of sth; sb that) to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it 向(某人)保证;使确信 Eg. I assure you of the success of the project. = I assu

22、re you that the project will succeed. 我向你保证这个项目会成功。7. lack vt. to not have any or enough of something you need or want 缺乏;没有 n. a situation in which you do not have any or do not have enough of something you need 缺乏,;没有 固定搭配:by / from / for / through lack of , profound / serious / severe lack of, co

23、mplete / sheer / total lack of , really / completely / entirely lack8. scare vt. to make someone feel frightened or worried 使害怕;使惊恐;吓唬 Eg. That should be enough to scare any man into grey hair. 那足以把任何人吓得一夜白头。固定搭配:scare someone silly / stiff / to death, scare someone into / with9. inadequate a. someo

24、ne who is inadequate does not feel confident that they can deal with the situation they are in 信心不足的;不能胜任的 a. not enough or not good enough for a particular purpose 不适当的;不充分的;不够格的固定搭配:consider / find / judge / think sth inadequate, inadequate at / for /to, be /feel / seem inadequate, personally / pr

25、ofessionally inadequate, deeply / dreadfully / hopelessly inadequate10. bet v. (I ; Ill ) (spoken) used for saying that you are sure about something 我敢肯定 Eg. Ill bet the subways are crowded, too, arent they? 我敢肯定地铁也是那么挤,是不是? v. to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen 打赌;下赌注固定

26、搭配:have / make /place / put bet, accept / take /win / lose bet, do sth. for a bet, good / safe /sure / fair / outside bet11. rhythm n. C a regular pattern in nature or in life (自然、生活中的)规则变化 Eg. Because of the climate change, it is harder to find out the rhythm of the seasons now. 由于气候变化,现在要发现四季的变化比以

27、前难了。12. seminar n. C a class at a college or university in which a group of students discuss a subject with a teacher 讨论课;研讨会13. physical a. relating to your body rather than your mind 身体的;体力的14. crucial a. Something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result

28、of something 至关重要的;关键性的 固定搭配:consider / deem / regard sth as crucial, crucial for/ to, be / prove / become / remain crucial,really / absolutely / hardly / fairly / obviously crucial15. neglect vt. to fail to do something that you should do 忽视;疏忽 Eg. He neglected to repair my bicycle. 他忘了修我的自行车。 vt.

29、to fail to look after someone when you are responsible for them 疏于照顾(某人) Eg. The woman denied that she had neglected her child. 那位女士否认疏于看管自己的孩子。 16. detect vt. to notice something, especially when it is not obvious 察觉,发觉,发现(尤指不明显的事) Eg. Do I detect a note of irony in your voice? 听起来你是在说反话吧? 固定搭配:det

30、ect bomb / radiation / faulty, detect anger / note of sarcasm, be capable of detecting sthearly / late / quickly / easily / readily / accurately detect17. confess v. to admit something about yourself that you would not normally tell people because you are embarrassed about it or they could be disapp

31、ointed by it 承认(令人尴尬或者令人失望的事) Eg. Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. 他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。固定搭配:confess crime / lie / unfaithfulness / sins, must / have to confess, confess to someone (that),confess to doing sth.18. ambition n. something that you very much want to do, usually somethi

32、ng that is difficult to achieve (通常指较难实现的)强烈欲望,追求目标 Eg. Ambition spurs a person on. 野心驱策人上进。19. ambitious a. determined to be successful, rich, famous, etc. 雄心勃勃的;野心勃勃的 Eg. He qualified his friend as an ambitious self-seeker. 他把他的朋友说成是野心勃勃的利己主义者。20. shiver vi. if you shiver, your body shakes slightly, for example because you are cold or frighte

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