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1、雅思听力70课程讲义雅思课程听力讲义第二讲第一节考试介绍Ielts常考题型1,表格题:个人信息表格 有横纵轴的表格 表格中的完成句子2,完成句子: 单句 提纲填空 总结填空3,问答题:1-3需要边听边写的能力4,选择题:单选 多选边听边读Ielts次常考题型1,地图题:选字母(P65)/写地名(剑桥四P13)-方向感2,搭配题:P94-边听边读/抽象思维。很多题干,很多选项Ielts不常考题型1,判断改错题2,图画题3,图例题4,推理题第二节常考场景1,SURVIVAL:住宿:价钱、环境、设施的选择/家乡:where are u from度假/:where how 肿么安排活动:时间、参与人物

2、2,ACADEMIC: 新生入学orientation, registration 图书馆booklist/layout 上述6个话题一般在S1和S2出现3-作业/研究/选课 assignment data deadline questionnaire compulsory4-老师讲课galaxy 银河Peregrine Falcon 游隼kangaroo koala Neolithic Jurassic Cambrian评分标准13-16=4.5-5 17-23=5.5-624-30=6.5-7 31-35=7.5-8TEXT 1SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questio

3、n 1-5Compete the form belowWhite only ONE WORD or NUMBER, or TICK ( ) for each answer.Housing officer nameJohnFamily nameCartierGiven nameSusan MarieNationality(1)_canadian_Student number(2)_CAO4628_Contact number(3)_9078_Mobile phoneNoneShared Accommodation(4) Yes ( ) No ( Y )Maximum rent(5)_500_ p

4、ounds per month个人信息表格注意事项1,信息修正(听写)标记:分为全部否定和部分否定。标志词否定.no not avoid hate dislike unable转折while but however whereas on the other hand nevertheless改 change amendment a second thought2,速度陷阱:答案部分语速较快、轻读。速度练习,listen to this,习惯连读预测3、计算:加减/单位换算/时间(减法难度更大)Fortnight-14days decade-10years dozen=12 score=204、

5、地名:常见地名/常用词悉尼、渥太华、布里斯班North Road/ Beanham Street/ Fountain Boulevard/ Spring Court/ Upland Road/ Fair View数字题里面字幕一般大写。5、信息密集出现Question 6-10Complete the sentences with no more than THREE WORDS.6. A bedsitter is a single room with _cooking_ facilities.7. Susan has to pay _gas_ , electricity and water

6、by herself.8. Most landlords want _three-months(s可忽略)_ in advance.9. Susan must read the contract carefully, especially _small print_.10. Susan is going to meet her friends _in the cafeteria_.遇见生词,将其当做人名、地名,用以定位即可付费- 押金:deposit 20% 或者three-months答案:1. Canadian2. CA046283. 653490874. No5. 5006. cooki

7、ng7. the gas8. three months9. the small print10. in the cafeteria简写一定要写自己确定的简写。尽量把听到的答案都写下来,一些连词介词可以省略SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Question 11What is the name of the university? _university of British Columbia_Question 12When did the head librarian start working at the library? _1961_Question 13 and 14B

8、efore the days of computers, give two methods of how people found books in the library (in three words or less for each method) ?a) _professor_the card index_b) _stuff_ask staff_Question 15 and 16Circle the correct letters A - C.How many computer terminals are there on each floor?B(A) 60. (B) 15. (C

9、) 4. John Dewey was _.C(A) a librarian. (B) British. (C) a philosopher.Question 17Circle the correct letters A - C.In the Dewey Decimal Classification System, book numbers beginning with 200 are on:C(A) Philosophy and psychology(B) Social sciences(C) ReligionQuestion 18On what floor are the geograph

10、y and history books? _4_多做听写Question 19 and 20List two types of music that are NOT in the librarys CD and DVD collection.) _朋克_punk_ )_heavy-metal_hip-hop_答案:11. the University of British. Comumbia. / UBC12. (since) 196113. the card index14. ask staff15B16C17C18. 4th floor19. punk20. hip-hopSECTION

11、3 Questions 21-30Question 21 结合C4T2S2Answer the question with no more than THREE WORDS.When will their academic supervisor return? _Thursday_推理题的注意事项1,以选择题的形式出现,但原文没有答案2,题干中有: MAYBE, BECAUSE, FEEL, EXPECT或其同义词3,目标信息: IDENTITY,RELATIONSHIP,LOCATION4,若无时间,最后推Question 22 - 25Circle the correct letters

12、A - D.22. Marys parents probably wanted her to be a _D_. A. teacher B. secretary C. engineer D. writer23. What do Jacks parents blame for their students poor English?C A. computers B. games C. computer games D. their parents24. How many of Jacks parents student read novels?B A. None B. Very few C. F

13、ew D. Many25. Will Jack and Mary take the Latin course?B A. Maybe B. No C. Yes D. Cant tell选择题的注意事项1,扫描题干划出核心词2,听时综合扫描选项3,听时注意:(技巧)前提,拿题干定位 所听即所得(核心词) 顺序原则(最后一个对)若在三个观点、三个原则中选择 生词原则(不认识=错)4,检查时注意同义相斥(相似=错)相关/反选项(相关的一个对)常识原则(感觉对或错)如C5T3S2 16-20题Question 26What does Mary say are useful for a journalis

14、t (use no more than TWO WORDS)? _foreign languages_Question 27 - 29Complete Jack and Marys course timetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday9-12 amFrench 100History of EnglishQ28 _creative writing_2-5 pmQ27 american literature_French 100,Language LabQ29_sociology,language lab_Question 30Name one

15、sport that Jack practices. _swimming_答案:21. Thursday22. D23. C24. B25. B26. foreign languages27. American literature28. Creative writing29. Sociology, language Lab30. swimmingSECTION 4 Question 31-40Questions 31Circle ONE letter A - C.The lecture hall is _B_.Its even better to see we have a full hou

16、se. (A) Half full. (B) Nearly full. (C) Full. (D) OverpackedWhat is the name of the course? _environment and development_Question 32 - 33Complete the sentences with no more than THREE WORDS.32. John Robertson believe everybody wants to take the course because _nobody has left_.33. “Everything is con

17、nected to everything else.” And the statement _explains the design_ of the course.完成句子要注意词性、词形的问题在不清楚名词单复数的情况下,一般用复数Questions 34Circle ONE letter A - C.The contents of the course are _B_.(A) Focused on one topic (B) Diverse (C) Very specializedQuestions 35 to 38The course will be looking at things l

18、ike (35) _GLOBAL WARMING_, the loss of, in particular, (36) _TROPICAL FORESTS_; (37) _PERSISTENT ORGANIC CHEMICALS_ know as gender benders, because they can seriously affect the sexual development of animals; desertification; the serious world wide of overfishing; and the loss of (38) _BIODIVERSITY_

19、 if human carry on as the did.Questions 39 to 40Circle all letter A C that apply.39. The course will include _A_. (A) Sociology (B) Mathematics (C) History40. The basic goal is to develop a model that is _C_. (A) Static (B) Multifactorial (C) Dynamic答案:31. B, Environment and development32. nobody ha

20、s left33. explains the design34. B35. global warming36. tropical forests37. persistent organic chemicals38. biodiversity39. A40. C听完再写-信息前置的问题边听边写-信息密集的问题第三讲TEXT 2SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Question 1Circle the correct letter A - CHow much time do Mary and Fred have to prepare everything for the party?

21、(A) About four hours. (B) Two hours. (C) About three hoursQuestion 2 and 32. Where did Fred leave the list of things to do? _3. What time did Jim say he would arrive at Freds house? _Question 4Circle the correct letter A - CHow much wine will Mary buy?(A) 15 bottles of red and 15 white(B) 15 white a

22、nd 35 red(C) 25 red and 15 whiteQuestion 5On the map below, circle the letter representing the liquor store.Note:S means supermarket Back of Freds house地图题1,找起始点(出发地点/所处位置),标出左右2,根据指向标标出NEWS/rear/rare3,勾出已知信息4,听时用笔勾出路线Question 6Where are the glasses that Sally borrowed? (write no more than THREE WOR

23、DS._Question 7 and 8Circle TWO letters A - EThe meats for the barbecue are flavoured with _. (A) salt (B) chili (C) garlic (D) pepper (E)honeyQuestion 9 and 10Use no more than TWO WORDS for each answer.9. Apart from wine, name one other thing that Mary will buy_10. What will she carry it/them in? _S

24、ection1答案:1. C2. the library3. around five4. C5. Y6. the student bar7&8. C&D9. French bread (or paper napkins)10. rucksackSECTION 2 Questions 11-20Question 11 and 12Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.11. What is the name of the college? _12. Why is the dean not introducing the college? _

25、Question 13 and 14Circle TWO letters A EWhy did the school move out of London?(A) The surroundings had become unpleasant.(B) It was given some cheap land in east England.(C) An English millionaire gave the school 65 million pounds.(D) The Second World War started.(E) Sir Gifford Reade was a generous

26、 man.Question 1515. What year did the school open in east England? _Question 16Circle the correct letter A DIn 1858, the school had _.(A) just female students.(B) just male students(C) both male and female studentsQuestion 17 19Complete the following sentences.Write no more than THREE WORDS.In fact,

27、 the school is very famous for its (17) _ The (18) _used to say, A (19) _ in a healthy body.Question 20Circle the correct letter A CWhat team sports does Mr.Thomas say are played at the school?(A) Rugby, soccer and American football.(B) Basketball and water polo.(C) Soccer and cricket.Section 2 答案11

28、. Royal Hospital College12. ful13&14. A&E15. 193316. C17. choir and orchestra18. Romans19. healthy mind20. BSECTION 3 Questions 21-30Question 21Circle the correct letter A C(A) John and Ann have both finished writing their survey reports.(B) John has finished and Ann has nearly finished.(C) Both of them have nearly finished.Question 22 and 23Complete the following sentences with only ONE WORD or NUMBER.22. The X axis of Johns graph is the _ variable.23. John divided his survey population into _

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