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1、四、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Last summer holiday, I _went_ (go) to a party. It _was_ (be) fun. 2. I like _eat_ (eat) moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. 3. It is the 18th of December. Christmas is _coming (come). 4. What holiday _comes_ (come) after Christmas?5. We all _ate_ (eat) delicious food last week.

2、6. They are getting (get) very excited now. 7. _Did_ (do) you go to the Zoo last Childrens Day?8. Mr. Green is _talking (talk) to his students about holidays. 9. What _did_ Nancy _do_ (do) last Spring Festival?10. My favourite holiday _is_(be) Halloween. 11. _Did_ you _had_ (have) a good time?五、根据首字

3、母和答句完成问句1. A: What is your favourite holiday ?B: My favourite holiday is Childrens Day. A: W is Childrens Day ? Its on the first of June. 2. A: W did you go last Spring Festival? B: I went to Shanghai with my parents. D you usually go to Shanghai? B: No, I dont. D you go to Shanghai,too? B: No, I di

4、dnt. H did you go there? B: I went there by bus.3. A: W date was it yesterday? B: It was the 18th of December. 4. A: W Christmas trees are they? Theyre Jims. 5. A: W there any Easter eggs on the table? Yes, there were. 6. A: W is the girl in red? B: Shes Lucy. 7. A: Your trousers are smart! H are th

5、ey? Theyre ninety. 8. A: H students are there in your class? There are thirty-five. 9. A: W do people eat moon cakes and watch the moon? Mid-Autumn Festival. 六、根据中文提示完成对话 Whens (儿童节) ? Its (在六月一日) . What do people usually do?They(唱歌和跳舞) . 2. A: What holiday comes after Christmas?B: and (元旦、春节). 3. A

6、: Whats your favourite (节日) ? I like (中秋节) ? When is it ? B: Its in (九月或十月) . (你赏月了吗?) ? B: Yes, I did. 七、完成下列句子,每空一词。1.农场上有一些果树吗?是的,有。(过去式)_Were_ there _any_ fruit trees on the farm?Yes, there _were_.2.你的生日在什么时候?在4月3日。_Whens you? Its _on_ the _third of _April_.3、南希的生日快到了。 Nancys birthday _is_ _comi

7、ng_ soon.4、瞧见鸟笼旁边的标志了吗? Can you see _the_ _sign_ _near_ the _birds _cage_?5、我想要一张日本卡通的光盘。 _l_ _would_like_ a VCD of Japanese cartoons.6. 他们打开了圣诞树下的礼物.They _opened the _present_ _under the _Christmas tree.7. Ben 常和他的朋友一起回家.Ben often go home _together with _fiend8. 我们总是向老师问些问题.We _always _ask_ the tea

8、cher some _questions6A期末复习二一、从下列单词中找出一个划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。( ) 1. A eat B tea C head D Easter ) 2. A food B foot C good D book ) 3. A child B Christmas C Chinese D watch ) 4. A cow B flower C know D how( ) 5. A stopped B looked C jumped D collected二、按要求写出相应的单词。1. go(反义词) 2. meet (过去式) 3. get (现在分词) 4.

9、they (形容词性物主代词) 5. lets (完整形式) 6. fly(第三人称单数) 7. holiday(近义词) 8. mine (宾格) 9. people (复数) 10. whose(同音词) _三、写出下列动词的现在分词和过去分词sit_ _ swim_ _ read _ _ make_ _ watch_ _ sing_ _ do_ _ have _ _ go _ _ watch_ _ clean_ _ pick _ _collect_ _ cook_ _ water _ _ come _ _ wash_ _ jump_ _ get _ _ read_ _四、根据实际情况回答

10、问题 1. Whens Halloween? . 2. What do people usually do at Halloween?3. Did you go to a party last Halloween?4. Whens our National Day?5. Where did you go last National Day? . 6. Whats your favourite holiday?7. Do you usually eat lots of delicious food?8. Is Christmas in December or January?五、从栏中选出栏的正

11、确应答,并将其序号填在括号内。 ( ) 1. Did you visit a farm with your family last week? A. Spring Festival.( ) 2. Where was your father last Saturday? B. Its in October.( ) 3.Whens Halloween? C. I went to the Great Wall.( ) 4.Whose glasses are these? D. No, I wasnt.( ) 5.What did you do last May Day? E. Yes, I did.

12、( ) 6.Who are the presents from? F. Theyre mine.( ) 7. Whats your favourite holiday? G. He was in Shanghai.( ) 8. Were you at home just now? H. Theyre from Grandpa and Grandma. 六、连词成句1.did, last, you, do, week, what( ? ) _2.have, from, a, I, present, Mum( . ), an, festival, had, school, our( .

13、 ) _4.water, on, you, farm, trees, the, did( ? )_5.a, made, she, kite, Wednesday, on( . )_6.Christmas, students, a, the, house, party, Jims, had, in ( . )_7.are, many, so, presents, the, under, tree, Christmas, there(. ), Jims, in, were, his, house, grandpas(.), have, two, I, from, pr

14、esents, Mum, Dad, and (.)10.Tom, about, telling, is, his, presents, Christmas, familys, Lucy (.)七、用动词的适当形式填空。1、 My mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2、 Please _ (have) some oranges. 3、 Its seven oclock. I _ (get) up now. 4、 School is over. The students can _ (play) games. 5、 _ you _

15、 (go) to school every day?6、 Dont _ (run) in the school now. 7、 We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)8、 Lets _ (go) to the cinema. 9、 Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now?10、 My hands are dirty. Let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them. 11、 Look, Miss White _(have ) an English lesson. 12、 We _(like) English. 13

16、、 The workers _ (want) some tea. They are thirsty. 14、 Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park?15、 The old women _(run) every morning. 15、 I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.八、根据中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。1这滑板是我哥哥送我的。The skateboard_ _ my brother. 2你刚才在哪?我在操场。你做了什么?我和我同学打篮球了。 -Where _ you just now? -I _

17、in the playground. -What _ you do? - I _ basketball with my classmates.3去年元旦我没有参加聚会。我和家人吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。I _ go to a party last _ _ Day. I _ a big lunch with my family.4这礼物是你的吗?不,不是我的。是谁的礼物?是她的。-Is this present _? -No, its not _.-_ present is it ? - Its _.6A期末复习三一、判断每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打T ,不同打 F 1. classroom

18、 cake ( ) 2. happy plate ( )3.pumpkin plus ( 4. follow flower (5.sweater each ) 6. telephone first (7.tiger swing ( tomorrow (二、英汉互译 1.赏月_ 2.许多邮票 _ 3.刚才_ 4.吹灭蜡烛 _ 5.拍 照 片_ 6.向四周看 _ 7.儿 童 节_ 8.下车 _ 9.在7月3日 _ 15.用戏服装扮_11在草地上行走_ 17.拜访我的亲戚朋友 _13.问和答 _ 16.看赛龙舟_10.拔胡萝卜 _ 19.一张中国卡通的碟片 14.两副眼镜_ 18. 圣诞

19、礼物_ 12.春 节_ 20. 你最喜欢的学科 三、按要求写出相应的单词。1. desk (近义词) table 2. fly (过去式) flew 3. glass (复数) glasses 4. we (形容词性物主代词) our 5. lets (完整形式) let us 6. have (第三人称单数) has 7. get (现在分词) getting 8. mine (宾格) me 9. people (复数) peoples 10.same(反义词)_different 四、根据首字母和答句完成问句 W is your favourite holiday ? Theyre ninety yuan. 五、 找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。( )1. Mikes birthday is on January, but mine isnt. A. B. C. D.( )2. When is you birthday? Its on the first of July. ( )3. What does thi

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