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英语Module 5《The First Americans》教案外研社版选修9.docx

1、英语Module 5The First Americans教案外研社版选修9Module 5 The First AmericansContent: 本模块主题为美洲的土著人,引入了与此有关的词汇。要求学生了解上述内容并掌握有关词汇,培养学生的语言技能。Aim of knowledge : 1. language in use (1): and, when, on 2. Language in use(2):come, can they 3. new words 4. Topic: 能够复述课文并表达自己的情感;能够使用本模块的词汇讨论种族问题并表达自己的态度。Aim of skill:1.

2、Listening:1).Understanding the introduction of reading and speaking.2). Recognizing the new words, the new phrases in the text.3) Getting the message and understand the meaning of the sentence, the paragraph and the listening text.2. Speaking:复述课文表达情感3. Reading 1) Understanding the new words, the ar

3、ticle,2) Understanding the materials of Americans4. Writing 能够运用本模块所学的词汇和短语写出课文内容的梗概;能写出有关某个美洲部落的简短发言稿;能在阅读与本模块主题相关的简易原著并领会其内容。Learning strategy: 1. Cognitive strategy (认知策略)2. Monitoring strategy(调控策略)3. communication strategy(交际策略)4. resource strategy (资源策略)Culture consciousness and Emotions: 了解世界

4、各地不同民族的历史和生活状况,了解她们的文化和对社会发展所做出的贡献。Arrangement of time: 5 periods.Period OneContent: 1. introduction (Reading and speaking ) 2. Reading and Vocabulary (1)Aim: 1. to know something about the new words of subjects.该部分包含两个活动,引入了对美洲发展有影响的人物哥伦布。教师可以通过组织学生对哥伦布有关情况的讨论,引起学生对美洲历史和文化的兴趣,展开有关的语言时间活动。 2. the te

5、chniques of reading like the scanning ,the skimming ,the key words.该部分阅读材料介绍了美洲的历史和她们当今的生活状况。围绕着课文,编者设计了五个与课文内容和词汇有关的练习。通过练习,学生可以了解这些词汇。Procedure: (一) introductionStep1. Warming up1. Who were the first people to live in America?2. What do you know about Christopher Columbus?3. Do you think Columbus

6、discovered America? Why or why not?4. Do you think Columbus is a very important person in American history? Why or why not?By asking these questions to help the students to review the information.Step 1 : Look at the map in the text. What map is it? Which major countries is America made up of? Who f

7、irst came to live this continent?Step 2 : pair works. Check the true statement. Tell which one is right and the reason.Step 3 : 学生个别活动,阅读Activity 2的内容并回答一下问题: 1) Why did Native Americans used to be called “Indians”? 2) Why did Columbuss journey lead to the colonization of North America?Homework: 1.

8、Remember all the words of this class 2. Read the text fluently and recite some paragraphs (二) Reading and Vocabulary (1)Pre-reading: Look at the picture, what do you think you are going to read about?讨论: 1.Where did Native Americans come from? 2. How did they go there? 3. How were they treated by wh

9、ite settlers?Step 1: Deal with some new words. 在Activity 2中,大多数词汇都是没有语境的生词,这些生词在学生阅读中会造成一定的障碍,所以可以通过设置语境法处理生词。例如:a. we can convert water into seam by heating it.b. crops grow well in fertile land. Land in northeast of China is very fertile, called “black land”.c. if a person is very brave and have n

10、o fear for anything, we describe him as fearless.d. those natives didnt like or trust outsiders. They were hostile to strangers.e. Japanese invaded China in the 1930s and caused a lot of sufferings to Chinese people.f. in the 1980s, after the Chinese government reform policy in practice, China began

11、 to prosper. The agriculture and industry developed quickly and people became rich.g. people who settle in a certain place are inhabitants if this place.h. this plane is designed for military purpose. It will be used I the army.i. the soldier had to retreat when they were beaten in battle.Step2 Comp

12、ete the sentences with the correct words in the boxbrutal collaboration covert legendary livestock nomadic raid retreat starvation warrior1. Sitting Bull was a _ Native American chief.2. thousands of people died of _ on the long journey.3. The Native Americans received very _ treatment from European

13、s4. A _ is a strong and very brave fighter.5. The village was attacked and our horses and other _ were stolen.6. After losing the battle, the tribe were forced to retreat and move to the wast.7. _ people move around and do not settle in one place.8. The Iroquois was a strong _ of several different t

14、ribes in the east.9. A few brave men went out at night to _ one of the Spanish village and bring back food.10. If people refused to _ to Christianity, they were often killed.Step 3 scanning or skimmingRead the text quickly and silently and find the evidence for the statement1. Christopher Columbus w

15、as not the first person to set foot in North America.2. Before the Europeans arrived, the natives of North America did well for themselves.3. The Native Americans did not want to adopt Christianity as their religion.4. It was about a century later that the Sioux were compensated for the illegal inva

16、sion of their land. 5. The Apaches did not only engage in battle with white settlers.读完之后同桌之间讨论答案.Step 4 careful-readingRead the text carefully and try to master much ore information and do the following questions. Find out which of the American tribes1. lived in the south-east2. were forced to walk

17、 to their new land3. were the first to use horses4. were almost destroyed by hunger5. lived on the plain6. were not famous for being peaceful7. had to move west because they lost their hunting ground8. were nomadic and lived in the south-east9. were famous warriors10. fought with other native Americ

18、an tribes11. stole horses from SpanishStep 5 分段演练 find out the main idea of each paragraphPara1. who are native AmericansPara2. where they come fromPara3. how British and Spanish settles treated Native Americans.Para4. The biggest ethnic groupsPara5. a simple introduction of the Iroquois.Para6-7. a

19、simple introduction of the CherokeesPara8-9. a simple introduction of the NavajosPara10-11. a simple introduction of the SiouxPara12. a simple introduction of the ApachesPara13 how the Apaches got along with the PueblosPara14 the living conditions of Native AmericansPara15 present living conditions

20、of Native AmericansHomework: 1. remember the new words of this class 2. recite para1-3Period TwoContent: 1. Language points 2. Cultural corner1. The original inhabitants of North America are referred to as Native Americansrefer to sb/sth as:称某人/某物为.refer to (1) 提到,说道 In his speech, he referred to yo

21、ur name several times.(2)查阅,求助于 Please refer to the notes after class if you want to know more.(3)与有关 What I have to say refers to all of you.(4)refer to sb for information: 向某人打听消息2. make a treaty with sb.: 和某人签订条约3. insist on doing sth:坚持要做某事4.the Americas:美洲大陆5. may +have +过去分词:表示对过去的事作推测”可能做了某事”

22、e.g. He may have seen his former teacher yesterday.6. inhabit- inhabitant-inhabitation7. origin- originate-original8. make peace with: 9. engage sb to do sth : 聘请.做 be engaged : 订婚 engagement ring: 订婚戒指10. eventually = at last11. prefer . to.Cultural cornerRead the passage and answer the questions1.

23、 How were the Cherokee Indians treated by the soldiers?2. What did John G. Burnett want schoolchildren to understand?同学们自己默读,然后同桌之间讨论问题的答案.答案:1.Brutally 2. The white should pay for the crimes.要点:1. be acquainted with: 与相识 extract:摘要3. in view of :鉴于4. too to:5 on ones 80th birthdyPeriod ThreeCon

24、tent: language in use 1&2Aim: 这部分引入了英语中最活跃的几个词,并通过典型的例句对她们进行讲解,通过运用比较和归纳的能力从而提高学生们学习英语的能力.一、and1(连接并列的名词、代词和数词)同,和,与,例如:Father and I went to Xinhua Bookstore yesterday.2 (连接并列的形容词和副词)又,而且,例如:Read slowly and loudly.3 口语中连接并列的动词,表示目的,例如:Try and shoot the bird.4 (连接两个并列句)而且I did not answer ,and, he, to

25、o, kept silent.5(连接两个句子,后者表示结果)只要就会,那么Go at once and you will see her.6. (连接两个相同的词)反复,一再We talked and talked.7 (表示转折)但,却He is so rich and lives like a beggar.8 (表示家中语气)而且She did the work and she did it well9用于句子开头以表示连续性或者表示惊异And are you really going with him?10 表示同时We ate and drank to our full conte

26、nt.二、come1. come about: 出现;发生Those changes came about during the 18th century.2. come across: 偶然遇到或找到I came across my old college roommate in town today.3. come along: 进展;前进Things are coming along fine.4. come around/round:恢复,还原He fainted but soon came around5. come back: 再现记忆When I saw the picture,

27、 happy memories came back.6. come upon: 偶然发现或遇到He came upon his lost diary when packing7. come up : 显现;出现The question never came up.8. come through: 作要求的或预期的事I asked for their help, and they came through.9. come to : 恢复直觉The fainting victim came to10. come over: 偶然拜访Will you come over this weekend?S

28、tep 2 根据以上讲解指导学生们完成课本P61 activity 4及P64activity 4Period FourContent: reading and vocabulary (2)Aim:通过阅读材料介绍人们对中国航海家郑和是否是访问美洲的第一人的看法,拓展学生们的视野,开阔学生们的思路,从而进一步了解中国的悠久历史。Step 1 : 单词首先熟悉一些与课文有关的生词,排除障碍。通过设置语境法处理生词。例如:treasure admiral porcelain oppose silk merchant conclude recoreds把上述词汇又在下面的句子中1. An admir

29、al is the most senior officer in charge of a group of ship.2. Silk is a very fine fabric that is produced by a small insect.3. A merchant is someone who buys and sells things, especially in other country.4. Porcelain is a hard white material which is used to make cups, plates and bowls.5. To conclud

30、e is to arrive at an opinion after looking at all the facts.6. Records are written documents which keep information for the future.7. Treasure is valuable objects, metals and jewels.8. If you oppose something, you dont approve of it and are against it.Step 2 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the p

31、assage and predict what will be talked about in the passage. Write down three key words and show them to the partner. And the read the passage to see hoe much you are right.Step 3 scanning or skimmingRead the text fast and find the main ideaa. Chinese Admiral Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.b. Not everyone believe that Zheng He may have been the first foreigner to the America.c. There are lots of evidences to show that Zheng He may have been the first foreign

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