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1、初二英语练习初二英语练习 一根据汉语提示填空 1. Students in Class One are very_(活泼的). 2. The tiger got _(骄傲的)when he knew other animals were all afraid of him. 3. He is rich, but he is_(孤独). 4. Mr. Green is so angry that he almost goes _(发疯的)5. Mike feels very _(孤独). 6. The students looked _(心烦的)because they did too much

2、 homework. 7. The little girl is always very _(害羞的)8. Im a shy girl. I always feel _(焦虑的)when I speak in public. 9. My parents are very _(严格的)in my study. 10. I _(发送)an e-card to Beth to cheer her up.11. To our surprise, Jim _(拒绝)the job. We should make a _(决定)on where to spend our holiday12. The gi

3、rl is so shy that she doesnt talk to _(任何人). 13. 1. It _(好象)that he is very rich. 14. Its _(正常的)for you to make mistakes. You are always so careless. 15. The boy tried hard to do it, but he _(失败).16. That teacher says so fast that I cant _ (理解)what he says 17. Jack got the chance again. Its _(不公平)18

4、. I have _(困难) working out the math problem.19. My teacher told me to give a _ (演讲) about how to learn English. 20. Staying in a good _(精神) is good for our health.21. He _ _(不再)felt sad and became happy again22. Orange and yellow _ me _ _ (使我感到自信).23. _ _ _ (别紧张), and try to _ _ _(和别人谈心).24. Sometim

5、es we dont know how _ _(处理)our problems by ourselves.25. Our teacher_ us _ _ (不让抽烟)26. Its _ (正常的)to feel sad and its _ _ (正常)to show it.27. _ _ _(笑对生活)when you _ _ _(处于困境).28. Dont _ _ (保持沉默)about your problem.29. _ _ _(散步) and _ (放松)before going to bed.30. We _ (输)the game again. It gave us a _ of

6、 _(失望感).31. Though he is a stranger here, he hope hell _ _ _ (习惯)living here. 32. I would like to stay at home_ _ (而不是)going out for shopping. 33. Its not quite easy for a person to _ _(保持冷静)34. Dont _ _ (受惊吓)when you see a snake _(躺) on the raod. 35. Sally looks unhappy today because she_ _ _(考不好)

7、her English test last week. 36. Our team won the soccer game. We all felt_ _(自豪) them. 37. We can _ _ _ _ _(上演短剧),just as we do at the English Corner.38. She cant wait _ _ _ _(团聚) her family, and her eyes _ _ _ (充满眼泪).39. I _ _ _ _ _ (心情糟糕) last night, so I _ _ _(难以入睡).40. These exciting songs can _

8、 _ _. (让我们振作起来)41. The city has _ _ _ _ _ _. (500多年的历史)42. _ _ _ if you feel unhappy sometimes. (无关紧要)43. When we are _ _ _, we can do everything much better. (精神好)44. Youd better not tell Tim now. Lets _ _ _ _. (给他一个惊喜).45. 他不再恨那个司机了。He _ _ the driver _ _. He _ _ _ the driver. 46. 你不久就会习惯这种气候,温度的变化

9、不会影响你。You will soon _ _ _ this climate and then the _ in temperature will not affect you. 47. 你怎样处理你的问题?How do you _ _ your problems? How do you _ _ your problems? 48. 在你这个年龄每个人都会有这些感觉。Everyone _ these feelings _ _ _. 49. 时光飞逝!How time _!50. 当不幸的事情发生在我们身上时,感到悲伤是很正常的。51. Its _ _ feel sad when _ _ _ _

10、 _.52. 他好象匆忙的样子。He _ _ _ in a hurry.53. 他的答案似乎正确。His answer _ _ _ correct.54. 像是个好天。_ _a fine day.55. 我们必须准备好去那儿。We must _ _ _go there.56. 我害怕吃苦药。I am afraid of _ _ _. 57. 许多事情会影响我们的感情。Many things can _ _ _. 58. 你应该尽量笑对人生。You should try to _ _ _. 59. 继续你的日常活动,这将有助于你重获快乐的感觉。Get back to your daily act

11、ivities. It will help you _ _ _ _ _ _. 60. 在做出重要的决定之前,要仔细考虑。Before _ an important _, _ it _. 61. 假如我们通常保持好心情,我们也许会变得更健康。If we are usually _ _ _ _, we may become _. 62. 穿红色的衣服经常使我充满活力。_ red often _ me active. 二用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He refused_(take) the book yesterday. 2. He drives as _ (careful) as Tom.

12、3. The little girl is afraid of _(speak) in front of people. 4 10. Would you please give me some _(suggestion).5. Jack was so_(luck) that he caught the last bus to school.6. Tom is not _ in maths,he shows _ in English(interest). 7. Jim was very_(surprise) when he heard the_ news(surprise). 8. Tom is

13、 not_ (friend) to others. So he is_(popular) with others. 9. The two friends were very_(please) to see each other again10. It_(seem)to be the best way to do with the matter11. The top student also _(find) it difficult _ (solve)this problem at last.12. The doctor is saving the _ (die) patient. 三 语法(一

14、)“系动词+形容词”的系表结构连系动词有:be(是), look(看起来), feel(感觉, 摸起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), seem(似乎是), smell(闻起来), get(变得), turn(转变), go(变), become(变成)等.1. 我感到失望。 I _ disappointed. 2. 它吃起来如此美味。It _ so delicious. 3. 她听起来心烦吗?_ she _ upset? 4. 食物变质了。The Food _ _. (二)表示两者在某方面程度相同时,用“as+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象”的句型。1、她和她的朋友一样

15、活泼。She is _ _ _ her friend.2、她和吉姆跳得一样高。He jumps _ _ _ Jim.表示某人或某物在某方面不如另一个人或另一物时,用“not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象”句型。1、简没有玛丽亚勇敢。 _2、吉姆学习没有海伦努力。 _“not as + 形容词/副词原级+as”句型与“+比较级+than”可以互相转换。This classroom is not as big as that one. = This classroom is _ _ that one. = That classroom is _ _ this one.食物也没有我们

16、四川菜那样美味可口。 The food is not as _as our Sichuan food, _. (三)make使役动词,意为“使,让”。其用法主要有:make+宾语+adj.它让我感到紧张。It _ me feel _. make + 宾语 + n. He looked so unhappy because his teacher didnt make him monitor. make + 宾语 + do 悲剧影片总是让我哭泣。Sad movies always _ me _. 可以接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词包括:一感(feel),二听(hear, listen to

17、),三使(make, let, have),四看(see, watch, look at, notice).The woman felt her baby wake up. I heard you talk just now. 四选择填空( )1. Changjiang River is one of _ in the world. A. the longest river B. the longest the rivers C. the longest rivers D. the longer rivers ( )2. One of us _ from Hechuan. A. come B.

18、 comes C. is coming D. came ( ) 3. The Greens _ to Canada next week. A. is going back B. is returning back C. are going back D. are returning back ( )4. Of the twins, Lucy is _. A. taller B. the taller C. the tallest D. tallest ( ) 5. She is so happy that there _ on her face. A. is a smile B. is a b

19、ig smile C. are all smiles D. both B and C ( ) 6. _ news! We all feel excited. A. What a good B. How good a C. What good D. How good ( )7. The boy _ a white T-shirt is waiting _ a bus stop. A. for, for B. of, on C. on, of D. in, at ( ) 8. His father _ football, but he is_ basketball. A. like, intere

20、sted in B. is interested in, like C. is fond of, interested in D. interests in, fond of( ) 9. She said Tom _ school yesterday. A. isnt at B. doesnt come to C. didnt come to D. wont come ( ) 10. That sounds _. A. a good idea B. like a good idea C. like a idea D. like good ( ) 11. Nobody _ who she is.

21、 A. knew B. knows C. know D. is knowing( )12. I met Mr. Lee on the way _. A. to here B. school C. to there D. home ( )13. Most old people are afraid _. A. to lonely B. to be lonely C. of being lonely D. of lonely ( )14. Mr. Fat is too fat _. A. to run fast B. that cant run fast C. can run fast D. ca

22、nt run fast. ( )15. Its true that every student _ to having a good future. A. hopes B. look forward C. wishes D. wants ( )16. Beijing Opera is popular _ most old people in Beijing. A. with B. in C. among D. both A and C ( )17. She feels lonely because she has _ friends here. A. a few B. a little C.

23、few D. little ( )18. The lonely father often became angry _ the noisy children. A. because of B. because C. since D. for( )19. Many love stories _ happiness. A. end B. ends with C. end at D. end with( )20. Michael fell off his bike and broke his leg. _. A. Really? B. Im sorry to hear that! C. I hope

24、 everything goes well. D. Thats all right ( )21. The girl felt_because she lost a good chance. A. moving B. upset C. surprised D. worried ( )22. There was a smile on her face. It seemed that his words_her. A. pleasing B. pleased C. pleasant D. pleasure ( )23. When I got the news that the ship would

25、go down, I was so_that my legs couldnt move. A. frightening B. moving C. frightened D. moved( )24. Jim was angry_his partner _using his things. A. in, at B. with, at C. at, with D. of, about( )25. Jack is an_boy. He likes taking an_ part in all kinds of sports. A. active, actively B. active, active

26、C. actively, actively D. actively, active ( )26. An interesting movie is _. Would you like to go _ me? A. on, with B. go on, on C. put on, after D. on, on( )27. Maria taught the children_ lively songs. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sang( )28. The man refused to say sorry to me, _ it was his mistakes. A. because B. when C. after D. even though( )29. Im always afraid of giving a speech in front of the class. _ You can do it well. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Take it easy. C. You

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