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8B 课文综合阅读.docx

1、8B 课文综合阅读Unit5I.Answer the questions about the passage on Page 661)How many pandas still live in the wild?2)How heavy are pandas when they are born?3)What about the adult pandas?4)What animals is a giant pandas? 5)What does a panda look like?6)Where do pandas live?7)What do pandas eat ?8)How much fo

2、od do giant pandas eat a day?9)How do pandas like to live ?10)Why do pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating?11)Can pandas climb trees ?12)How long can pandas live?13)Why are the pandas losing their homes ?14)What dangers do they face?15)What should we do to protect pandas?16)Where does this ar

3、ticle most probably come from,a novel Or a science magazine? .综合阅读:THEGIANTPANDAGiantPandaFactFilePopulation Inthewild:about1,600AppearanceWeightatbirth:about100-200gramsAdultweight:about100-150kilogramsColor:blackandwhiteAgiantpandaisakindofbear.Ithasawhitefacewithblackpatchesarounditseyes.(1)Itals

4、ohasblackears,shouldersandlegs.The(2)other part ofitsbodyiswhite.HomePandaslive(3)在高处inthemountainsofCentralandWesternChina.Theyliveinthebambooforests(4)there.FoodPandasinthewildusuallyeatbamboo.Inzoos,theirmenuincludesbamboo,applesandcarrots.A(5)giantpandacaneat(6)多达30公斤的竹子aday.Behaviour(7)Pandasli

5、ketolive on theirown.Theyneedtoeat(8)alotto(9)stayhealthy,(10)sotheyspendmorethan12hoursadayeating.Althoughtheyarebigandheavy,itisnotdifficult(11)_them toclimbtrees.Theyare(12)足够强壮能保护自己。LifePandaslive forabout20yearsinthewild,butinzoostheycanlivefor(13)upto35years.ThefuturePeopleare(14)_downforests,

6、sothepandasare(15)失去它们的家园.somepeoplearekillingthemfortheirfur.Itiscruel(16)_themtodoso.Therearenotmanypandasintheworldnow.(17)Itisimportantforustoprotectthem.完成下列问题:1同义句 Ithasblackears,shouldersandlegs_ _.2同义词_3译成英语:_4指代_5同义词:_6译成英语:_7同义句:Pandas like to live _ _. Pandas like to live _.8同义词_9同义词_10 同

7、义句so it _ them_12 hours a day_ _. So eating _them _12 hours a day.11在空白处填上适当的单词:_12译成英语:_13同义词组:_14在空白处填上适当的单词:_15译成英语:_16在空白处填上适当的单词_17指代_18写出本文的中心词:_19写出两个描写pandas的形容词_Unit4I.Answer the questions about the passage on Page 51(1) What is Jason learning?(2) Where has he found the information?(3) How

8、many steps can you find if you want to make a cartoon? (4)Can you find the conjunction words(关联词)in the passage? What are they?( 5 )To make a cartoon, what do we need to do first?( 6 ) Who is Han?( 7 ) Where does Han and his friends meet?( 8 ) Is Han happy or unhappy when he sees them?( 9 ) What doe

9、s Han look like?( 10 ) Why does Tim look clever?( 11 ) What kind of girl is Sarah?( 12 ) What can you use to draw detailed pictures and add colour?( 13 ) What do we need to do before we draw detailed pictures?( 14 ) Why should each picture be made a little different from the one before it?( 15 ) Wha

10、t can we record for the cartoon?( 16 ) What is necessary when the actors do the voices of the characters?( 17 ) How should we add sound effects to the cartoon?.综合阅读:First, you need to 1. 决定 some 2._基本思路_ for a story.This story is _3_ a robot, Han. He always forgets things. One day, Han meets his fri

11、ends Sarah and Tim 4.在地铁站. He says, “Im happy. I bought a new notebook. Now I 5.wont forget things.” Sarah says, “Yes. I have 6. one too. Here it is.” Tim asks, “Wheres 7. yours , Han?” Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!”In the8._ stage, think about the 9.kinds of characters you want and 10._

12、they will look like. Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are 11.actually video cameras. Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a 12.pleasant girl. She 13.有一头黑而直的长发.Now 14.制作一副草图 of the story. Next, use a computer to draw 15._ pictures and add colour. To make the characters and thi

13、ngs 16.appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the one before it.In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together 17._a film.Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters voices. 18.Their speech must match the pi

14、ctures. Sound effects, the noise of the underground, must also be added separately. After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.完成下列问题:1.译成英语:_.2.译成英语: _3. 填入适当的单词_4译成英语:_5同义词语:_6. 指代:_7. 同义词语:_8. 填入适当的单词:_9. 同义词_1 0.填上适当的单词:_11. 同义词语:_12.同义词:_1

15、3.译成英语:_14.译成英语:_15.在空白处填上适当的单词_16.同义词_17.填上适当的单词:_18.指代:_19.指代:_20.同义词_Unit3I.Answer the questions about the passage on Page 351、What is Wang Daming ?2、How old is he ?3、What does Damin use to catch fish ?4、What do Cormorants look like ?5、Are they good at catching fish ? Why ?6、How long does cormora

16、nts stay under the water ?7、What does Daming usually do in the late afternoon ?8、Why does he tie a piece of grass around their necks ?9、What does Daming do when his boat reaches the right place in the river ?10、Why does Damin hang a light on a post at the front of the boat ?11、Are nets required for

17、this type of fishing ?12、Where was cormorant fishing once practiced ?13、Are young people interested in cormorants fishing ?14、What do you think of the future of cormorant fishing ?.综合阅读: Wang Daming is a fisherman . 1 Although he is over 65, he is very 2 fit and still 3 喜欢工作. Damin uses cormorants t

18、o catch fish. Cormorants are large black birds. 4They 5 are good at 6 捕鱼 7 the can swim well. They can dive down and stay under the water 8长达 two minutes.Damin usually 9 sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready 10 work .First,he ties a piece of grass around their necks to 11阻止它们吃

19、大鱼. Then when Damin boat 10 reaches the right place in the river ,he push them into the river . Damin uses 12 several ways to attract fish. 1 3 the day ,he jumps 14 上上下下 on his boat .After dark ,he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat .The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat . The

20、 fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket 15 Damin . 16 No nets are required for this type of fishing. Cormorants fishing was once practished in lots of places in South-East china , and there were 17 many fisherman in the area. But today, 18 几乎没有年轻人are interested in it .19 在50年后, 20 perhaps

21、there will be no more cormorants fishermen in the world .完成下列问题:1同义句_.2同义词_3译成英语:_4指代_5同义词组:_6译成英语:_7在空白处填上适当的单词:_8译成英语:_9同义词_10在空白处填上适当的单词:_11译成英语:_12同义词组:_13在空白处填上适当的单词:_14译成英语:_15在空白处填上适当的单词_16同义句_17同义词组:_18译成英语:_19译成英语:_20同义句_Unit2I.Answer the questions (1)Where does the story take place?(2)Who

22、are the young people in the photo?(2)What kind of job do Debbie and Simon have?(3)Which person looks friendlier,the boy or the girl?(4)Whom did the well-dressed woman prefer? (5)How did Debbie greet the woman? (6)What did Simon do then? (7)Why did Simon sigh and walk away?(8)Why do people always cho

23、ose Debbie instead of Simon?(9)What is body language?(10)Why people go to Debbie for help?(11)Why did Mr Yang say” Your body language is important too”?(12)Mr Yang thought Simon made a good impression on the girl,didt he?(13)Who was the girl?(14)What did she want to do?(15)Did Simon succeed after he

24、 improved his body language?Why?.综合阅读:Debbie and Simon are students.They both have1.兼职工作at a travel company.2.一个衣着讲究的女士 entered the office.She looked at Debbie and Simon,and then walked 3._ to Debbie.Debbie gave her a cheerful greeting.Simon sighed and walked away.4.“Whats the matter?” Mr Yang asked

25、.“People always choose Debbie instead of me.I dont understand.”“I do.Its the 5._ you communicate.”“How can that be?”Simon asked.”I dont get a chance to speak.”“6.交流 is more than just speaking. Your body language is important too.”“Body language?”“7.Its the way you stand and sit.Its your gestures and

26、 the expression on your face.Your whole appearance communicates things.You dont give people a good impression,Simon.You 8.向下看,you never smile and you dont turn your head 9. them.”“Look at Debbie.Shes holding her head up.She always smiles and 10.看起来友善.Her body language is making people feel welcome,s

27、o they 11.go to her for help.”Simon decided to improve his body language.He sat up straight and tried smiling at people.Minutes later,a beautiful girl entered She walked over to Simon.12.几分钟后she left with a smile.Mr Yang came over once and said,”You 14.给她留下好印象,Simon.”“That was my sister,”said Simon.”She wanted to remind me that tomorrow i

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