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雅思 图表作文写作技巧.docx

1、雅思 图表作文写作技巧声明:本讲义为GARY呕心制作,GARY享有独家版权,禁止转发、出售本讲义或将其用于其他商业用途!Task1图表作文写作技巧(一)一、认识图表作文20分钟150单词,占写作考试总分值的三分之一,描述一个或几个图表。线性图(line graph/chart);柱状图(bar graph/chart);饼状图(piegraph/chart);表格(table);流程图(process diagram)Table: Fig. 1 Pie chart and line graph: sales and share prices for Coca-ColaFig. 2 Prefer

2、red leisure activities of Australian childrenFig. 3 Underground Railways Systems in Six Cities二、图表作文审题要素1.描述对象整个图表的数据都是针对描述对象的。图表的上方标题一般会指示描述对象。弄清描述对象非常重要,因为在行文时,需要频繁地用到它。如:sales of Coca Cola, share price of Coca Cola, the preferred leisure activities of Australian kids aged 5-14, wages growth rate。

3、2.描述单位对于有X轴(horizontal axis)和Y轴(vertical axis)的图表,描述单位一般在Y轴以符号的形式标明。弄清描述单位对于数据的准确描述非常关键,把握不准的话就容易被当做跑题。一般要弄清数字(number)和百分比(percentage; proportion)的区别。另外,记住几个常用的单位缩写符号:$: dollarbn: billionm: million 或 metrekm: kilometre %: percentage/proportion 区别:per cent,000s: thousand比如,第一页的描述单位:bottle / percentag

4、e (pie chart), dollar (line chart), percentage (bar chart)三、图表作文标准结构Part 1 开头段,介绍写作目的,需包含四个要素:图表类型主要描述动词describe, show, present, depict, indicate, representcompare / make a comparison between 描述对象背景信息(地点 + 时间)例如:The line graphgives some detailed information aboutthe wages growth rateof some country

5、over a decade from 1993 to 2003.The pie charts below show the percentage of men and women who smoked in Australia during a 40-year period, between 1960 and 2000. Part 2 主体段:1 + N结构1: 一句话概括总趋势或总特征(general trend or feature) 套句: have shown striking changes/differences.N: N段(N1)细节描述(striking trends or f

6、eatures)Part 3结尾段结尾段给出结论。结尾段是可选的,如果时间紧张或前面几段字数已够的话可以省去不写。甚至总趋势或总特征描述段也可以不写。示例:The graph below gives information on wages of some country over a ten-year period. Write a report for a university tutor describing the information shown.The line graph describes the growth rate of wages in some country fr

7、om year 1993 to year 2003.As can be seen from the graph, the wage growth rate shows a feature of significant fluctuation within the decade.The growth starts at two percent in 1993, but it doesnt stay there very long before it rapidly doubles in 1994. Further on, the percentagedeclines to three perce

8、nt in 1995, stays steadyfor a year, before it starts to rise slowly and ends upat just under four percent in 1997. 1998 is the best year where the wages rate peaks at six percent.However, after 1998 the wages ratedeclines nearly every year. Only a year after, the percentage drops to well under three

9、 percent, stays there at roughly three percent till 2000. In 2002 the wages rate reaches the lowest point of just one percent growth. Luckily the growth rises in 2003 to just under two percent.Overall, the growth rate in wages in some country has shown striking changes through the ten years. (183 wo

10、rds)TIPS1.时间段的表达(例:19932003)between 1993 and 2003from 1993 to 2003over/during the years / period between 1993 and 2003over/during the years / period from 1993 to 2003over / during the years / period spanning from 1993 through 2003over + 一段时间2.1+N中的1(总趋势或总特征)的引出结构:As can be seen, As can be seen from

11、the graph, According to the graph, The graph leads us to the fact that We can see from the graph that 3.Task1中的时态问题Task1对时态的要求也没有Task2那么严格。不论发生在过去还是现在的数据,都可以用一般现在时态;当然,也可以根据图表中的具体数据选择时态。如:如果图表中既有过去的数据,又有将来的数据,我们的处理方式有两种。第一种:全部用一般现在时态。第二种:发生在过去的数据用一般过去时,发生在现在的用一般现在时态,发生在将来的用一般将来时态。四、图表作文单项写作技巧三大核心趋势描

12、述句型及衍生句型、四大趋势、五个关键点、六组核心介词、N个程度词1.四大趋势趋势与关键点是折线图写作的基本构成元素,之后的介词、程度词、趋势描述句型都是围绕着二者展开的。上 升Verbs Nouns rise a riseincrease an increase grow a growth climb (缓慢爬升) a climb boom (剧增) a boomsoar (剧增) a soar an upward trend a downward trend 没有变化/维持在某一值Verbs Nouns level out a leveling outstabilise a stabilis

13、ationhave no change remain stable/steady stay constant 波 动Verbs Nouns fluctuate a fluctuation oscillate an oscillationswing a swingsway a swaywaver a wavering下 降Verbs Nouns fall a falldecline a decline drop a dropdecrease a decreasedive a diveplummet a plummeting注:分别需记住各自的动词和名词形式,因为不同的词性要用在不同的趋势描述句型

14、之中;根据词性的不同,分别叫做“趋势动词”和“趋势名词”;趋势描述名词前一般要加上不定冠词a/an。2.五个关键点即starting point起点, ending/closing point终点,peak(highest point)最高点/最大值, bottom(lowest point)最低点/最小值, intersection/crossing point交叉点(常出现于多条线时)。3.六组关键介词图表写作专用介词,与趋势动词或名词搭配,是准确描述趋势的基础与关键!AT在某一点(静态概念)搭配: begin / start at 以值开始end (up) / wind up / clo

15、se at 以值结束peak at 达到最高值/点bottom at 降到最低值/点level out at 维持在stabilise at 维持在remain stable / steady at 维持在stay constant at 维持在stand / dwell at 在(任意的某一点) 句型:In 2040, the percentage of Japans senior citizens aged 65 and above will be the highest,at about 27%. (at前的逗号可省略)TO上升或下降到某一点(动态概念)搭配:趋势动词/名词 + to;趋

16、势动词/名词 + from A to B例如:The wages growth rate rises to 6%. (趋势动词短语)The wages growth rate shows a rise to 6%. (趋势名词短语)The wages growth rate rises from 2% to 6%. (趋势动词短语)The wages growth rate shows a rise from 2% to 6%. (趋势名词短语)BY 上升或下降的幅度(相当于汉语的“了”,一般作为附加结构放在主要趋势描述句的后面)例如:The wages growth rate rises f

17、rom 2% to 6%, an increase by/of 4%. 或:The wages growth rate rises by 4%. (这里不能用of)AROUND在某个点上下搭配:fluctuate / oscillate / sway / waver / sway around例如:The wages growth rate fluctuates around 3 per cent.BETWEEN在某个区间内搭配:fluctuate / oscillate / sway / waver / sway between A and B例如:The wages growth rate

18、 fluctuates between 2% and 4%.ABOVE/OVER, UNDER/BELOW 在某个点之上或之下 变化程度Adjectives Adverbs dramatic dramaticallysharp sharplysignificant significantlymoderate moderatelyslight slightlysmall/minimal minimally例如:The wages growth rate drops to under 3% in 1999.(在图表作文里,像to和under两个介词堆砌在一起的情况是正常的,因为under和3%一起

19、表示一个具体的点)4.N个程度词程度词用于修饰趋势动词或名词,使趋势描述更加精确。下框加粗的部分为重点掌握字汇。Adverbs Adjectives 急剧地 急剧的dramatically dramatic sharply sharpabruptly abruptsuddenly sudden快速地 快速的rapidly rapidquickly quick 明显地 明显的significantly significantremarkably remarkablestrikingly striking 平缓地,缓和地 平缓的,缓和的moderately moderatesteadily ste

20、ady持续地 持续的continuously continuousgradually gradual缓慢地 缓慢的slowly slow微小地 微小的slightly slightinsignificantly insignificantminimally minimal大约,大概 大概的approximately approximateroughly roughexactlyprecisely5.三大核心趋势描述句型456N所涉及知识点都是为三大核心句型做准备。我们先从最基本的而趋势描述句型入手。例句一:工资增长率从3%上升到6%。句型一:The wages growth raterises

21、 from 3% to 6%. 句型二:The wages growth rate sees / shows / experiences a rise from 3% to 6%. (又见see结构!) 句型三:There is a rise from 3% to 6% in the wages growth rate. 例句二:某个国家的工资增长率从1996年的约3%明显地增长到1998年的6%注意到没?例句二在例句一的基础上增加了描述对象修饰语、时间(年份)、程度词等元素,在使用的时候需要注意把他们放在合适的位置。请看翻译: 句型一:The wages growth rate of som

22、e countryrises remarkablyfrom roughly3% in 1996to 6%in 1998. 句型二:The wages growth rate of some country showsa remarkable rise from roughly 3% in 1996 to 6% in 1998. 句型三:There is a remarkable rise from roughly 3% in 1996 to 6% in 1998inthe wages growth rate of some country.6.趋势描述句型的衍生表达三大基本句型是把起始值和结束

23、值用一个趋势短语结合起来。在实际写作中,为了使句子富有变化,描述更加灵活,经常也会把趋势描述句型打散。另外,折线图经常以多线结合的形式出现,如果出现两条或多条线交叉的情况,还需要用相应的句型表达把交叉点前后各条线之间数值对比的变化描述出来。以下图为例。A)打散一个完整的趋势表达例:美国65岁及以上人口比例从1940年的约8%明显地上升到2040年的约23%。基本表达:The percentage of the USAs citizens aged 65 and over grows significantly from around 8% in 1940 to approximately 23

24、% in 2040.衍生表达一:The percentage of the USAs citizens aged 65 and overstarts at around 8%, and then grows significantly to approximately 23% in 2040.衍生表达二:The percentage of the USAs citizens aged 65 and overstarts at around 8%, grows significantly thereafter (从那之后), and finally closes at approximately

25、 23% in 2040.B)描述一个总趋势里面的小趋势例:美国65岁及以上人口比例从1940年的约8%明显地上升到2040年的约23%,但是在1980年到2020年之间有一个微小的下跌。表达示例一:The percentage of the USAs citizens aged 65 and over grows significantly from around 8% in 1940 to approximately 23% in 2040. , over the period between 1980 and 2020, the figure sees an insignificant

26、downward trend. (注意:however在表达小趋势时的应用,另外,特别注意the figure经常用在图表作文里面用于替代重复、冗长的描述对象)表达示例二:The percentage of the USAs citizens aged 65 and over grows significantly from around 8% in 1940 to approximately 23% in 2040, over the period between 1980 and 2020, the figure sees an insignificant downward trend.

27、(注意:except和when引导的定语从句在表达小趋势时的应用)C)描述交叉点对于两条线的交叉点,一般的处理方式是把交叉点前后的数值对比变化描述出来。有时也会交叉点所对应的具体数值。例:在1940年,瑞典65+的人口比例约7%, 比美国略低。之后,这个数值开始显著上升,并在2000年之后美国的65+人口比例。最后,这个数值在2040年以约25%。注:这个范例实际上反映了多条折线写作(或者说是所有图标类型写作)的一个基本理念,即要多比较(如:比美国略低、超过美国65+人口比例)。表达示例:In 1940, the percentage ofSwedens citizens aged 65 an

28、d over stands at around 7%, which is slightly lower than that of the USA. , the figure begins to go up strikingly it surpasses that of the USA after 2000, roughly 25% in 2040.(注意:afterwards until and finally closes at 将整个交叉数据完整地描述出来。另外注意:surpass表示“超过”的意思)D)将B)小趋势和C)交叉点结合起来对于示例中的瑞典曲线,光把它跟美国的曲线对比还是不够的

29、,还需要把前者内部的小波动趋势指出来。例:在1940年,瑞典65+的人口比例约7%, 比美国略低。之后,这个数值开始显著上升,并在2000年之后美国的65+人口比例。最后,这个数值在2040年以约25%。值得注意的一点是,在1980到1990,以及2010到2030年之间,瑞典的这个数值呈现出略微的下降。(或:值得一提的是,在1980到2030年间,瑞典的这个数值呈现出略微的波动。)表达示例:In 1940, the percentage ofSwedens citizens aged 65 and over stands at around 7%, which is slightly low

30、er than that of the USA. , the figure begins to go up strikingly it surpasses that of the USA after 2000, roughly 25% in 2040. the figure for Sweden shows slight declines between 1980 and 1990, as well as between 2010 and 2030. (OR: the figure for Sweden shows a slight fluctuation between 1980 and 2030.)E)before表示“然后”The proportion of Japans population aged 65 and over drops from exactly 5% in 1940 to about 3% in the 1980s, it rises steadily to 10% in 2030. After that, F)替代词:that of . / the figure for The wages growth rate of the US keeps

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