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1、沂蒙精神Tribute to Forrest GumpA brilliant story of a supposedly average joe, that provides a snapshot of the modern history of the United States, Forrest Gump is truly a timeless classic. The first time I saw this movie, I immediately fell in love with the main character, the story as it incorporated m

2、ajor historical events into the plot in a comic fashion, the subtle nuances of human bonds and relationships that effortlessly withstand the tests of time, and the wonderfully arranged soundtrack that boasts some the biggest hits of the 1960s and 70s. Add to this some exceptional acting by Tom Hanks

3、, Robin Wright-Penn, Sally Field, Gary Sinise and the rest of the talented cast, and this picture had Oscar written all over it. I have loved this movie since the first time that I saw it, and I can watch it another couple of hundred of times.Speaking of watching this movie again, I happened to catc

4、h it on TV the other day and once again I found myself riveted to the tube. This time around, I seem to have been paying particular attention to the lifelong relationship that Forrest and Jenny share, and to me, its a very special kind of bond that these two characters share. In spite of the numerou

5、s separations and the individual lives that they end up leading, they are truly inseparable; their destinies are intertwined. And, as much of a pragmatic, cynical realist as I consider myself, the undying love that Forrest has for Jenny always makes my eyes well up. The simple beauty, or the beauteo

6、us simplicity of Forrests love shows up every time his path crosses hers; when he goes to her dorm and saves her from the guy shes seeing at the time, when he goes to see her onstage rendition of Joan Baez and he saves her from the raucous marines, or when shes with the abusive boyfriend whos in cah

7、oots with the Black Panthers. Even when she shows up at his doorstep, he welcomes her with open arms and proceeds to ask her if shell marry him. He thinks of her when shes not around, and his world comes alive when hes with her. That, to me, is a beautiful story of love. Love, that goes beyond any d

8、efinition or expression any human being can give it. Thats what I want in my life, as cold-hearted and grave as I can be at times.This depiction of this pure emotion is as close to perfect as it can possibly be. And this is one of the reasons that I like this movie. Each time I watch it, I find some

9、thing else that I missed the time before. A must-see if you havent seen it before.2012, this narrated that the human disasters flat and thin piece, shocks my mind very much, is not only the flat and thin piece splendor, picture technical processing perfect, is because this flat and thin piece hid so

10、me information, lets us ponder. Has highlighted human nature nicely with the purest conscience, in this weekend, the people to are finally selfless one side, the humanity encounter the nature the retaliation, since is helpless, really if what discusses is 2012 is the world weekend, then our these co

11、mmon people also do not have the means to get on the square boat, in front of this disaster, we is also perhaps same as movies character, is praying God together, together brave going to facing this death time. Each people have the survival right, therefore president decided that remained down, perh

12、aps we should think how to destroy the nature, in one each one awkward time, we had that intense survival desire, therefore was living time, we should well treasure the life, treasures at present. The life should not become our one kind of burden, but is we enjoys the life! Perhaps you envy others t

13、o have the big house, has the race car, but all these to turned into the shadow finally in that time. Treasures your presents life, living well, lives not easily, but we must well live, lives splendidly! ,最喜欢马克思毕业论文上的话:“如果我们找到了最能为人类福利而劳动的职业,我们就不会为它的重负所压倒,因为那是为全人类所做的牺牲。那时我们感到的将不是一点点自私而可怜的快乐,我们的幸福属于千千

14、万万人,我们的事业并不显赫一时,但将永远存在,面对我们的骨灰,高尚的人们将洒下热泪!” How to be a qualified college student Ladies and Gentlemen: good afternoon. My name is Zhou Songtao. Im a freshman from mechanic department, vehicle engineering class 0502. My topic is “How to be a qualified college student”. In my opinion, a qualified col

15、lege student should first be responsible for his actions, thats to say, we mustnt behave impulsively or do things irrespective of the consequences. We should be rational and wise when we set about doing something. I knew some students may run out of their money in the first week of a month, in atten

16、ding a pop singers concert. Or, didnt attend class, believing it is useless. Then, being self-control is another important factor of being a qualified college student. Many of us come from different parts of our country and for the first time we are far away from our parents, so were no longer under

17、 strict control now. As a result, some of us can not control themselves properly. For example, many students find it hard to resist the temptation of computer games, playing games day and night, neglecting their duties of study. To be a qualified college student, we should act like an adult, being m

18、ature and self-controlled, even if our parents or our teachers do not urge us to do this or that. Since our parents are no longer around us all the time now, we should do many things on our own, therefore, being self-reliance is also very significant. We often hear that some college students even do

19、 not know how to make their beds. In fact, a qualified college student should not only arrange his daily life well, but also he can solve many other problems independently. Whats more, there is no doubt that self-reliance will be a very useful living skill in this highly competitive society. Being r

20、esponsible, being self-control and being self-reliance are just three of the basic requirements of how to be a qualified college student. It cant be denied that many other abilities and qualities should a college student possess. Consequently, we should improve ourselves all the time in order to be

21、a qualified, even an excellent college student during our precious college years. Thats all for my speech. Thank you!电气工程及其自动化本科专业 培养目标:培养德、智、体、美全面发展,理论知识扎实,基本技能强,综合素质高,富有创新精神,系统掌握电气工程及其自动化专业的基本知识、基本理论和基本技能,能够从事电气工程及其自动化领域相关的工程设计、生产制造、系统运行、系统分析、技术开发、经济管理等方面工作的应用型高级工程技术人才。培养要求:本专业学生主要学习电工技术、电子技术、信息控制


23、个专业方向的专业知识与技能,了解本专业学科前沿的发展趋势;5.具有较强的工作适应能力,具备一定的科学研究、科技开发和组织管理的实际工作能力。 培养对象:学历层次为本科,修业年限为四年。主干学科:电气工程、计算机科学与技术、控制科学与工程。主要课程:C语言程序设计、电路、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电力电子技术、电力系统分析、自动控制原理、电机学、微机原理及接口技术、电气CAD、工厂供电、单片机原理与应用、电气控制与PLC等。主要实践性教学环节:包括金工实习、电路与电子技术实验、电子工艺实习、计算机软件实践及硬件实践、课程设计、生产实习、毕业设计等,一般安排20-25周。主要专业实践:电机与控制

24、实验、电气工程系统实验、电力电子实验等。特色专业方向:电力系统及其自动化、工业电气控制技术、工业过程控制技术三个专业方向。就业方向:毕业生主要面向电力行业就业,可从事电力设计、建设、调试、生产、运行、市场运营、科技开发和技术培训等工作,也可从事其他行业中的电气技术工作。主要就业单位有电力公司、电力设计院、电力规划院、电力建设部门、电力生产单位、电气工程研究开发公司和研究院以及具有电气相关专业的院校。窗体顶端窗体底端的职业教育研究更多精彩:由此右转首页 - 2008年第2期 谈电气自动化专业课程体系的构建作者:叶斌元徐月华余蔚荔杨阳摘要:从抓主线,找共性,补漏洞,挖细节四个不同的视角,对高职院校

25、电气自动化专业毕业生就业的相关工作任务和职业要求进行了深入分析,旨在探讨电气自动化专业课程体系的构建。该专业课程体系仍然保留着项目课程与传统意义上的学科(专业)课程两者并存的局面。对于课程体系中指定的项目课程,阐明了课程体系开发的指导思想和技术手段。 关键词:电气自动化专业;课程体系 电气自动化专业是一个宽口径专业,学习的内容多,覆盖面广。对学生而言,由于不清楚与本专业相关的工作任务环境和典型技术主线,感觉每一门课程都很重要,每一项技术都是重点,学生对自己未来的职业道路通常会感到迷茫,对学习的重点难以有效把握。对教师而言,培养学生的职业能力包括三个方面,即完成工作任务需要采取的动作、行为及所需

26、要的知识,因此应该对工作任务及过程有更深刻的认识。为了解决这个问题,我们以职业教育学“基于职业属性的专业观”和“基于工作过程的课程观”作为理论指导,在专业培养目标上满足职业要求,在课程体系的构建上以相关工作任务和过程分析为基础。课程设置必须与工作任务与职业要求相匹配,并以工作任务为中心选择、组织课程内容,以完成工作任务为主要学习方式,尽早让学生进入工作实践,逐步实现从学习者到工作者的角色转换,并最终为学生的终身职业生涯发展做好准备。 与电气自动化专业相关的工作任务涉及很多细节,我们采取的分析策略是由整体到部分,由面到点,从四个不同的视角进行深入分析,可以归纳为“抓主线,找共性,补漏洞,挖细节”

27、。其中“抓主线”是从工作任务客体的视角,对主流工作任务及其客观要求进行分析;“找共性”是从工作任务主体即人的视角,对学生完成工作任务应该具备的要素进行分析;“补漏洞”是从找问题的视角,对当前电气自动化专业课程体系中存在的与企业工作任务要求不适应的问题进行分析;“挖细节”是从课程体系开发技术的视角,对构建课程体系过程中出现的一些细节问题进行处理。 (一)主流工作任务 电气自动化专业培养的毕业生,其未来职业道路有两个主要方向。一是电子技术员,主要工作于弱电环境,从事电路板的设计、焊接、调试、维修等工作;另一个是电气技术员,主要工作于强电环境,从事电力供给、自动化设备(或生产线)设计、安装、调试、维

28、护等工作。调查表明,学生在工作时,往往只能选择其中的一个方向,但在教学中,学生两方向的内容都要学。考虑到工作实际需要,我们建议学生根据兴趣选择其中的一个方向作为未来职业发展方向进行深入钻研。 经过对广州、深圳等多家大、中型企业的调研,发现要胜任当前企业的电子类技术(或技术开发)工作,作为技能型电子工程师(或技术员)必须掌握的内容有:电路基本理论、电子元器件封装形式、EDA(Electronic Design Automation,电子设计自动化)、数字集成电路、单片机软件和硬件及CPLD/FPGA。其中CPLD/FPGA属于高级技能,需要经过高级培训和实践方能掌握。要胜任当前企业的电气类技术(

29、或技术开发)工作,作为技能型电气工程师(或技术员)必须掌握的内容有:电力系统、供配电、AUTOCAD、电机、数控机床、变频器、继电器与PLC控制等。 (二)完成工作任务的必备要素 作为学生个体,完成工作任务应具备的要素可以概括为三个方面:获取及消化相关资料的能力、专业技能和良好的职业素质。有趣的是,其中第一个要素最重要,却往往被忽略。在企业工作,如果没有相关资料,是很难完成高水平工作任务的,而资料是要自己去寻找并消化的,所以获取及消化资料的能力显得尤为重要。 由此得到两点启示:一是新构建的专业课程体系仍应保留部分传统意义上的学科课程,全部推倒原来的学科课程,重建项目课程体系是不现实的。项目课程

30、的建设是一项系统工程,应由小到大、由点到面、循序渐进地进行。如果把学科课程作为项目课程的补充资料,既能发挥学科课程系统性强、方便归纳与检索的优势,又能培养学生获取及消化相关资料的能力。例如,原有专业课程体系中PLC、液压与气动、检测与转换技术三门课程的知识,是在工作岗位上综合应用的,因此新的课程体系开设了一门综合性的项目课程电气自动化系统设计,并且仍然保留了PLC、检测与转换技术两门原有课程,(适当缩短学时)。 第二点启示是考试方式改革,在有些科目上,将传统的闭卷考试改为开卷考试。如果学生查阅书本会做(当然题目应增加难度),应当认为是合格的。因为工作的时候是可以翻看书本和查阅资料的。开卷考试将

31、学生由应付考试(闭卷)的被动机械记忆学科课程资料引导到理解和消化学科课程资料的主动学习中来,并直接培养学生走进为兴趣而学习和完成工作任务的正确途径。 (三)专业技能培养的薄弱环节 通过分析多家企业电子技术员岗位技能要求,我们发现按照现有的人才培养方案培养出来的学生,在专业技能上存在薄弱环节,具体表现在以下几个方面。 集成电路应用能力差电子类企业中集成电路得到了极为广泛的应用。例如,传统的收音机电路就集成在一个芯片上,其外形尺寸只有660.85mm大小,可以广泛应用于手机、MP3等便携式产品中。学生专业技能的薄弱环节表现为对集成电路的应用能力差,不能举一反三,本质上没有掌握集成电路的应用技巧与方

32、法。 对硬件电路朝着柔性化、智能化方向发展缺乏深刻认识现在的电子产品基本上离不开微处理器(或单片机)以及可编程逻辑器件的使用。数字电视、空调、冰箱、洗衣机、数码相机、手机、笔记本电脑、MP3、智能仪器仪表等等,都使用了单片机进行智能控制。可编程逻辑器件(如FPGA、CPLD)则适合于时序、组合等逻辑电路应用场合,它可以替代几十甚至上百块通用IC芯片。这种芯片具有可编程性和实现方案容易改动的特点,由于芯片内部硬件连接关系的描述是通过编程实现的,因而在芯片及外围电路保持不动的情况下,可以通过更改软件实现不同的功能。学生虽对单片机的使用有一定认识,但缺乏深度,对可编程逻辑器件的使用则基本上是空白。 不熟悉电子元件的封装形式目前广泛使用的电子元件的管脚越来越密,体积越来越小,封装形式多种多样。例如0402是目前企业常用的电阻、电容封装形式,与传统的直插

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