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1、成都中考B卷完成表格题2007成都B.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺的信息。请将答案按编号依 次填人表格内的题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)Let s go hiking!Most people enjoy hiking . Hiking is not only a healthy but also arelaxing activity . The reason why people go hiking is different from person to person . Here are some of the most popular reasons for

2、people to hike :First of all , hiking is very good exercise which will improve people s body . It s good exercise that doesn t hurt your body .Sec on dly , hik ing is simple and cheap . All you n eed to do is to weara pair of hik ing boots and your smile to start .Fin ally , hik ing is the best way

3、to get away from your everyday life . You could hike alone or go with your friends . After hiking , you will have aclear mind and the n retur n to work with con fide nee . So why not pla n yourhik ing route right awayThe reas ons why hiki ng is 6. Gen eral reas onIt s 乙andReason 1It s good exercise

4、that can 8. withoutIt.Reason 2It s simple and cheap because buying 9.And weari ng yourare eno ugh.It s the best way to get away from everyday life and return withReason 210.and2008成都B.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺的信息。请将答案按编号依 次填入表格内的题号后横线上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)In the past,people used to travel to foreign countr

5、ies because they thought they would be different in many ways the buildings , the food ,the national dresses and so on . At present , however, one large city is similar to ano ther . They all have their Hilt on or Sherat on Hotelseverywhere . They all have their McDonald s. their KFCs and their Pizz

6、aHuts . Office buildings look the same everywhere ,and most city centers are full of office buildings . And of course, people are driving the same brands ( 品牌)of Japanese or European cars .Then what is the foreign travel for What do tourists hope to experieneein a foreign country that they cannot ex

7、perienee at homeThe answer could be. that people are very interested in the past . It is a nation s history and culture that are the mai n attract ions . Most people travel overseasto find out what foreign countries history and cultures used to be like 。not whato they arc like today . Tourists try t

8、o learn the history and culture of foreig n coun tries by visit ing differe nt kinds of museums .Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists tovisit . Their own special scenery(风景)would certainly attract touristsfrom other coun tries .s attraction : its people . AFin ally ,there is

9、perhaps a countrycountry is not just its old buildings , its works of art( 艺术品 )orbeautiful places , it s also the people wholive in it .This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people . The tourists come mainlybecause of the friendliness( 友好)of the people there . It is why thePac

10、ific islands are also so popular . The friendly , smiling people makevisitors feel welcome .The 6 . of TourismIn thepasPeople traveled to foreig n coun tries to see buildi ngs ,food and dresses which were different from those of7. .1. The large cities in different countries look almostAt8. .prese nt

11、2. People travel to foreign countries to learn their9. ,to visit beautiful places and 10. .2009成都B.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次 填入表格内的题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分:计5分)Cars are very importa nt in the life of the America ns. Without a car, most America n people would feel that they are poor. And eve n if a

12、 pers on is poor, he doesn t really feel poor when he has a car. Henry Ford was the manwho started making cars in large numbers. He probably didn t know how muchcars would affect the American culture. Cars have madethe United States a nation on wheels. And it has helped to make the United States wha

13、t it is today.Why are cars so importa nt in the America n society The USA is a large country and the America ns like to move around in it. Making a trip in a car is comfortable and cheap. With a car people can go to any place without spe nding a lot of money. In the Un ited States, the gover nment h

14、as n ever really developed a public tran sportati on which is both fast and cheap.Long dista nee trains have n ever bee n as com mon as they are in some otherparts of the world. Nowadays, it is very convenient for the America ns tomakea trip by plane. But it is too expensive. In the United States, p

15、eople don t like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don tlike to have to follow an exact timetable ( 时间表).A car gives them thefreedom to pla n their own time. And this is the freedom that the America ns want most to have.However, the America ns are also facing a big problem; it is h

16、ard toget gas ( 汽油)for cars. But the answer will not be a big system ( 系统)of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car which doesn t use so much gas.Paragraph1The 6. in thelife of the America ns.Paragraph2The author gives us the United States.Paragraph2 Making a

17、 trip by car is comfortable and cheap. The America n gover nment cannot provide8. . The America ns their life.Paragraph3Problem for the America ns: There isn teno ugh gas for cars.The author s suggestion: 10.2010成都B)阅读下面课文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。将答案标号一次填入 内的题号后(共5小题,每题1分;计5分。)You may feel curious (好奇

18、)about students in other countries: Do they also have muc h homework What do they do in their spare timeOn April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school stude nt inChina, Japa n. South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 stude ntsfrom the four countries last year. You will find the a

19、nswers to many of your questi on in this report.Chinese student spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinesestudent spend more than two hours on their homework every day. That smuch more tha n stude nts of the US%), Japa n%) and South Korea%).Who sleeps most in classJapa nese stude nts fall

20、asleep in class most ofte n. About 45% of the nsaid they sometimes doze off in class. In South Korea, it s 32%; in theUS, 21% sleep in class; and 5% in China.South Korea students don t like taking notes. About 70%said they write down what the teacher say in class, muchfewer than in Japan (93%), chin

21、a (90%) and the US (89%).Who is the most distractedAmerican students are the most active in class, but also the mostdistracted: 64% said they chat with friends in class; % said they eatsn acks in class; and % said they send e-mails or read un related ( 无关的)books in class.What do they do after classI

22、n their spare time, most Chinese students study or surf the internet.Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese studentsdo physical exercise. Most South Korea n stude nts watch TV.1 stude nts spe nd the most time study ing.About 1 percent of them spend over 2 hoursstudy ing af

23、ter school.Japa nese stude nts sleep 2 often in classwhile Chin ese sleep 2 ofte n.Japa nese stude nts like tak ing no tes 3 of all and America n stude nts rank 3 American students are the most 4 , but themost 4 in class.Spare time activities for most stude ntsChin ese stude ntsstudy or search for 5

24、America n stude ntshang out with frie ndsJapa nese stude ntsdo sportsSouth Koreaenjoy 5stude nts2011成都5小题,每小题1分;计5B.阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。(共分)What makes a successful speech First, you should have a good speech script ( 稿子)so that your ideas and Ianguage can attract peoples attention. And some skil

25、lsare n ecessary, too.Here are some suggesti ons on givi ng great speeches :Beat n ervesRelax yourself before and when making a speech. Practice your opening sentence three or four times. This will help make a sure start and a successful speech. When you stand on the stage, think of the audience(观众)

26、as your family members and friends. .Keep it naturalNatural body Ianguages will help your speech: smile, stand straight and look at the audie nee. Do not drop your head or play with a pen. Also, dress ing yourself nicely will help the audie nee feel respected.Pace and pause ( 节奏和停顿)Pace and pause ad

27、d color to your speech. Speak fast eno ugh to keep people excitedand slowly eno ugh for people to fully un dersta nd you. After an importa nt point, pause for a mome nt. Itll cha nge the atmosphere ( 气氛)in the audie nee.Tips on giv ing speechesMai n tipsThings to doAdva ntageSpeech scriptHave good 6

28、 .Peoples atte nti on isattracted.Suggested 7A: Practice ope ning sentence threeA: This can give you a sureor four times.start.B: Think of the audie nee as your familyB: This can help 8 .members and frien ds.A: Smile, sta nd straight and look at theA: These 9 will helpaudie nee.B: Dress yourself for

29、mally.your speech.B: The audie nce will feelrespected.A: Speak fast eno ugh sometimes and slowly eno ugh other times.B: Pause after an importa nt point.A: People are kept 10 and can 11 you.B; The atmosphere in the audie nce will be cha nged.2012成都B.阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。 (共5小题,每小题I分;计5分)Somepeople

30、 prefer to make friends with people who are very muchlike them while others prefer friends who are very differe nt. There are adva ntages to both types of friendship. If a man chooses a friend similar to himself, there is no problem that they will share man y com mon in terests. They may have simila

31、r goals in life.This means that they will be able to help each other in achieving their goals. Twopeople who are very similar will feel comfortable with each other and may understand each other s feeli ngs better. Their frien dship may be deeper and last l on ger.There are also many adva ntages of mak ing friends with some one of oppositeinterests and even character. In this type of friendship, the two people complement(补充)each other. If one is weak in someways, the other is strong. While two people

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