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1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记83课Lesson 83 After the elections大选之后New words and expressionselection n. 选举 former adj. 从前的defeat v. 打败 fanatical adj. 狂热的opponent n. 反对者,对手 radical adj. 激进的progressive adj. 进步的 ex- prefix(前缀,用于名词前)前suspicious adj. 怀疑的Who was the former Prime Minister?Who has always been a fanatical oppo

2、nent of Mr.Lane s Radical Progressive Party?Why did Patrick go to the house again and again?In the recent elections,was the former Prime Minister defeated or not?What happened to the former Prime Minister and where is he now? election n. 选举a general election 大选 an election campaign kmpen 竞选活动elect v

3、. 选举(某人) eg:Wed like to elect a chairperson now. 我们想现在选出一名主席。elect + sb + to .选举(某人)担任(某职)eg:We elect her to the Board of Education . 我们选她加入教育委员会。elector n. 选举人、合格选民 former (1) adj. 从前的、以前的my former English teacher in former time/days 以前、往昔(2)(前述两者中的)前者的、前面the former 前者 the latter 后者eg:I prefer the

4、former design to the latter .formerly adv. 以前、原本nowadays 现今,现在 defeat (2) v. 打败defeat an enemy 战胜敌人、打败敌人eg:Our team defeated our opponent by 5:0. (2) n 挫折、失敗eg:Our baseball team has suffered another defeat . admit defeat 认输a decisive defeat 一個決定性的失敗a crushingkr /total defeat an uttert defeat 彻底失败 fa

5、natical fanatic(1) adj. 狂热的(2)n.(主义、宗教等) 狂信者fan n.(口) 迷、热心爱好者a baseball fan 棒球迷 be crazy about 非常喜愛 ., 醉心于 be mad about opponent n. 反对者,对手eg:He best his opponent by three sets to one . 他以三比一击败对手。oppose v. (1) 反对、抵抗eg:I oppose your going there alone . 我反对你去那里(2)使对立,使对抗oppose + sth + to oppose + sth +

6、 against 对立、对抗eg:He considered the matter , opposing its merits against / to its demerits .他对比了优点和缺点来讨论这件事 be opposed to sth 与某事物相对立, 反对某事物eg:She is strongly opposed to their plan. ex- (1) prefix(前缀,用于名词前)前(相当于former)ex-boyfriend 昔彼氏、恋人 ; ex-wife 前妻ex-president前任總統、前大統領 、元社長 ex-prime Minister 前總理、(2

7、) 到外面、向外面exclude vt.把排斥在外,不包括 express vt.表示;快運 n.快車(運) a./ ad.特快(的)export n.出口(物),輸出(品) v.出口,輸出 新東方補充:ex-husband 前夫; ex-wife 前妻;ex-taxi-driver 前出租汽车司机ex-manager 前任经理 ; ex-headmaster 前任校长suspicious adj. 怀疑的a suspicious nature 多疑的性格 a suspicious glance 狐疑的目光suspiciously sspisli adv. 猜疑地, 可疑地suspicion

8、(1) n.(c)(n) 猜疑with suspicion 懷疑地eg:His remarks aroused my suspicion . 他的話引起了我的懷疑。eg:I have a suspicion that my phone has been tapped .我懷疑,我的手機已被竊聽。(2) 一些、一點點eg:I smelled a suspicion of fragrance when she passed . 當她經過時我聞到一點點香氣。suspect (1) v. 猜疑suspect sb of .猜疑某人某事eg:She suspected him of taking her

9、 money . 她懷疑他偷她的錢。(2)(口)猜想、以為suspect that 懷疑eg:She suspected he was lying . 她懷疑他是在撒謊suspect sb to be 懷疑某人eg:I suspect him to be the pickpocket. 我懷疑他是扒手。二Key structures: 現在進行時 :be + v.-ing 一般現在時:一般過去時:現在完成時: have / has + p.p. 過去完成時 : had + p.p.現在完成進行時 : has / have been doing 過去進行時 : were / was v.-ing

10、 被動語態 : be + p.p. 新東方補充:【Special Difficulties】 Temper and Moodtemper n. 脾气,性情 This time, the policeman lost his temper. Whatever happens, remember to keep our temper. My sister is of a calm/quick temper. 我姐姐/妹妹性情平和/脾气急躁。 The boss is in a temper today. 老板今天脾气不好。 n. 心情,情绪(与mood同义) That morning he was

11、in a good mood/temper.mood n. 心情,情绪;有意/想要(做某事)(不能用temper) When he is in a bad temper, he gets angry easily. But when he is in a bad mood, he likes to sit alone. (bad mood和bad temper稍有区别) 当他脾气不好时,他很容易生气。但当他心情不好时,他喜欢独自坐着。 At that time I was not in the mood for talking/to talk. (不能用temper) Although Jer

12、emy is well-known for his great sense of humour, he is in no mood for telling funny stories today. (不能用temper)【Text】Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. He is now retiring from political life and has gon

13、e abroad. My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lanes Radical Progressive Party. After the elections, Patrick went to the former Prime Ministers house. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gon

14、e abroad. On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same question. Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. The day after, Patrick went to the house once more and as

15、ked exactly the same question. This time, the policeman lost his temper. I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday, he shouted, Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!I know, answered Patrick, but I love to hear you say it!三課文講解: Th

16、e former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. 前首相温特沃兹.莱恩先生在最近的大选中被击败。 the former Prime Minister the ex-Prime Minister 前首相 was defeated 被击败defeat sb 擊敗某人 beat sb 打贏某人eg:Arsenal beat Manchester United last Saturday. 上個星期六阿森納擊敗曼聯。win a prize 贏得獎品 ; win a game 贏了一場比賽

17、eg:Arsenal won the game . 阿森納隊贏得了比賽He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. 他现在退出了政界,到国外去了。retiring from political life 退出了政界retire 退休eg:My father will retire at the age of 60.我的父親60歲將退休。retire to 隱退、後退、eg:He retired to his own room after supper. 吃完晚飯他離去到他自己的房間裡。 go abroad 出國trave

18、l abroad 海外旅行、外国旅行、外国行、外遊study abroad 留学、海外勉強live abroad 住在國外; be abroad 在國外from abroad 從海外來eg:He has just returned from abroad . 他剛剛從國外旅行回來。My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lanes Radical Progressive Party. 我的朋友帕特里克一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。 Radical Progressive Party. 激进党After

19、 the elections, Patrick went to the former Prime Ministers house. 大选结束后,帕特里克来到了前首相的住处。When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.当他询问莱恩先生是否住在那里时,值班的警察告诉他这位前首相落选后出国去了。 duty (1) n. 責任、義務、本份on duty在上班(的),在值班(的) off

20、duty 下了班(的),不在值班(的)do ones duty 盡本分neglect(忽視) ones duty (2) 睡、關稅customs duty 関税 ; export duties輸出税import duties 進口稅 、輸入税 On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same question.第二天,帕特里克再次来到首相的住处。昨天的那位警

21、察正从门口慢慢走过,帕特里克上前问了和昨天同样的问题。 walk past prep. 走過、經過 entrance (1) 入口、大門口entrance to the park 公園入口the front entrance of a school 學校的正門the back entrance 後門(2) 進入、入場、演員的登場eg:The actor made several entrances. 那位演員上過幾次台了。entrance into college entrance to college 進入大學gain entrance to university . 獲得進入大學許可ent

22、rance examination 入学試験 、入社試験entrance upon office entrance into office 就職、任職 Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer.虽然那位警察这次有点疑心,但还是对他作了同样的回答。 though 引導的示一個讓步狀語從句,其中的主語和為語都省略了,完整的從句是: Though the policeman was a little suspicious this time. The day after, Patrick

23、went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question. 第三天,帕特里克又去了,提出了同前两天完全一样的问题。This time, the policeman lost his temper. 这一次警察火了。 lost ones temper 發脾氣fly into a temper get into a temper 發脾氣 temper (1) n. 脾氣eg:Keep your temper !(dont get angry!)別發脾氣(2) n. 心情、情緒eg:After what happened last

24、 night , I was surprised to find that he was in such a good temper this morning .昨晚發生的事情後,我驚訝地發現,他今天早上的情緒很好。eg :You should apologize to him . Hes in a very bad temper .(He is angry) 你應該向他道歉,他現在脾氣很壞。mood n. 心情、情緒eg:I enjoyed myself at the party . I was in a very good mood .(I was cheerful) eg:Dont di

25、sturb him . hes in a very bad mood .(He is not cheerful, but not necessarily angry他並不快樂,但不一定生氣) eg:Im in the mood for a drive into the country .(I would very much like to go for a drive into the country.) 我很想開車到鄉下兜兜風。be in the mood for sth be in the mood for doing sth be in the mood to do 想做某事 I tol

26、d you yesterday and the day before yesterday, he shouted, Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!I know, answered Patrick, but I love to hear you say it! “我昨天和前天都告诉过您了,”他大叫着,“莱恩先生在大选中被击败了,他已经退出了政界去国外了!”“这我都知道,”帕特里克说,“可我就是喜欢听你说出这此!”四Exercise

27、:1. He has been an opponent . He has been opposed c it .a. against b. for c. to d. from 2. Mr. Lane was the former Prime Minister .he was the c one .a. first b. latter lt n.後者 a.後者的;後一半的,末了的c. previous pri:vis a.先,前,以前的;(to)在之前 d. before 3. He was defeated in the elections . He was c .a. conquered k

28、k vt.攻克,征服;破除,克服b. won win的過去式(分詞)c. beaten beat 的過去分詞d. destroyed distri vt.破壞,毀滅;消滅,殺死4. On the lst October a new government will be c by the nation for the next five tears .a. chosen choose的過去分詞b. selected 選擇,挑選 a.精選的;優等的c. elected 選舉,推舉;選擇 vi.進行選舉,作出選擇d. voted n./ v.選(票);選舉;表決(結果),投票五Review:1. Key structures:各種時態2. Main Points:be defeated被擊敗 ; live abroad 在國外生活go abroad 到國外去, 出國 ; on duty 在上班(的),在值班(的)lose ones temper 發脾氣,發怒 ; be suspicious 懷疑六補充內容:諺語:1. Time flies ! 時間過的飛快How time flies ! 時間過得真快!2.Time is a great healer. Time is the best heater . Time heals 時間可解除一切憂傷 、時間是治療傷口的最好良藥

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