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1、完整版小学英语一般过去时习题及答案练习一 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. We (enjoy) ourselves at the party last night. (study) for the English test last (go) to the Great Wall last yearold man (be)ill and went to see a doctor. (have) a party last night. (visit) the museum and went home.7. How (be) the students They were ve

2、ry friendly.often (eat) dinner at home. Today he (eat) dinnerat school.9. he (have) lunch at nine No, he didn t. (buy) a piano yesterday. (make) him cry ( 哭 ) just nowyear the teacher (tell) us that the earth movesaround the sun.练习二 用所给动词的适当形式填空and Mary (come) to China last month. (not go) to bed un

3、til 1 2 o clock last night. (read) English yesterday morning. (be) no one here a moment ago. (call) Mike this morning. listened but (hear) nothing. (begin) to learn Chinese last year.week we (pick) many apples on the farm.mother (not do) housework TV every evening. But she (not wat

4、ch) TVlast night.your father ( go ) to work every day last year12. When you (get) to Beijing yesterday We (get)1. Hecamehere last mon th.(改为否定句)He herelast mon th.played football this morning.( 改为一般疑问句并作简略回答) they football this morni ng Y es, they ./ No, they .went to Beijing last year.( 就划线部分提问) th

5、ey last year.watched TV last night.( 改为一般疑问句) Tom TVlast ni ghtdoes homework every day.( 用 last night 改写句子)Mary .6.He s cleaning his rooms. (戈U 线 提 问) he 7.My family went to the beach last week. (戈U 线提问) family last week1. Father bought me a new bike. (同义句)me.Father bought2. Frank read an in teresti

6、 ng book about history. (一般疑问句) Frankan in terest ing book about historyThomasRMB 10onthisbook.4. I hadsomefriends.(一般 疑问句)friends5. Sally didsome dishin themorning.(否定句)Sallydishinthemorni ng.6. He is atallandthinboy.(戈U 线提问)he(否定句)7.They read En glish last ni ght.否定句: 般疑问句对划线部分提问: a telephone call

7、 for you just now. (be) not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) any hospitals ( 医院 ) in myhometown( 家乡 ) in 1940.( be not) enough milk at home last week, wasn t there to Japan last week. ( move)20.- When you (come) to China - Last year.she (have) supper at home (not clean) the room just now

8、.(be) it cold in your city yesterdaymany people (be) there in your class last term (be) hot yesterday and most children (be) outside.26.There (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening,but I (have) no time to watch it.27.He ate some bread and (drink) some milk.28. he (finish) his homework last ni

9、ght29.I (be) tired yesterday.30.I (gain ) Arts degree last year.31.What you (do) last night32.My grandfather (leave) Hong Kong for New York in1998.33.What he (do) yesterday34.Last week I (buy) a new bike.35.He (be) here just now.36.He (not find ) his key last night.37.My father (drink) a lot of wine

10、 yesterday.38. you (finish) your homework yesterday39.I (eat) some eggs and bread this morning.40.Her mother (not give) the girl any present.41.Last year Mr. Smith (go ) to China and Japan.42.He (have) a wonderful time.43.He (do) a lot of different things and (talk) toa great number of different peo

11、ple.44.He (eat) Chinese and Japanese food and (visit) alot of interesting places.45.When he (go) back to England, he (be) very tired.46.A week ago, Kitty and Ben (be) in the countryside.47.At first, the wind (blow) lightly.48.The leaves (blow) slightly in the wind.49.They (fly) their kite happily in

12、 the gentle breeze.50.Suddenly, the wind (become) stronger.51.The clouds in the sky (move) quickly.52.Leaves (fall) from trees.53.The sky became dark. Kitty and Ben (go ) homeimmediately.54.Kitty and Ben (stay) at home. They (watch)TV.65. The big clean-up (begin) immediately. Kitty and Benwent outsi

13、de again.、用所给动词的正确时态填空1.He_ TV everyevening.(watch)2.We always to schoolon foot.(go)3.Tom,with hisclassmates, often _football afterschool(play)4.Theirclassroom fourbigwindows. (have)5.Yourshoes _under thebed.(be)6.She _ forherfriends at thebusstop now.(wait)7. Sorry, I no enough money with me now. (

14、have)8.The days longer and longer now. (get)9. here and by me. (come, stand)10.Look, the bus . (come)11.His uncle usually to work by bus. (go)12.Sorry, I m busy. I to a friend of mine inHangzhou. (write)13.Lin Tao and his classmates on a farm nextweek. (work)14.We _to theGreat Wall ifit _ finetomorr

15、ow.(go,be)15.Lookatthe cloudI think it(rain)16.Mary_thirteennext year.(be)17.TodayisMonday.Tomorrow Tuesday.(be)18.There nohospitals hereten yearsago. (be)19. He you to the station tomorrow morning. (see)20. It very hard. Wed better stay at home. (rain)21.I always up at six in the morning, but I up

16、a little later yesterday. (get )22.She swim very well when she was five years old. (can)23.They in Beijing in 1960. (be)24.He always to work by bike when he was in Shanghai. (go)25.I you up as soon as I to Nanjing. (ring, get)26.They never in the room. (smoke)27.I to school yesterday because I ill.

17、(not go, be)28.John like his father. (look)29.Be quiet. The baby .(sleep)30.Some young people in the lake. (swim)五、选择填空( ) 1. Lee his mobile phone at home.A. leave B. leaves C. leaved D. left( ) 2. he a good rest No, he didn t.A. Do, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Was, had( ) 3. As soon as he , he

18、to his family.A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write( ) 4. Mr. Black was late because he his way.A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost( ) 5. When Lee school this morningA. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got( ) 6. Will you please say it again I quite

19、you.A. didn t, hear B. don t, heard C. didn t, heardD. don t, hear( ) 7. you at six o clock yesterdayA. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, gotup( ) did you see A. now B. every day C. these days D. just now( ) went into the room and the door.A. lock B. locking C. locks D. locked( ) 10. W

20、hat you last week I bought a bag.A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought( ) 11. he his lunch Yes, he did.A. Does ,has B. Does, have C. Did, have D. Did, had( )12. Did the thieves into the car No, they .A. fell, didn t B. fall(落下),did C. jump (跳),didn t D.jump, did( ) 13. -When did May c

21、ome back from Hong Kong -She _ fromHong Kong last Friday.A. comeback B. comesback C. returned back D. cameback( ) 14. she this dictionary in the bookshop nearbylast weekA. Did, buy B. Does, buy C. Did, bought D. Does, buys( ) 15. He to the station this morning and was forthe train.A. hurry, in time

22、B. hurries, on time C. hurried, in time D. hurried, at time( ) 16. Where Uncle Sun yesterday A. was B. were C.did D. does( ) 17. Have you seen him today Yes, I him thismorning.A. seeing B. see C. sees D. saw( ) 18. He worried when he heard the news. A. is B.was C. does D. did( ) 19. There a telephon

23、e call for my brother StevenyesterdayA. is B. are C. was D. were( ) 20. Liu Fengwei three yuan for the lost library book.A. paid B. pay C. spent D. lost( ) 21. He in this school in 1958.A. taught B. teach C. teaches D. teaching( ) 22. They tired so they stopped a rest.A. are, have B. were, have C. w

24、ere, to have D. are, having( ) 23. Yesterday I in bed all day because I had a fever.A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lied( ) 24. It was raining hard when he home.A. got B. get C. gets D. was getting( ) 25. She said her brother in Beijing. He to Japanon business last week.A. wasn t, went B. hasn t, went C. w

25、asn t, go D.isn t, went答案、was did went had wasn t weren t spent cooked read clea ned lived studied二、 did do did do went went三、 2. studied go 5. was had have四、 t come play did didn t did go 4. Did watch homeworklast ni ght五、 六、1. is-was 2. go-we nt 3. goes-we nt 4. can-could 5.saw-see 6. wasnt-didn t

26、 7. didn t-didn t do 8.wait-waited 9. fin d-fo und 10. did he-did he do七、2. didn t go , got 3. read 4. was 5. calledtdotwatch11. Did goget got13. made 14. told16.werett cleanwerehad finishdodot findfin isht give42. had talked visitedwas 46. were 47. blew watched、按要求变换句型new bike forread s doing dont

27、you t spendwere my going I any dont think she is Lily s sister. t dodoeslooklikedidntreadEnglishlast night.Did theyreadEnglish lastnightYes,theydid./No,theydidnt.Whatdid they dolastnight、用所给动词的正确时态填空 2.go3.plays4.has 5.are6. iswaiting7. e,stand10.iscoming11. writing13.are goingtowork/willwork 14.aregoingto/willgo, is15.isgoingtorain16.will be17.willbe18.were 19. willsee20.israining21.get,got22.Could23.were24.went25. will/shallring,get26.smoke27. didntgo, was 28. looks 29. is sleeping 30. are swimming

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