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1、学校校长聘用合同协议书(标准版)学校校长聘任合同协议书甲方:xxXXX(以下简称“学校”)乙方:(以下简称“校长”)签订日期:甲乙双方根据国家和本市有关法规、规定,按照自愿、平等、协商一致的原则,签订本合同。第一条 合同期限合同有效期:自年月日至年月日止。合同期满,聘用关系自然终止。第二条 受聘岗位校长第三条 工作目标责任及要求工作目标责任:在2018年月日至2018年月日期间,招生人数达到100人以上,学生流失率控制在5%以内。成本费用预算:广告、宣传费用全年控制在10万元,人员工资:25万/年,招待费用、差旅费、办公费:3万/年,招生提成支出:2万/年。工作要求:1、对上级教育行政部门负责

2、,对学校全面工作负责。2、制定学校的发展规划和年度计划,协调组织实施并进行监督检查评估。3、建设学校文化及绩效考核;主持学校行政办公会议,研究部署各方面工作,做出决策形成决议;4、拟定学校基本管理制度,制定学校具体的规章并贯彻落实。汇编公司各项制度,监督检查各部门执行的情况。5、宣导企业文化,增强员工的企业归属感。为符合条件的员工办理养老保险、住房公积金等相关福利。6、按学校章程自主管理学校,努力提高办学水平。7、合理配置和正确使用学校的各种资源,充分发挥人财物和信息的作用。第四条 岗位工作基本条件应当符合以下基本条件:1、具备教师资格;2、有较好的政治、业务素质和良好的品行;3、从事教育、教

3、学工作五年以上,具有较强的组织管理能力;一般应具有大学专科及以上文化程度、中级以上专业技术职务;4、身心健康;5、符合岗位需要的其他条件。详见附件校长岗位说明书第五条 岗位工资报酬及社会保险和福利待遇1、校长的薪酬计划:底薪6000元/月,安排住宿。对于校长实行年薪制。具体如下:一年内学生人数指标达到200人,年薪10万,年底补发工资差额部分。一年内学生人数指标达到500人,年薪15万,年底补发工资差额部分。一年内学生人数指标达到800人,年薪20万,年底补发工资差额部分。During the d of n by the nal manager。if the number of student

4、s reaches 1000.the company will open a second branch。The nal manager will participate in the management of the second branch in n to their annual salary。and will receive a 5% profit share from the second branch。When the number of students in the second branch reaches 1000.the company will open a thi

5、rd branch。The nal manager will receive a 10% profit share from the third branch in n to their annual salary and profit share from the second branch。and so on。gradually increasing until reaching a 40% profit share。If the nal manager no longer participates in the management。they will no XXX salary but

6、 will still receive a profit share.If the number of students in the first year does not reach 200.the nal manager will not receive an annual salary。only basic salary。If the number of students still does not meet the target in the second year。they will be dismissed.Apart from the nal manager。the mark

7、et。administrative。and teaching supervisors will receive a one-time bonus of 200 yuan per student team。in n to their basic salary of 2300 yuan per month.Article 6: Labor DisciplineThe first party XXX of the country。The second party must obey the rules and ns formulated by the first party and uphold t

8、he n of the first party。The following XXX:1.XXX of public funds or property of the first party.2.XXX.3.XXX。materials。textbooks。etc。of the school.4.Causing losses to the first party or harm to its students due to the second partys lack of work XXX awareness.5.Causing economic losses to the first part

9、y due to n of work discipline or financial system.6.Other ns of the rules and ns of the first party that usly damage the interests of the first party.Article 7: Changes。Renewals。XXXThe first and second parties can change the relevant content of the XXX。the employment contract will be terminated when

10、 the contract d XXX parties。the XXX.Article 8: n of Employment Contract1) XXX mutual agreement of the first and second parties。The second party should notify the first party in writing 30 days before the n of the contract when XXX.2) XXX following circumstances:1.The second party needs to be transfe

11、rred from the n of school principal due to work needs.2.The second partyXXX.3) The first party can terminate the XXX contract under the following circumstances:1.The second party is proven to not meet the XXX.2.The second party XXX of the first party.3.The second party is XXX duties。engages in fraud

12、 for personal gain。and causes significant harm to the interests of the first party.XXX.4) The first party can terminate the employment contract under the following circumstances。but must notify the second party in advance:1、如果乙方因疾病或非工伤而无法从事校长工作,医疗期满后将不再执行聘用合同。2、如果聘用合同签订时的客观情况发生了重大变化,导致原合同无法执行,经双方协商无法就变更达成一致,则需要重新订立聘用合同。五)如果甲方符合裁员条件,则可以裁减乙方的聘用。六)在聘用期内,乙方如需辞职,必须向甲方提出书面申请。甲方应在30个工作日内给予答复,未经批准不得擅自离职。第八条其他事项一)本合同具有法律约束力,双方必须遵守。二)如果双方因执行合同产生争议,任何一方都有权向上级有关部门提出仲裁和诉讼。三)本合同一式二份,双方各执一份,经双方签字后生效。四)如果合同条款与国家法律法规相抵触,以国家法律法规为准。学校校长聘用合同协议书甲方(盖章)。乙方(签字):年月日。年月日

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