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1、娄底市初中毕业学业考试2012年娄底市初中毕业学业考试英语第I卷(共100分听力技能(三个部分,共20小题,计20分 略. 知识运用。(两个部分,20小题,计20分A 单项选择。(共10小题,计10分从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。21. How is your brother?He is interesting boy.A. aB. anC. the22. Whos that tall young man black?He is my English teacher, Mr. White.A. inB. forC. with23. Is Changsha one of the cit

2、ies in China?Yes, it is.A. bigB. biggerC. biggest24. Hi, Lily, my country is very rich and strong. What about ?Mine is neither rich nor strong.A. youB. hersC. yours25. Im good at physics, but my English is poor.My English is good but my physics is poor. Lets help .A. each otherB. in a hurryC. on dut

3、y26. How do you read “April 5” in English?“April ”A. fiveB. the fiveC. the fifth27. Mummy, what shall we have for supper?Some fish and some .A. potatoB. potatosC. potatoes28. do you go to the movies with your friends?Once a month.A. How oftenB. How soonC. How long29. Another piece of cake, OK?Thank

4、you! Ive had enough.A. AndB. OrC. But30. I have something important to tell John. Where is he?He a talk with his teacher in the office.A. haveB. havingC. is havingB完形填空(共10小题,计10分通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案填空。Im a student of No. 28 Middle School. Im 31 a letter to the government(政府. In

5、the letter Ill tell them I am against to build a 32 zoo in our town. Zoos are not 33 place for animals to live. Ive visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have 34 liked one of them. Andnone of them is suitable(适合的 for 35 to live in. Just last week, I 36 a zoo and couldnt believe what I saw. The ani

6、mals are kept in 37 cages and can hardly move at all. And they are only given 38 once a day. Is this a good way 39 animals to live? I think wed better not build a new 40 in our town.31. A. handing B. hiding C. writing32. A. old B. new C. tall33. A. good B. terrible C. rapid34. A. outside B. never C.

7、 pretty35. A. animals B. books C. children36. A. read B. visited C. hurt37. A. small B. big C. large38. A. gift B. money C. food39. A. for B. to C. by40. A. factory B. shop C. zoo. 阅读技能。(共20小题,计40分A 阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写(A,不符合的写(B。(共5小题,计10分My name is Tom. My family and I want to take a trip th

8、is summer vacation somewhere in China. Wed like to travel to an exciting place. We dont mind how far we have to go. In that place we can do a lot of outdoor(户外 activities. We love climbing and swimming. It is better for us to stay near high mountains or stay at a place with a big pool or near the se

9、a. We also need to stay ina cheap hotel. The room needs to be big enough for three people. And wed like to travel by train.41. Tom and his family want to travel in China.42. They like swimming and climbing very much.43. They have a lot of money.44. They dont like outdoor activities.45. They want to

10、travel by train.B 阅读下面短文,并做后面的题目,从各题所给的ABC三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共5小题,计10分In 2011, a young traveler was climbing a mountain. He arrived at a big piece of strange land. It was ugly. It was the kind of place you hurried away from.Suddenly, the young man stopped on the way. There was an old man in

11、 the middle of this large land. On his back was a bag of acorns(橡子. In his hand was an iron pipe(铁管子.The old man used the iron pipe to make a hole(洞 in the ground. Then from the bag he took an acorn and put in the hole. He did this over and over again.Later the old man told the young man, “Ive plant

12、ed over 100 000 acorns. Perhaps only one tenth of them will grow.” The old man was alone, and this was how he spent his days. “I want to do something useful,” he said. “Twenty-five years later, you are not young. When you come here again, you will be very surprised. You can not believe your eyes. Th

13、e land will be covered(覆盖 with a beautiful forest. It will be two miles wide and five miles long. Birds are singing, animals are playing, and wild(野生的 flowers perfume(使散发香气 the air.” The young man stood there thinking of the beautiful picture of the place. The old man had done such a great thing.46.

14、 The young man arrived at .A. a goodB. an uglyC. a dark47. When the young traveler met the old man, the old man .A. was planting treesB. was sleepingC. was singing48. Why did the old man plant acorns?A. Because he wanted to eat them.B. Because he wanted to make money.C. Because he wanted to make the

15、 ugly place beautiful.49. How soon will the ugly place be a beautiful forest?A. 15 years later.B. 25 years laterC. 35 years later50. What do you think of the old man?A. A bad man.B. A lazy manC. A kind manC 阅读下面表格内容,从每题所给的ABC三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所 A. 7788728B. 7780677C. 778061852. You want to work in a

16、restaurant, so you should call .A. LisaB. DebbyC. Sue53. You can see a new play at College Theater at on Saturday.A. 8:00 p.m.B. 5:00 p.m.C. 9:00 a.m.54. You can not return your books to the library on .A. SundayB. MondayC. Saturday55. You can get if you work in Centers Restaurant for three days, 2

17、hours every night.A. $8B. $16C. $48D 阅读下面短文,根据短文回答问题。(共5小题,计10分What can we do to help save the environment? First, we should turn off the lights if we dont need them. Second, wed better ride a bicycle. Dont take a bus or a taxi if we dont have to. Third, we must try out best to recycle(回收 newspapers

18、, magazines and other paper. The fourth idea is to turn off the shower(淋浴器when we are not using it. For example, when we wash our hair, we get it wet, turn off the shower, put the shampoo(洗发精in the hair and then turn on the showerand wash it out. In this way, we can save water. Fifth, wed better tak

19、e a bag when we go shopping. Dont use plastic bags. Sixth, we should tell the others to save the environment.56. What should we do if we dont need lights?_57. Is it good idea to ride a bicycle?_58. Which can be recycled, paper or fruits?_59. What should we take when we go shopping?_60. What should w

20、e tell the others?_. 写作技能。(两个部分,共6小题,计20分A 完成对话(共5小题,计10分通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。Mary: Hello, can I speak to Sonia?Mike: Sorry, she is out now. Is that Mary speaking?Mary: 61. Who is that speaking?Mike: This is Mike speaking. 62.Mary: Fine, thank you. Can I leave a message?Mike: 63. Wait a moment, plea

21、se. Ill go and get a pen.(A few minutes later.Mike: OK, please.Mary: Id like to ask her if she will go to the school library this Saturday. Will you please tell her to call me when she comes back?Mike: No problem. 64.Mary: My telephone number is 138*.Mike: Ok. Goodbye.Mary: Thank you. 65.B 书面表达(共1小题

22、,计10分现在初中学生普遍存在不做家务的现象。请你根据下列表格的提示,以We Students _ _ _ _ _第卷(共20分I. 翻译(共5小题,计10分阅读下面短文,将画线句子翻译成中文。Last Saturday my father bought a new car. 1. He was very happy. Next day he drove to a little lake in the mountains with us and spent our holiday there. The lake is not far. It is about 51 miles away. So

23、 we were not in a hurry. 2. We left our house at half past ten. We got to the lake at half past eleven. It was a sunny day. 3. There wasnt any cloud in the sky. I wanted to have lunch at once because I was a little hungry. But the lake was so beautiful and the water was so clean. We decided to have

24、a swim first. 4. After swim, we had a picnic under the trees. Then we had a sunbath. In the afternoon it began to get cloudy. At about four oclock, it started to rain. 5. We had to hurry back home. We all felt happy that day.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _II. 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。(每空填12个词It was a

25、snowy night. The taxi driver didnt take even one passenger(乘客all day. When he went by the bus station, he saw a man coming out with bags in his hands. So he drove to him and asked, “Where are you going, sir?”“To the Yingbin Hotel,” the man answered. When the taxi driver heard this, he didnt feel hap

26、py any more. The man would give him only 3 yuan if he took him there, because the hotel was very near. It is about 250 meters away in the east of the bus station. But suddenly, he had an idea. He took the man to eh west through many streets of the city and then turned to the east.After a long time,

27、they arrived at the hotel. “Here we are. You should pay me 15 yuan, please,”the taxi driver said to the man. “What? 15 yuan? Do you think Im a fool? Only last week, I took a taxi from the bus station to this hotel and I only gave the driver 13 yuan. I know how much I have to pay for the trip.” The man then only gave the driver 13 yuan.

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