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1、配套的农业现代化建设服务体系也不断完善配套的农业现代化建设服务体系也不断完善 在中国一直号召的新农村建设中,大力开展农业机械化建设一直是十分重要的一个环节,农业机械技术的研发在很大的程度上完成了农村小康社会建设这一具有时代意义的工程。早在党的四十七次代表大会上,很多专家代表就曾经提出,要使得有中国特色的社会主义模式不断发展下去,改善制约中国农村现有各种体制的制约,就必须大力发展农村经济和各种配套设施的完善,其中尤为重要的就是农业机械化,在农村大力普及科学技术发展,开展好科普知识的传播工作,形成农村一体化的新格局。这个伟大的战屡目标再近几年中国农村体制的发展中一直在延续和传承,为全国当前和很长一

2、段时期内农村基本建设指明了方向。In China has been called on the new rural construction, vigorously developing agricultural mechanization construction has been a very important one link, the agricultural machinery technology research and development to a great extent, has completed the construction of rural well-off

3、 society era significance for engineering. Forty-seven times as early as the partys congress, representative, has put forward many experts to resulting in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics model, improve the system of restricting Chinas existing rural various constraints, we

4、must vigorously develop the rural economy and the perfection of all kinds of supporting facilities, is especially important of which is the mechanization of agriculture, vigorously popularize science and technology development in the rural areas, conduct work for good the spread of science knowledge

5、 and form the new pattern of rural integration. This great dreamers target again in recent years the development of Chinese rural system continues and inheritance, to the current and for a long period of time have pointed out the direction of the rural infrastructure construction. 1 对农业机械化的发展要有一个准确的

6、定位1 the development of agricultural mechanization to have an accurate positioning 加快农业机械化的发展进程主要是要运用高科技现代的机械装备协助中国农业建设的开展,彻底改善农业的生产经营模式,提高农民的劳动效率。同时,农业机械化程度得到提高以后,中国农村的生态环境,经济建设和整体生活水平实地都会得到一定提升。人们最早对农业机械化的认识还是简单的田间机械化作业上,用机械来代替劳动力,完成各种播种任务,甚至一度可以说农业机械化就是田间机械化的代名词。在全国目前的发展形势下,农业机械化早就被赋予了新的科学含义,不是简单的

7、耕种,播种这些简单的事情。我们应该重新审视农村如何开展好农业机械化这一新课题,正确理解它的科学内涵。纵观农业发展的过程,农业生产从最开始机械化生产到基本机械化直至最后的农业生产全面机械化是一个不断丰富,不断完善的过程。这一进程正在不断地加速发展,总结一下一共有四个阶段。To speed up the development of agricultural mechanization process mainly is to use high-tech modern machinery and equipment to assist the development of Chinas agric

8、ultural construction, thoroughly improve agricultural production and operation mode, improve farmers labor efficiency. At the same time, the agricultural mechanization degree is improved, Chinas rural ecological environment, economic construction and the overall living standards will have certain as

9、cend. People first understanding of agricultural mechanization or simple mechanical work on the field, use machinery to replace Labour, complete tasks of sowing even once synonymous with mechanization of agricultural mechanization is the field, so to speak. In the present development situation, agri

10、cultural mechanization has been endowed with new meanings, science is not a simple cultivation, planting these simple things. We should re-examine the country how to develop agricultural mechanization of the new subject, understand its scientific connotation correctly. Process, in the development of

11、 the agricultural mechanization of production mechanization of agricultural production from the beginning to the basic agricultural production until the final comprehensive mechanization is a constantly enrich and improve the process. This process is continuously accelerating, sum up a total of four

12、 stages. 1.1 开始起步期土工膜在这个阶段田间机械化发展的最快,很多农业机械设备开始走进农业生产中,从最开始的简单的拖拉机到后期的各种机械普及在农田生产。不过由于当时的工业发展速度跟不上各种生产领域的需要,在一定程度上导致了农业机械化发展还存在相对落后的现象。1.1 beginning period of mechanization development in the field at this stage the fastest, many agricultural machinery started into the agricultural production, start

13、ing from the most simple of the tractor to the popularization of machinery in the late production in farmland. But due to the industrial development speed cant keep up with the needs of the various production areas, to a certain extent, led to the agricultural mechanization development is relatively

14、 backward. 1.2 中国农业的体制转型阶段 在这一阶段中国农村生产经营模式发生了质的变化,家庭联产承包责任制称为新的农业生产制度,土地承包细化到个人,这样制度的转型在很大程度上限制了农业机械化中大型机械设备的发展,致使很多大型田间机械设备无人问津,制约了机械化发展进程,使得中国农业机械化发展在相当一段时期内走向了低谷。但是很多农民在这一期将资金投入到小型农具的生产开发中,小型农机具、农用运输车应运而生,土鸡这就使得农业机械化的应用领域有了延伸。1.2 transition stage of Chinese agriculture in rural China at this stag

15、e qualitative changes have taken place in the production and business operation mode, the household contract responsibility system as a new system of agricultural production, land contract refinements to the individual, the transformation of this system to a great extent limits the development of ag

16、ricultural mechanization of large machinery and equipment, causing a lot of large mechanical equipment field, restricted the process of mechanization, makes Chinas agricultural mechanization development in quite some time towards the bottom. But many farmers in this period to put money into the prod

17、uction and development of the small tools, small machinery, farm transporter arises at the historic moment, this makes the application field have the extension of agricultural mechanization. 1.3 市场发展阶段 随着中国经济的发展,市场经济体制占据了主导地位,也包括农村的机械化层面。市场经济确定以后使得很多乡镇机械生产企业发展壮大起来,农业机械化的制造模式更加灵活,包括了农户工业生产和生活中的方方面面,所

18、有农业机械化制造厂也开始多元化发展。同时,配套的农业现代化建设服务体系也不断完善,规模的发展和一些条纹条规的健全让土工布农业机械化走向了正规、快速的发展时期。1.3 market development phase with the development of Chinese economy, the market economic system occupies the dominant position, and also including rural mechanization level. Market economy after sure make a lot of villag

19、es and towns machinery production enterprise, the mechanization of manufacturing model is more flexible, all aspects including the farmers in industrial production and life, all agricultural mechanization manufacturers also began to diversification development. At the same time, supporting service s

20、ystem of agricultural modernization also constantly improving, the scale of development and some stripes sound let agricultural mechanization to formal rules and rapid development period. 1.4 依法促进阶段 相关农业机械化条文法规颁布实施以后,农村生产中购置农业机械的补贴等政策都不断完善,农业现代化开始不断扩大,这些国家的利好政策出台真正促进了农业机械的普及和推广。着眼农业机械化的四个发展阶段,在农业生产和

21、农村建设中普及机械化是一个历史发展的大趋势,接下俩我们还要不断地加快转产农业的发展,鼓励那些农业机械化中科技成果的开发和研制,加强农业的机械化装备,提升国家土地、资源、人力的利用率,太阳能热水器提升农业生产水平,巩固农业的抗风险能力,为中国的可持续发展起到很好的支撑作用。2 农业机械化发展的重要支撑作用1.4 promotes the agricultural mechanization stage and related provisions in accordance with the laws and regulations enacted after the purchase of a

22、gricultural machinery in rural production subsidies are constantly improve, agricultural modernization began expanding, good policies in these countries really promoted the dissemination and promotion of agricultural machinery. Four stages of development of agricultural mechanization, popularize mec

23、hanization in agricultural production and rural construction is a big trend of historical development, for both of us to constantly speed up the conversion of agricultural development, encourage those in agricultural mechanization development and the development of science and technology achievement

24、s, strengthen agricultural mechanization equipment, increasing state land, resources, manpower utilization and enhance the level of agricultural production and strengthen the anti-risk ability of agriculture, for the sustainable development of China have very good supporting effect. Two important su

25、pporting roles in the development of agricultural mechanization 农业机械化对全国经济发展的支撑作用在很多次全国人大会议上都多次提出。Supporting roles in the development of agricultural mechanization in the national economy in many of the National Peoples Congress conference put forward many times. 2.1 农业机械化彻底的改善了中国农村生产的装备模式 农业生产的装备是农

26、业发展的最坚实物质基础,现代化的农业发展根本就离不开农业机械化的普及。作为农业机械化,近年来由于国家政策的实施,已经在牧业、渔业、林果业、设施农业、钢塑土工格栅农产品加工都有了广泛的应用。灌溉、植保、烘干、贮藏等各个生产环节的机械化也在不断的走向成熟和完善。2.1 agricultural mechanization to thoroughly improve the production equipment mode of agricultural production in rural China equipment is the most solid material base, agr

27、icultural development of the modern agricultural development are inseparable from the popularization of agricultural mechanization. As agricultural mechanization, in recent years due to the implementation of national policy, has been in animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture, agricultural facilit

28、ies, agricultural products processing has a wide range of applications. Irrigation, plant protection, drying, storage and other production process of mechanization has been mature and perfect. 2.2 农业机械化的发展促成了很多农业科技成果的转化应用 农业科技成果的研制开发,对于推动中国整体经济发展来说,是基础,是保证,至关重要。在这一领域的研究上,利用现代化的机械手段,开发出了很多多功能、智能化、经济型

29、农业装备,同时以市场为导向,让农业机械化和使用者紧密衔接,探索完善多方协作、双梁起重机良性互动、共同发展的农机化科技创新机制。2.2 agricultural mechanization development contributed to a number of agricultural science and technology achievements transformation and application of the research and development of agricultural science and technology achievements, fo

30、r promoting Chinas overall economic development, is the foundation, is the guarantee, is crucial. On the research of this field, use of modern mechanical method, developed many multi-functional and intelligent, economical agricultural equipment, at the same time, market-oriented, make agricultural m

31、echanization and closely with users, exploring the perfect collaborative, positive interaction and common development of agricultural mechanization technology innovation mechanism. 2.3 农业机械化的发展,使得我国农村体制广度和深度的改革,农业结构不断优化升级 尤其在发展特色优势农业产业和开发特色优势农产品方面发挥了不可估量的作用,可以说,农业机械化程度的高低是中国农业生产的一个重要标志。相辅相成,防水板农业机械装

32、备把农业一体化产业经营的利益纽带连接为一个整体,不断将新技术、新方法,以及工商资本注入农业,扩大农业生产经营规模,将农业带入现代化发展的轨道。2.3 the development of agricultural mechanization, makes the breadth and depth of Chinas rural system reform and optimization of agricultural structure especially in the development of characteristic agriculture industry and the

33、development characteristic advantages of agricultural products has played an immeasurable role, so to speak, agricultural mechanization is an important symbol of Chinas agricultural production. Supplement each other, agricultural machinery and equipment put the interests of agricultural integration industry management link connected as

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