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1、中国海洋大学新版研究生英语小考复习资料U678中国海洋大学新版研究生英语小考复习资料U678Unit6: compassion / k?mp?(?)n/ n. compassion is a feeling of pity, sympathy, and understanding for someone who is suffering. 同情 Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians.老年人需要医生的时间和同情心。 with a venveage /ven(d)?(?)ns/ more completely o

2、r to a greater degree than is normal, expected or desired 猛烈地,极度地; 程度更深或更甚 The market has turned against the continent with a vengeance. 市场已经开始对欧洲大陆进行报复性打击。 同义词:heavily / strong / hard / fiercely / violently appeal /?pi:l/ n.&v. a quality that makes you like someone or something, be interested in th

3、em, or want them 吸引力;感染力 Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.其新的名字意在给予该党更大的公众吸引力。 On the other hand, the idea appealed to him.另一方面,这个主意对他有吸引力。 sex appeal 性感lasting appeal持久的吸引力 dedicated /ded?ke?t?d/ adj. devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; committed专注的,投入的; 献身的;专用的 b

4、e dedicated to doing/sth I have a chapter in the book dedicated to this topic.在我的这本书中有一章专门讨论这个话题。 Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.这些地区也应该可自行车专用路线到达。 feel out of it: INFORMAL to be unable to think clearly because you are very tired, drunk etc. 迷迷糊糊的;浑浑噩噩的 I always feel out

5、of it when they start playing quiz games becauseeveryone is much more clever than me. 当他们开始进行智力竞赛时我总是感到我迷迷糊糊的,因为我觉得他们每个人都比我精明得多。 agony /?n?/ n. extreme mental or physical suffering极大痛苦 A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests.一种新机器可能使成千上万只动物免于药物试验的极大痛苦。 in agony 疼痛;痛苦

6、挣扎nameless agony 不知名的痛苦agony aunt 问答专栏阿姨;心理咨询阿姨 juggle : /d?l/ v. try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc. into your life 尽量兼顾 The management team meets several times a week to juggle budgets and resources.管理团队一周开几次会,力图兼顾预算和资源。 易混淆的词:jungle vomit /v?m?t/ v. eject the contents of the stomach thro

7、ugh the mouth呕吐 Any product made from cows milk made him vomit.任何牛奶制品都会让他呕吐。 She began to vomit blood a few days before she died.她在去世前几天开始吐血。 同义词:throw up navigate /n?v?e?t/ v.(fig比喻) find ones way through, over, etc. (sth.)设法穿越 v. When someone navigates a ship or an aircraft somewhere, they decide

8、which course to follow and steer it there. 给(船或飞机) 导航 Hes got to learn how to navigate his way around the residence.他应该学会如何绕过这片住处。 Captain Cook was responsible for safely navigating his ship without accident for 100 voyages.库克船长负责了安全导航他的船,百次航行无事故。 rare /re?(r)/adj. not seen or found very often, or n

9、ot happening very often罕见的, 稀有的;不寻常的 I happened on a rare stone in a small jewellers.我在一家小珠宝店偶然发现了一块罕见的宝石。 rare earth 稀土元素的氧化物rare earths 稀土rare book 珍本书,善本rare breed 凤毛麟角,稀有品种 rare animal 稀有动物rare commodity 奇货可居rare disease 罕见病,奇病 palliative /?p?li?t?v/ n.&adj. (medicine) that reduces pain without

10、removing its cause减轻的;缓和的;姑息剂;治标剂; 缓解剂 Treatment of electrical burns is palliative.电烧伤的治疗只起治标作用 Aspirin is a palliative drug.阿司匹林是一种缓解剂。 hang on continue doing something in spite of difficulties坚持下去 One piece of advice I give people who have just experiencedhardship is to just hang on. 我告诉那些刚刚经历过困境的

11、人们的忠告只有一条,那就是坚持下去。 同义词:hang in there / keep at it persevere /?p?:s?v?(r)/ v. continue trying to do something especially in spite of difficulties 坚持做某事 Persevere with ; persevere in If you persevere with work, youll succeed in the end.你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。 We must perseverein the arduous work.我们一定要坚持这

12、项艰苦的工作。 同义词:insist/ persist/ adhere to / cling to inspiring /?n?spa?r?/ adj. giving people energy, a feeling of excitement, and a desire to do something great; stimulating 鼓舞人心的; 激励的; 启发灵感的 She was a very strong, impressive character and one of the most inspiring people Ive ever met. 她性格坚强,令人钦佩,是我见过

13、的最能鼓舞人心的人物之一。 His speech was inspiring and touched my heart.他的发言鼓舞人心,动人肺腑。 同义词:heartening / stimulatory savor/se?v?/ v. make an activity or experience last as long as you can, because you are enjoying every moment of it; enjoy the taste or smell or something very much 尽情享受;品尝; 欣赏 Savor the joy of si

14、mple pleasures.尽情享受简简单单的乐趣。 While they bite intothe fruit, they could savor the various blends offiber and juices. 当他们咬一口水果,他们可以尝到各种水果纤维和汁液的混合。 同义词:feast on overwhelm/?v?welm/v. overpower(sb./sth.), especially by force of numbers; defeat 压倒,制服;受打击 It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would

15、 overwhelm the weakened enemy. 显然同盟国一次大规模的进攻就会彻底击败已被削弱的敌军 He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past.他陷入了一种对过去的渴望而不能自拔。 Overwhelm majority 压倒大多数 stroke /str?k/ v. pass the hand gently over (a surface), usually again and again 轻抚;抚摩 n.中风 Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and s

16、troking her cat.卡拉蜷曲在沙发上,抽着一支烟,轻抚着她的猫。 He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.他在1987年患了轻度中风,这使他半身不遂了。 soothe/su:e/ v. make (a person who is distressed, anxious, etc.)quiet or calm; calm or comfort 使平静或镇定;安慰;抚慰 He would take her in his arms and soothe her.他就会把她搂在怀里,使她镇定下来。 Cre

17、ate your own library of images that soothe your soul.创造出自己的图书馆形象,安抚你的心灵。 同义词:comfort / calm / quiet / relax / compose amazing adj. 令人惊异的; v. 使吃惊 barelyadv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地 addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜 specialize vi. 专门从事;详细说明;特化vt.使专门化;使适应特殊情况;详细说明 to the fullest 尽情地;最充分地 slip away 逃走;悄悄溜走navigateagonyde

18、dicatedwith a vengeance In a society increasingly _ dedicated _ to success and upward mobility, more and more mothers as well as fathers have been required to turn their lives outward. 在社会越来越致力于成功和向上流动,越来越多的母亲以及父亲被要求把他们的生活外。 If wise men play the fool, they do it _with a vengeance _.如果聪明人干蠢事,他们这样做 Th

19、e patient was writhing on the bed in _agony_.病人痛苦的在床上打滚 The majority of other books on plant taxonomy are either less concise or more_ specialized_. 植物分类学上的大多数其他的书更少的简洁或更专业。 The rain came down _ to the fullest _雨下来 He finally mastered his _addiction _ to drugs.他终于掌握了他吸毒成瘾。 The woman in front of him

20、was eating roasted peanuts that smelled so good that he could_ barely _contain his hunger.女人在他面前吃烤花生,闻起来很好,他几乎无法控制他的饥饿。 He was the first man to _ navigate _ the Atlantic alone.他是第一个在大西洋。 The new technology blossomed forth in a somewhat _ amazing _ way.新技术发展已有些惊人。 If you want to _ slip away _, nows a

21、 good time: everyone is dancing.如果你想溜走,现在是一个很好的时间:每个人都在跳舞。 英译汉 Being able to die at home is a major part of the appeal of hospice, but patients and family members may not see it that way at first. decision to call in hospice care can be an incredibly difficult one for a family to make. Once they do,

22、 though, most patients and their families soon understand the value of having a team of dedicated professionals - including social workers, health aides, chaplains, and nurses - work together to provide not only physical but also emotional and spiritual support. 能够在家中逝去是人们选择临终关怀的主要原因之一。但是病人和他们的家属起初并

23、没有认识到这一点。坎贝尔说: “很多人把临终关怀视为放弃治疗并且向疾病屈服。”这正是为什么对于家人来说做出选择临终关怀这个决定有如此艰难的原因。然而,一旦他们做了这个决定,大多数病人和家人很快就会理解其中的意义所在,即一支社工、健康师、牧师和护士组成的专业人士通力合作为病人和家属提供身体上、感情上和精神上的支持与帮助。 汉译英 美国的第一家临终关怀院成立于1974年。此后,临终关怀的理念迅速流行。如今,半数美国人在关怀院度过人生最后时光。美国75%的绝症患者选择放弃治疗,听凭天命。对于如何关心临终病人,欧洲人的态度也大有改观,不再回避这个话题。但临终关怀运动仍面临挑战,使得目前用于缓痛护理上的

24、资源投入大量流失,即便是在发达国家,此种情况也有发生。 Americas first hospice was founded in 1974, and the idea spread rapidly. Half of all Americans will now use hospice care at some point in their lives, and around 75% of deaths in American hospitals occur after an explicit decision not to intervene. In Europe, too, there h

25、as been a revolution in attitudes to care for people who are nearing the end of life, and in peoples willingness to broach the subject. Yet for all its successes, the hospice movement faces challenges that will far outstrip the resources now dedicated to palliative care, even in the richest countrie

26、s. 临终关怀的对象多数是癌症患者。癌症恶化到一定阶段后,患者一般都去日无多。但目前对病人的救治,要么把他们看作不死,要么把他们看作必死。在发达国家,存在着大量健康状况不佳,但并未患绝症的老年人口,这一人群在发展中国家也将逐渐扩大。这一问题只有通过医院、养老院和家庭三方的共同努力才能解决。照顾老年人并不简单;那些身患多种疾病的老年人经常在家庭医生、健康顾问或是专科医生之间无所适从。对此,依据本国医疗及政治环境的不同,各国有着不同的解决途径。 Hospices are generally associated with cancer, where after a certain stage li

27、fe expectancy is short and fairly predictable. But treating people as “either temporarily immortal or dying” is the current habit. An important category of people, already huge in the rich world and soon to grow in developing countries, consists of elderly people who will never be well, but have no

28、idea when they will die. There is no single answer: hospitals, nursing homes and family care will all play a role. Looking after the old is bound to be complicated; elderly people with several diseases can all too easily find themselves bounced from family doctor to health adviser to specialists in

29、one field after another. But depending on their medical and political culture, different countries are tackling the problem in different ways. Unit7: downplay *?da?nplei vt. to make something seem less important than it really is 低估,轻视 The press has downplayed the presidents role in the foreign affa

30、irs.报界贬低了总统在外交事物中所起的作用。 Police sources yesterday downplayed the significance of the security breach.警方昨天的消息对这次安全缺口的重要性轻描淡写。 .downplay the chances of a serious confrontation轻描淡写地陈述严重对抗的可能性 downplay the significance of a visit贬低访问的意义 implement *?implim?nt vt. to take action or ensure that what has pla

31、nned is done 实施,实现 The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions. 政府许诺实施新的制度来控制金融贷款机构。 Very little has been achieved in the implementation of the peace agreement signed last January. 去年1月签署的和平协议的执行几乎没有什么进展。 extinction ?k?st?k?n n. the state or process of a

32、species, family, or larger group being or becoming extinct; the state or process of ceasing or causing something to cease to exist (种,科或更大群体的)灭绝,绝种;(使)消亡 The islands way of life is doomed to extinction. 这个岛上的生活方式注定要消失. The animals were ruthlessly hunted to the verge of extinction. 这些动物于遭到无情的捕猎而濒于灭绝. The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales. 伐木工人说于木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。 execution ?eks?kju:?n n. the carrying out or

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