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6份冀教版英语七年级上Unit 1 School and friends Lesson 16 表格式教案.docx

1、6份冀教版英语七年级上Unit 1 School and friends Lesson 16 表格式教案课题Lesson 1: Hello!日期教学目标Mastery words and expressions: How are you? Nice to meet you.Oral words and expressions: be from China be from Canada your name my name be fine/good 熟练运用表达问候、的句型重点难点be动词am, is, are 的用法教学时数2教学方法教学准备Teaching Preparation: audio

2、tape, flashcards,教学过程:Step1. Introduce each other before the class.Step2知识超市1)Im Li Ming! Im from China. 2) My name is Wang Mei. 3)How are you? 以上三个句子中包含了be动词am, is, are,如何掌握这三个be动词的用法呢? 1) My name _is_ Da Mao.2) How are you?3) I am Wang Mei. I am from China.2. 人称代词I和my, you和your. I和you是主格,放在句首作主语;m

3、y和your是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前作定语。1)What is _your_name? My name is Li Ming.2) I am Jenny. You are Danny.Step3. 合作探究让全班同学参与做Stop! Go!游戏。老师喊口令Stop和Go,当学生听到Go的口令时就快步走,当听到Stop的口令时,就立刻停下来问候自己面前的同学。A: Hello! Im! Whats your name?B: Hi! My name is.A: How are you?B: Im fine. And you?A: Im good, thanks. Nice to meet y

4、ou. B: Nice to meet you, too.Step4. Hello与Hi都可以用来打招呼,有“你好”、“喂”的意思,用法一样,只是Hi比Hello更随意一些。“How are you?”作为最常用的问候语之一,其答语可以视具体情况回答。当情况一切顺利时,可以回答:“Im fine. Thanks”, 如果情况不太好,可以说:“Im not fine.” 或“Im sick.”、“Im hungry”等等。Step 5想一想这节课我们学习了哪些问候语?你知道如何做自我介绍了吗?Step6Exercise:I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Hello! My n _ is Wa

5、ng Mei.2. Im f _China.3. Nice to m _ you.4. Jenny is from C_ .5. T_ you very much.Key: 2.from 4.Canada 5. Thank能力提升:根据汉语完成英语句子1.你叫什么名字?Whats _ _?2. 你好吗?我好,你呢?How are you? Im_. And_?3. 你好!我叫丹尼!我也来自加拿大。_! Im Danny! Im _Canada, too.4. 认识你很高兴。 _to _you.5.我叫李娜!我来自中国。_Li Na! Im from_.Step7.

6、Homework1. Finish the exercises on Page2. 2. Prepare Lesson2.板书设计课后反思与重建1 来自中国 be from China 2. 来自加拿大 be from Canada 3. 你的名字 your name 4我的名字 my name 5. 好 be fine/good 课题Lesson 2 Teacher and Students日期教学目标Mastery words and expressions: good morning my friend his name her name in Class Four over there

7、 homeroom teacher Oral words and expressions: classmate, homeroom, friend熟练运用介绍他人的句型重点难点be动词am, is, are 的用法教学时数2教学方法教学准备Teaching Preparation: audiotape, flashcards,教学过程:Step1.Greet each other before the class.Step2知识超市1.Wang Mei. This is my friend. 王梅,这是我的朋友。向他人介绍某人时,必须用This is这个句型,而不用He/She is。如:Mu

8、m, this is my teacher, Mr. Li.( )Hello! Li Lei. _ is my friend. A. It B. This C. That D. He 2. 1) His name is Yang Hao. Hes in Class Four. 他叫杨浩。他在4班。2) Her name is Kate. She is our classmate.她叫凯特。她是我们的同学。人称代词his和he, her和she 以及our. he和she是主格,放在句首作主语;his, her和our是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前作定语。用he, she, his, her,o

9、ur填空1)_His_name is Li Ming. _He_ is in Class Five.2) Jenny is from Canada. _She_ is my friend. 3) _Her_ name is Wang Hong. _She_ is _our_ classmate.Step3. 合作探究学生做Memory Name 游戏,可以让几个学生站在教室前面做,也可以把学生分成大组,全班同学一起做记名字的游戏。这个游戏可以帮助学生很好地记忆巩固his, her这两个物主代词,并且能让新同学更快的了解认识。A: Hello! My name is _. Whats your

10、name?B: My name is _. His/Her name is _.Whats your name?C: My mane is _. His/Her name is _.Whats your name?Step4.请仔细阅读课文,独立完成课本P5上1、2部分的练习题。Step 5想一想你知道向他人介绍他人的句型了吗? Hi!Wang Mei. This is my friend. His name is Yang Hao. Hes in Class Four. 一般疑问句的简略作答你会吗?Step6Exercise:I.根据句意及首字母提示或所给汉语意思写出单词1. Hello!

11、Wang Lin. This is Mr. Li. He is our homeroom teacher.2.Li Lei is my friend (朋友) . He is in Class Four (四).3. Whos the man over there?4. Jenny is in Class Five, too. She is my classmate (同班同学). 5. Is Li Lin a student (学生)?Key: 1.teacher 2.friend; Four 3.over 4.classmate 5. student能力题:II.单项选择 ()1.Is M

12、r. Li your homeroom teacher? Yes_. A. he is B. his is C. he isnt D. she is()2.Hi! Tom. _ is my friend, Jenny. A. She B. Her C. This D. He()3. Whos the girl _ Mr. Jones?A. and B. with C. at D. over()4.Good morning! _! A. Hello B.Hi C. How are you D. Good morning()5.Im in Class Five. Li Ming is in Cla

13、ss Five, too. We are _. A. student B. teachers C. friend D. classmatesStep7. Homework1.Finish the exercises on Page5. 2.Prepare Lesson3.板书设计课后反思与重建1good morning 早上好 2. my friend 我的朋友3. his name 他的名字 4her name 她的名字 5. in Class Four 在四班 6. over there 在那边 7. homeroom teacher班主任老师 8. Li Mings classmate李

14、明的同学 课题Lesson 3 Welcome to Our School日期教学目标Mastery words and expressions: have lessons, plan their lessons, play sports, have science classes, get booksOral words and expressions: school,classroom,office,playground,library,lab熟练运用在什么地点干什么事的句型重点难点be动词am, is, are 的用法教学时数2教学方法教学准备Teaching Preparation:

15、audiotape, flashcards,教学过程:Step1.Greet each other before the class.Step2知识超市1. Welcome to our school. 欢迎你到我们学校来。这句话是主人对客人说的欢迎词,是We welcome you to our school的省略句.2. Let me show you around. 让我带你到处看看我们学校吧。 这句话是祈使句,常用来表示请求、建议或劝告。letdo sth. 让某人做某事,其否定形式为let sb. not do around 带领到处看看 做一做(B)1)Welco

16、me_ our class. A. in B. to C. for D. with( C ) 2) Let me show you _ our house. A, in B. for C. around D. at 3)Lets _ go _ (go) to the library.Step3. 合作探究教师将classroom office playground library lab等5个表示地点的词语卡片贴在黑板上,另外将表示地点用途的play sports, plan their lessons, have science classes, have lessons, get book

17、s5英语卡片放在讲台上。然后,把学生分成男女两个组,由教师提问 Where can Jack have lessons? 等5个问题,让学生在讲台上找到对应卡片,再把黑板上与之对应的卡片摘下来,并把两张卡片的内容都读出来。找对读对的得2分,找对读错得1分,找错的不得分。得分多的小组优胜。Step4.请仔细阅读课文,独立完成课本P7上2部分的练习题。Step 5想一想我们经常在这些地方分别做什么呢?将下面的地点与动作连线: play sports, plan their lessons, have science classes, have lessons,get booksclassroomo

18、fficeplaygroundlibrarylabStep6Exercise:I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1. Let me show you around our school.2.We have lessons in our classroom.3.Our teachers plan their lessons in the office .4. We do sports and have fun on the playground. 5.They have science classes in the lab .Key: 2.classroom 4.f

19、un 5. labII.单项选择 ()6.Jack is a _ student in Li Mings school. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. visits()7.Mr. Li plans his lessons in _ office. A. a B. her C. an D. He()8. We get books from the_ .A. lab B. playground C. classroom D. library()9.They have _ classes in the lab. A. Chinese B. English C.

20、 science D. maths()10.We _ and have fun on the playground. A. play sports B. have lessons C. plan our lessonsD. get booksIII根据汉语完成英语句子11. 欢迎你到我们学校来。 Welcome to our school.12. 让我带你参观一下我们学校吧。Let me show you around our school.13. 我们老师在办公室备课。Our teachers plan their lessons in an office. 14.他们在图书馆借书。They

21、 get books from the library.15.杰克可以再哪里做运动?Where can Jack play sports ?Step7. Homework3. Finish the exercises on Page7. 4. Prepare Lesson4.板书设计课后反思与重建1 have lessons 2 plan their lessons 3 play sports 4 have science classes 5 get books课题Lesson4 What Is It?日期教学目标Mastery words and expressions: on the wa

22、ll long and thin write with its your turn big and black play a guessing gameOral words and expressions: Is it a ruler? No, it isnt. Now its your turn.如何根据描述猜出文具用词重点难点be动词am, is, are 的用法教学时数2教学方法教学准备Teaching Preparation: audiotape, flashcards,教学过程:Step1.Greet each other before the class.Step2知识超市1. I

23、s it a ruler? No, it isnt. 它是尺子吗?不是。这是一个含有be动词的一般疑问句,be动词必须放在句首。如:Is it a pencil? 其答语应该是:肯定回答: Yes,it is. 否定回答:No, it isnt.注意: 作肯定回答时主语和be动词不能缩写,否定回答时, be动词和not可以缩写,但主语是第一人称单数I时, be动词不能和not缩写,其否定回答应是: No, Im not.2. Now its your turn. 现在该你了。Its ones turn to do sth. 这是一个固定句型,表示“轮到某人做某事了。”例如:Its your t

24、urn to guess the word. 轮到你猜词了。1)Its your turn _to play (play) sports.( C ) 2) Its _turn to write. A, he B. she C. his D. we Step3. 合作探究猜词游戏。教师课前准备好文具图片,让A、B两个同学站在讲台前。 A同学把卡片举过B同学的头顶,全班同学一起问:“What is it?”,B同学可以通过描述提问,如:“Is it long and thin?” 全班同学一起回答:“Yes/No。” B同学可以根据全班同学的回答试猜:“Is it a ruler?” B同学只能有

25、两次提问机会,然后必须说出答案。每排选一组代表,仍以比赛的形式进行活动,猜对一词计10分,每组猜五个词,一组结束换下一组,最后哪一组得分最高即为优胜组。Step4. 请仔细阅读课文,独立完成课本P9上第3部分的练习题。Step 5想一想当名词前有两个或两个以上形容词修饰时,这些形容词的排列有顺序吗?如:big and black能说成 black and big吗? 你会设计文具猜词游戏了吗?你能描述任意一件物品,让其他同学来猜吗?Step6Exercise:I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词(1)We write with a _pen_. (2) It is long and thin. W

26、hat is it? Its a _pencil_. (3) It is big and black. Its on the wall. Its a _blackboard_. (4) The _pencil box_ is very nice. (5) I have an _eraser_.II.单项选择 ()6.Lets play a _ game. A. guess B. guessing C. guessed D. guesses()7.You can write _a pencil. A. in B. for C. on D. with()8. Is it a ruler?_ .A.

27、 Yes, it isnt B. Yes, its C. No, it isnt D. No, it is()9.The blackboard is _ the wall. A. in B. to C. at D. on()10.Its your turn _the game. A. play B. to play C. playingD. playsStep7. Homework5. Finish the exercises on Page9. 6. Prepare Lesson5.板书设计课后反思与重建1. on the wall 2. long and thin 3. write wit

28、h 4. its your turn 5. big and black 6. play a guessing game 课题Lesson 5 May I Have a Book?日期教学目标Mastery words and expressions: Excuse me. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. at the store get some for you Thats Ok. See you later. stand up sit downOral words and expressions: Excuse me. May I have a

29、 book, Jenny?掌握借东西时应该使用的一些礼貌用语重点难点be动词am, is, are 的用法教学时数21教学方法教学准备Teaching Preparation: audiotape, flashcards,教学过程:Step1.Greet each other before the class.Step2知识超市1. Excuse me. May I have a book, Jenny? 对不起,打扰了,詹妮,我可以借一本书吗? 1) Excuse me.“对不起”用于打扰对方时;而Sorry则表示做错了事向对方道歉。2)May I have a book, Jenny?这是一个含有情态动词may的一般疑问句,情态动词必须放在句首

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