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1、积累】combine的反义词集锦separate vt.使分离;使分开divide v分开divorce v(使)离婚/分离isolate v隔离;孤立split vt.分离;使分离以ment为后缀的名词statement陈述;说明achievement功绩;成就adjustment调节;调整advertisement广告announcement通知;广告settlement协议entertainment娱乐;消遣.重点短语识记一、补全短语1have._ common在方面有共同之处2make _difference有影响,使不相同3get _四处走动(旅行);传播,流传4be similar

2、 _ 与相似5*lead _ 引起;导致6*in favour _ 同意;支持7refer to._.称为8thanks _ 幸亏,多亏答案1.in2.a3.around4.to5.to6.of7.as8.to二、选用以上短语填空1Eating too much sugar can _ health problems.2(2015北京,阅读D)_ the advanced technology,we live in an age of bettered communication.3(2014江苏,书面表达)Generally,I am _ the inclusion.4The drivers

3、 carelessness _ the accident.江苏,书面表达)Only when we match our words with actions can we _ in whatever we hope to accomplish.6Your bike _ the one that I have just bought.答案1.lead to2.Thanks favour of4.led to 5.make a difference6is similar to“导致”短语个个清lead to导致;造成result in导致;结果是contribute to促成;有助于

4、bring about导致;引起give rise to导致;account for解释;“inn.of”短语大比拼in charge of主管,掌管in view of鉴于,考虑到,由于in memory of纪念in respect of关于,涉及in terms of就而言.经典句式识记1while表示转折对比教材原句Americans use a flashlight,while for the British,its a torch.美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人叫它torch。句式仿写Theres plenty of rain in the southeast,_

5、东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。2have difficulty (in) doing sth “做某事有困难”教材原句A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。句式仿写Many Chinese students of English _ their tongues round some English words.许多学习英语的中国学生在一些英语单词的发音方面有困难。3现

6、在分词作结果状语教材原句By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year,making it one of the most popular school books ever.到十九世纪五十年代,每年售出一百万册,使它成为最受欢迎的校园图书之一。句式仿写The new machines will work faster,thus _新的机器将运转得更快,因此降低了我们的成本。答案1.while theres little in the northwest2.have difficulty (in) getting3reducing o

7、ur costwhile的用法面面观(1)引导让步状语从句,多用于句首,意为“尽管,虽然”。(2)引导条件状语,意思是“只要”。(3)while从句中的省略。当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be可同时省略。.单元语法识记复习动词形式(1)用所给词的适当形式填空1It looks as if it _ (rain)You _ (get) wet if you _ (go) out without an umbrella.2He _ (queue) for a long time,and he is losing his patience.3You

8、 cant go home until you _ (finish) your work.4The children _ usually _ (compare) to the flowers in the garden.5If I _ (sleep) when he comes,wake me up,please.6He _ (get) around in the park every morning.7Hurry up!The train _You know it _ at 8:30 am.(leave)8They _ (leave) for Shanghai.I will go to th

9、e airport to see them off.答案 going to rain;will get;go2.has queued3.have finished4.are; leaving;leaves8.are leaving时态要点点拨在时间和条件状语从句中一般过去时可代替过去将来时。在时间和条件状语从句中现在完成时表示将来某时已经完成的动作。过去进行时与always,constantly,frequently等词连用,表示说话人的赞美、厌恶等情绪。某些表示意愿、意图的动词,如 think,hope,want,inte

10、nd,plan,mean等,其过去完成时常表示本来打算做而没有做的事。单 词 点 睛1confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的高考例句(2015浙江,六选五)You and the professor will be able to examine specific points that are confusing to you.你和教授将能够检查所迷惑你的特定知识点。(1)confuse vt.使困惑;把(某人)弄糊涂confuse.with.把与混淆(2)confused adj.感到迷惑的;混乱的be confused by.被搞糊涂get/be/become confused

11、about.对感到困惑(3)confusion n困惑;混乱;混淆in confusion 困惑地;困窘地I always confuse you _ your brother.You are so much alike.我老是把你和你弟弟弄混了。你们那么像。I was confused _ the operation of the computer at first.起初,我弄不清如何操作计算机。With its focus divided,the lion becomes _ (confuse) and is unsure about what to do next.由于注意力分散,狮子变

12、得迷惑起来,不能确定下一步做什么。答案withaboutconfused【巧学助记】【考点助记】They confused me by asking so many confusing questions.I was totally confused,standing there in confusion,not knowing what to do.他们提了一大堆令人费解的问题,把我难住了。我稀里糊涂,迷茫地站在那儿,全然不知所措。2compare v比较,匹敌;比喻;相比重庆,书面表达)Compared to “controlled release”,“wild release” has

13、its own advantages.与“定向分享”相比,“自由分享”有很多自己的优势。(1)compare.with/to.把和相比较把比作compared to/with.和相比(通常作状语)(2)beyond/without compare无与伦比,不可及(3)comparison n比较;对照;比喻in comparison with与相比If you compare her work _his,youll find hers is much better.要是把她和他的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。(2014湖北,书面表达) _ (compare) with

14、 the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did.与逃跑的司机相比,我对我所做的事情感到骄傲。To our surprise,the beauty of the Sanya is _ compare.令我们吃惊的是,三亚的美是无与伦比的。答案with/toComparedbeyond3add vi.& vt.加; 增加; 补充说高考例句He added that Jason lost money because he would not tell a lie.他补充说Jason丢了钱,因为他不愿撒谎。(1)add up把加起来把加到/进里(

15、其宾语多为具体名词)add to增加;增添(其宾语多为困难、欢乐等抽象名词)add up to加起来共计/达add that.补充说(2)addition n增加in addition(to sb/sth) 除之外(还有)(2013福建,阅读C)Call immediately to _these Silver Eagles _your holdings before its too late.赶快拨打电话,把这些银鹰硬币添加到你的收藏品中,否则就太迟了。(2015湖南,书面表达) _,the information about each word in a pocket dictionary

16、 is generally limited.此外,关于一本袖珍字典中每个单词的信息通常是有限。答案add;toIn addition78899?add upadd up to4present v陈述;提出;赠送;颁发adj.出现的;出席的;现在的n礼物;赠品;现在高考例句(2014新课标全国,阅读A)Guest speakers will also present prizes to the students.特邀发言人还将向学生们颁发奖品。写出下列句中present的词性及含义The company presented a medal to him on the day when he re

17、tired.The present situation is taking a turn for the better.Ken is not present,so I shall accept the prize on his behalf.These notes will remind you how to present your ideas.Will you join with me in buying a birthday present for them? (1)present向某人赠送某物present sb to sb 正式把某人介绍、引荐给某人(2)be present at出

18、席(3)at present at the present time目前,现在On Teachers Day they presented flowers to their teachers.On Teachers Day they _(present) their teachers _ flowers.在教师节他们献花给老师。_ present,more and more people are enjoying The Voice of China.现在,越来越多的人喜欢中国好声音。答案v.赠予adj.当前的adj.出席的v.陈述;提出n.礼物presented;withAt【名师点津】pr

19、esent用作形容词,作“现在的,目前的”讲时,常作前置定语;作“出席的,在场的”讲时,常作后置定语。Everyone present at the meeting presented their views,and they were all presented a beautiful present.出席会议的每个人都陈述了自己的观点,他们都获赠了一份精美的礼物。短 语 点 拨 common 有相同的特点,有共同之处教材原句We have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course l

20、anguage.现在除了语言外我们和美国一样了。(1)have a lot/much/a great deal in common with与有很多共同之处have nothing/little in common with 与没有/很少有共同之处(2)in common with与一样Though theyre twins,they have_ in common _ each other in appearance.尽管是双胞胎,他们俩在相貌上毫无共同之处。Generally speaking,the music of one country is quite a lot _ common

21、 with its culture.一般而言,一个国家的音乐和这个国家的文化有很多共性。答案nothing;within2lead to 引起;导致;通向重庆,阅读B)Indeed,pain is your body telling you somethings wrong,and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury.实际上,疼痛是你的身体在告诉你出了差错,继续锻炼可能导致严重受伤。lead sb ton.带领某人通往;使某人得出(观点)lead sb to do sth 使得某人做某事lead a.life过着的生活北京,阅

22、读C)His soldout readings attracted thousands of fans,leading him _ (complain) about his lack of privacy.他的售完的读物吸引了成千上万的粉丝,导致他抱怨他缺乏隐私。If the operation succeeds,Tom will be able to lead _ normal life.如果手术成功,汤姆将能过上正常的生活。答案to complaina句 式 透 析1教材原句A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman fr

23、om Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.句中使用了have difficulty (in) doing sth 结构,意为“做某事有困难”。difficulty前可用some,any,no,little等词来修饰。表示“做某事有困难”还有如下结构:have difficulty with sth have trouble/problem (in) doing sth have a hard time (in) doing sth theres difficulty/troubleI have no difficulty in _(work) out

24、 the problem.解决这个问题我没有困难。There was great trouble/difficulty (in) _ (defeat) the drought.战胜干旱遇到了巨大困难。【名师点津】在考查句型have difficulty doing sth 时,difficulty往往提前作为主句中的先行词,定语从句中谓语成为have doing形式。试比较:You cant imagine the difficulty he had passed the exam.()You cant imagine the difficulty he had passing the exam.()答案workingdefeating 2教材原句By

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